March 2012
812 Reads
12 Citations
We investigate the genetic diversity and structure of guigna populations throughouttheir known distribution range by analyzing 1,798 bp of the mtDNA and 15 microsatelliteloci in 116 individuals sampled from 32.5°S to 46.5°S in Chile and Argentina. MtDNAdata reveals a moderate separation between northern and southern populations,supporting previously proposed subspecific partitions. Microsatellite data supports this north-south pattern of subdivision, showing also further structure detail revealing currentdemographically isolated groups. Spatial analysis of molecular variance shows a finerscale yet consistent population structure compared to the genetic assignment andclustering method. High positive correlations between genetic and geographic distancesin both mtDNA and microsatellite loci suggest a consistent historical and contemporaryisolation by distance pattern. The population structure uncovered by this study identifiesat least five different Conservation Units for guigna populations throughout theirdistribution range in southern South America.