January 2025
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Publications (137)
December 2024
21 Reads
Background: Children are encouraged to spend 60 min each day performing moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. In this study, we assessed the impact of an intervention throughout the school year on physical activity, sports performance, and school climate in fifth–sixth-grade children from schools in a disadvantaged neighborhood. Methods: The intervention group (n = 44) participated in six weekly 45 min physical education classes; an athletic subgroup of these students participated in two additional weekly athletic classes. The control group (n = 73) participated in two standard weekly physical education classes. Pre- and post-intervention Eurofit Physical Fitness Tests were conducted. Results: Significant improvements were seen in the stand-and-reach test among girls in the intervention group [M = −0.47(7.71)–1.26(8.02) cm] compared to the control group [F(1,54) = 14.86, p < 0.01, η2 = 0.22]. No differences were seen between the groups in their daily physical activity, screen time, or school climate (p = 0.13, p = 0.17, and p = 0.35, respectively). Improvements were seen in the shuttle-run beep test, yet only in the athletic subgroup [F(1,93) = 60.38, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.39]. A trend towards significance for the largest improvement was seen in the athletic subgroup, who participated in eight weekly physical activity classes [F(2,93) = 3.75, p = 0.027, η2 = 0.07). Conclusions: Physical education curricula should enhance their focus on athletic performance, while increasing the number of weekly physical education classes in schools, to include daily lessons throughout the school week, each lasting at least 45 min.
July 2024
9 Reads
Physical Culture and Sport Studies and Research
The purpose of the current study was to examine the challenges of distance learning (DL) teacher education (TE) experienced by decision makers, lecturers, and pedagogical instructors at PE teacher training colleges during the COVID-19 pandemic, and explore how these challenges were dealt with. In-depth interviews were conducted with 24 participants from five colleges of education in Israel where physical education teacher training is taught. A trifold process characterizes the investigated institutions: Frustration and a sense of helplessness, high self-satisfaction regarding the online instruction, and frustration combined with hope that the era of distance teaching will soon end. Most decisions regarding the changes and transitions were made by the teaching staff. Our findings can help those involved in teacher education in understanding how organizational and pedagogical decisions were made under conditions of uncertainty and crisis, and how these training programs were adapted to the new circumstances. Our findings may also serve as a basis for future discussion on long-distance teacher education.
September 2023
41 Reads
9 Citations
Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
When making talent-selection decisions in sport, coaches, scouts, program directors, and policymakers typically adopt two approaches: The subjective approach, also known as the coach's eye, where these professionals select or de-select athletes based on their personal observations and impressions; and the objective approach, where they apply a multi-faceted formula for awarding scores to the athletes' motor skills (such as agility and coordination) and psychological capabilities (such as leadership and motivation)-as a mean for predicting their future success. These two approaches are often perceived as complementary in the strive to reach optimal selection decisions in sport. In this conceptualized article, we examine challenges associated with such talent-selection decisions, and address the coach's eye as an example of a subjective assessment approach. We also address the concept of fast and frugal heuristics for making selection decisions in sport, while elaborating on bounded rationality and the human machine paradigm. Finally, in addition to discussing certain "built-in" limitations in sport-selection decisions , based on judgment and decision-making models, we provide a rationale for adding the big-data approach, as a mean for enhancing links between the subjective and objective assessments currently used in talent-selection decisions in sport.
July 2023
284 Reads
3 Citations
In this study, the three-person officiating (3PO) principle was employed as an innovative method to examine decision-making (DM) processes among basketball referees. We aimed at exploring whether the ranking, experience, and teamwork among 25 basketball referees could predict accuracy of DM in ambiguous situations taken from basketball games. An analysis of 283 officiating cases taken from 100 filmed games was conducted. The events were then classified by nine experts according to whether the officiating decision was accurate, and which referee (Lead, Center or Trail) was standing in the main coverage area, as per the 3PO principle, when the decision was made. Our findings indicate that the teamwork (coordination) component was associated with the quality of DM. Of the 283 events, 60 decisions (21%) were not made from the recommended position according to the 3PO principle; 49 of those decisions were incorrect. The findings are discussed from both developmental and instructional perspectives.
