S. Srivastava’s research while affiliated with French National Centre for Scientific Research and other places

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Publications (3)

A Simple Example of a Molecule-Gear Train: PF3 Molecules on a Cu(111) Surface
  • Chapter

September 2020


35 Reads


1 Citation

S. Srivastava


W.-H. Soe


C. Joachim

A train of molecule gears consisting of PF3 molecules was studied using semi-empirical ASED+ method to explore the mechanism of rotational transmission along this train. It was observed that a unidirectional rotational transmission occurs between only the first two PF3 molecules for a PF3 molecule train up to six molecule-gears, the four PF3 molecules at the end of the train being used to rigidify the rotation axle of the first two PF3. This demonstrates that in a train of molecule-gears, the rotation of each molecule is resulting from a collective action of many degrees of freedom per molecule. This collective motion is rather fragile against many others possible minimum energy trajectories which can develop on the multidimensional ground state potential energy surface of a molecule-gear train to respond to the increase of the potential energy required to rotate the first molecule-gear of the train.

Transmission of Rotational Motion Between Molecule-Gears

September 2020


14 Reads

A molecule-gear rotating without a lateral jittering effect is constructed using a single copper adatom as a physical axle on a lead superconducting surface. The molecule-gear has a diameter of 1.2 nm with 6 tert-butyl-teeth. It is mounted on this Cu axle using the atom/molecule manipulation capability of a low temperature scanning tunneling microscope (LT-STM). Transmission of rotational motions between 2 molecule-gears, whose axles have to be exactly 1.9 nm separated, is functioning when this train of molecule-gears is completed with a molecule-handle. To manipulate the molecule-handle laterally, the first molecule-gear of the train directly entangled with the molecule-handle is step by step rotated around its Cu adatom axle. It drives the second molecule-gear mechanically engaged with the first gear to rotate like along a train of macroscopic solid-state gears. Such rotation transmission is one of the most basic function for the future construction of a complex molecular machinery.

