S. K. De Datta’s research while affiliated with Virginia Tech and other places

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Publications (153)

Management of Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) Tuber Populations in Rice-Onion Cropping Systems
  • Article

December 2009


372 Reads


10 Citations

Philippine Agricultural Scientist

N. Islam



S.K. De Datta


A.N.M.R. Karim

A high tuber population in rice-vegetable cropping systems makes purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) difficult to control because of tuber dormancy and longevity. Studies were conducted to quantify production and population dynamics of tubers of purple nutsedge growing alone or in a rice-onion rotation system managed with strategies that reduce tuber production (herbicides and handweeding) or tuber survival (stale-seedbed technique). In pot studies, one purple nutsedge plant produced 550 tubers and 375 shoots after 4 mo. In field studies, an initial density of 1 tuber/m 2 increased to an average of 1200 tubers/m 2 within 3 months from planting, declined by 50% after the first crop and by 95% after the fourth crop, with tuber longevity of 17 mo. Tuber populations in treated plots decreased faster, and were lower, than those in nontreated plots after three cropping seasons. The decline in tuber and shoot populations in plots treated with herbicides and handweeding was immediate, but not as long-lasting as that in plots treated with stale-seedbed. Although crop yields were comparable, weed control costs were lower by 15-70% and net incomes were higher by 15% in stale-seedbed than in herbicide or handweeding treatments, indicating their greater costeffectiveness over the latter treatments.

Lessons Learned

January 2008


6 Reads

Introduction Participatory IPM (PIPM) Networking Private Sector Involvement Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Institutional Capacity Building IPM Technology Development Technology Transfer Government Policies Gender Issues Conclusions

Figure 5-2. Late blight (Phywphthora infestans) on potato.
Figure 9-2. Neem tree in Mali
Figure 13-1. Farmer spril)ling insecticides on omons 111 the Philippines.
The Need for Cost‐Effective Design and Diffusion of IPM
  • Chapter
  • Full-text available

January 2008


200 Reads


3 Citations


S. K. De Datta





Multiple Approaches and Tradeoffs Structure of the Book


Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Nitrogen-15 Balances in Broadcast-seeded Flooded and Transplanted Rice

January 2008


68 Reads


67 Citations

Soil Science Society of America Journal

Increased irrigated areas, availability of short-duration modern rices (Oryza sativa L.) and cost-efficient herbicides, and high labor cost have motivated Asian farmers to shift from transplanting to broadcast seeding in flooded rice. Information on fate of N in broadcast-seeded flooded rice (BSFR), however, in Asia is limited. Thus, two field experiments were conducted on a Vertic Tropaquept to evaluate efficient N management practices in BSFR using ¹⁵N-labeled fertilizers and to compare the performance of BSFR and transplanted rice (TPR) under similar N management practices. For urea, basal deep placement (DP) as supergranules and a three-split application gave the lowest mean ¹⁵N losses and highest mean grain yields for BSFR. Mean ¹⁵N losses from urea applied to BSFR were 20 and 18%, respectively, for the researchers split (RS) and the farmers split (FS). The agronomic efficiency for 40 kg applied urea-N was 57, 43, and 28 with DP, RS, and FS, respectively.

Chemical and cultural control of bulrush (Scirpus maritimus L.) and annual weeds in lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.)

