Roland Calori’s research while affiliated with HEC Paris and other places

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Publications (50)

Sameness, Otherness? Enriching Organizational Change Theories With Philosophical Considerations On The Same And The Other
  • Article

January 2006


440 Reads


86 Citations

Academy of Management Review


Roland Calori

Our objective is to discuss, in the organizational change literature, the recurring use of what we call the "sameness principle," along with another principle, inspired by contemporary philosophy and somehow present in the organizational ethics literature, called "otherness." We review four classic organizational change approaches, underscore the limitations of the sameness principle, and position otherness relative to current organizational ethics literature. We then emphasize the role of powerful agents within the organization as potential conveyors of otherness and deduce propositions that relate these agents' posture to the observable type of organizational change processes.

Transnational project teams and networks: Making the multinational organization more effective

May 2003


551 Reads


90 Citations

Journal of World Business

The role of transnational project teams and networks (TPTNs) has increasingly become an important organizational mechanism for facilitating horizontal cooperation in multinational corporations (MNCs). In spite of this importance, there is little information on this innovative form of organization. Using data collected from 9 teams in several organizations, this paper explores the impact that context has on TPTNs, how such teams function and the role that leadership plays in their effectiveness. Practical recommendations and implications for future research are provided.

Diagnostic et décisions stratégiques

January 2003


559 Reads


15 Citations

Sumario: Identité et segmentation stratégique de l'entreprise -- Analyse des systèmes concurrentiels -- Diagnostic de la position stratégique: analyse du portefeuille d'activité -- Diagnostic des ressources -- Diagnostic de la mise en oeuvre des ressources -- Strtégie d'ensemble de l'entreprise -- Stratégie dans un domaine d'activité -- De la stratégie à l'action -- Défis stratégiques: diversification et développement international -- Le cas Maco-Meudon

Organizational Development and the Ontology of Creative Dialectical Evolution

February 2002


81 Reads


60 Citations


This paper invites organizational theorists to a double stretching, towards philosophy on the one hand and towards practitioners' lay theories on the other. We rely on Henri Bergson's ontology of creative evolution so as to build a `quad-motor' theory explaining the process of development in organizations and to formulate propositions on the relationships between organizational development and the lay ontology of organizational members. Then we illustrate the links between philosophy and practice, and show how the analysis of a narrative by a practitioner (Michel Barthod, Chief Executive of Salomon, a high-growth company, in the 1980s) can elicit his lay ontology, thus making possible future empirical corroborations of the above propositions. This narrative is in line with Bergson's ontology of creative (dialectical) evolution, and also contains the concepts of an integrative framework explaining organizational development. In the third section, inspired by the philosopher, Henri Bergson, and by the practitioner, Michel Barthod, we build such a framework in which becoming and relating are two central intertwined concepts.

Managing Change at Novotel: Back to the Future
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2000


6,941 Reads


43 Citations

Long Range Planning

Novotel is one of the world's major hotel chains, occupying a leading place in Europe and with locations globally. We interpret Novotel's change management programme in the 1990s in three parts. First, we summarise the actions that managers took in terms of strategy and organisation. Second, we consider the sequence and timing of events, and how this resulted in rapid transformation in an organisation employing more than 30,000 people. Third, we emphasise the dialectical nature of the change processes: an element often ignored in the literature that likes to see things as an either–or rather than a both. We observed both deliberation and experimentation; both integration and differentiation. We also observed both preservation and transformation, as noted in our sub-title ‘Back to the Future’. Finally, we wrap up with a discussion explaining how our story can add to better thinking about change. We suggest that we can shed new light on some old debates and provide tangible guides for action.


Innovative international strategies

December 2000


315 Reads


44 Citations

Journal of World Business

The analysis of practitioners’ narratives in four industries—cables and wires, paint, footwear chocolate, and sugar confectionery—shows that innovative international strategies drive the dynamics of international competition. The four industry case studies suggest an empirical classification of innovative international strategies based on four main dimensions: nature of the firm’s competitive advantage, process of internationalization, segment scope, and level of coordination across borders. From these dimensions derive six types of innovative international strategies that change the rules of competition. The findings support a proactive view of economic development and strategic management. This framework can inspire decision makers in charge of crafting consistent and effective international strategies, as it shows that strategic choice can transform industry structure.

Ordinary Theorists in Mixed Industries

November 2000


18 Reads


30 Citations

Organization Studies

In this article, the collective knowledge of practitioners, expressed in narratives and translated into a rigorous form (cognitive maps) is considered as a useful contribution to theory building. The article discusses the epistemic foundations of this pragmatic approach to organization studies, presents a method for analyzing and integrating the knowledge of practitioners, and reports an application in which such collective practical knowledge is compared to mainstream theories of the dynamics of international competition.

International Competition in Mixed Industries

June 2000


41 Reads


9 Citations

Long Range Planning

The collective knowledge of practitioners is useful for theory building. One of the roles of researchers is to tap practitioners' knowledge, analyse it and integrate it into a collective knowledge base (a process similar to the design of expert systems). This paper analyses the collective knowledge of practitioners in four mixed industries: cables and wires, chocolate and sugar confectionery, paint, and footwear, and compares their collective espoused theory of the dynamics of international competition to mainstream economic and strategic theories. Several salient concepts are discussed: the formation of regional competitive territories, the dual effect of marketing intensity, the influence of demand factors (international customers and high-growth market), and the role of strategic innovators across borders. These concepts deviate from mainstream theories of internationalisation and suggest new theoretical developments. Also the framework derived from this collective knowledge base can return to managers and be used for crafting international strategies.

