Roland Mundil’s research while affiliated with Berkeley Geochronology Center and other places

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Publications (184)

Fig. 1. (A) Cenomanian paleogeography showing western Arctic (Amerasia Basin) and sites discussed in text. Modified from Colorado Plateau Geosystems ©2016. (B) Arctic Alaska paleogeography depicting Hue Shale distal basin floor depositional environment (light green) relative to shelf margin positions in the late Cenomanian and middle Campanian (Houseknecht, 2019; Lease et al., 2022). Circles are sites #1-4 locations in Fig. 3. (C) Seismic reflection image (location in Fig. 1B) showing proximal shelf and slope expanded section that is age equivalent to distal Hue Shale condensed section (green box; Fig. 3).
Fig. 2. Brookian clinothem sequence stratigraphic framework, Colville foreland basin, Arctic Alaska. Modified from Decker (2010), with data from Lease et al. (2022), Herriott et al. (2023), and this paper.
Fig. 3. (A) Gamma ray (GR) correlation showing prevalence of Hue Shale condensed section across broad area of distal basin floor. Sites #1-4 locations for wells and outcrop in Fig. 1B. (B) Jago River section lithology, ash zircon U-Pb dates, and sediment accumulation rates.
Fig. 4. Composite outcrop orthophotos of Jago River section with approximate section heights (m) listed along sampled traverse.
Fig. 5. Carbon isotope correlation between (A) English Chalk carbonate δ 13 C carb (Jarvis et al., 2006; Gale et al., 2020; Mansour and Wagreich, 2022) and (B) Jago River section organic δ 13 C org and ash zircon U-Pb dates. (C) Jago TOC/TIC, (D) HI, (E) P, Ba, Nd, and (F) Mo, Fe, B/Ga results. Redox/salinity fields: Mo-Scott and Lyons, 2012; Fe-Lyons and Severmann, 2006; B/Ga-Wei and Algeo, 2020. See text for abbreviations.


Arctic Alaska deepwater organic carbon burial and environmental changes during the late Albian-early Campanian (103-82 Ma)
  • Article
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September 2024


136 Reads


1 Citation

Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Richard O Lease






Christina A Devera

The middle Cretaceous greenhouse period experienced profound environmental change including episodes of enhanced global burial of organic carbon marked by carbon isotopic excursions (CIEs). However, the role and response of polar regions like the newly formed, partially enclosed Arctic Ocean Basin during middle Cretaceous carbon burial remains enigmatic. We present the first Arctic deepwater CIE record that characterizes conditions offshore of the Alaska margin north of 75 • N paleolatitude. Organic carbon isotopes (δ 13 C org) and 103-82 Ma ash zircon U-Pb dates from the distal Hue Shale record multiple Albian-Campanian CIEs during slow ~3-15 m/Myr sediment accumulation rates. Average total organic carbon (TOC) increased substantially during large 2-3 ‰ CIEs of the ~101 Ma Albian-Cenomanian boundary event (from 7 to 18 % TOC) and ~94 Ma Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event (5 to 10 % TOC). Turonian TOC remained elevated (8-13 %) during high global sea levels and temperatures of the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum, followed by an increase from 7 to 11 % TOC during the ~90 Ma late Turonian event 1.5 ‰ CIE. Average TOC subsequently decreased in the Con-iacian-Campanian, but relative maxima occurred during subtle 0.5-1 ‰ CIEs interpreted as the ~87 Ma late Coniacian event (increase from 4 to 7 % TOC), ~85 Ma Horseshoe Bay event (3.5 to 4.5 % TOC), and ~84 Ma Santonian-Campanian boundary event (3.5 to 5 % TOC). Increases in hydrogen index and productivity proxies (P, Ba, Nd) that accompanied each CIE episode with enhanced TOC suggest a strong link between marine productivity and organic carbon burial at short-term CIE timescales. However, long-term (>5-8 Myr) changes in trace metal redox (Mo, Fe, V) and salinity (B/Ga) proxies suggest shifts in prevailing environmental conditions at timescales longer than the CIEs. Late Albian-middle Turonian marine salinity occurred during euxinic (103-98 Ma) and suboxic (98-90 Ma) conditions with deposition interpreted to have occurred within and beneath an oxygen minimum zone, respectively. In contrast, late Turonian-early Campanian (90-82 Ma) freshening and restricted euxinic basin conditions may signal the start of widespread restriction known to characterize the Paleogene Arctic. Overall, these results highlight that middle Cretaceous Arctic deepwater remained a productive marine carbon sink coupled to the global carbon cycle despite evolving Arctic greenhouse conditions.