July 2006


262 Reads


2 Citations

Weed Research

Résumé: Zusammenfassung Chemical and non‐chemical or cultural approaches for the control of Scirpus maritimus L. (bulrush) and of annual weeds in lowland rice were examined in the field. Herbicides such as bentazon [3‐isopropyl‐1 H ‐H‐2,1,3‐benzothiadiazin‐4(3 H )‐one 2,2‐dioxide] and 2,4‐D [2,4‐dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid] effectively controlled S. maritimus but not the annual grasses [ Echinochloa glabrescens Munro ex Hook. f. and Echinochloa crus‐galli ssp. hispidula [(Retz.) Honda] when applied at the six‐ to eight‐leaf stage 20–28 days after transplanting or seeding rice). S. maritimus was not adequately controlled when the herbicides were applied pre‐ or early post‐emergence. A granular formulation of bensulfuron‐methyl [(methy1–2‐[[(4,6‐dimethoxypirimidin‐2‐yl)aminosulfonylmethyl]benzoate)] applied 6 or 8 days after transplanting or seeding (two‐ to four‐leaf stage of the weed) effectively controlled S. maritimus and the annuals E. glabrescens, E. crus‐galli ssp. hispidula , and Monochoria vaginalis , Presl. (Burm. f.) S. maritimus stand was drastically reduced by shifting land preparation back and forth from wet to dry. Neither tillage intensity nor use of intermediate‐statured modern rice cultivars affected the weed stand. La lutte chimique et culturelle contre le scirpe (Scirpus maritimus L.) et les mauvaises herbes annuelles en culture de riz (Oryza sativa L.) Des possibilitiés chimiques et culturelles dans la lutte contre Scirpus maritimus L. (le scirpe) et les mauvaises herbes annuelles en culture de riz ont fait l'objet d'une étude sur le terrain. Appliqués au stade 6‐ à 8‐feuilles des graminées annuelles, Echinochloa glabrescens Munro ex Hook. f. et Echinochloa crus‐galli ssp. hispidula [(Retz) Honda] (20 à 28 jours après le repiquage ou le semis du riz), les herbicides, tel le bentazone [isopropyl‐3 1H 3H‐benzothiadazine‐2,1,3 one‐4 dioxyde‐2,2] et le 2,4‐D [acide 2,4‐dichlorophénoxyacétique] ont permis une lutte efficace contre S. maritimus mais pas contre les graminées. La maîtrise de S. maritimus était insuffisante quand les traitements herbicides ont été appliqués en prélevée ou en postlevée précoce. Une forme granulée de bensulfuron‐methyl, appliquée 6 ou 8 jours après le repiquage ou le semis (stade deux‐ à quatre‐feuilles de l'adventice) a permis une lutte efficace contre S. maritimus ainsi que les adventices annuelles E. glabrescens, E. crus‐galli ssp. hispidula et Monochoria vaginalis (Burm. f.) Presl. Une réduction dramatique dans le peuplement de S. maritimus a suivi l'emploi alterné de techniques humides el sèches dans la préparation du sol. Ni l'intensité du labourage ni l'emploi de variétés de riz modernes de hauteur moyenne n'ont eu d'influence sur l'enherbement. Bekämpfung der Strand‐Simse (Scirpus maritimus L.) und einjähriger Unkräuter in Nass‐Reis (Oryza saliva L.) mit chemischen und Kulturmethoden Mit Herbiziden wie Bentazon und 2,4‐D konnte Scirpus maritimus , nicht aber die einjährigen Gräser Echinochloa glabrescens Munro ex Hook, und Echinochloa crus‐galli ssp. hispidula (Retz.) Honda bekämpft werden, wenn sie im 6‐ bis 8‐Blatl‐Stadium (20 bis 28 Tage nach dem Pflanzen oder der Saat des Reises) behandelt wurde. Die Bekämpfung war aber unzureichend, wenn die Herbizide vor oder kurz nach der Keimung ausgebracht wurden. Mit bensulfuron‐methyl Granutat 6 oder 8 Tage nach dem Pflanzen oder der Saat (2‐ bis 4‐Blatt‐Stadium der Unkräuter) konnten Scirpus maritimus und Echinochloa glabrescens sowie E. crus‐galli ssp. hispidula und Monochoria raginalis (Burm. f.) Presl. Bekämpft werden. Die Verschiebung der Bodenbearbeitung von nass nach troeken verringerte die Verunkrautung mit Scirpus maritimus erheblieh. Der Unkrautbestand wurde weder durch verschiedene Intensität der Bodenbearbeitung noch durch die neuen mittellangen Reissorten herabgesetzt.