The chemical skeleton (left) and three possible optimized conformations of the free PAH-4W molecule using the MOPAC package [19]. The central molecular chassis is in blue with a ‘1’ and the four triptycene molecular wheels in red (the chemical group marked with a ‘2’). Optimized structure (i) is showing how the four triptycene wheels are pushed down the chassis through a steric saddle shape chassis structure, with four wheels down and four tert-butyl groups up, due to deformation induced by the presence of two five-membered rings on the central part of the chassis. In the case of other optimized structure (ii) (or (iii), not found experimentally), the deformation occurs in three wheels and 1 tert-butyl group (two wheels and 2 tert-butyl groups respectively) up and one wheel and 3 tert-butyl groups (two wheels and 2 tert-butyl groups) down.
Typical STM images just after the molecule sublimation process. Since intact PAH-4W molecules are mainly stabilized at the step edges, the probability of finding molecules decreases inversely to the terrace width. Only one intact molecule was found in top STM image area (1 molecule per 5000 nm²) by comparison with two intact molecules in bottom-left image (1 molecule per 1800 nm²). Bottom right image series shows a sequence of two lateral manipulations to detach the molecule from its initial step edge. First image of the series is corresponding to the dotted area of the large bottom-left STM image. All images were taken with tunnel current I = 10 pA and bias voltage V = 200 mV. Lateral mechanical manipulation condition for the right series: I = 10–20 nA with V = 50 mV.
(a) Typical scanning tunneling dI/dV spectra recorded at slightly different tip locations on the molecule chassis but near the wheel. The corresponding low voltage experimental image is presented also in (a) with the location of the tip during spectroscopic measurements indicated as blue and red spots (corresponding to the blue and red curves, respectively). The corresponding dI/dV ESQC calculated image is presented in (a). Three distinct peaks are observed and identified by vertical dotted lines. One at positive corresponds to the first virtual reduced state and two at negative bias voltage corresponding to the first and second virtual oxidation states contributing to the tunneling current. (b) The experimental differential conductance (dI/dV) maps recorded at the bias voltage identified in (a) (they realize a projection of the PAH-4W electronic probability density of these molecular electronic states on a two dimensional plane). In order to determine the main mono-electronic molecular orbitals entering the multi-electron virtual states mentioned above and contributing to the experimentally observed electronic probability density maps, molecular orbitals of the free PAH-4W are represented at the bottom row (c) and were calculated using the semi-empirical PM7-MOPAC package [19]. Notice that the electron density of not only HOMO and LUMO but also up to HOMO-7 crowds into the chassis. The first mono-electronic state located on a wheel is arising at HOMO-8. The 4 wheel states are electronically separated from each other and can be found between HOMO-8 to HOMO-11. Only one was represented in (c). Images sizes are 4 nm × 4 nm for topographic image and 5 nm × 5 nm for dI/dV maps.
(a) An STM image of the PAH-4W having the conformation presented in figure 1(ii). Here the bottom-left tert-butyl group shows a relatively smaller lobe than the other three tert-butyl because it is down sideways and is related to the lift up of the neighboring bottom-left wheel. No significant difference in contrast between this wheel and the other three in the constant current image. (b) A real time recording of the tunneling current at V = 3.2 V measured for the tip located on the lifted up wheel edge indicated by the red dot in (a). The current is fluctuating between 10 and 85 pA because of the random oscillations of this wheel. (Constant current image (a): I = 10 pA and bias voltage V = 200 mV).
Typical tip height variations during an STM constant current lateral mechanical molecule manipulation with tip trajectory indicated on the images before (left) and after (right) manipulation. The manipulation signal coming from down left wheel can be separated in four sequences; (sequence (i), blue background) 0.0 → 2.0 nm, the molecule was pulled apart from step edge leading to the highest mechanical interaction location of the tip apex with the molecule. This is the location of the corresponding wheel shaft, on the bottom-left wheel in this case. (Sequence (ii), green) 2.0 → 3.4 nm, the molecule was manipulated by normal mechanical pushing mode characterized by a 0.28 nm period signal, which coincides approximately with the nearest neighbor interatomic distance on the Au(111) surface. (Sequence (iii), pink) 3.4 → 3.7 nm, the wheel is interacting with the herringbone ridge and is responsible for the main manipulation signal jump. (Sequence (iv), green) 3.7 → 5.2 nm, the molecule was manipulated the same way as compared to sequence (ii) (constant current images: I = 10 pA and bias voltage V = 200 mV).


Surface manipulation of a curved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-based nanovehicle molecule equipped with triptycene wheels
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

October 2018


59 Reads


12 Citations

W-H Soe


C Durand


O Guillermet




C Joachim

With a central curved chassis, a four wheels molecule-vehicle was deposited on an Au(111) surface and imaged at low temperature using a scanning tunneling microscope. The curved conformation of the chassis and the consequent moderate interactions of the four wheels with the surface were observed. The dI/dV constant current maps of the tunneling electronic resonances close to the Au(111) Fermi level were recorded to identify the potential energy entry port on the molecular skeleton to trigger and control a driving of the molecule. A lateral pushing mode of molecular manipulation and the consequent recording of the manipulation signals confirm how the wheels can step by step rotate while passing over the Au(111) surface native herringbone reconstructions. Switching a phenyl holding a wheel to the chassis was not observed for triggering a lateral molecular motion inelastically and without any mechanic push by the tip apex. This points out the necessity to encode the sequence of the required wheels action on the profile of potential energy surface of the excited states to be able to drive a molecule-vehicle.

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Citations (1)

... [21c] A left-handed helical molecule rotates preferentially in the opposite direction to its equivalent right-handed helical molecule. Tert-butyl groups have also been introduced to increase organic solubility of the target molecule and to allow for easier observation by STM techniques, [24] where they are known to induce good contrast in the imaging. Since this metallo-organic anchoring subunit can be repositioned at will on the surface by pushing with the apex of a STM tip, it is envisioned to build a train of molecular gears with a tunable number of successive cogwheels, having precise control over their chirality. ...


Synthesis of Ce(IV) Heteroleptic Double‐Decker Complex with a New Helical Naphthalocyanine as a Potential Gearing Subunit
Surface manipulation of a curved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-based nanovehicle molecule equipped with triptycene wheels