Rüdiger Szczepanski’s research while affiliated with Texas Children's Hospital and other places

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Publications (33)

Two-Year Follow-Up of a Transition-Specific Education Program for Young People With Chronic Conditions
  • Article

May 2022


27 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of Adolescent Health


Ruediger Szczepanski





Purpose The transition to adulthood is a challenging process for young people (YP) with chronic conditions. Patient education can help to prepare them for autonomous disease management and transfer to adult healthcare services. In a previous controlled study, participation in the youth-specific group education program ModuS-T immediately improved transition-specific knowledge, competencies, and patient activation of YP with various chronic conditions. To evaluate whether these effects are long lasting, we questioned YP from the intervention group (IG) and the control group (CG; no program) 2 years after participation. Methods Standardized questionnaires were used to assess YP’s transition-specific knowledge, competencies, patient activation, health-related quality of life, and medical care status at baseline and 2 years later. Repeated measurement covariance analyses were used for statistical testing. Results A total of 181 YP (109 IG, 72 CG) completed the questionnaires (60% of previous interviewees; mean age 20 years, 46% female). Compared to the CG, the IG reported significant improvements in transition-specific knowledge, competencies, and patient activation (p < .001) and lower parents’ responsibility for their condition (p = .004). The proportion of YP who had already transferred to adult health care was nearly the same (54% IG/56% CG), but the CG was more likely to lose access to medical care (6% IG/14% CG). There were no effects on health-related quality of life. Discussion The 1.5-day ModuS-T program has long-lasting positive effects on knowledge and competencies relevant for the transition of YP. Transition-specific patient education programs close an important care gap and should be integrated into standard care.

Ich bin auch noch da – Schulung für Geschwister von chronisch kranken oder behinderten Kindern

August 2020


129 Reads


4 Citations

Klinische Pädiatrie

Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Geschwister von chronisch kranken oder behinderten Kindern sind durch ihre besondere Lebenssituation erhöhten Belastungen ausgesetzt. Dies kann zu psychischen Auffälligkeiten führen. Internationale Studien zeigen, dass gezielte Programme dieses Risiko reduzieren können. In Deutschland fehlen bisher edukative Kompaktangebote für Geschwister. Mit dem vorliegenden Workshop wurde ein solches Angebot erprobt. In der eintägigen Gruppenschulung werden mit den Kindern Strategien zur Belastungsreduktion erarbeitet sowie Krankheitswissen vermittelt, um Ängste abzubauen. Die Eltern erhalten eine parallele Schulung. Methoden Insgesamt fanden 19 Workshops statt. Direkt vor und 6 Wochen nach der Schulung wurden mit standardisierten Fragebögen geschwisterliche Belastung, psychische Auffälligkeiten und gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität der Geschwister sowie familiäre Krankheitsbelastung erfasst. Veränderungen wurden mit t-Tests für abhängige Stichproben überprüft. Ergebnisse 92 Kinder (durchschnittlich 9,6 Jahre; 54% weiblich) und ihre Eltern nahmen an der Schulung teil. Aus Elternsicht wiesen eingangs 32,5% der Kinder ein erhöhtes Risiko für psychische Belastungen durch die Geschwistersituation auf. Nach der Schulung waren es 25,3%. Ebenso reduzierten sich die psychischen Auffälligkeiten der Kinder und die familiäre Belastung signifikant. Die Lebensqualität der Kinder verbesserte sich in der Selbsteinschätzung. Diskussion Die Kompaktschulung scheint geeignet, die Belastungen der gesamten Familie zu reduzieren. Der Workshop war bei unterschiedlichen Krankheiten und Settings einsetzbar.

