S. Voerman’s research while affiliated with Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise G. Caporale and other places

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Publications (56)

Sex pheromones of the summerfruit tortrix moth, Adoxophyes orana: Trapping performance in the field
  • Article

April 2011


98 Reads


28 Citations

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata




The sex pheromone of Adoxophyes orana (F.v.R.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a mixture of two isomers: cis-9 and cis-11-tetradecenyl acetate. The pure synthetic compounds were assessed for their attractant activity in the field. Maximum attraction was with a 9: 1 ratio of the respective isomers. This ratio proved crucial. The two trans isomers were strongly inhibitory to the synthetic pheromone. Catches diminished when a mixture of the trans isomers was added to the standard amount of pheromone. One of the trans isomers alone was less inhibitory. Live virgin A. orana females hardly attracted males when the trans isomers separately or together were placed in the same trap. Polyethylene caps proved to be ideal dispensers with persistent attractiveness. Caps treated with pheromone the previous summer still attracted moths. Over 7 weeks, caps with 100 μg pheromone or more trapped a fairly constant proportion of the total weekly catch. Smaller amounts became inactive after a few weeks. Catch was proportional to the exponent of amount of pheromone. LES PHÉROMONES SEXUELLES D'ADOXOPHYES ORANA (LÉPIDOPTERA TORTRICIDAE): RÉSULTATS DE PIÈGES ATTRACTIFS EN PLEIN CHAMP La phéromone sexuelle d' Adoxophyes orana est un mélange de deux isomères: cis-9 et cis-11 tetradecenyl acetate. Les composés synthétiques purs ont éTÉ tesTÉs pour leur pouvoir attractif dans la nature. L'attraction maximum a éTÉ obtenue avec un mélange des deux isomères préciTÉs dans la proportion 9:1. Cette proportion s'est révélée primordiale. Les deux isomères trans se sont révélés fortement inhibiteurs de l'hormone synthétique. Les captures diminuent quand un mélange des isomères trans est ajouTÉ à une quantiTÉ standard de la phéromone. Un seul des isomères trans a un effet inhibiteur moins marqué. Des femelles vierges d'A. orana attirent difficilement les mâles quand les isomères trans sont ajouTÉs séparément ou ensemble dans le même piège. Les capsules en polyéthylène se sont révélées idéales pour la présentation de la phéromone avec une attractiviTÉ persistante. Des capsules traiTÉes avec la phéromone l'éTÉ précédent attiraient encore les papillons. Des capsules ayant reçu 100 μg de phéromone ou plus capturent encore, après 7 semaines, une proportion correcte et constante des captures hebdomadaires globales. De plus petites quantiTÉs deviennent inactives après quelques semaines. Les captures sont proportionnelles à l'indice de la quantiTÉ de phéromone.

(Z)-11-Hexadecenyl compounds as attractants for male microlepidoptera of the subfamilies Argyresthiinae, Glyphipteryginae, and Crambinae

April 2011


29 Reads


6 Citations

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata

Traps baited with Z11–16: Ac, Z11–16: Ald, Z11–16:OH, and Z13–18: Ac, singly or in mixtures, were tested for their attractivity for males of microlepidoptera in an apple orchard, a mixed deciduous forest, and a coniferous forest. In particular, Z11–16: Ac and Z111–16: Ald attracted some Crambinae, one Glyphipteryx species, and several species of Argyresthia, including the injurous species A. fundella (on fir), A. conjugella (on apple), A. pruniella (on cherry), and A. thuiella (on Thuja). Attraction sexuelle de microlépidoptères des sous-familles Argyresthiinae, Glyphipteryginae et Crambinae par des hexadécènes 11Z L'attraction de microlépidoptères par des hexadécènes 11Z a été examinée en 1982 et 1983 à l'aide de pièges sexuels placés dans différents biotopes de Hollande. Ces pièges contenaient différents mélanges synthétiques d'acétoxy-1-hexadécènes 11Z (Z11–16: Ac), d'hexadécènal HZ (Z11–16: Ald), d'hexadécénol HZ (Z11–16: OH) et d'acétoxyl-1-octadécène 13Z (Z13–18: Ac). Les pièges étaient placés dans un verger de pommiers, dans un bois de feuillus aux essences diverses et dans un bois de résineux. Des mǎles de 10 espèces de lépidoptères ont été capturés avec ces mélanges, parmi lesquels ceux de 3 espèces de Pyralidae, d'une espèce du genre Glyphipteryx et de 6 espèces du genre Argyresthia. Parmi les Argyresthia, certaines espèces sont considérées comme des déprédateurs: A. furtdella sur sapin (Abies), A. conjugella sur pommier (Malus), A. pruniella sur cerisier (Prunus) et A. thuiella sur Thuja. Enfin, un tableau fournit 28 produits contenant des hexadécènes Z11 actuellement connus comme attractifs sexuels de microlépidoptères; la majorité des espèces appartient aux sous-familles Crambinae, Argyresthiinae, Glyphipteryginae et Acrolepiinae.


