Roman Rukwied’s research while affiliated with Heidelberg University and other places

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Publications (122)

Assessing the impact of a transdermal sinusoidal half-sine wave stimulation protocol on the pain sensitive C fiber activation
  • Article

January 2025


1 Read

Douleurs Évaluation - Diagnostic - Traitement

Antigoni Soufla


Martin Schmelz


Roman Rukwied


Figure 1. rhNGF-mediated rapid HPT reduction is transient. HPTs were measured in NaCl-injected or rhNGF (1 mg)-injected forearm skin of 9 subjects over 49 days. (A) Parametric analysis revealed a rapid decline in HPTs after rhNGF treatment at day 3 and day 21 (P , 0.0001 and P , 0.05, Bonferroni multiple comparison test) that normalized completely over the 49-day observation period (n.s., Bonferroni multiple comparison test). The dashed line indicates the cutoff temperature of 50˚C of the thermode. Individual data points and means 6 SEM are given. ###P , 0.0005 (2-way RM-ANOVA) with Bonferroni multiple comparison tests (1P , 0.05, 111 P , 0.0005). (B) Nonparametric analysis of net rhNGF effects (delta values) corroborated the rhNGF-induced HPT decline (NaCl vs rhNGF at day 3 and day 21: ** P , 0.004 and at day 49: P . 0.7, Wilcoxon matched pairs tests) with rapid onset but only transient existence (F 5 12.67, P , 0.001, Friedman ANOVA; day 3 vs day 49: $$ P , 0.002, Dunn post hoc test). Individual data points and median 6 IQR are given. HPT, heat pain threshold; IQR, interquartile range; rhNGF, recombinant human nerve growth factor.
Figure 2. rhNGF produces slow-onset but long-lasting hyperexcitability to mechanical impact stimulation. Mechanical impact pain (4 m/second (A) or 8 m/second (B)) revealed rhNGF-induced hyperexcitability (F(1,8) 5 48.16, P , 0.0002, 3-way RM-ANOVA) that was present across all assessment days (interaction rhNGF 3 day F(2,16) 5 11.54, P , 0.005, 3-way RM-ANOVA). Hyperalgesia peaked at 21 days for both 4 m/second (P , 0.05, Bonferroni multiple comparison test) and 8 m/second (P , 0.00005, Bonferroni multiple comparison test). Pain upon high mechanical impact (8 m/second) remained elevated at day 49, however not significant (P 5 0.25, Bonferroni multiple comparison test). Individual data points and means 6 SEM are given. ##P , 0.005, ###P , 0.0005 (2-way RM-ANOVA) with Bonferroni multiple comparison tests (1P , 0.05, 11 P , 0.005, 111 P , 0.0005). Nonparametric analysis of net rhNGF effects (delta values) corroborated the overall time course of rhNGF-induced mechanical hypersensitivity ((C) 4 m/second: F 5 12.67, P , 0.001; (D) 8 m/second: F 5 12.51, P , 0.001; Friedman ANOVA) and the impact intensity-dependent hyperexcitability at day 49 post rhNGF (8 m/second: P , 0.01; Wilcoxon matched pairs tests). Individual data points and median 6 IQR are given. */$ P , 0.05, **/$$ P , 0.005, IQR, interquartile range; rhNGF, recombinant human nerve growth factor.
Figure 3. rhNGF decreases rectangular electrical currents necessary to induce painful sensations. Transcutaneously delivered rectangular electrical current amplitudes (0.1 ms, 20 Hz) necessary to elicit any (innocuous) sensation (A), a painful sensation (B), or pain NRS 3 (C) were measured in NaCl-injected or rhNGF (1 mg)-injected forearm skin of 9 subjects over 49 days. (A-C) Parametric analysis revealed that rhNGF only sensitizes for rectangular electrical current stimulation in the painful range (A: F(1,8) 5 0.58, P . 0.4; B: F(1,8) 5 7.52, P , 0.03; C: F(1.8) 5 21.29, P , 0.002; 2-way RM-ANOVA). No interaction of sensitization to rectangular stimulation and its time course was recorded for pain threshold (B, F(2,16) 5 0.16, P . 0.8, ANOVA) and pain NRS 3 (C, F(2,16) 5 0.76, P . 