S. Jancev’s scientific contributions

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Publications (9)

  • Article
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December 2021


33 Reads

Geologica Macedonica


Simeon Jančev


Blagoj Pavlovski




The aim of this research is characterization of the calcite raw material from two microlocalities: Sušički Most and Gorna Banjica near Gostivar. The properties of the calcite raw materials were defined applying complex examinations. XRD analysis determined the presence of calcite and dolomite as basic mineral phases, which was confirmed by optical transmission microscopy. The dominant content of CaCO3 was defined by chemical analysis. ICP-AES analysis confirmed a high degree of purity of the raw materials. DTA/TGA correlate with other analyses. Some basic physical properties of the raw materials were also determined. Additionally, the parameters of the mechan­ical preparation have been optimized. According to the presented results, the calcite materials which have very similar composition and approximately the same properties have a wide spectrum of application possibilities.


Fig. 1. Geographical map of the deposits  
Fig. 2. Macroscopic figure of raw material.  
Fig. 3. Polysynthetic twin lamells of feldspars  
Fig. 4. Typical longitudinal section of fine grain Diatomeae (0,1 mm) incorporated into cryptocrystalline ground amorphous opal mass in which co-exist round grains of feldspars and quartz  
Fig. 5. Fine grain Diatomeae partially grained and incorporated in cryptocrystalline ground amorphous mass  



June 2014


726 Reads


12 Citations

With the complex examination of raw material from a new deposit in Slavishko Pole in the region of Kratovo–Zletovo volcanic area, Republic of Macedonia, its physical, chemical and mineralogical-petrographical properties have been defined. It has been found that it is a dominantly amorphous material, sedimen-tary rock of the type silicite-diatomite, with biogenic or phytogenic origin. The raw material consists of approximately 72% SiO 2 and it can be classified as diatomite of the type 1 (for 70–80% SiO 2) according to British Standard Specification (BS 1795:1976) [1]. Of the physical properties, more significant is porosity, which is higher than 60%. The raw material has a wide spectrum of possibilities for practical application: intensive absorbent for several types of liquids, regulator of physical and chemical properties of the soil, ionic substitution of heavy metals in soil, natural insecticide, clarifier in food industry etc. For determination of the chemical contents, properties and origin of the raw material the following methods have been used: silicate chemical analysis, XRD analysis, transmission optical mi-croscopy and other methods.

Distribution of as in the top soil Samples around the d. lisice, g. lisice, draceVo, ognjanci villages of the skopje field territory

January 2014


54 Reads


6 Citations

Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

According to the recent investigations, the terrains of the alluvial-Agricultural soils starting from the Ohis (organic chemical industry - Skopje), to East, North-east, South-east that is to the areas around the D. Lisice, G. Lisice, Dracevo and Ognjanci villages near Skopje, Macedonia, are treated as contaminated areas from As point of view. In the treated top soil samples from the mentioned region was discovered increased frequency of As contents in the range of 20-40 ppm as well as increased data for the arithmetic mean (about 25 ppm), geometric mean (19 ppm), and median (20 ppm).

Comparative review of statistical parameters of the investigated micro-localities

September 2011


1 Read


3 Citations

Arsenic, as the most common soil contaminant, was the subject of our research, presented in this publication. Namely, at the previous construction of the geochemical atlas of the presence of heavy toxic metals in the Skopje region soil, the area of about 300 km 2 has been explored. The analysis has been performed applying a semi quantitative method of ESA (Emission Spectral Analysis). The minimal detection limit for arsenic of this method is 100 ppm, so the obtained results did not show any value exceeding the previously pointed. Having in mind the probability of anthropogenic pollution of some segments of Skopje valley with arsenic, we enlarged our investigation as second phase of investigation applying the method of ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry). According to this method the minimal detection limit for arsenic is 1 ppm, and four micro-localities of increased arsenic content were considered. In third phase has been a process of detailed grid analysis of arsenic contents in the top soil samples of specific micro-localties. With a statistical processing of data the following values of statistical parametres have been evaluated: number of samples (500), minimal detected content (< 0,3 ppm), maximal detected content (244,7 ppm), arithmetic mean (19 ppm), geometric mean ( 16 ppm), median ( 16 ppm), mean ( 16 ppm), standard deviation (1,8 ppm); threshold ( 20 ppm), threshold's double value (40 ppm); threshold's four times value (80 ppm); anomalous mean (> 80 ppm). The comparative frequency polygon, as well as the comparative diapason diagram were constructed.