April 2011


15 Reads


3 Citations

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata

The antipheromone of the summer fruit tortrix moth, Adoxophyes orana F.v.R. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), a mixture of trans-9 and trans-11-tetradecenyl acetate in the proportion 9: 1, has been formulated in microcapsules for spraying in a disruption experiment. Three sprays with 2 weeks interval have been applied against the second flight of A. orana during August and September 1974 in an unsprayed 0.2 hectare plot of an apple orchard. The fact that fewer moths have been caught in the monitoring sex pheromone traps in the treated area indicates that sufficient antipheromone was present in the orchard to cause disruption of the pheromone communication. The lower number of larvae of the next generation found in the treated area provides further support to favourable prospects for this pest control method. INTERRUPTION DE LA COMMUNICATION PAR PHÉROMONE, PAR EMPLOI D'ANTIPHÉROMONES SOUS FORME DE MICROCAPSULES, DANS LA LUTTE CONTRE ADOXOPHYES ORANA L'antiphéromone de la tordeuse du pommier, Adoxophyes orana, un mélange de trans-9 et trans-11 tetradecenyl acétate, dans une proportion 9: 1, a été formulée en microcapsules en vue d'un essai d'interruption de la reproduction. Pendant le deuxième vol de A. orana en août-septembre, 3 pulvérisations ont été effectuées dans une partie d'un verger de pommiers de 0,2 ha. Dans la zône traitée, les captures très réduites dans les pièges à phéromone sexuelle indiquent qu'il y avait assez d'antiphéromone répandue dans le verger pour entraîner une interruption de la communication entre les sexes. Le fait que le nombre de chenilles de la génération suivante était également diminué dans la parcelle traitée, offre de bonnes perspectives pour cette méthode de lutte.

A method for the study of housefly DDT-dehydrochlorinase by gas-liquid chromatography

April 2011


9 Reads


1 Citation

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata

A simple method is described enabling the estimation of low enzymatic activities of DDT-dehydrochlorinase. Acetone powders of the insect material are incubated with DDT-suspensions obtained by adding small amounts of DDT solutions in dimethylsulfoxide to the buffer solutions. After the reaction the mixture is extracted and the remaining substrate and the product formed are measured by gas-liquid chromatography. The sensitivity of the method enables estimation of dehydrochlorinase activity of single susceptible houseflies, or measurement of slow reactions with DDT-analogues. EINE METHODE ZUM STUDIUM DER STUBENFLIEGEN-DEHYDROCHLORINASE MIT GAS-FLÜSSIGKEITS-CHROMATOGRAPHIE Es wird eine einfache Methode beschrieben, welche die Bestimmung geringer enzymatischer Aktivitäten der DDT-Dehydrochlorinase ermöglicht. Aceton-Pulver des Insektenmaterials wird mit DDT-Suspensionen angesetzt, die durch Hinzufügen geringer Mengen von DDT-Lösung in Dimethylsulfoxyd zu den Puffer-Lösungen hergestellt werden. Nach der Reaktion wird das Gemisch extrahiert und das zurückbleibende Substrat sowie das gebildete Produkt mittels Gas-Flüssigkeits-Chromatographie gemessen. Die Empfindlichkeit des Verfahrens erlaubt die Bestimmung der Dehydrochlorinase-Aktivität einzelner anfälliger Stubenfliegen oder die Messung langsamer Reaktionen mit DDT-Analogen.