0.48, ANOVA). Individual data points and means 6 SEM are given with #P , 0.05 and ##P , 0.005 (2-way RM-ANOVA) and Bonferroni multiple comparison tests (1P , 0.05). (D-F) Nonparametric analysis of net rhNGF effects (delta values) corroborated that rhNGF does not sensitize for innocuous sensations (D, day 3: P . 0.32, day 21: P . 0.79, day 49: P . 0.75) but for pain thresholds (E, day 3: P , 0.01, day 21: P , 0.04, day 49: P . 0.55) and pain NRS 3 (F, day 3 P , 0.05, day 21 P , 0.01, day 49 P , 0.02; Wilcoxon matched pairs tests). Individual data points and median 6 IQR are given. IQR, interquartile range; NRS, numeric rating scale; rhNGF, recombinant human nerve growth factor.
Figure 4. rhNGF increases pain induced by half-sine wave electrical stimulation. Pain elicited by transcutaneous half-sine wave electrical stimulation (500 ms, 0.2-1 mA) was measured in NaCl-injected or rhNGF (1 mg)-injected forearm skin of 9 subjects over 49 days. (A-E) Parametric analysis revealed a robust sensitization by rhNGF at all stimulation intensities (0.2 mA: F(1,8) 5 10.64, P , 0.02; 0.4 mA: F(1,8) 5 14.89, P , 0.005; 0.6 mA: F(1,8) 5 20.47, P , 0.002; 0.8 mA: F(1,8) 5 18.13, P , 0.003; 1.0 mA: F(1,8) 5 31.82, P , 0.0005; 2-way RM-ANOVA), which was particularly strong at day 21 (Bonferroni multiple comparison tests, 111 P , 0.0005) and remained significantly elevated at day 49 even for 0.4 mA amplitudes (Bonferroni multiple comparison tests, 1 P , 0.05). Individual data points and means 6 SEM are given. #P , 0.05, ##P , 0.005, ###P , 0.0005 (2-way RM-ANOVA) with Bonferroni multiple comparison tests (1P , 0.05, 11 P , 0.005, 111 P , 0.0005). (F) Nonparametric analysis of the cumulative net rhNGF effect across all half-sine wave stimulation intensities corroborated the robust and long-lasting hyperexcitability induced by rhNGF even at day 49 (day 3: P , 0.05; day 21: P , 0.01; day 49: P , 0.05; Wilcoxon matched pairs tests). Individual data points and median 6 IQR are given. * P , 0.05, ** P , 0.005. IQR, interquartile range; rhNGF, recombinant human nerve growth factor.
Figure 5. rhNGF increases pain induced by high-intensity 2.5-second sinusoidal electrical stimulation. Pain elicited by transcutaneous sinusoidal electrical stimulation (2.5 seconds, 4 Hz, 0.05-0.4 mA) was measured in NaCl-injected or rhNGF (1 mg)-injected forearm skin of 9 subjects over 49 days. (A-D) Parametric analysis revealed no sensitization by rhNGF at a stimulation amplitude of 0.05 mA (A: F(1,8) 5 5.18, P . 0.05), whereas higher current intensities evoked significantly more pain across all days of assessment (B 0.1 mA: F(1,8) 5 6.93, P , 0.04; C 0.2 mA: F(1,8) 5 14.14, P , 0.01; D 0.4 mA: F(1,8) 5 21.49, P , 0.005; 2-way RM-ANOVA). The time course of sensitization was also depended on the stimulation intensity and revealed consistently elevated pain ratings over the whole 49-day observation period, particularly at high-current amplitudes of 0.2 mA (P , 0.05, Bonferroni multiple comparison test) and 0.4 mA (P , 0.0005, Bonferroni multiple comparison test). Individual data points and means 6 SEM are given. #P , 0.05, ##P , 0.005 (2-way RM-ANOVA) with Bonferroni multiple comparison tests (1P , 0.05, 11 P , 0.005, 111 P , 0.0005). (E, F) Nonparametric analysis of the cumulative net rhNGF effect at low (0.05 1 0.1 mA, E) or high (0.2 1 0.4 mA, F) sine wave stimulation intensities corroborated the robust and long-lasting hyperexcitability induced by rhNGF at high amplitudes (E, day 3: P , 0.02; day 21: P . 0.08; day 49: P . 0.25; F, day 3: P , 0.05; day 21: P , 0.01; day 49: P , 0.04; Wilcoxon matched pairs tests). Individual data points and median 6 IQR are given. IQR, interquartile range; rhNGF, recombinant human nerve growth factor.
Sustained nerve growth factor-induced C-nociceptor sensitization to electrical sinusoidal stimulation in humans
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2024


