Ryan O'Donnell’s research while affiliated with Carnegie Mellon University and other places

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Publications (129)

Quartic quantum speedups for planted inference
  • Chapter

January 2025


2 Reads


Ryan O’Donnell


Robin Kothari


Sparsifying Suprema of Gaussian Processes
  • Preprint
  • File available

November 2024

We give a dimension-independent sparsification result for suprema of centered Gaussian processes: Let T be any (possibly infinite) bounded set of vectors in Rn\mathbb{R}^n, and let {Xt}tT\{{\boldsymbol{X}}_t\}_{t\in T} be the canonical Gaussian process on T. We show that there is an Oε(1)O_\varepsilon(1)-size subset STS \subseteq T and a set of real values {cs}sS\{c_s\}_{s \in S} such that supsS{Xs+cs}\sup_{s \in S} \{{\boldsymbol{X}}_s + c_s\} is an ε\varepsilon-approximator of suptTXt\sup_{t \in T} {\boldsymbol{X}}_t. Notably, the size of S is completely independent of both the size of T and of the ambient dimension n. We use this to show that every norm is essentially a junta when viewed as a function over Gaussian space: Given any norm ν(x)\nu(x) on Rn\mathbb{R}^n, there is another norm ψ(x)\psi(x) which depends only on the projection of x along Oε(1)O_\varepsilon(1) directions, for which ψ(g)\psi({\boldsymbol{g}}) is a multiplicative (1±ε)(1 \pm \varepsilon)-approximation of ν(g)\nu({\boldsymbol{g}}) with probability 1ε1-\varepsilon for gN(0,In){\boldsymbol{g}} \sim N(0,I_n). We also use our sparsification result for suprema of centered Gaussian processes to give a sparsification lemma for convex sets of bounded geometric width: Any intersection of (possibly infinitely many) halfspaces in Rn\mathbb{R}^n that are at distance O(1) from the origin is ε\varepsilon-close, under N(0,In)N(0,I_n), to an intersection of only Oε(1)O_\varepsilon(1) many halfspaces. We describe applications to agnostic learning and tolerant property testing.


Uniformity testing when you have the source code

November 2024

We study quantum algorithms for verifying properties of the output probability distribution of a classical or quantum circuit, given access to the source code that generates the distribution. We consider the basic task of uniformity testing, which is to decide if the output distribution is uniform on [d] or ϵ\epsilon-far from uniform in total variation distance. More generally, we consider identity testing, which is the task of deciding if the output distribution equals a known hypothesis distribution, or is ϵ\epsilon-far from it. For both problems, the previous best known upper bound was O(min{d1/3/ϵ2,d1/2/ϵ})O(\min\{d^{1/3}/\epsilon^{2},d^{1/2}/\epsilon\}). Here we improve the upper bound to O(min{d1/3/ϵ4/3,d1/2/ϵ})O(\min\{d^{1/3}/\epsilon^{4/3}, d^{1/2}/\epsilon\}), which we conjecture is optimal.

Learning the closest product state

November 2024

Ainesh Bakshi


John Bostanci


William Kretschmer




Ewin Tang

We study the problem of finding a product state with optimal fidelity to an unknown n-qubit quantum state ρ\rho, given copies of ρ\rho. This is a basic instance of a fundamental question in quantum learning: is it possible to efficiently learn a simple approximation to an arbitrary state? We give an algorithm which finds a product state with fidelity ε\varepsilon-close to optimal, using N=npoly(1/ε)N = n^{\text{poly}(1/\varepsilon)} copies of ρ\rho and poly(N)\text{poly}(N) classical overhead. We further show that estimating the optimal fidelity is NP-hard for error ε=1/poly(n)\varepsilon = 1/\text{poly}(n), showing that the error dependence cannot be significantly improved. For our algorithm, we build a carefully-defined cover over candidate product states, qubit by qubit, and then demonstrate that extending the cover can be reduced to approximate constrained polynomial optimization. For our proof of hardness, we give a formal reduction from polynomial optimization to finding the closest product state. Together, these results demonstrate a fundamental connection between these two seemingly unrelated questions. Building on our general approach, we also develop more efficient algorithms in three simpler settings: when the optimal fidelity exceeds 5/6; when we restrict ourselves to a discrete class of product states; and when we are allowed to output a matrix product state.