Evaluation of a generic patient education program in children with different chronic conditions

February 2019


50 Reads


18 Citations

Health Education Research

For frequent pediatric chronic conditions, especially less common chronic conditions patient education programs are missing. A recently developed modular patient education approach (ModuS) combines disease-specific modules with generic psychosocial topics. ModuS was associated with increased disease-specific knowledge and improvements in families' well-being in children with asthma. In this study we tested if new developed ModuS programs for seven, mostly less common, chronic conditions show comparable program-associated effects. ModuS education programs were offered to the affected child and its parents. Disease-specific knowledge, children's health-related quality of life, life satisfaction and condition-specific burden were measured before, directly following and 6 weeks after participation in the program. The results were compared with families who received a ModuS asthma program. One hundred and sixty-eight children participated. Families were highly satisfied with the programs. Program participation was associated with increased families' knowledge, children`s self-reported health-related quality of life and reduced condition-specific burden. The results were comparable with the results of 230 families who participated in a ModuS asthma program. The ModuS approach allowed the development of patient education programs for children with a variety of chronic conditions. Therefore, ModuS closed an important healthcare gap.

Transitionskompetenz als Prädiktor für Versorgungszufriedenheit und Lebensqualität von Jugendlichen & jungen Erwachsenen mit Diabetes Hintergrund
  • Poster
  • File available

September 2018


89 Reads


Table 1 : Patients' chronic conditions in the IG and the CG.
Components of the transition patient education program ModuS-T.
Flow of participants.
IG, intervention group; CG, control group; YP, young people; n, sample size; t0, prior to education program; t1, after education program; t2, 4 weeks after education program.
Effectiveness of a generic transition-oriented patient education program in a multicenter, prospective and controlled study

May 2018


308 Reads


23 Citations

Journal of Transition Medicine

Objectives For young people (YP) with a chronic condition growing up is a challenging process. This stage of life is associated with a higher risk for non-adherence, insufficient disease control, acute deteriorations and irregular consultations. Patient education programs can support YP cope with the independent disease management and the transition into adulthood. However, there is a lack of transition-oriented patient education programs for most chronic conditions. In this study, an existing generic transition-oriented education program was expanded by a module for parents and evaluated in a multicenter study all over Germany. Methods YP with chronic conditions and their parents were quasi-randomized into a control group (CG) and an intervention group (IG). The IG took part in the 1.5-day standardized education program ModuS-T while the CG received treatment as usual. The education program was designed as a compact workshop in a group setting for youth (15–24 years) and their parents. The education program contained youth specific topics such as the transfer to adult care, the influence of disease on the daily life of YP, and other important issues like detachment from parents, occupational career, intimate relationships and family planning. The parent module dealt with the topics transition from child-centered to adult health services, and supporting children to become adults. The program focused on improving competencies relevant for transition and self-management skills of the families. Satisfaction with the program, transition-specific knowledge, transition competencies, patient activation and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) were measured at baseline and after 4 weeks. Results A total of 300 YP (overall mean age 17.6 years; 47% female; IG = 166, CG = 134) with 12 different conditions and their parents participated in 37 transition programs. The participants were highly satisfied with the program. The program significantly affected transition-specific knowledge, transition competence and patient activation (p < 0.001). There were no effects on HRQoL. Conclusion The generic transition-oriented education program empowers YP with chronic conditions and their parents in the transition process. Due to a modular approach, the program is successful in a variety of chronic conditions.

ModuS in der Allergologie – bisherige Erfahrungen und neue Perspektiven

February 2018


3 Reads


The competency network for patient education in childhood and adolescence (Kompetenznetz Patientenschulung im Kindesund Jugendalter (KomPaS)) was founded in Germany in 2008 in order to merge the manifold acivities of patient education. KomPaS developed and successfully tested the modular educational program for rare/less frequent chronic diseases in childhood and adolescence (ModuS). It can also be used for frequent diseases like asthma, atopic eczema, or anaphylaxis. An additional transition model has been developed and evaluated to prepare adolescents and their parents together for transition. This model is also appropriate for all somatic chronic diseases. Within the scope of these projects, trainer education was modularized in order to find people willing to be a trainer more easily and to adequately train them. KomPaS is the platform for existing and future educational programs, for the development of patient education, and for quality control.