Triassic Gondwanan floral assemblages reflect paleogeography more than geologic time

February 2024


187 Reads

Gondwana Research

Triassic non-marine strata from Gondwana are dated almost exclusively by biostratigraphic means, given the rarity of precise radioisotopic and magnetostratigraphic datasets. A primary method for constraining the age of these sedimentary sequences is palynomorph biostratigraphy, which implicitly assumes that differences in the presence/absence of taxa between two or more assemblages reflect a difference in geological ages. But without biostratigraphically-independent age data, this assumption often remains untested. The Triassic El Peñasco Group of the Santa Clara sub-basin in the Cuyana Basin of central-west Argentina is an excellent study system to help test these assumptions, because the upper part of the sequence comprises a fluvio-deltaic-lacustrine succession that preserves volcaniclastic horizons and extensive palynomorph assemblages. Previous palynostratigraphic analyses had inferred a Late Triassic (Carnian-Norian) age for the Santa Clara Abajo and overlying Santa Clara Arriba formations, but we present new precise U-Pb CA-TIMS zircon ages that suggest an upper Anisian (Middle Triassic) age for both formations. This makes it the only non-marine Anisian Gondwanan sequence, and one of only a handful globally, to be precisely dated geochronologically. These new ages also constrain the depo-sition of the >700 m-thick succession of the Santa Clara Abajo and Santa Clara Arriba formations to no more than 2.1 my of time, suggesting it represents a synrift phase of the sub-basin. Combining these and existing geochronologic data with a newly assembled comprehensive presence/absence dataset of palynomorphs from the Anisian-Norian of Gondwana, we demonstrate that paleogeography (paleolati-tude) has a significantly stronger correlation with taxonomic composition of assemblages than does geo-logic time. These results imply that geography is an important null hypothesis in explaining differences in early Mesozoic Gondwanan palynomorph assemblages, and that precise geochronologic age constraints are important for refining the accuracy of Triassic palynomorph biochronology.

A Carboniferous Apex for the late Paleozoic Icehouse

February 2023


832 Reads


15 Citations

Geological Society London Special Publications

Icehouse climate systems occur across an abbreviated portion of Earth history, comprising ∼25% of the Phanerozoic record. The Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA) was the most extreme and longest lasting glaciation of the Phanerozoic and is characterized by periods of acute continental scale glaciation, separated by periods of ice minima or ice-free conditions on the order of <10 ⁶ years. The late Paleozoic glaciogenic record of the Paraná and Kalahari basins of southern Gondwana form one of the largest, best preserved, and well calibrated records of this glaciation. In the Carboniferous, the eastern and southern margins of the Paraná Basin and the Kalahari Basin were characterized by subglacial conditions, with evidence for continental and upland glaciers. In the latest Carboniferous, these basins transitioned from subglacial reservoirs to ice-free conditions evidenced by the widespread deposition of marine deposits juxtaposed on subglacial bedforms. High-precision U-Pb zircon CA-TIMS geochronologic constraints from volcanic ash deposits in the deglacial marine black shales of the Kalahari Basin and from fluvial and coal successions, which overlie marine deposits in the Paraná, indicate subglacial evidence in these regions is constrained to the Carboniferous. The loss of ice in these regions is congruent with a late Carboniferous peak in p CO 2 and widespread marine anoxia in the late Carboniferous. The permeant retreat of glaciers in basinal settings, despite an early Permian p CO 2 nadir, highlight the influence of short-term perturbations on the longer-term CO 2 record and suggests an ice-threshold had been crossed in the latest Carboniferous. A definitive driver for greenhouse gases in the LPIA, such as abundant and sustained volcanic activity or an increased biologic pump driven by ocean fertilization, is unresolved for this period. Lastly, the proposed Carboniferous apex for the high-latitude LPIA record is incongruent with observations from the low-latitude tropics where an early Permian peak is proposed.

Citations (60)

... We document chemostratigraphy in an outcrop of late Albian to early Campanian (~103-82 Ma) marine source rocks to better understand paleoenvironmental controls on trace element (TE) enrichment and organic matter accumulation in the distal Colville foreland basin of Arctic Alaska and how those drivers are linked to arc volcanism and successions of Cretaceous oceanographic and climatic biogeochemical events. This unique, 113m-thick section of Cretaceous Hue Shale deposited during a series of previously undocumented Arctic Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events (Lease et al., 2024) is the only known exposure of thermally immature (0.48-0.52% R o , random vitrinite reflectance) Hue Shale in Arctic Alaska. ...