Quartic quantum speedups for planted inference

June 2024


12 Reads

We describe a quantum algorithm for the Planted Noisy kXOR problem (also known as sparse Learning Parity with Noise) that achieves a nearly quartic (4th power) speedup over the best known classical algorithm while also only using logarithmically many qubits. Our work generalizes and simplifies prior work of Hastings, by building on his quantum algorithm for the Tensor Principal Component Analysis (PCA) problem. We achieve our quantum speedup using a general framework based on the Kikuchi Method (recovering the quartic speedup for Tensor PCA), and we anticipate it will yield similar speedups for further planted inference problems. These speedups rely on the fact that planted inference problems naturally instantiate the Guided Sparse Hamiltonian problem. Since the Planted Noisy kXOR problem has been used as a component of certain cryptographic constructions, our work suggests that some of these are susceptible to super-quadratic quantum attacks.

Improved quantum data analysis

March 2024


83 Reads


2 Citations


We provide more sample-efficient versions of some basic routines in quantum data analysis, along with simpler proofs. Particularly, we give a quantum "Threshold Search" algorithm that requires only O((log2m)/ϵ2)O((\log^2 m)/\epsilon^2) samples of a d-dimensional state ρ\rho. That is, given observables 0A1,A2,...,Am10 \le A_1, A_2, ..., A_m \le 1 such that tr(ρAi)1/2\mathrm{tr}(\rho A_i) \ge 1/2 for at least one i, the algorithm finds j with tr(ρAj)1/2ϵ\mathrm{tr}(\rho A_j) \ge 1/2-\epsilon. As a consequence, we obtain a Shadow Tomography algorithm requiring only O~((log2m)(logd)/ϵ4)\tilde{O}((\log^2 m)(\log d)/\epsilon^4) samples, which simultaneously achieves the best known dependence on each parameter m, d, ϵ\epsilon. This yields the same sample complexity for quantum Hypothesis Selection among m states; we also give an alternative Hypothesis Selection method using O~((log3m)/ϵ2)\tilde{O}((\log^3 m)/\epsilon^2) samples.

Quantum chi-squared tomography and mutual information testing

May 2023


21 Reads

For quantum state tomography on rank-r dimension-d states, we show that O~(r.5d1.5/ϵ)O~(d2/ϵ)\widetilde{O}(r^{.5}d^{1.5}/\epsilon) \leq \widetilde{O}(d^2/\epsilon) copies suffice for accuracy ϵ\epsilon with respect to (Bures) χ2\chi^2-divergence, and O~(rd/ϵ)\widetilde{O}(rd/\epsilon) copies suffice for accuracy ϵ\epsilon with respect to quantum relative entropy. The best previous bound was O~(rd/ϵ)O~(d2/ϵ)\widetilde{O}(rd/\epsilon) \leq \widetilde{O}(d^2/\epsilon) with respect to infidelity; our results are an improvement since infidelityrelative entropyχ2-divergence. \text{infidelity} \leq \text{relative entropy} \leq \text{$\chi^2$-divergence}. For algorithms that are required to use single-copy measurements, we show that O~(r1.5d1.5/ϵ)O~(d3/ϵ)\widetilde{O}(r^{1.5} d^{1.5}/\epsilon) \leq \widetilde{O}(d^3/\epsilon) copies suffice for χ2\chi^2-divergence, and O~(r2d/ϵ)\widetilde{O}(r^{2} d/\epsilon) suffice for relative entropy. Using this tomography algorithm, we show that O~(d2.5/ϵ)\widetilde{O}(d^{2.5}/\epsilon) copies of a d×dd\times d-dimensional bipartite state suffice to test if it has quantum mutual information 0 or at least ϵ\epsilon. As a corollary, we also improve the best known sample complexity for the classical version of mutual information testing to O~(d/ϵ)\widetilde{O}(d/\epsilon).

Query-optimal estimation of unitary channels in diamond distance

February 2023


7 Reads

We consider process tomography for unitary quantum channels. Given access to an unknown unitary channel acting on a d\textsf{d}-dimensional qudit, we aim to output a classical description of a unitary that is ε\varepsilon-close to the unknown unitary in diamond norm. We design an algorithm achieving error ε\varepsilon using O(d2/ε)O(\textsf{d}^2/\varepsilon) applications of the unknown channel and only one qudit. This improves over prior results, which use O(d3/ε2)O(\textsf{d}^3/\varepsilon^2) [via standard process tomography] or O(d2.5/ε)O(\textsf{d}^{2.5}/\varepsilon) [Yang, Renner, and Chiribella, PRL 2020] applications. To show this result, we introduce a simple technique to "bootstrap" an algorithm that can produce constant-error estimates to one that can produce ε\varepsilon-error estimates with the Heisenberg scaling. Finally, we prove a complementary lower bound showing that estimation requires Ω(d2/ε)\Omega(\textsf{d}^2/\varepsilon) applications, even with access to the inverse or controlled versions of the unknown unitary. This shows that our algorithm has both optimal query complexity and optimal space complexity.