June 2023
25 Reads
1 Citation
June 2023
18 Reads
Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
August 2022
124 Reads
1 Citation
Journal of Sports Analytics
Describing, understanding, predicting, and controlling the improvement of athletic performance are pivotal aspects of sport sciences. Longitudinal trends of the achievements of elite performers, mainly in endurance (e.g., cycling, running, skiing, and swimming) and explosive-power (e.g., jumping, throwing, and weightlifting) sports, were examined in a series of studies. One of the observations in these studies was the significant improvement in performance in the above-mentioned sports over the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. In addition, several factors that can account for the observed improvements were outlined and discussed in the previous literature. The current study contributes to this line of research by examining the rate of improvement in free-throw (FT) shooting of National Basketball Association (NBA) players over a five-decade period –1969–2019. As opposed to many power and endurance sporting events, FT shooting is a fine-motor task performed in a stable and predicted environment. Based on an analysis of more than 2.6 million FT shots, we found that from 1969 to 2019 the FT shooting accuracy fluctuated at around 75%, but did not show any steady trend of improvement. We discuss this finding from a skill-acquisition perspective.
July 2022
70 Reads
6 Citations
Acta Psychologica
The purpose of this study was to explore whether asking middle-aged gamers and non-gamers about their video games habits will affect their performance of cognitive-motor tasks. One-hundred and twenty-one participants were randomly assigned to four groups: (a) gamers who were asked about their playing habits prior to the study, (b) gamers who were asked about their playing habits following the study, (c) non-gamers who were asked about their playing habits prior to the study, and (d) non-gamers who were asked about their playing habits following the study. The participants performed three reaction time (RT) tasks and a digit-span memory task. In a task-switching task, gamers had more correct responses when they answered the questionnaire before performing the task compared with after the task. For the non-gamers, the opposite occurred. We conclude that some performance measures of cognitive-motor tasks could have been affected by the timing of the completion of the questionnaire. This finding should be known to researchers as it may lead to biases gaming research.
June 2022
123 Reads
1 Citation
Background Autonomy or choice can lead to improved learning in various educational domains. The purpose of this online study was to examine whether giving participants a choice regarding the frequency of their received feedback (either after each individual trial or after a block of trials) in a computerized alternate task-switching task, will affect their performance. Methods Participants ( n = 148) were randomly assigned to three groups: choice group ( n = 49), online feedback group ( n = 51), and summary feedback group ( n = 48). From those three groups we created two groups: a choice group and a no-choice group ( n = 49 in each group). All participants performed eight familiarization trials, a pre-test of 24 trials, five blocks of 24 trials for practice, and a post-test of 24 trials. After completing the task, the participants were asked about their perceived feeling of choice and completed the short form of the International Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. Results The participants in the choice group had higher perceived choice compared with the participants in the no-choice group (8.41 vs 5.47 out of 10, respectively). However, this higher perceived choice did not materialize into better performance during practice or in the post-test.
Citations (82)
... Ebből kifolyólag más sportágak példájával szükséges bemutatni a fellelhető sajátosságokat a témában. A tehetségkutatás oldaláról Bar-Eli et al. (2023) kitér arra, hogy van egyrészt szubjektív ("az edző szeme") megközelítés (Lath et al., 2021;Roberts et al., 2019) és objektív megközelítés, ahol a motoros és pszichológiai képességek feltérképezésére törekednek (Koopmann et al., 2020). A két szemléletet a sport területén gyakran egymás kiegészítőjeként alkalmazzák. ...
- Citing Article
September 2023
Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
... Basketball referees are increasingly the focus of academic scrutiny due to their unique profession, where both the psychological and physical demands are high [1,2]. Given that decision-making is the most important aspect of their job [3], the investigation of factors that might affect it, such as internal and external load imposed by the game, is of crucial interest. While offering key insights into physical and physiological requirements [2], this burgeoning research field faces challenges arising from diverse methodologies, sample sizes, genders, officiating statuses, game formats, competition settings, and game periods (e.g., passive and active). ...