7 Reads

PAIN Reports

Introduction Injection of recombinant human nerve growth factor (rhNGF) evokes acute heat and prolonged “polymodal” (mechanosensitive [CM]) and “silent” (mechano in sensitive [CMi]) C-nociceptor sensitization. Both nociceptor classes can be activated differentially using slowly depolarizing electrical sinusoidal stimuli. Objectives To explore the temporal profile of nociceptor sensitization to heat and mechanical and electrical stimuli in humans after rhNGF. Methods Recombinant human nerve growth factor (1 µg) and NaCl (0.9%) was injected into human forearm skin (n = 9, 50 µL/injection). Pain ratings (numeric rating scale) to transcutaneous electrical stimuli (1 ms 20 Hz rectangular pulses, 500-ms half-period sine wave [1 Hz] and 4 Hz sine wave pulses [2.5 and 60 seconds]) were assessed at days 3, 21, and 49 after injection, in addition to heat pain thresholds (HPTs, 9 × 9 mm thermode) and mechanical impact pain (4 and 8 m/second). Results Suprathreshold sinusoidal stimulation for specific CM (1 Hz) and combined CM and CMi (4 Hz) activation resulted in enhanced pain from day 3 post rhNGF and lasted throughout 7 weeks. These temporal dynamics contrasted minimum HPTs at day 3 (normalized by day 49) or mechanical impact pain (developing slowly until day 21 before declining depending on stimulus intensity). Correlation analyses of electrical pain indicated diverging kinetics when assessed for CM with or without concomitant CMi activation at days 3 and 21, which converged 7 weeks post rhNGF. Conclusions Exceptionally long sensitization of CM and CMi nociceptors by rhNGF, uncovered by suprathreshold electrical sinusoidal stimulation, indicates a signal transduction–independent long-lasting hyperexcitability of C-nociceptors that clinically may contribute to rhNGF-maintained chronic inflammatory pain.


Slow depolarizing electrical stimuli reveal differential time courses of nociceptor recovery after prolonged topical capsaicin in human skin

September 2024


3 Reads


1 Citation

European journal of pain (London, England)

Background We examined de‐functionalization and temporal functional recovery of C‐nociceptor evoked pain after topical 8% capsaicin applied for 4 consecutive days. Methods Capsaicin and placebo patches were applied to human forearm skin ( n = 14). Cold, warmth and heat pain thresholds, pain NRS to electrical and thermal (48°C, 5 s) stimuli and axon reflex flare were recorded weekly for 49 days. Mechanical and heat sensitive (‘polymodal’) nociceptors were activated by single electrical half‐period sinusoidal pulses (0.5 s, 1 Hz). Mechanical and heat in sensitive (‘silent’) nociceptors were activated by 4 Hz sinusoidal stimuli. Results Capsaicin abolished heat pain. Sensation to electrical sinusoidal stimulation was reduced but never abolished during the treatment. Pain to electrical 1 Hz ‘polymodal’ nociceptor stimulation took longer to recover than pain ratings to 4 Hz 2.5 s sinusoidal stimulation activating ‘polymodal’ and ‘silent’ nociceptors (35 vs. 21 days). Heat pain was indifferent to placebo from day 21–49. Axon reflex flare was abolished during capsaicin and only recovered to ~50% even after 49 days. Conclusions Capsaicin abolishes heat transduction at terminal nociceptive endings, whereas small‐diameter axons sensitive to sinusoidal electrical stimulation can still be activated. 1 Hz depolarizing stimuli evoke burst discharges, as demonstrated before, and recover slower after capsaicin than single pulses induced by 4 Hz. The difference in recovery suggests differential time course of functional regeneration for C‐nociceptor sub‐types after capsaicin. All sensations recovered completely within 7 weeks in healthy subjects. Our findings contrast analgesia lasting for months in spontaneous neuropathic pain patients treated with 8% capsaicin. Significance Sinusoidal electrical stimulation can still activate small diameter axons desensitized to heat after 4 consecutive days of topical 8% capsaicin application and reveals differential temporal functional regeneration of C‐nociceptor sub‐types. Electrical sinusoidal stimulation may detect such axons that no longer respond to heat stimuli in neuropathic skin.