Wie beeinflussen psychosoziale Risiken den Erfolg von Patientenschulungen in der Pädiatrie?

December 2017


57 Reads

Klinische Pädiatrie

Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Modulare Patientenschulungen sind bei chronisch kranken Kindern wirksam. Wenig ist über den Einfluss von sozioökonomischem Status (SoS), Migrationshintergrund (MH) und psychischen Auffälligkeiten der Kinder und ihrer Familien bekannt. Frage Beeinflussen SoS, MH oder psychische Auffälligkeiten den Erfolg von Patientenschulungen (Krankheitswissen, gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität (LQ) und Lebenszufriedenheit des Kindes und die elterliche Krankheitsbelastung)? Methoden Unterschiedlich chronisch kranke Kinder und ihre Eltern nahmen an Patientenschulungen teil. Vor bzw. 6 Wochen nach der Schulung wurden mit standardisierten Fragebögen SoS, MH, psychische Auffälligkeiten der Kinder, Krankheitswissen der Kinder und Eltern, gesundheitsbezogene LQ bzw. Lebenszufriedenheit der Kinder und elterliche Krankheitsbelastungen erfasst. Mit Varianz- und Regressionsanalysen wurde der Einfluss von SoS, MH und psychischen Auffälligkeiten auf den Schulungseffekt untersucht. Ergebnisse 398 Kinder (durchschnittlich 10,2 Jahre) und ihre Eltern nahmen an den Schulungen teil. SoS, MH und psychische Auffälligkeiten hatten keinen Einfluss auf die Verbesserungen des Krankheitswissens, der kindlichen gesundheitsbezogenen LQ und Lebenszufriedenheit sowie der elterlichen Belastung. In den Verlaufsuntersuchungen gingen ein niedriger SoS, ein MH und psychische Auffälligkeiten mit niedrigerem Wissen, niedrigerer gesundheitsbezogener LQ bzw. Lebenszufriedenheit des Kindes und erhöhter elterlicher Belastung einher. Diskussion Benachteiligte Familien und Kinder mit Verhaltensauffälligkeiten profitieren von Patientenschulungen, jedoch benötigen sie angesichts spezifischer Bedarfe einen erhöhten Schulungsumfang.

Aufbau Modulares Schulungsprogramm (ModuS).
Schulungsbausteine des ModuS-Transitionsmoduls.
Patientenschulungen bei chronisch kranken Kindern, Jugendlichen und Eltern

March 2017


35 Reads


1 Citation

Public Health Forum

Zusammenfassung Chronische Erkrankungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen haben für die Familien große, auch psycho-soziale Herausforderungen zur Folge. Patientenschulungen fördern die notwendigen Kompetenzen, um diese Herausforderungen möglichst eigenständig zu meistern. Schulungen sind pädagogische/psychologische Interventionen mit handlungsrelevanten Inhalten und werden gemäß § 43 SGB V sowie den Rahmenempfehlungen der GKVen durchgeführt. Das modulare Schulungsprogramm (ModuS) bietet insbesondere für seltene bzw. weniger häufige Erkrankungen ein evaluiertes, qualitätsgesichertes Programm.

Citations (15)

... Study characteristics relating to the 26 intervention studies have been detailed in Table 1. Of these, seven were conducted in the United States of America [22][23][24][25][26][27][28], four in Canada [29][30][31][32], three in Australia [33][34][35], two each in Germany [36,37] and France [38,39], and one each from Ireland [40], Italy [41], New Zealand [42], The Netherlands [43], Spain [44], and Tunisia [45]. Diabetes was the sole focus for 19 studies [22, 23, 27-35, 38, 40-47] and the remaining seven included youth with other chronic illnesses as well [24-26, 36, 37, 39]. ...


