... Indeed, the polymer material involved in the additive manufacturing as well as the added conductor have a major impact on the RFEH performances and it is one of the main issues of the paper to quantify the impact and discuss the pertinence of the manufacturing process proposal in this context. [14], B- [15], C- [16], D- [17], E- [15], F- [15], G- [8], H- [8], I- [18], J- [19], K- [20], L- [21], M- [22], N- [4], O- [23], P- [24], Q- [25], R- [25], S- [26], T- [26], U- [27], V- [27], W- [28], X- [29], Y- [30], Z- [31], AA- [32], BB- [33], CC- [33], DD- [34], EE- [9], FF- [35], GG- [32], HH- [36], II- [28], JJ- [37], KK- [5], LL- [19], MM- [38], NN- [39], OO- [31], PP- [40], QQ- [41], RR- [42], SS- [43], TT- [44], UU- [45] 3D Plastronics allows integrating electronic functions at the surface of the polymer housing of an object by selective metallization of conductive traces and placement of Surface Mount Devices (SMD) [46,47]. 3D Plastronics is the terminology now accepted by the IPC organization [48], but it is also known as Molded Interconnect Devices or Mechatronic Integrated Devices (MID) [47]. ...