Pharmacological activation of GABAA elicits calcium transients in isolated mouse DRG neurons
A) Bath applied GABA (10–200μM) elicits a concentration-dependent increase in intracellular calcium in DRG neurons (n = 8, 2 dishes). B) Sigmoidal plot depicting the concentration-response curve of GABA from 10–200μM (EC50 = 16.67μM). C) Absence of extracellular calcium (0 mM Ca²⁺e, upper trace, n = 20, 5 dishes) abolished the calcium response to GABA, as did nimodipine (10μM, centre trace, n = 6, 1 dish). Nickel (1μM, NiCl2, lower trace) produced partial block in n = 47 (4 dishes). D) Amplitude values normalised to the initial GABA response depict that the absence of extracellular calcium mediates the GABA response (RM-ANOVA, p<0.001), which returns upon wash-in of standard imaging buffer. Nimodipine abolishes the calcium transient (Friedman’s test, p<0.001), which remains reduced upon washout, while GABA responses in NiCl2 remain almost the same (paired t-test, p<0.001). E) Representative traces of GABA responses with block by the allosteric GABAAR antagonist picrotoxin (50μM, upper trace) and the competitive antagonist bicuculline (50μM, lower trace) show that GABA responses were mediated by GABAAR. F) Normalised responses to GABA (200μM) in presence of picrotoxin (paired t-test, p = 0.026, n = 19, 3 dishes) and bicuculline (RM-ANOVA, p<0.001, n = 47, 8 dishes) show a reduction of GABA-evoked calcium transients, which in case of bicuculline return upon washout. G) Raw trace depicting normalized calcium transients of DRG neurons in response to repetitive GABA (200μM) stimulation during incubation with bumetanide (25μM, black bar and light purple shading). H) Pooled amplitude values of all neurons (n = 122, 6 dishes) showing the progressive decline in response to repetitive applications of GABA in presence of bumetanide (25μM, light purple shading) (RM-ANOVA, p<0.001), with no difference between the GABA 1 and GABA 2 application (n.s.). A significant reduction between GABA 1 and GABA 3 was apparent, but no change in amplitude between GABA 3 –GABA 7 (n.s.), indicating absent GABA responses upon depletion of the chloride gradient. I) Raw trace depicting a neuron responding to both GABA (200μM) & Capsaicin (2μM) and response to high K+ solution (45mM). J) The number of cells expressed as percentage of total cells recorded (n = 106, 3 dishes), responding to only capsaicin (2μM, left column), or GABA (200μM), to GABA (200μM) + capsaicin (2μM), and to high K⁺ solution only (right column). K) Of 27 (approx. 18%, 2 dishes) DRG neurons that responded with a calcium signal to GABA (250μm) none showed a calcium response to histamine (200μM, upper trace) and vice versa for histamine (approx. 9%, lower trace). L) Scatterplot depicting amplitudes of GABA responders (cyan) plotted against histamine responders (magenta) to demonstrate the result of no overlapping DRG cells responding to both stimuli. M) TTX-S electrically-responsive cells are less GABA (200μM) responsive (upper trace) and TTX-R electrically-responsive cells are more likely to show a GABA response (lower trace). N) The amplitude of calcium responses to electrical stimulation showed a composition of both TTX-sensitive and TTX-resistant components, as indicated by TTX-R ratios between 0.5 and 1. (upper trace in M). The amplitude of calcium responses to GABA tended to be larger in cells with a lower TTX sensitivity index, i.e. a higher TTX-R component (upper trace M, shows no responses to 10Hz stimulation and GABA during TTX, while lower trace M, reveals responses).
The effect of intradermal injections of GABA and furosemide + GABA in combination on flare and electrical excitability
A) Intradermal injections of 100μl GABA (1mM, purple solid symbol) caused an axon-reflex skin flare that was identical to 100 μl saline (0.9% NaCl) injections (black circle, ANOVA, n.s. p > 0.5, n = 6). B) Electrically induced pain ratings (NRS) to transdermal 0.2mA sinusoidal stimulation (4Hz) delivered to the volar forearm of n = 10 subjects and applied continuously for 60 sec before 100μl intradermal injections (left panel, open symbols) of 1mM GABA (purple rhombus) or 0.9% NaCl (black circle) and 1 minute after intradermal injections (right panel, solid symbols) of GABA (purple) and NaCl (black). Prior to injection a maximum pain of approx. NRS 4 developed within 15 sec of sinusoidal stimulation and continuously declined throughout the 60 sec recording time (left panel). Following 100μl injections of GABA or NaCl, electrically evoked pain was significantly lower in comparison to baseline condition prior injections (ANOVA, asterisk p < 0.001) with an average of NRS 2 during 15 sec at both treated skin sites (ANOVA, n.s. compared to NaCl). C) Bar chart representing the average pain ratings to a 1Hz (1mA) half period sinewave pulse delivered to volar forearm skin (n = 