Effects of nitrogen application on growth, nitrogen use efficiency and rice-weed interaction

July 2006


127 Reads


52 Citations

Weed Research

Résumé: Zusammenfassung Responses of upland rice ( Oryza saliva L.) and the weeds Amaranthus spinosus L., Cyperus rotundus L., Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., and Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.) W. D. Clayton to nitrogen (N) and time of N application were studied in the glasshouse both in monoculture and in mixture. The N response of two rice cultivais and R. cochinchinensis in monoculture levelled off between 69 and 103 mg N kg ⁻¹ air‐dried soil, whereas the other weed species continued to respond beyond 103 mg N kg ⁻¹ air‐dried soil. At high N application rates. N uptake by weeds was higher than that by rice; weeds used N more efficiently. Weeds, which had high dry matter production at high N application rates in monoculture, were most competitive at low N and least sensitive to low applied N. Nitrogen application levels sub‐optimal to rice reduced the competitive ability of rice when in mixture with E. indica, R. cochinchinensis , and A spinosus , but not with C. rotundus . Although N response of a plant species generally declined with age, interspecific differences were observed. Timing of N application can be exploited in rice‐weed management. Les effets d'applications d'azote sur la croissance, l'efficacité de l'utilisation de l'azote et l'interaction riz‐mauvaises herbes Les réponses du riz pluvial ( Oryza sativa L.) et des mauvaises herbes Amaranthus spinosus L., Cyperus rotundus L., Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., et Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.) W. D. Clayton à des applications d'azote, et à la période de ces applications, ont étéétudiées en serre, en cultures pures et en associations. Les réponses à l'azote de deux variétés de riz et de R. cochinchinensis en culture pure montrent un plateau entre 69 et 103 mg N kg ⁻¹ de sol séchéà l'air, alors que les autres mauvaises herbes continuaient de répondre au delà da cette dernière dose. Aux doses élevées d'azote, les mauvaises herbes prélevaient davantage d'azote que le riz et elles l'utilisaient plus efficacement. Les mauvaises herbes qui, en culture pure, montraient une forte production de matière sèche aux doses d'azote élevées, étaient les plus compétitives à faibles doses d'azote et les moins affectées par les faibles doses. Les doses d'azote sub‐optimales pour le riz réduisaient son aptitude à la concurrence quand il était associéà A. spinosus, E. indica et R. cochinchinensis , mais non à C. rotundus . Bien que chez toutes les espèces la réponse à l'azote déclinait généralement avec l'âge des plantes, des différences interspécifiques ont été observées. La période d'application de l'azote pourrait être exploitée dans la maîtrise des mauvaises herbes du riz. Wirkung der Stickstoffdüngung auf das Wachstum, die Stickstoff‐Assimilation und die Konkurrenz zwischen Unkraut und Reis Die Wirkung von Stickstoff (N) und des Zeitpunkts der Stickstoffdüngung auf Hochlandreis ( Oryzasativa L.) und die Unkrautarten Amaran thus spinosus L., Cyperus rotundus L., Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. und Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.) W. D. Clayton in Rein‐ sowie Mischbeständen wurde im Gewächschaus untersuchte. Die Reaktion auf die Stickstoffgaben begann bei 2 Reissorten und Rottboellia co‐chinchinensis bei 69 und 103 mg N kg ⁻¹ lufttrockenen Boden, während die anderen Unkrautarten bei mehr als 103 mg N kg ⁻¹ lufttrockenen Boden reagierten. Bie hohen N‐Gaben war die N‐Auf‐nahme der Unkräuter stärker als beim Reis, und die Unkräuter setzten den Stickstoff besser um. Unkräuter mit hoher Trockenmasseproduktion in Reinkulture bei hohen N‐Gaben waren bei niedrigen N‐Gaben am konkurrenzstärksten. Suboptimale N‐Gaben verminderten die Konkurrenzkraft des Reises in Mischbeständen mit Eleusine indica, Rottboellia cochinchinensis, Amaranthus spinosus , aber nicht mit Cyperus rotundus . Obwohl die N‐Wirkung bei den Pflanzenarten allgemein mit dem Alter abnahm, lieβen sich zwischen den Arten Unterschiede beobachten. Der Zeitpunkt der N‐Düngung kann für die Steuerung der Konkurrenz der Unkräuter mit Reis genutzt werden.