Citations (70)

... Later, Badescu and O'Donnell [6] refined this approach, reducing the sample complexity tõ O log 2 m log d ǫ 4 ...


Dimension Independent and Computationally Efficient Shadow Tomography
Improved quantum data analysis


... Meanwhile, exponential lower bounds have been shown for protocols with (Ω(4 n /n)) and without (Ω(4 n /ϵ)) ancillas and adaptivity, where now the distinguishing task corresponds to a net of Hamiltonians generated by Haar-random unitary transformations [BCO24]. Related is the problem of learning unitary channels, which has the tight lower bound of Ω(4 n /ϵ) queries [HKOT23]. These results can be understood as either the case of constant m or exponentially large m; a lower bound for the intermediate regime m = Θ(poly(n)) is of clear interest. ...

Query-optimal estimation of unitary channels in diamond distance
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • November 2023

... Property testing is concerned with the task of efficiently distinguishing whether a large object satisfies a given property or is far from all objects with that property, with respect to a meaningful notion of distance. In the setting of quantum computing, one may seek quantum testers for both classical objects such as Boolean functions, and quantum objects such as states or unitary transformations, as discussed in surveys by Montanaro and de Wolf [MdW16] and O'Donnell and Wright [OW21a]. ...

Learning and testing quantum states via probabilistic combinatorics and representation theory
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

Current Developments in Mathematics

... In the case of a quantum tester with the source code access, we can use a Quantum Mean Estimation (QME) routine; in particular, the one from [KO23] will (with high probability) yield an estimate of µ to within ±O(σ/n). 2 A subtle aspect of this overall plan is that the mean µ and standard deviation σ of Y are themselves random variables (in the usual sense), where the randomness comes from Phase 1. Thus it is natural to analyze E Phase 1 [µ] and E Phase 1 [σ]. Of course, these depend on the definition of Y , which we now reveal: Y (j) = d n X j − 1, where X j denotes the number of times j ∈ [d] was drawn in Phase 1. ...

Mean estimation when you have the source code; or, quantum Monte Carlo methods
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2023

... An important broad question in quantum computing is to determine the existence of (physically relevant) families of Hamiltonians for which the ground state problem is in BQP, while computing the ground state energy is hard classically. Proving such a separation is difficult (as this would imply a separation between P and BQP), but one can at least try to prove BQP containment for specific families of Hamiltonian ground state energy problems for which we do not know rigorous polynomial-time classical algorithms; see, for example, [69,70]. ...

Optimizing strongly interacting fermionic Hamiltonians
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2022

... This principle underlies the randomized benchmarking (RB) methodology [5][6][7][8], which stands out as a major quantum benchmarking technique due to its low sample complexity and resilience against state preparation and measurement (SPAM) errors. Moreover, group twirling is essential in randomized compiling [9], which turns generic noise into a Pauli channel, reducing the worst-case error of quantum gates and facilitating Pauli channel learning protocols [10][11][12][13]. ...

Pauli error estimation via Population Recovery


... We note that the probability distributions defined in Equation (13) were ever employed in proving lower bounds for testing the uniformity of probability distributions in [51] and [52] on classical sample complexity and quantum query complexity, respectively. Moreover, such probability distributions were also adapted to proving quantum sample lower bounds for testing the uniformity of mixed quantum states [53]. Here, we note the difference between the proof of [53] and ours: the probability distributions are related to the amplitudes of the pure quantum states in our proof, while they are related to the eigenvalues of the mixed quantum states in the proof of [53]. ...

Quantum Spectrum Testing

Communications in Mathematical Physics

... Although the surface code is LDPC, the encoding rate k/n vanishes in the limit as n → ∞, contributing to its high overhead. Alternative qLDPC codes have asymptotically constant encoding rates while maintaining or improving the ( √ n) distance scaling of the surface code [37][38][39][40][41][42][43]. ...

Fiber bundle codes: breaking the n 1/2 polylog( n ) barrier for Quantum LDPC codes
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2021

... These are employed as tools within use cases, but also to test applications and devices themselves. However, almost all existing methods require the assumption that the devices or states being tested are prepared in the same way over timefollowing an identical and independent distribution (i.i.d.) [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] . In various situations, this assumption should not be taken for granted. ...

Improved Quantum data analysis
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2021