Conifer‐infesting tortricids in Western Europe: A search for more potent and selective sex attractants

August 2009


42 Reads


2 Citations

Journal of Applied Entomology

To improve the attractancy and selectivity of sex attractants for conifer‐infesting Cydia species, several pheromone blends were tested in Dutch coniferous plantations. Cydia pactolana was optimally attracted by low concentrations of Z8–12:OH. Adding structurally related compounds did not improve catches. Cydia indivisa was attracted by E8–12:OH + Z8–12:OH (1:1). Cydia coniferana, C. cosmophorana , and C. zebeana all responded to E8–12:Ac + E10–12:Ac. For all three species in 1983, the 9:1 ratio of these compounds proved to be more attractive than the 1:1 ratio. In 1985 a 9:1 mixture of E8–12:Ac + E8–12:OH caught only male C. coniferana. Blastesthia turionella and B. posticana were both attracted by E9–12:Ac. Addition of E9–12:OH reduced catches of male B. turionella. A 9:1 mixture of E9–12:Ac + E9–12:OH was rather specific for B. posticana. Pseudohermenias clausthaliana was attracted by Z8–14:Ac + Z10–14:Ac (1:1) and Piniphila decrepitana by E10–14:Ac + Z10–14:Ac (3:1). A funnel trap proved to be suitable for catching male Cydia pactolana , but not for catching male Epinotia tedella. A list is given of sex attractants for tortricid moths attacking spruce, pine, larch, and fir in western Europe. Zusammenfassung An Koniferen schädliche Tortriciden in Westeuropa: Suche nach Sexuallockstoffen mit höherer Attraktivität und Selektivität Zur Steigerung der Attraktivität und Selektivität von Sexuallockstoffen bei an Koniferen schädlichen Cydia ‐Arten wurden verschiedene Pheromonverbindungen in niederländischen Nadelholzbeständen getestet. Cydia pactolana wurde optimal durch niedrige Konzentrationen von Z8–12:OH angelockt. Die Zugabe von strukturell verwandten Komponenten erhöhte die Fangzahlen nicht. Cydia indivisa wurde durch E8–12:OH + Z8–12:OH (1:1) angelockt. Cydia coniferana, C. cosmophorana and C. zebeana reagierten alle auf E8–12:Ac + E10–12:Ac. Für alle 3 Arten erwies sich 1983 ein Verhältnis von 9:1 dieser beiden Komponenten als attraktiver denn 1:1. Eine 9:1‐Mischung von E8–12:Ac + E8–12:OH fing 1985 nur Münnchen von C. coniferana. Blastesthia turionella and B. posticana wurden durch E9–12:Ac angelockt. Bei Hinzufügung von E9–12:OH verringerten sich die Fänge von B. turionella ‐Männchen. Eine 9:1‐Mischung von E9–12:Ac + E9–12:OH wirkte ziemlich spezifisch auf B. posticana. Pseudohermenias clausthaliana wurde von Z8–14:Ac + Z10–14:Ac (1:1) angelockt, Piniphila decrepitana durch E10–14:Ac + Z10–14:Ac (3:1). Eine Trichterfalle erwies sich zum Fang der Männchen von C. pactolana als geeignet, nicht jedoch zum Fang der Männchen von Epinotia tedella. Es wird eine Liste von Sexuallockstoffen zur Anlockung von an Fichte, Kiefer, Lärche und Tanne in Westeuropa schädlichen Tortriciden gegeben.

New sex attractants for male Lepidoptera (Coleophoridae, Gelechiidae, Momphidae, Oecophoridae, and Yponomeutidae) found by field screening in The Netherlands