Citations (37)

... Conceptually, our goal was to locate industry variables likely to influence a firm's strategic behavior as well as its performance outcomes in international competition. Previous studies by Calori et al. (2000b), Johansson and Yip (1994), Yip (2003) and Porter (1990) served as a starting point. Overall, these studies highlight the importance of technology, cost, and competitive factors that drive internationalization. ...


Does market context impact payoffs to internationalization?
Structural Forces Driving Global Integration
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2000

Roland Calori


Paul Emmanuelides


Egbert Kahle




Juan José Renau

... In addition, Child et al. (2022) emphasised in a recent review study that the context, which includes the technological intensity of the sector in which SMEs operate, is essential for the internationalisation of these businesses and the dynamics that are associated with them. Firms that are technologically intensive (medium to high-tech) compete with innovative and technically superior products that are capable of redefining an industry, whereas low-tech firms compete with comparable and undifferentiated products (Calori et al., 2000;Faroque et al., 2017). Due to this the internationalisation barriers encountered by the technologically intensive firms are typically different experienced by the low-tech SMEs (Faroque et al., 2017;Chandra et al., 2020;Roy et al., 2016). ...

The Dynamics of International Competition: From Practice to Theory
  • Citing Book
  • January 2000

... However, the use of these techniques in IB research is still in its early stages (Messner, 2022). To our knowledge, the earliest use of ML-based methods in IB research is by Veiga et al. (2000), who use back-propagation (BP) neural networks to analyze cultural patterns in French and British firms, providing valuable insights into cultural differences in IB. Subsequent studies apply similar algorithms to model transaction cost factors in joint ventures and predict market selection and subsidiary performance (Brouthers et al., 2009;Hu et al., 2004). ...

Using neutral network analysis to uncover the trace effects of national culture.
  • Citing Article
  • June 2000

... Pour éviter les redites, elles n'apparaissent pas en bibliographie mais sont listées dans mon CV. Bonté, 2001;Boissin et Favre-Bonté, 2001) s'inscrivent donc dans la lignée des recherches sur l'investissement direct étranger (Chang, 1995;Barkema et Vermeulen, 1998 2 ;Mucchielli, 1994Mucchielli, , 1998 -qui a participé à mon jury de thèse) ainsi que celles sur la dialectique global/local proposée par Atamer et Calori (1993) -avec lequel j'ai eu l'occasion d'échanger pendant la thèse. Aujourd'hui, la question du choix du mode d'entrée sur les marchés étrangers est reconnue comme étant une décision stratégique (Lu, 2002) et est largement répandue dans les travaux de recherche en management international, notamment dans le contexte des multinationales (Canabal et White III, 2008). ...

Enquête : les défis des années 90 pour les entreprises et les managers européens
  • Citing Article
  • January 1993

... Most of the research on culture clashes looks at how the differences in cultures of two organizations which merge make business processes more difficult (Buono et al., 1985;Sales & Mirvis, 1984). This is even more likely to be the case when two firms' organizational cultures are rooted in two different national cultures (Schneider 1988;Veiga, Lubatkin, Calori, & Very, 2000;Very et al., 1993). ...

An Investigation of National and Organizational Cultural Influences in Recent European Mergers
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1993

Advances in Strategic Management

... Les interrogations concernant d'éventuels licenciements ou déménagements créent de l'anxiété qui déconcentre, entraîne une baisse de la productivité et une dégradation du climat de travail (repli sur soi). Le contact avec une autre structure engendre également un choc culturel d'autant plus important que s'ajoute une dimension internationale, c'est-à-dire que l'acquéreur est de nationalité différente (Véry, Calori et Lubatkin, 1994). On va alors observer une attitude de rejet de l'autre et de dénigrement. ...

Acquisitions en Europe : Typologie et Facteurs de Centralisation
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1994

... The ethnic psychology literature has long been concerned with the experience of acculturative stress among immigrants and ethnic minorities in the receiving society, which negatively affects their psychological and social adaptation therein (Berry, 2006;Crockett et al., 2007;Gil, Vega, & Dimas, 1994). Acculturative stress has also been examined in the context of organizations undergoing mergers and acquisitions and those that are foreign owned (Lee et al., 2019;Nahavandi & Malekzadeh, 1988;Very et al., 1996). Managers of acquired firms or those working in foreign firms may face acculturative stress, as they need to acculturate to the norms and practices transferred from the acquiring firm or the MNE's parent company, the elements of which are likely to be incongruent with those of their original company or national culture. ...

A Cross-National Assessment of Acculturative Stress in Recent European Mergers
  • Citing Chapter
  • December 1998

... The 1993-2000, fifth, wave resembled its 1920s counterpart because it emphasized big horizontal -consolidation -mergers against a backdrop of transient market ebullience. On the other hand, the fifth wave was the first to be unequivocally global in reach (Calori et al., 1996). It has also been characterized as consisting of large, friendly fusions where there were mostly congenial changes in corporate governance arrangements and relatively fewer incidences of hostile, debt-laden deals (Holmstrom and Kaplan, 2001) [3][4] [5]. ...

Une Etude Empirique des Formes et Déterminants de l’Intégration Post-Acquisition
  • Citing Article
  • January 1996

Management international

... Chakrabarti et al. (2009) notes anticipation of cultural challenges could lead firms to "take better due diligence". Very et al. (1996) found greater cultural distance to cultivate perceptions of attraction rather than stress. However, large cultural differences are known to slow down and lessen the degree of integration, prompting the question of whether the benefits of long-term financial success offset the increased integration troubles experienced in the post-merger phase (Bauer & Matzler, 2014). ...

A Cross-National Assessment of Acculturative Stress in Recent European Mergers
  • Citing Article
  • March 1996

International Studies of Management and Organization