10). Stimuli were applied repetitively 3 times (I-III) at 10 sec intervals before injection (naïve skin) of 100μl GABA (1mM) or NaCl (open columns, left) and 3 min after injection (filled columns, right). Estimated pain magnitude to 1Hz stimuli increased significantly across the 3 stimulus repetitions (ANOVA, p < 0.005) and was significantly higher in naïve skin compared to injected skin sites (ANOVA, p < 0.01, marked by asterisk). Individual recordings are indicated by +. D) Pain ratings to 1Hz half period sinewave pulses of 1mA amplitude were recorded at baseline (before injection, open columns) and 25 minutes after 100μl injections of 1mg furosemide (blue columns) or NaCl (white columns, n = 12). GABA (100μl, 1mM) was injected into furosemide-/NaCl-treated skin and pain NRS to the 1Hz stimulus monitored immediately after injection (dark grey/purple columns) and to a further bout of electrical stimulation 5 minutes later. Pain ratings were not significantly different between furosemide 1mg and NaCl (0.9%) treatment and compared to baseline (ANOVA, p > 0.6). Injection of 1mM GABA caused significantly less electrically evoked pain in both furosemide and NaCl-treated skin (ANOVA, p < 0.05, marked by asterisks) and thus was not significantly different between the sites (n.s.). Similarly, pain ratings recorded 5 min after GABA injections was identical at the furosemide and saline-sites (n.s.). Individual recordings of each subject are indicated by +. E) Assessment of pain ratings to sinusoidal 4Hz stimulation delivered with 0.2mA amplitudes continuously for 60 seconds and at the same time points as in (D), n = 12 subjects. Injection of furosemide 1mg (blue diamond) had no significant effect on pain magnitude compared to NaCl (black open circles) and were virtually identical to baseline condition (prior to injections). Administration of 100μl GABA 1mM to both furosemide and NaCl treated sites (solid black and purple symbols) diminished sinusoidal 4Hz pain significantly (ANOVA, p < 0.02, marked by asterisk), but reduction of pain ratings to GABA 1mM was not significantly different between furosemide and NaCl treatment (right panels, n.s.).
The effect of NKCC1 blockade by intradermal furosemide on itch, pain and axon reflex flare
A) Assessment of itch (numeric rating scale, NRS 0–10) in response to iontophoresis (20mC) of histamine-dihydrochloride (left panel, triangles, n = 19) or codeine-phosphate (right panel, squares, n = 12) delivered 1 minute after intradermal injections of 100μl furosemide (1mg, filled symbols) or saline (0.9% NaCl, open circles) into the left and right volar forearm, respectively. Both pruritogens evoked maximum itch about 2 min after iontophoresis that declined significantly within the 10 min recording period (ANOVA, p < 0.001). No significant difference of itch magnitude was recorded between the pruritogens and the furosemide / NaCl pre-treatment respectively (n.s.). B) Axon-reflex flare (cm²) assessed after intradermal injection (indicated by arrow) of 100μl furosemide 0.1mg and 1mg (blue diamonds, n = 8, left panel) and 0.9% NaCl (black open circles). Furosemide evoked a dose-dependent and significantly larger flare area in comparison to NaCl (ANOVA, p > 0.02 (0.1mg) and p < 0.005 (1mg), asterisk, left panel). C) Injection of 1mg furosemide (indicated by arrows) evoked a significantly larger axon-reflex flare response to 20mC iontophoresis (indicated by pink columns) of histamine (pink triangles, centre panel) or codeine (red squares, right panel) when compared to NaCl pre-treatment (black open circles) throughout the 10 min recording period (ANOVA, p < 0.05, marked by asterisks). D) Pain ratings (NRS) to sinusoidal current at 4Hz at an amplitude of 0.2mA delivered continuously for 1 minute before (baseline) and after intradermal injection of 1mg furosemide (blue diamonds) or 0.9% NaCl (black open circles), recorded every 4 minutes for 36 min (n = 9). No significant difference of electrically-induced pain was recorded between furosemide and saline treatment throughout the observation period (n.s.). Note that pain ratings during 30–60 sec of stimulation tended to be lower at the furosemide compared to the saline sites at minute 24 and 28 after injection. E) Pain ratings (NRS) to 1Hz sinusoidal stimulation delivered at current intensities of 0.2, 0.6 and 1mA to the forearm skin sites before (pre-)injection (baseline, open columns, n = 8) and after injection of 1mg furosemide (light blue) or 0.9% NaCl (black outline columns) at 16 min (middle panel) and 32 min (right panel). Pain increased significantly with enhanced currents (ANOVA, p < 0.005) but no significant difference was recorded after NKCC1 blockade (1mg furosemide) at 16 and 32 minutes (n.s.).
Depolarization of mouse DRG neurons by GABA does not translate into acute pain or hyperalgesia in healthy human volunteers