January 2011


22 Reads


23 Citations

In the paper are shown results of the mineralogical-petrographical examinations of the trepel as a peculiar sedimentary rock of biogenetic origin from the Suvodol village near Bitola city, Republic of Macedonia. According to the microscopic (in polarizing translucent light), SEM, chemical, X-ray powder data was determined that examined trepel is composed mainly of opal (of biogenetic origin) as well as quartz, feldspars (plagioclases, K-feldspars), illite-hydromicas, chlorites of minor importance. Further examinations are in progress because the aforementioned results are based on one randomly selected trepel sample.

Results of the preliminary regional eco-geochemical mapping of the agricultural soil samples from the skopje city area

January 2010


61 Reads


10 Citations

Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

The alluvial agricultural top soil samples of the Skopje field territory (of cca. 300 km2 - total surface) were investigated by the regional eco-geochemical mapping on the heavy-toxic metals: Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Ba, Y, As, determined by the emission spectral analyses. According to the achieved results were determined as follows: (1) contaminations of anthropogenic origin of Pb, Zn and Cu: Pb contents of increased amountsof cca. 70-100 ppm were determined in the soil samples around the main roads, railways, industrial complexes, etc.; Zn contents of increased amounts of cca. 150-200 ppm were determined in the soil samples around oil industry Okta, iron furnace industry, army square Goce Delcev, etc.; Cu contaminations of cca>30-70 ppm were determined in the top soil samples in the frame of 80-90% of the total investigate surface of the Skopje field territory; (2) contaminations of natural origin: in the investigated region of the Skopjefield territory in the agricultural top soil samples were determined Ni contaminations >601 ppm Ni; Cr contaminations (ranged from 400 >1000 ppm Cr) originated by the natural-weathering processes over the ultra-mafic (chromites-bearing) Radusha massif of thewider environments; Zr contaminations (with 80 > 100 ppm Zr contents) were determinedin the examined soil samples; Ba and Y contaminations are of minor importance.

Geochemical Surveys on the Heavy-toxic metals -Pb, Zn, Cd in agricultural soil samples from Bashino village-Rechani at the Veles city area, Macedonia

January 2007


73 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

In the agricultural soil samples of the Bashino village-Rechani at the Veles city area were determined polluted surfaces especially by Pb, Zn and Cd of anthropogenic origin (due to the metallurgic activities of Pb-Zn furnace factory), as follows: soil samples with increased Pb contents of cca 100 to 2000 ppm actually represent common contents for the mentioned heavy toxic metal inside the treated region. So, the situation in the investigated area with respect to Ph content is really critical, In some (very rare cases) soil samples were determined even 3000 to 5000 ppm Ph; the Zn contents in the soil samples ranged from cca 600 to 2000 ppm and they are common especially for the agricultural surfaces (extending oil the right side of the Vardar river as well as at Lokva, Rechani, Hladnjacha) of the investigated area. The other surfaces (of cca 40-50%) of the investigated area are treated as very weak or yet non-polluted rnicrolocalities with Zn contents below 300 ppm Zn; the surface of the investigated region is nearly cca 90% polluted with Cd contents (ranged from cca 3-7 ppm while at some points were determined extremely high Cd contents of cca 30-70 ppm Cd).

Regional geochemical surveys on heavy-toxic metals (Pb, Zn and Cd) in soil samples from the Veles city area and its surroundings

January 2007


87 Reads


3 Citations

Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

Regional geochemical surveys on the heavy-toxic metals content (Pb, Zn and Cd) in the soil samples from the Veles city and its surroundings have been carried out. A Pb-anomalous zone (characterised with size of cca 7 x 2 km, extending from the NW to the SE-part of the map with Pb contents ranged inside 100-1000 ppm Pb of anthropogenic origin) was determined in the soil samples around the Pb-Zn furnace factory from the Veles city area. The most polluted areas inside this Pb anomalous zone are actually the soils surfaces immediately around the mentioned Pb-Zn furnace as well as the urban part of the Veles city and Vrshnik hill. A narrow (cca 0.5 km and long cca 3-3.5 km) Ph anomalous zone of anthropogenic origin (characterised with 400-1000 ppm Ph) was determined also in the soil samples along the main road Veles-Skopje. The Zn anomalous zone in the soil samples of the investigated area is actually compatible with the mentioned Pb-anomalous zone, although the most intensive polluting Zn halo (characterised with 300-900 ppm Zn) was determined on cca 1-2 km just around the Pb-Zn furnace factory. A Cd-anomalous zone was also determined on the field of the examined Veles city area. Thus, the most intensive Cd-polluted soil surfaces were also those around the Pb-Zn furnace factory with 11-50 ppm Cd, although another Cd-polluted soil surface (with 5-10 ppm Cd) was recognised at the Vrshnik micro-locality.