Chemostratigraphy of the Cretaceous Hue Shale in Arctic Alaska: Exploring paleoceanographic controls on trace element enrichment, organic matter accumulation, and source-rock evolution
Arctic Alaska deepwater organic carbon burial and environmental changes during the late Albian-early Campanian (103-82 Ma)

Earth and Planetary Science Letters

... 。这一正偏趋势在华南滇黔桂地区的合山剖面 [7] ,南秦岭的西口剖面 [69] , 亚美尼亚的 Scovetashan 剖面 [70] ,伊朗的 Abadeh 剖面 [71] 和 Shahreza 剖面 [72] 均可观察到。通 常随着大规模的碳循环波动,有机碳和无机碳同位素组成变化通常呈现一致性,在澳大利 亚悉尼盆地 [3] ,华南 ZK15916 钻孔 [8] 和南极的 Portal 山剖面 [73] 的有机碳同位素变化也同样 合山剖面 [7] ,南秦岭的西口剖面 [69] ,亚美尼亚的 Scovetashan 剖面 [70] ,伊朗的 Abadeh 剖面 和 Shahreza 剖面 [72] 的无机碳同位素记录及澳大利亚的悉尼盆地 [3] ,华南 ZK15916 钻孔 [8] 值正偏移幅度低于后者的 δ 13 C 值,负偏移幅度大于后者,这可能与陆源输入和有机碳降解 有关。浅水台地受水动力环境和海平面变化的控制,部分有机碳可能在埋藏过程中发生耗 氧降解甚至埋藏后再氧化 [77-78] ,导致 δ 13 C 值的降低。相较于斜坡,浅水台地更容易受到陆 源输入物质的影响,陆源输入会显著改变碳酸盐岩中碳同位素,造成碳同位素显著负偏 [79] 。 图 5 吴家坪阶全球碳同位素对比 1.华南上寺剖面;2.华南合山剖面 [7] ;3.南秦岭西口剖面 [69] ;4.亚美尼亚 Scotashan 剖面 [70] ;5.伊朗 Abadeh 剖面 [71] ;6.伊朗 Shahreza 剖面 [72] ;7.澳大利亚鲍文盆地 [3] ;8.华南 ZK15916 钻孔 [8] ;9.南极 Portal 山剖面 [73] Fig.5 Global carbon isotope correlation of the Wuchiaping Formation 1. Shangsi section of South China; 2. Heshan section of South China [7] ; 3. Xikou section of South Qinling [69] ; 4. Scotashan section of Armenia [70] ; 5. Abadeh section of Iran [71] ; 6. Shahreza section of Iran [72] ; 7. Bowen basin of Australia [3] ; 8. drill Core ZK15916 of South China [8] ; 9. Portal Moutain section of Antartica [73] 4.3 吴家坪期海洋氧化还原演化机制 晚二叠世是地质历史的关键时期,期间发生了地质历史上规模最大的二叠纪末生物大 灭绝事件 [12,80] ,普遍认为这一事件的启动与同时期环境变化诸如泛大陆裂解 [2,81] 、大气 CO 2 的持续升高[82][83] 、基默里地块北移[84][85] 、晚古生代冰期的结束[3,86] 、热带大陆的干旱化[87- ...

High-precision CA-IDTIMS U-Pb chronostratigraphy in the Bowen Basin, eastern Australia, calibration of deep-time climate change, super-volcanism and mass extinction

Gondwana Research

... Steele, 1987;Chan, 1989). This Late Pennsylvanian -Permian succession was deposited during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA; Fielding et al., 2008;Montañez et al., 2016;Griffis et al., 2022) and is located in the central Pangean equatorial region (Soreghan et al., 2020). In consequence, these early Permian series provide an opportunity to study the variation of depositional environments, vegetation preservation and stratigraphic cycles considering sea-level, tectonics and sediment supply variations within glacial-interglacial phases in the equatorial Pangea. ...

A Carboniferous Apex for the late Paleozoic Icehouse

... Substantial evidence indicates that the LPIA was composed of multiple deglaciation and glaciation events [1,5,8,16]. The Late Pennsylvanian marks the peak of the LPIA [3,17,18], distinguished by a cold climate and widespread ice sheets in high paleolatitude regions [1,3,5,[19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. These conditions induced significant high-frequency sea-level fluctuations on a global scale [12,[26][27][28][29][30][31][32], resulting in the development of cyclothems in far-field regions. ...