August 2024


79 Reads


Anna Kostenko





Richard Carr

The majority of somatosensory DRG neurons express GABAA receptors (GABAAR) and depolarise in response to its activation based on the high intracellular chloride concentration maintained by the Na-K-Cl cotransporter type 1 (NKCC1). The translation of this response to peripheral nerve terminals in people is so far unclear. We show here that GABA (EC50 = 16.67μM) acting via GABAAR produces an influx of extracellular calcium in approximately 20% (336/1720) of isolated mouse DRG neurons. In contrast, upon injection into forearm skin of healthy volunteers GABA (1mM, 100μl) did not induce any overt sensations nor a specific flare response and did not sensitize C-nociceptors to slow depolarizing electrical sinusoidal stimuli. Block of the inward chloride transporter NKCC1 by furosemide (1mg/100μl) did not reduce electrically evoked pain ratings nor did repetitive GABA stimulation in combination with an inhibited NKCC1 driven chloride replenishment by furosemide. Finally, we generated a sustained period of C-fiber firing by iontophoretically delivering codeine or histamine to induce tonic itch. Neither the intensity nor the duration of histamine or codeine itch was affected by prior injection of furosemide. We conclude that although GABA can evoke calcium transients in a proportion of isolated mouse DRG neurons, it does not induce or modify pain or itch ratings in healthy human skin even when chloride gradients are altered by inhibition of the sodium coupled NKCC1 transporter.

476-P: Investigating C-Fiber Activation and Pain Sensitivity in Diabetic Sensorimotor Neuropathy with Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

June 2024


14 Reads


Introduction & Objective: We aimed to assess C-fiber excitability via transcutaneous-electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in diabetic sensorimotor neuropathy (DSPN) and its association with epidermal innervation and quantitative sensory testing. Pain perception was evaluated in glucose-tolerant humans (n=14) and patients with type 2 diabetes: no-DSPN (n=15), possible-DSPN (n=21), probable-DSPN (n=19), and confirmed-DSPN (n=11). Subsequent analysis compared patients with positive (n=17) and negative symptoms (n=16). Methods: Slow depolarizing transcutaneous currents of low-intensity with 4 Hz sinusoidal stimulation profile and single 500 ms half sine wave pulses were used to stimulate C-fibers. Pain perception quantified using (0-10)-Numeric-Rating-Scale, detection/pain thresholds and pain-change-dynamics were assessed. Results: Confirmed-DSPN had diminished pain perception (1.72±0.50 vs 4.98±0.46), elevated detection (0.19±0.04 vs 0.05±0.01) and pain thresholds (0.28±0.04 vs 0.1±0.01) and reduced pain habituation compared to the control group. Elevated pain perception (pos:7.32±0.72 vs neg:3.81±0.98) and lowered detection/pain thresholds (pos:0.24±0.04 vs neg:0.13±0.03) were shown in the positive symptoms group compared to the negative symptoms group (p<0.05). Over 50% of patients with DSPN experience elevated pain with electrical stimuli in regions with reduced heat pain sensitivity, while less than 6% show similar responses in areas with diminished mechanical pain sensitivity indicating axonal degeneration. Conclusions: Our results suggest that DSPN proceeds via differential transductional disruption towards denervation. TENS results, influenced by positive symptoms, confirm C-fibers' role for the clinical burden of DSPN. TENS offers further insights into DSPN's natural course, aiding high-risk patient identification and guiding interventions. Disclosure O. Eldesouky: None. L. Seebauer: Other Relationship; Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH. R. Rukwied: None. R. Carr: None. M. Roshan: None. A. Sulaj: None. D. Tsilingiris: None. S. Kopf: Speaker's Bureau; Lilly Diabetes, Bayer Inc. T.H. Fleming: None. M. Schmelz: Consultant; Lilly GmbH, Merz Therapeutics, Bayer Inc., Medtronic GmbH. J. Szendroedi: None. Z. Kender: None.