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- Full-text available
July 2023
... Overtraining syndrome (OTS) should be mentioned [46,47]. The tendency to damage the musculoskeletal system becomes dangerous, as well as the appearance of pain in the muscles and joints, especially of the overload type, enthesopathies, a tendency to inflammation of tendons and fatigue fractures, weaker metabolism, and changes in body weight [48]. During excessively intense physical exercise, muscle tissue is damaged. ...
- Citing Article
October 2021
... For example, Hüttermann et al. (2018) suggested that when evaluating offside situations, football assistant referees (ARs) need to concurrently track all relevant players (i.e. the passer, the receiver, the line of defense) at the moment of the pass. To accomplish such a task, the AR shifts between an external wide and an external narrow focus of attention using both topdown processes -purposefully searching for desired targets as well as scene guidance -guiding attention towards potentially relevant areas of the field (see Lidor & Ziv, 2021). Using a computerised stationary setting, Hüttermann et al. (2018) showed that ARs who were more accurate in judging attention-demanding stimuli alongside the horizontal meridian of their attentional focus were less erroneous in an offside DM task. ...
- Citing Chapter
October 2021
... Similarly, video analysis on Android can increase understanding because it can directly see the movements made by players so that they can directly analyze errors in motion that may occur [15], [16]. In addition, the android-based application can analyze motion factors from various angles when students perform shooting movements in basketball sports [17], [18]. This is supported by previous research that explains integrating basic motion parameters and biomechanics into basketball shooting techniques to improve student learning [19]. ...
- Citing Article
- Full-text available
August 2022
Journal of Sports Analytics
... Nevertheless, evidence shows no or the partial effect of exercise on reaction times [87][88][89][90][91][92][93]. Additionally, the importance of reaction times is noted in various fields, including electronic gaming [4,[94][95][96][97][98][99] and military scenarios [100][101][102][103][104][105][106]. Advancements in technology, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) platforms, neurofeedback techniques, brain-training apps, and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), offer promising ways to enhance reaction times [107][108][109][110][111][112][113]. ...
- Citing Article
July 2022
Acta Psychologica
... In contrast to predictions, AC-shifting moderates the relationship between internet game addiction tendency and attentional engagement bias. Studies have suggested that the gaming experience could influence visual processing and certain visual attentional abilities (55)(56)(57). For example, Boot and his colleagues (56) investigated visual search skills and reaction times to visual stimuli, and the ability to process rapid visual information of game players was higher compared to non-gamers. ...
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- Full-text available
April 2022
... Moreover, the place of birth could influence the development of an individual's skills and physical activity participation [4,5]. Indeed, it has been shown that different living settings might influence the physical activity partecipation due to the peculiar social and cultural characteristics [5][6][7][8][9][10]. Therefore, it is crucial to highlight the importance of the context in which individuals grew up and how it could influence participation in physical activity. ...
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- Full-text available
April 2022
... Teams often rely on proficient shooters to score points efficiently from long range. This has revolutionized the sport and contributed to the evolution of offensive schemes, with teams placing emphasis on perimeter shooting and spacing to maximize scoring opportunities (Lidor et al., 2022). In recent seasons, the three-point shot increased in popularity, suggesting that teams were increasingly pursuing offensive strategies aimed at three-point field goals with respect to the two-point shot (Romanowich et al., 2007;Gou and Zhang, 2022). ...
- Citing Article
October 2021
... For example, instead of enforcing an inter-team allocation of space, an intra-team allocation might be a better choice to assess space-related effects within a team, such as the space that a certain player of a team is responsible for (Figure 1, right). In a contrasting approach, Eliakim et al. (2022) applied a Voronoi diagram to the average position of onball actions (event data) of a single team and linked the shape of their positioning to match outcome. Such an approach can relate space allocation directly to intra-team properties such as the player's relative positioning. ...
- Citing Article
May 2021