The effect of chemical and heat treatments on germination of Commelina benghalensis L. aerial seeds

July 2006


43 Reads


25 Citations

Weed Research

Les effets de traitements à l'acide sulfurique concentré, la chaleur sèche, l'eau chaude et au NaOCL sur l'aptitude à la germination de graines aériennes donnantes grandes ou petites de Commelina benghalensis L. Les traitements à l'acide sulfurique et au NaOCL ont été plus efficaces que la chaleur sèche, ou l'eau chaude pour lever la dormance des semences aériennes de C. benghalensis. Les traitements ont accru la germination des deux types de graines en relation avec leur action sur l'intégrité des téguments. Un examen au microscope électronique a montré que les changements à l'instar du résultat d'une scarification apparaissent dans la région du hile et à la surface du tégument. Les grandes graines ont été plus affectées par l'ensemble des traitements que les petites graines. Les différences d'aptitude à la germination des deux types de graines a été reliées aux différences entre leur vigueur végétative.

Effects of light and nitrogen and their interaction on rice-weed competition

July 2006


156 Reads


37 Citations

Weed Research

Résumé: Zusammenfassung Light and nitrogen (N) interaction effects on rice ( Oryza sativa L., cv. UPLRi‐7) were studied in the growth chamber, and effects on its competition with Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.) W.D. Clayton and Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link were studied in the field. In the field, N availability increased the canopy light absorption coefficient, and reduced the sunlit leaf area index of rice. In growth chambers, rice plants grown under conditions of low photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) had higher shoot N concentration than when grown at higher PAR. The photosynthetic rate was strongly correlated with leaf N content per unit leaf area. When no N was applied there was no difference in dry matter yield between plants grown at 150 and 400 μE m ⁻² s ⁻¹ . At various N levels, dry matter increased with increasing light intensity. A reduction in light intensity did not give a proportionate decrease in plant growth. The results suggest that an increase in shoot N concentration is an adaptive mechanism of shade plants. The limited plant response to N under shade and acclimation of rice to reduced irradiance could be significant factors in light and N interaction on rice‐weed competition. Effets de la lumière, de l'azote et de leur interaction sur la dynamique de la compétition riz/mauvaises herbes Les effets de l'interaction de la lumière et de l'azote (N) sur le riz ( Oryza sativa L.), cv UPLRi‐7) ont étéétudiés en chambre climatique et les effets sur sa compétition avec Rottboeillia cochinchinensis (Lour) WD Clayton et Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link ont étéétudiés au champ. Au champ, la disponibilité en azote a augmenté le coefficient d'absorption de la lumière par la canopée et a réduit l'index de la surface foliaire ensoleillée du riz. En chambre climatique, les plants de riz cultivés à une faible radiation photosynthétiquement active (PAR) avaient une concentration en azote de leur tige plus élevée qu'à une forte PAR. Le taux photosynthétique a été fortement correlé avec la teneur en azote foliaire par unité de surface foliaire. Quand aucune azote a été appliquée, il n'y a pas de différence dans les rendements en matière sèche entre les plantes cultivées de 150 à 500 μE m ⁻² s ⁻¹ ; A des doses variées d'azote, la matière sèche a augmenté avec l'augmentation de l'intensité lumineuse. Une réduction de l'intensité lumineuse n'a pas entraîné une réduction proportionnelle de la croissance de la plante. Les résultats donnent à penser que l'augmentation de la concentration en azote des tiges est un mécanisme d'adaptation des plantes à l'ombre. La réponse des plantes à l'azote limitée sous l'ombre et l'acclimation du riz à une irradiation réduite pourraient être des facteurs significatifs dans l'interaction lumière‐azote sur la compétition riz‐adventices. Wirkungen und Wechselwirkungen von Licht und Stickstoffdüngung auf die Konkurrenz zwischen Reis und Unkraut Der Einfluß des Lichts und der Stickstoffdüngung (N) auf Reis ( Oryza sativa L. ‘UPLRi‐7’) wurde in der Pflanzenwuchskammer und die Wirkungen auf die Konkurrenz mit Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.) W.D. Clayton und Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link im Freiland untersucht. Die Verfügbarkeit von N erhöhte im Feld den Licht‐Absorptionskoeffizienten und reduzierte den Blattflächenindex beim Reis. Bei der Anzucht in Pflanzenwuchs‐kammern hatten Reispflanzen bei niedriger Beleuchtungsstärke eine hohere N‐Konzentration als bei stärkerer Beleuchtung. Die Photosyntheserate war deutlich mit dem N‐Gehalt, bezogen auf die Blattfläche, korreliert. Ohne N‐Düngung traten bei 150 und 400 μE m ⁻² s ⁻¹ keine Trockenmassenunterschiede auf. Bei verscbiedenen N‐Düngungsstufen nahm die Bildung von Trockenmasse mit der Lichtintensität zu. Eine Verminderung der Lichtintensität führte nicht zu einer proportionalen Abnahme des Pflanzenwuchses. Aus den Ergebnissen wurde geschlossen, daß die Zunahme der N‐Konzentration im Sproß ein adaptiver Mechanismus von Schattenpflanzen ist. Die begrenzte Reaktion der Pflanzen auf Stickstoff im Schatten und die Akklimation von Reis auf vermindertes Licht könnten signifikante Faktoren für die Wechselwirkungen von Licht und Stickstoffdüngung auf die Konkurrenz zwischen Reis und Unkraut sein.