A Systematic Review of Interventions for the Transition to Adult Healthcare for Young People with Diabetes
Two-Year Follow-Up of a Transition-Specific Education Program for Young People With Chronic Conditions
  • Citing Article
  • May 2022

Journal of Adolescent Health

... One established and validated concept is the standardized modular training program, ModuS, developed by the Competence Network for Patient Education (KomPaS) with support from the Federal Ministry of Health [20]. ModuS is available for some less common and rare chronic illnesses for individuals [18,20], as well as for siblings [21] and parents. The training concept consists of 4 generic modules and 3 disease-specific components [20]. ...

Ich bin auch noch da – Schulung für Geschwister von chronisch kranken oder behinderten Kindern
  • Citing Article
  • August 2020

Klinische Pädiatrie

... The objective of these programs is to promote self-management among individuals and within their social environment. Several studies have demonstrated that patient education programs lead to increased self-efficacy, disease competence, and satisfaction [15,16], as well as improved HRQoL and a reduction in disease-specific burden [17]. Additionally, disease-specific symptoms decreased, and the risk of relapses or exacerbations was reduced [18,19]. ...

Evaluation of a generic patient education program in children with different chronic conditions
  • Citing Article
  • February 2019

Health Education Research

... The objective of these programs is to promote self-management among individuals and within their social environment. Several studies have demonstrated that patient education programs lead to increased self-efficacy, disease competence, and satisfaction [15,16], as well as improved HRQoL and a reduction in disease-specific burden [17]. Additionally, disease-specific symptoms decreased, and the risk of relapses or exacerbations was reduced [18,19]. ...

Effectiveness of a generic transition-oriented patient education program in a multicenter, prospective and controlled study

Journal of Transition Medicine

... To ensure safe use, instructions on the application of emergency medications should be provided with the prescription, and the patient or, in the case of young children, their caregivers should be encouraged to attend AGATE (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Anaphylaxie Training und Edukation) anaphylaxis training sessions [54][55][56] These training sessions explain in detail both the management of allergic reactions and allergen avoidance strategies. ...

Supportive care of patients with anaphylaxis — options and shortcomings: an assessment on behalf of the working group on anaphylaxis training and education (AGATE), Germany
  • Citing Article
  • September 2016

Allergo Journal International

... Furthermore, this colonization could increase Infect Dis Ther the density of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the lungs, potentially resulting in co-infection of these two problematic pathogens, and in turn leads to increased mortality and longer hospital stays [30]. In patients with cystic fibrosis, S. maltophilia colonization can exacerbate lung function deterioration more significantly than those without colonization [31]. Therefore, it is important to monitor and manage S. maltophilia colonization to mitigate its potential adverse effects on the vulnerable patient populations. ...

Factors Associated with Worse Lung Function in Cystic Fibrosis Patients with Persistent Staphylococcus aureus

... When the 16 papers considered were classified by their reporting years, one study in 2013 (9), two in 2014 (10,11), one in 2015 (12), one in 2016 (13), two in 2017 (14,15), four in 2018 (16)(17)(18)(19), two in 2019 (20,21), and three in 2020 (22)(23)(24) were obtained. Of the 16 studies, nine had been reported since 2018, accounting for more than half of the studies considered (Figure 2). ...

Erratum: Transition of Patients with Esophageal Atresia to Adult Care: Results of a Transition-Specific Education Program
  • Citing Article
  • September 2016

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

... Of the 26 studies, 11 were from the USA, 2 each from Australia, China, the Netherlands, and Spain, and 1 each from Aotearoa New Zealand, Canada, Germany, Iran, Italy, Türkiye, and the UK (Table 1). There were 13 randomized controlled trials (8 at Level I [33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41], 5 at Level II [31,32,[42][43][44][45]), 2 non-randomized controlled trials (Level III) [46][47][48], and 11 Level IV studies (10 one-group pretest-post-test designs [49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58] and one case study [59]). ...

Transition of Patients with Esophageal Atresia to Adult Care: Results of a Transition-Specific Education Program
  • Citing Article
  • August 2016

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery