October 2007
143 Reads
2 Citations
Psychologie & gezondheid
In this paper we describe a study on emotional intelligence. The hypothesis is that emotional intelligence can be trained. 106 managers took part in a 6 day training in emotional intelligence (TrEIn), spread over a period of 6 months. The Bar-On EQ-I, a well-known and validated measure for emotional capabilities, was used to assess the effect of the training. As a comparison group, 59 managers were assessed without being trained. The average score in the training group was 100.03 before the training and 111.85 at the follow-up (M = 100, SD = 15). The comparison group scored 108.27 before and 111.75 at the follow-up. The hypothesis was supported by the study. Your EQ can increase if you take part in the TrEIn. The Bar-On EQ-I is a self-report measure, in the future we can learn more about the trainability of Emotional Intelligence if we use a 360-degrees-measure.