Chemical weed control in broadcast-seeded flooded tropical rice

July 2006


50 Reads


12 Citations

Weed Research

Several new herbicides were tested for control of weeds in broadcast‐seeded flooded tropical rice. Among the new herbicides, S‐(2‐methyl‐l‐piperidylcarbonyl‐methyl)‐ O,O ‐di‐ n ‐propyl dithiophosphate (C‐19490), S‐(2‐methyl‐l‐piperidylcarbonyl‐methyl)‐ O,O ‐di‐ n ‐propyl dithiophosphate combined with 2‐(1′,2′‐dimethylpropylamino)‐4‐ethylamino‐6‐methylmercapto‐ s ‐triazine [C‐19490/C‐18898 (C‐288)], and N ‐secondary‐butyl‐4‐tertiary‐butyl‐2,6‐dinitroaniline (A‐820) were highly selective in controlling Echinochloa crus‐galli (barnyard grass) and other annual weeds under tropical conditions. S‐(4‐chlorobenzyl)‐ N,N ‐diethylthiol carbamate (benthiocarb) and N ‐(butoxymethyl)‐2‐chloro‐2′,6′‐diethylacetanilide (butachlor) continued to look promising in our experiments. Only butachlor is widely used in Asia. Désherbage chimique des cultures tropicales de riz inorndé, seméà la volée

Prospects for using minimum and zero tillage in tropical lowland rice

July 2006


28 Reads


12 Citations

Weed Research

Four field experiments were conducted at The International Rice Research Institute during the 1975 and 1976 crop seasons to develop minimum and zero tillage techniques for transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.). High rates of glyphosate followed by a lower rate of paraquat effectively controlled Paspalum distichum L., but not Fimbristylis littoralis L. The tenminimum tillage treatments based on different combinations and sequences of pre-plant herbicide application, tillage and flooding, gave a similar grain yield to conventional tillage, and significantly higher grain yield than zero tillage treatments. Conventional, minimum and zero tillage were compared over four successive crops. After two crops with zero tillage, the plots were dominated by the perennials, P. distichum and Scirpus maritimus L., but with minimum or conventional tillage, weed control and grain yield were satisfactory. Efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer usage by the crop was the same with minimum as with conventional tillage but higher than with zero tillage and was increased by placement at 10 cm depth. The studies indicate that minimum tillage systems are a dependable alternative to conventional tillage for lowland rice production.

Citations (92)

... Plant wastes can enrich the soil with necessary nutrients, hence improving its fertility and properties (Medina et al., 2015). Incorporating crop residues into agricultural soils has been shown to increase the total carbon and nitrogen content of the soil as well as prevent soil erosion (Cassman et al., 1996;Shafi et al., 2007). The widespread use of agrochemicals (such as plant protection products) on crops, however, introduces man-made materials into crop residues, which may result in soil contamination owing to the disposal of plant waste in agricultural soils. ...


Assessing potential soil pollution from plant waste disposal: A modeling analysis of pesticide contamination
Long-term Comparison of the Agronomic Efficiency and Residual Benefits of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Sources for Tropical Lowland Rice

Experimental Agriculture

... However, potassium was higher in mineral soils compared to peat soils. Potassium is generally considered more important for plant growth than our other reported nutrients [53][54][55] and may explain why we do not see high root allocation in the mineral soil treatment. Furthermore, mineral soil mixed with peat has been shown to increase phosphate, potassium, iron and magnesium availability 56 and higher N retention 57 . ...