Calculating pain sensation in neuropathies

May 2024


15 Reads

Neuromuscular Diseases

Aim. Evaluating pain sensation after C nociceptor activation with transdermal sinusoidal current wave stimulation protocol and skin biopsy. Materials and methods. Healthy volunteers aged 20–30 years (17 females and 18 males) participated after having given their informed consent. Half‑sine wave pulses of 0.5 sec duration (1 Hz) were generated at intensities of 0.2 to 1 mA by a constant current stimulator. Apart from half‑sine wave stimulation, sine wave pulses of 60 sec duration (4 Hz) were generated at intensity of 0.2 mA also by the constant current stimulator (Digitimer Ltd, Welwyn Garden City, UK) controlled by DAPSYS 8 ( Moreover, we performed 3‑mm skin punch biopsies 10 cm above the lateral malleolus of the leg and in the middle of the volar side of the forearm to the volunteer’s group. Results. Delivering transdermal sinusoidal half‑sine wave when trying to stimulate mechano‑sensitive C fibers, when the amplitude of the delivered wave is increased from 0.2 to 1 mA according to our protocol, pain sensation is also increased following the same scheme. If we observe a different scheme of activation in C fibers, this could be a sign of neuropathic pain. Considering the mechano‑insensitive C fibers of pain, when trying to stimulate them we expect increasing pain sensation and then familiarization, desensitization and reduction of pain sensation. As a result, if this scheme isn’t observed when sine wave is delivered transdermal with 1 min of duration, and we observe a different scheme, a C fiber neuropathy and neuropathic pain could be involved. Regarding the skin biopsies, a correlation between pain sensation of sine wave (delivered transdermal to stimulate mechano‑insensitive C fibers of pain on the forearm), and the nerve fiber density was observed. A correlation between the bifurcated fibers of the biopsy site and the pain sensation was observed when mechanosensitive and mechano‑insensitive fibers are stimulated, which needs further investigation. Also, a correlation between the remnant nerve fibers of subepidermal nerve plexus and mechano‑insensitive nerve fibers of pain is observed that also needs further investigation. Conclusion. Skin biopsy and transdermal electrical stimulation are very promising available tools of diagnosing C fiber neuropathies and assessing neuropathic pain.

Human pain ratings to electrical sinusoids increase with cooling through a cold-induced increase in C-fibre excitability

March 2023


37 Reads


3 Citations


Low-frequency sinusoidal current applied to human skin evokes local axon reflex flare and burning pain, indicative of C-fibre activation. Because topical cooling works well as a local analgesic, we examined the effect of cooling on human pain ratings to sinusoidal and rectangular profiles of constant current stimulation. Unexpectedly, pain ratings increased upon cooling the skin from 32 to 18°C. To explore this paradoxical observation, the effects of cooling on C-fibre responses to stimulation with sinusoidal and rectangular current profiles were determined in ex vivo segments of mouse sural and pig saphenous nerve. As expected by thermodynamics, the absolute value of electrical charge required to activate C-fibre axons increased with cooling from 32°C to 20°C, irrespective of the stimulus profile used. However, for sinusoidal stimulus profiles, cooling enabled a more effective integration of low-intensity currents over tens of milliseconds resulting in a delayed initiation of action potentials. Our findings indicate that the paradoxical cooling-induced enhancement of electrically evoked pain in people can be explained by an enhancement of C-fibre responsiveness to slow depolarization at lower temperatures. This property may contribute to symptoms of enhanced cold sensitivity, especially cold allodynia, associated with many forms of neuropathic pain.

Citations (56)

... Capsaicin's role in managing neuropathic pain is enhanced by its capacity to alter neuropeptide release in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, which disrupts pain signaling pathways at both peripheral and central levels [96]. Capsaicin is commonly used in high-concentration topical formulations, such as the 8% capsaicin patch (Qutenza), approved for localized neuropathic pain conditions such as postherpetic neuralgia and diabetic peripheral neuropathy [97,98]. Tetrahydropalmatine (THP) modulates neurotransmitter systems by enhancing dopaminergic and serotonergic activity, contributing to pain relief and improving mood. ...


The Role of Phytochemicals in Managing Neuropathic Pain: How Much Progress Have We Made?
Slow depolarizing electrical stimuli reveal differential time courses of nociceptor recovery after prolonged topical capsaicin in human skin
  • Citing Article
  • September 2024

European journal of pain (London, England)

... 29 However, 4 Hz sine wave stimuli induce single APs per cycle that mainly depend on passive membrane properties, in particular the time constant of the C-fiber axolemma, which is approximately 100 milliseconds in both CM and CMi nociceptors 3 approximately matching the duration of our 4 Hz sinusoidal halfcycle (125 ms), and the membrane resistance, which is increased at lower temperatures resulting in enhanced sinusoidal responses upon cooling. 24 These passive membrane properties are also governing the passive response to half-sine wave stimulation, provoking the first action potential of the half-sineinduced AP burst. Hence, an alteration of the biophysical membrane characteristics, including longer time constants (smaller axonal diameter) and higher membrane resistance (lower potassium conductance), 24 may increase the sensitivity to both depolarizing profiles. ...

Human pain ratings to electrical sinusoids increase with cooling through a cold-induced increase in C-fibre excitability
  • Citing Article
  • March 2023


... For example, when using 100 µs pulses, nerves are excited with an electric field strength that is two orders of magnitude lower than the field strength required for IRE [20][21][22], which means that pulsed fields can excite certain tissues, including nerves and both smooth and striated muscles (e.g., skeletal muscles), which can lead to patient discomfort and/or involuntary muscle movements. Some pulsed fields are also likely to directly stimulate nociceptors and/or pain nerve fibers (e.g., A-delta and/or C fibers) leading to the corresponding sensation of pain [23]. The stimulation of vagal structures can result in bradycardia and/or cough reflexes. ...