August 2009


39 Reads


6 Citations

Journal of Applied Entomology

By screening 48 mono-unsaturated alkenyl acetates with chain lengths of 10, 12, 13, 14, and 16 carbon atoms singly and in binary mixtures sex attractants were discovered for fourteen species of Lepidoptera: Coleophora frischella, C. vacciniella (Coleophoridae), Brachmia blandella, B. inornatella, Bryotropha galbanella, B. senectella, Chionodes electella, Gelechia sororculella, Monochroa tenebrella, Sophronia semicostella (Gelechiidae), Batrachedra pinicolella (Momphidae), Bisigna procerella, Pseudatemelia spp. (Oecophoridae), and Ocnerostoma friesei (Yponomeutidae). Results are briefly discussed with regard to sex attractants and/or pheromones already known for these families. Neue Sexuallockstoffe für männliche Lepidopteren (Coleophoridae, Gelechiidae, Momphidae, Oecorophoridae, und Yponomeutidae), entdeckt bei Freilandprüfungen in den Niederlanden Durch Untersuchung von 48 einfach-ungesättigten Alkenylacetaten mit Kettenlängen von 10, 12, 13, 14 und 16 Kohlenstoffatomen einzeln oder in Mischungen von 2 Stoffen sind Sexuallockstoffe für 14 Arten von Lepidopteren entdeckt worden: Coleophora frischella, C. vacciniella (Coleophoridae), Brachmia blandella, B. inornatella, Bryotropha galbanella, B. senectella, Chionodes electella, Gelechia sororculella, Monochroa tenebrella, Sophronia semicostella (Gelechiidae), Batrachedra pinicolella (Momphidae), Bisigna procerella, Pseudatemelia spp. (Oecophoridae), und Ocnerostoma friesei (Yponomeutidae). Die Ergebnisse werden in bezug auf Sexuallockstoffe bzw. Sexualpheromone, welche für diese Familien schon bekannt sind, kurz diskutiert.

Inhibitors for Autographa gamma L. (Lep., Noctuidae) sex pheromone

August 2009


34 Reads


3 Citations

Journal of Applied Entomology

The effect of 14 compounds related to (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate, on its attractiveness to Autographa gamma L. males was investigated in the field. The inhibitory effect of (Z)-5-decenyl acetate and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate was ascertained and the inhibitory effect of (Z)-5- and (Z)-9-dodecenyl acetate was established for the first time. Inhibitoren für die Sexuallockstoffe von Autographa gamma L. (Lep., Noctuidae) (Z)-7-Dodecenylacetat ist ein Sexuallockstoff für Autographa gamma-Männchen. Im Freiland wurde die Wirkung von 14 Verbindungen auf die Attraktivität dieses Lockstoffes untersucht. Die schon bekannte, die Anzahl der Fänge vermindernde Wirkung von (Z)-5-Decenylacetat und (Z)-9-Tetradecenylacetat wurde genauer präzisiert und die negative Wirkung von (Z)-5- und (Z)-9-Dodecenylacetat auf die Attraktivität von (Z)-7-Dodecenylacetat zum erstenmal festgestellt.

Improved sex attractant for the leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella Zell. (Lep., Acrolepiidae)

August 2009


59 Reads


3 Citations

Journal of Applied Entomology

Sex attractant traps containing a blend of (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11-16:Ald) and (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol acetate (Z11-16:Ac), in a 10:1 ratio, yielded the highest captures of male Acrolepiopsis assectella Zeller moths in comparison with Z11-16:Ald alone or various mixtures of Z11-16:Ald, Z11-16:Ac and Z11-16:OH. Our results at Wageningen could be confirmed by similar findings obtained at other locations in Europe. Verbesserter Sexuallockstoff für die Lauchmotte, Acrolepiopsis assectella Zell. (Lep., Acrolepiidae) Sexualpheromonfallen, die eine Mischung von (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11-16:Ald) und (Z)-hexadecen-1-ol Azetat (Z11-16:Ac) in einem Mischungsverhältnis von 10:1 enthielten, erzielten die höchsten Fänge von männlichen Falter der Art Acrolepiopsis assectella Zeller verglichen mit Z11-16:Ald allein oder verschiedenen Mischungen von Z11-16:Ald, Z11-16:Ac und Z11-16:OH. Unsere Ergebnisse in Wageningen konnten durch vergleichbare Ergebnisse an anderen Standorten in Europa bestätigt werden.

Sex attractant for the poplar shoot-borer, Gypsonoma aceriana (Duponchel) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae)