A Carboniferous Apex for the late Paleozoic Icehouse

Geological Society London Special Publications

... Pedogenic carbonates have been used to reconstruct deeptime paleoclimate. Using geochemical properties, including stable carbon and oxygen isotopes (Leone et al., 2000;Retallack, 2005), it is possible to determine whether a paleosol developed under seasonally wet-and-cool or warm-anddry conditions (Tabor et al., 2022;Sheldon and Tabor, 2009;Gastaldo et al., 2020b). In addition, it is possible to derive estimates of atmospheric pCO 2 at the time of calcite precipitation from calcite-cemented soil nodules (Gastaldo et al., 2014;Joachimski et al., 2022). ...

Evidence of a Continuous Continental Permian-Triassic Boundary Section in western Equatorial Pangea, Palo Duro Basin, Northwest Texas, U.S.A.

... These layers likely postdate the Hyperodapedon Acme Zone (sensu Langer et al., 2007), which has a maximum deposition age of 233 million years (Langer et al., 2018), and correlate with the Exaeretodon Biozone of the Ischigualasto Formation in Argentina. The Exaeretodon Biozone (Ischigualasto Formation) overlies layers containing abundant Hyperodapedon, deposited between 231.4 and 225.9 million years ago (Irmis et al., 2022;Martínez et al., 2011Martínez et al., , 2012Martínez et al., , 2013Novas et al., 2021;Schultz et al., 2020). ...

South American Triassic geochronology: Constraints and uncertainties for the tempo of Gondwanan non-marine vertebrate evolution
  • Citing Article
  • April 2022

Journal of South American Earth Sciences

... Plutonism in the Sierra Nevada batholith peaked between 100 Ma and 85 Ma with the emplacement of the large Tuolumne, John Muir, and Mount Whitney Intrusive Suites along the axis of the range (Hirt, 2007;Davis et al., 2012;Memeti et al., 2022). Mid-Cretaceous contractional and later transpressional deformation coeval with pluton emplacement is widely recorded (e.g., Greene and Schweickert, 1995;Tikoff and de Saint Blanquat, 1997;Sharp et al., 2000;Tobisch et al., 2000;Cao et al., 2016;Krueger and Yoshinobu, 2018;Attia et al., 2022). ...

Coupled magmatic and host rock processes during the initiation of the Tuolumne Intrusive Complex, Sierra Nevada, California, USA: A transition from ephemeral sheets to long-lived, active magma mushes

Geological Society of America Bulletin

... Nonetheless, comparable habitats were present in different regions of Pangaea (e.g. the Anisian Moenkopi Formation of North America and the Buntsandstein of Central Europe, Haque et al. 2021) harbouring similar temnospondyl faunas. Furthermore, lithological evidence differs for the fossil occurrences of each group. ...

Magnetostratigraphy of the Triassic Moenkopi Formation From the Continuous Cores Recovered in Colorado Plateau Coring Project Phase 1 (CPCP‐1), Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA: Correlation of the Early to Middle Triassic Strata and Biota in Colorado Plateau and Its Environs

... Recent research at Namibian basins displays areas below diamictites where the basal unconformity may be undulating, highly irregular and heterogeneous, with areas of heavy sediment injections into fractured bedrock that are interpreted to be subglacial (Le Heron et al., 2021b) and not only clastic dykes; the latter may be common subglacially (e.g., Sokołowski & Wysota, 2020). Sediment injections are regular features of SGFs, and together with the general appearance of the area, this may indicate an origin by SGFs and not glaciation (Dufresne et al., 2021;Molén, 2021Molén, , 2023aMolén & Smit, 2022). ...

The Late Palaeozoic Ice Age unconformity in southern Namibia viewed as a patchwork mosaic

... These rocks intruded into the Lower Cambrian Sugetbark Formation, forming a discordant body. Geochronological studies indicate that the formation age of these rocks is between 292 and 290 Ma 34,35 , which is consistent with the age of the Tarim CFB rather than that of the mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks belonging to the later magmatic stage 28,29,32,33,36 . In addition, the trace element characteristics and Sr-Nd isotope compositions of the Akesu diabase are similar to those of the Tarim CFB 32 . ...

Constraining the duration of the Tarim flood basalts (northwestern China): CA-TIMS zircon U-Pb dating of tuffs
  • Citing Article
  • May 2021

Geological Society of America Bulletin