Potassium Nutrition of Rice
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1985

... Drought is estimated to account for rice crop losses of 1.7 million tonnes per year in eastern India (Pandey et al., 2000). Farmers tend to grow short duration varieties in order to escape late-season drought, but only a limited range of varieties exist for these conditions and all have relatively low yields (De Datta, 1984; Virk et al., 2003). Our research has focused on the breeding and selection of varieties with improved agronomic performance across upland rice growing environments. ...

Strategies for improving rice production in eastern India
  • Citing Article
  • December 1984

Outlook on Agriculture

... The impact of puddling on the water transmission characteristics of soil is contingent upon various factors, including soil texture, type of clay, stability of aggregates in water, intense of puddling, and closeness of the water table and the surface of the soil [76]. The infiltration rate is influenced by soil texture and structure, with higher rates associated with larger soil particles and more dispersed structures [59]. ...

Effects of puddling on soil physical properties and processes
  • Citing Article
  • January 1985

... Soil microbiologists and biochemists have to consider carefully the meaning of determinations. The measurement of microbial biomass by the fumigation technique was an important step for a better quantification of nutrient cycling in soil because it allowed the determination of the microbial C, N, P and S content (Jenkinson, 1988;Nannipieri et al., 1994). However, it is conceptually wrong to use this method for determining microbial activity. ...

Advances in nitrogen cycling in agricultural ecosystems

... But, in the subsequent years unfavorable effects such as decreasing productivity, huge neglected areas of poor soils and water resources, and environmental impact have emerged. In addition the readily available forms of nutrients in inorganic fertilizers have pushed the traditional important sources of nutrients especially organic manures of different origin into a decline (Nagarajah, 1988). As agriculture became more settled, with a permanent land base, and as cultivation practices intensified, soil fertility became severely depleted. ...

Nitrogen transformations in green manure - and urea - amended lowland rice soils

... The P-dipping technique with the slurry attached to seedling roots, assures the P supply after 1 Response of Transplanted Rice to Seedling Root-dip in Phosphorus and Biofertilizer Slurry in Acid Soils of North East India-A.... transplanting and avoids the P-mining risk (Oo et al., 2020a). Various studies on P dipping technology reported significant yield increases by 10-50% with 40-60% reductions in P application rates relative to broadcasting or incorporating P at transplanting (Raju et al., 1980;Ramanathan and Kothandaraman, 1984;Balasubramanian et al., 1995;De Datta et al., 1990). ...

Phosphorus requirements and management for lowland rice

... Combine use of effective weed management with different methods and amounts of nitrogen management enhancedeffective tiller production hill -1 . It was found that effective weedmanagement increased number of effective tillers hill -1 due to moreavailability of nutrients, water and light [24]. ...

Echinochloa competition in rice: A comparison of studies from direct-seeded and transplanted flooded rice
  • Citing Article
  • January 1990

... Portulaca oleracea is one of the common weeds of rainfed rice and rice-based crops in the country like corn, tomato, eggplant, string beans, and yam (Fabro and Barcial 2015;Gonzales 2017;Galinato et al. 1999;Donayre et al. 2018). It is also one of the common weeds infesting many bulb onion fields (Baltazar et al. 1999;Casimero 2000;PhilRice 2007). Its negative impact on the growth and yield of direct-seeded onion has been reported in other countries. ...

Major weeds and dominance patterns in rainfed rice-onion cropping system
  • Citing Article
  • April 1999

Philippine Agricultural Scientist

... The supply of C from incorporated green manure may increase the rate of denitrification when soil aeration is limited due to higher moisture levels and adequate NO 3 is present (Aulakh et al. 1991). In another study, Biswas et al. (1996) observed that there was significantly higher N uptake by rice and lower gaseous N losses when urea-N was applied with green manure. Quantitative information regarding the overall effects of these changes on the N cycle in submerged soils is lacking. ...

Fate and Efficiency of 15N Labelled Sesbania rostrata and Urea in Lowland Rice

Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science