January 2009


30 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of Applied Entomology

Gypsonoma aceriana, the poplar shoot-borer, is a common species in poplar plantations and nurseries, where it may cause serious damage by boring into buds and terminal shoots. By screening a number of monounsaturated alcohols and acetates it was found that a mixture of (E)-10-dodecen-1-ol acetate (E10-12:Ac) and (E)-10-dodecen-1-ol (E10-12:OH) in a ratio 7:3 attracts numerous males of G. aceriana. Traps baited with this mixture can be used to monitor flight activity of this moth. Ein Sexuallockstoff für den Pappeltriebwickler, Gypsonoma aceriana (Duponchel) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) Der Pappeltriebwickler, Gypsonoma aceriana, ist eine der wichtigsten Schadinsekten im Pappelanbau. Bei starkem Befall führt das Einbohren der Larven in den Terminaltrieben zu Kronenmißbildungen und Wachstumsverlusten. Mit dem Ziel, einen Sexuallockstoff für diese Art zu finden, der sich zur Uberwachung der Art mit Monitorfallen eignet, wurden verschiedene potentielle Lockstoffkomponenten geprüft. Feldversuche 1982 zeigten das (E)-10-Dodecen-l-ol-acetat attraktiv für G. aceriana und die nahe verwandte Art G. dealbana. Bei Hinzufügung von (E)-10-Dodecen-l-ol erhöhten sich die Fänge von G. aceriana. Kombinationen dieser zwei Komponenten wurden 1983 wiederum geprüft, und zwar in den Mischungsverhältnissen 10:0, 9:1, 8:2 und 7:3. Es zeigte sich, daß die Beifügung von Alkohol, die Fangrate von G. aceriana stark erhöhte und jene von G. dealbana stark reduzierte. Die besten Fänge von G. aceriana wurden mit einem Acetat-Alkohol-Verhältnis von 7:3 erreicht. Mit dieser Lockstoffmischung kann die Flugaktivität von G. aceriana gut überwacht werden.

Citations (48)

... Sometimes variation is found on apex of valva, where a strong spine may be present (Fig. 28). Also in this case it might be a polymorphic character as demonstrated for P. pyrifoliella (Subchev et al., 1999). ...


The Phyllonorycter species from Palaearctic Region feeding on Rosaceae (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae)
Phyllonorycter pyrifoliella Grsm. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) – investigations by pheromone traps in Bulgaria
  • Citing Article
  • January 1999

Acta Zoologica Bulgarica

... The combination of pheromone traps and degree-day models could be a reliable way for monitoring adults mating and oviposition times and thus predicting accurately the times of pesticide applications (Hanfi, 1999). Research on the pheromone of PTM started in 1969 and then it was identified as a mixture of two components, named as (E, Z)-4, 7-tridecadienyl acetate (PTM1) and (E, Z, Z)-4, 7, 10-tridecatrienyl acetate (PTM2) (Persoons et al., 1976;Raman, 1988). According to Persoons et al. (1976) in field trials the ratio of 1:4 of PTM1 and PTM2 attracted more male insects. ...

Sex pheromone of the potato tuberworm moth, Phthorimaea operculella: isolation and identification
  • Citing Article
  • January 1976

C.J. Persoons


S. Voerman


P.E.J. Verwiel




A.K. Minks

... No data were produced on the in vivo metabolic fates of OPs across the different strains. In fact, another group has isolated an esterase with low level OP hydrolase activity from OP resistant Hs. virescens 11,12) but its high K m for OPs (Ͼ700 mM, c.f. Ͻ Ͻ1 mM for the dipteran esterases that confer OP resistance 13,14) ) casts doubt on its physiological relevance. And there are at least two genetic mechanisms by which detoxifying enzymes not causally involved in a particular resistance could nevertheless show an association with resistance. ...

In vitro hydrolysis of paraoxon by parathion resistant houseflies
  • Citing Article
  • March 1971

Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology

... Sex attractants have been identified for other crambid (Crambini) sod webworms including the bluegrass webworm, Parapediasia teterrella (Zincken) (Clark & Haynes 1990), the cranberry girdler, Chrysoteuchia topiaria (Zeller) Kamm & McDonough 1980), and the western lawn moth, Tehama bonifatella Hulst (McDonough et al. 1982). Pheromones also have been identified for several moth species in the same tribe (Spilomelini) as TSW, including Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenée (Ramachandran et al. 1990;Ganeswara Rao et al. 1995;Kawazu et al. 2000) and 3 species of Diaphania . ...

Sex Attractant for the Western Lawn Moth, Tehama bonifatella Hulst
  • Citing Article
  • June 1982

Environmental Entomology

... The inhibitory effect of substances on the sex pheromones/attractants of several species was established: Alsophila aceraria (Denis & Schiffermüller), O. brumata (Subchev et al. 1986b), Autographa gamma (L., 1758) (Subchev et al. 1987b), Neosphaleroptera nubilana (Hübner, 1796-1799 , Atethmia ambusta (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Subchev et al. 1995a), Xestia c-nigrum (L., 1758) (Subchev et al. 1996) and Megalophanes viciella (Denis & Schiffermuller) . ...