Characteristics of a calcite "limestone"-marble from Macedonia, used as flux material

January 2003


197 Reads


6 Citations

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy Section B Metallurgy

The phase characteristics of calcite "limestone"-marble from Banjany area village (near Skopje, Macedonia) were examined by means of XRD, SEM microscope in polarizing and reflected lights, chemical, DT/TG-analyses. It was concluded as follows: - calcite (CaCO3) is a major mineral component (cca 80-90 %) prevailing in the marble over the other minerals - dolomite is generally of minor importance (cca 10-20 %) in the rock - quartz, micas graphite, pyrite represent typical accessories. As result of the mentioned phase characteristics, this raw materials was for a long time (more than 30 years) used as flux in the iron and steel metallurgy in Macedonia.

Citations (8)

... It represents a mixture of diatomite and clay minerals. It constitutes a biogenetic rock; grayish, soft, very light, weakly cemented, finely opal sedimentary rock [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. ...


Fabrication of Ceramic Monoliths from Diatomaceous Earth: Effects of Calcination Temperature on Silica Phase Transformation

... The micro locality E-NE-SE around the OHIS factory is select, due to the indication of contamination of the soil with arsenic of anthropogenic origin from the previously realized preliminary research [1][2][3]. This is a consequence of long term production of pesticides by OHIS factory in which arsenic compounds have been used as active components, but it is also due to decades long use of agrochemical additives during agricultural activities. ...


... According to the regional geo-chemical mapping 1-3 (top soil samples taken in a systematic net (1 × 1 km) performed in 2009 year from Skopje field territory), was determined that in the top soil samples from the micro localities around the D. Lisice, G. Lisice, Dracevo and Ognjanci villages there are increased As contents (higher than 20 ppm that is in a range of 20-60 ppm) ( . As a result of the aforementioned data, in the progress of 2010 year was performed a more detailed geochemical mapping (sampling inside of a systematic net of 333 × 333 m) inside agricultural-alluvial areas of the mentioned villages [9][10][11][12] (Fig. 1). • Inside the treated area were taken 249 samples. ...

Regional geochemical surveys on heavy-toxic metals (Pb, Zn and Cd) in soil samples from the Veles city area and its surroundings

Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

... Similar results аrе seen in the comparison with the median values for European soils: higher content in soils from Skopje for Co, Ga, Nb, Sb, Sc and Ti and lower for Hf, Pr, Tl and Zr (Table 3). Jančev et al. (2010Jančev et al. ( , 2014 have published data for the contents of several elements in soils from the Skopje Valley (Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Ba, Y and As) determined by ESA method (emission spectral analysis) with much higher average and median values for most of these elements, which is as a result of the analytical technique applied. ...

Distribution of as in the top soil Samples around the d. lisice, g. lisice, draceVo, ognjanci villages of the skopje field territory

Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

... According to the regional geo-chemical mapping 1-3 (top soil samples taken in a systematic net (1 × 1 km) performed in 2009 year from Skopje field territory), was determined that in the top soil samples from the micro localities around the D. Lisice, G. Lisice, Dracevo and Ognjanci villages there are increased As contents (higher than 20 ppm that is in a range of 20-60 ppm) ( . As a result of the aforementioned data, in the progress of 2010 year was performed a more detailed geochemical mapping (sampling inside of a systematic net of 333 × 333 m) inside agricultural-alluvial areas of the mentioned villages [9][10][11][12] (Fig. 1). • Inside the treated area were taken 249 samples. ...

Geochemical Surveys on the Heavy-toxic metals -Pb, Zn, Cd in agricultural soil samples from Bashino village-Rechani at the Veles city area, Macedonia

Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

... Similar results аrе seen in the comparison with the median values for European soils: higher content in soils from Skopje for Co, Ga, Nb, Sb, Sc and Ti and lower for Hf, Pr, Tl and Zr (Table 3). Jančev et al. (2010Jančev et al. ( , 2014 have published data for the contents of several elements in soils from the Skopje Valley (Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Ba, Y and As) determined by ESA method (emission spectral analysis) with much higher average and median values for most of these elements, which is as a result of the analytical technique applied. ...

Results of the preliminary regional eco-geochemical mapping of the agricultural soil samples from the skopje city area

Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

... It represents a mixture of diatomite and clay minerals. It constitutes a biogenetic rock; grayish, soft, very light, weakly cemented, finely opal sedimentary rock [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. ...


... Limestones are seldom found in their purely natural state, and the inclusion of additional elements to limestone may result in the creation of other phases as contamination. The most notable of these impurities is silica, present in limestone as quartz (Hristova and Jancev, 2003). Limestone has an exceptionally high concentration of CaCO 3 at 2θ = 29.66 ...

Characteristics of a calcite "limestone"-marble from Macedonia, used as flux material

Journal of Mining and Metallurgy Section B Metallurgy