Optimized Electrical Stimulation of C-Nociceptors in Humans Based on the Chronaxie of Porcine C-Fibers

Journal of Pain

... Previous findings in patients with neuropathic pain showed a reduced adaptation or even facilitation of pain to 60-second continuous 4 Hz sine wave stimulation. 12,13 Based on the observation that the "activity-dependent slowing" (ADS) of AP conduction is particularly prominent in CMi nociceptors and strongly reduced following rhNGF injections, 8,22,23 a similarly facilitated response upon CMi-nociceptor activation after intracutaneous rhNGF delivery might be expected. Adaptation to the sustained sine wave stimulation, however, did not change after rhNGF at any assessment day, extending previous findings confined to earlier time points of the model. ...

Local hyperexcitability of C-nociceptors may predict responsiveness to topical lidocaine in neuropathic pain

... Hyperknesis, another dysesthesia, is characterized by an increased itch sensation after an itchy stimulus that is thought to predominantly activate sensitized Aδ-and C-fibers (Andersen et al., 2018). The test stimuli for hyperknesis or alloknesis can be of different origins, e.g., chemical (Andersen et al., 2017b), mechanical (Fukuoka et al., 2013;Pall et al., 2015), or electrical (Andersen et al., 2018;Solinski and Rukwied, 2021). ...

Electrically Evoked Itch in Human Subjects

... We found that rhNGF produced hyperalgesia to both electrical stimulation paradigms, which was maintained for the full 7week observation period. Although single nerve fiber recordings unequivocally showed CMi sensitization after rhNGF, 8,22,23,39 our psychophysical measurements do not allow to specifically address the contribution of CMi nociceptors to rhNGFmediated hyperalgesia. By contrast, we can conclude that responses of CM nociceptors to electrical sinusoidal stimuli are enhanced by a single rhNGF injection into human skin for at least 7 weeks. ...

Maximum axonal following frequency separates classes of cutaneous unmyelinated nociceptors in the pig

... 6,26,28,38 Suprathreshold electrical stimulation with classic 0.1-milliseconds 20 Hz rectangular pulses uncovered hyperalgesia particularly after 3 weeks and in accordance with enhanced pain after rectangular electrical stimulation reported before. 21,29,31,38 Therefore, our results indicate that a single rhNGF injection provokes hyperexcitable C-nociceptors for at least 7 weeks, and suprathreshold electrical sinusoidal or mechanical impact stimuli are well suited to expose the existence of this state. . Increased correlation of rhNGF-induced sensitization at day 49 to different sinusoidal stimulation paradigms suggests converging mechanisms. ...

Nerve growth factor sensitizes nociceptors to C‐fibre selective supra‐threshold electrical stimuli in human skin

European journal of pain (London, England)

... Electrical stimulation using sinusoidal pulses selectively activates C-fibers at a certain intensity and causes burning pain [59]. In patients with atopic dermatitis, this type of electrical stimulation causes itching in addition to pain [60]. We therefore investigated whether non-histaminergic pruritogens or histamine can cause a similar switch from electrically induced pain to a mixed pain/itch sensation. ...

Transcutaneous Slowly Depolarizing Currents Elicit Pruritus in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis

Acta Dermato-Venereologica

... In the present explorative human psychophysical study, therefore, we assessed the temporal sensitization profile of heat transduction and mechanical impact stimulation in parallel to neuronal excitability patterns upon rectangular and slowly depolarizing sinusoidal electrical current profiles circumventing sensory transduction. The electrical stimulation comprised profiles of 0.5-second sinusoidal pulses (1 Hz) of maximum 1 mA amplitude that induce a burst of action potentials (APs) in mechanical and heat sensitive "polymodal" C-nociceptors (CM) 27 and 4 Hz sinusoidal cycles of maximum 0.4 mA amplitude that evoke a single AP per cycle in both polymodal and "silent" (mechanical-insensitive) C-nociceptors (CMi). 12 Differential activation of C-nociceptors thereby may indicate the contribution and temporal dynamics of recombinant human nerve growth factor (rhNGF)-induced "polymodal" CM and "silent" CMi nociceptor excitability changes. ...

Slow depolarizing stimuli differentially activate mechanosensitive and silent C-nociceptors in human and pig skin
  • Citing Article
  • May 2020