Sex attractant and attractant inhibitors for Atethmia ambusta F. (Lep., Noctuidae)
  • Citing Article
  • January 1995

Journal of Applied Entomology

... But such employment of synthetic sex attractants is restricted and provides fragmented results -only species for which the tested synthetic compounds act as attractants are recorded in such investigations, but in some cases, in addition to common species, even rare species might also be detected. some examples are provided here of Lepidoptera species found in pheromone traps for the first time in the following countries: Cydia indivisa (danilevsky, 1963) in denmark (Booij, 1984), C. zebeana (Ratzeburg, 1840) in the netherlands (Booij & voerman, 1984), Nemapogon falstriellus (haas, 1881) and N. albipunctellus (haworth, 1828) [N. wolffiella Karsholt & nielsen, 1976] in hungary (sziraki & szőcs, 1989), Chrysodeixis eriosoma (doubleday, 1843) in vietnam (zelený et al., 1982) and Similipepsis takizawai arita & Špatenka, 1989, in Russia (Būda et al., 1993). ...

New sex attractants for 35 tortricid and 4 other lepidopterous species, found by systematic field screening in The Netherlands
  • Citing Article
  • October 1984

Journal of Chemical Ecology

... But such employment of synthetic sex attractants is restricted and provides fragmented results -only species for which the tested synthetic compounds act as attractants are recorded in such investigations, but in some cases, in addition to common species, even rare species might also be detected. some examples are provided here of Lepidoptera species found in pheromone traps for the first time in the following countries: Cydia indivisa (danilevsky, 1963) in denmark (Booij, 1984), C. zebeana (Ratzeburg, 1840) in the netherlands (Booij & voerman, 1984), Nemapogon falstriellus (haas, 1881) and N. albipunctellus (haworth, 1828) [N. wolffiella Karsholt & nielsen, 1976] in hungary (sziraki & sz?cs, 1989), Chrysodeixis eriosoma (doubleday, 1843) in vietnam (zelen? ...

New sex attractants for 35 tortricid and 4 other lepidopterous species, found by systematic field screening in The Netherlands
  • Citing Article
  • April 1984

Journal of Chemical Ecology

... Its geometric isomer, (8E,10Z)-tetradecadienal, is a sex pheromone component of horse chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic ( Svatos et al., 1999;Francke et al., 2002;Kalinová et al., 2003). Gracillaria elongella Linnaeus releases (10Z, 12E)-hexadecadienal (Arn, 2000) and G. syringella Fabricius emits (E)-11-tetradecenal that attracts males (Booij and Voerman, 1985). Furthermore, (4E,10E)-dodecadienyl acetate has been discovered in female pheromone gland extracts of tentiform leafminer, Phyllonorycter mespilella (Huebner) ( Gries et al., 1993). ...

New lepidopteran sex attractants found by systematic field screening of blends containing (Z)-11- and (E)-11-tetradecenal
  • Citing Article
  • Full-text available
  • October 1985

Journal of Chemical Ecology

... The cranberry fruitworm, in particular, is generally considered the top pest threat for Wisconsin growers (Chasen and Steffan 2016). Fortuitously, the pheromones of these moth pests have been isolated, characterized, and tested for use within lures or mating disruption programs (McDonough et al. 1987;Fitzpatrick et al. 1995Fitzpatrick et al. , 2004Polavarapu et al. 2001). In addition, the spring flights of these three moth species are synchronous in Wisconsin (Steffan et al. 2017), which means that a single application of a pheromone-loaded carrier should be able to simultaneously provide mating disruption of all three species. ...

Blackheaded fireworm: Laboratory and field studies of its sex pheromone
  • Citing Article
  • May 1987

Journal of Chemical Ecology

... The apple ermine moth, Yponomeuta malinellus Zeller, 1838 (Lepidoptera Yponomeutidae), is a member of a European group of small ermine moths (Yponomeuta), consisting of nine species (McDonough et al. 1990). Adult Yponomeuta species are difficult to separate from one another, even by genitalia examination. ...

Apple ermine moth,Yponomeuta malinellus Zeller Two components of female sex pheromone gland highly effective in field trapping tests
  • Citing Article
  • February 1990

Journal of Chemical Ecology