Rohmansyah Rohmansyah’s research while affiliated with Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta and other places

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Publications (21)

Hadith about Ṭā'ūn Disease
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August 2024


6 Reads

Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura

Rohmansyah Rohmansyah


Yayat Hidayat

COVID-19 has emerged as the global challenge confronting the community. The Indonesian government and Muhammadiyah have been engaged in efforts to mitigate the ongoing transmission of COVID-19. Diverse strategies have been employed to combat this disease and prevent its spread and fatalities. This study aims to examine and explain Muhammadiyah’s preventive efforts in Indonesia to combat COVID-19, drawing upon an interpretation of hadiths from the Prophet. A qualitative method was employed to address this issue with a historical, sociological approach to investigate the social conditions during the time of the Prophet and their prevention in relation to contemporary times performed by Muhammadiyah. The study revealed that Muhammadiyah has addressed community and humanitarian issues by implementing efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19. One such effort was restricting worship activities in mosques and encouraging people to perform them at home until the situation returned to normal. However, in areas deemed safe from COVID-19, worship could still be conducted in mosques while adhering to health protocols such as maintaining social distance, wearing masks, and practicing proper hand hygiene. Furthermore, learning in large group settings has been limited, leading to a shift toward remote online learning from home. Engaging in outdoor muamalah activities, such as working, meetings, religious studies, shopping, and other activities that attract and result in big gatherings, has also been restricted. These efforts aim to disrupt the transmission of COVID-19 as a manifestation of societal care, guided by the teachings of the Prophet as recorded in the hadiths.


Sectarian tensions, islamophobia, and decolonization: comparing Jasser Auda’s and Jonathan Brown’s analysis of the hadiths concerning Aisha’s marital age

Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies

The ongoing debate surrounding the hadiths on Aisha’s age of marriage has givenrise to two main positions among Muslim scholars, namely: the rejectors, thosewho reject the hadiths’ validity and propose the view that Aisha got married atan older age, and the defenders, those who defend them as valid hadiths andaccept that Aisha consummated her marriage at the early age of nine years old. Inthis study, we examine this issue through the opposing arguments offered by twocontemporary Muslim scholars: Jasser Auda, who represents the view of hadithrejectors, and Jonathan Brown, who represents those who accept the validity of thehadiths. These two scholars have been chosen to represent these two standpointsmainly because of their novel and distinctive theoretical contributions to theongoing debate. Entangled in this debate is the issue of whether pre-modernreality can be assessed by using modern norms. We employ critical analysis onthe epistemological and methodological aspects surrounding the two scholars’interpretations of the hadiths of Aisha’s age of marriage. We argue that threesignificant features distinguish Auda and Brown’s dispositions. These are: first,their different conceptions of the interplay between politics, knowledge, andmemory; second, their differing epistemological approaches to hadith science;and third, their opposing assumptions about the universality of modern norms.


December 2023


44 Reads

Khazanah Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora

Aris Fauzan


Safrudin Edi Wibowo


Masrukhin Muhsin




Nawari Ismail

The purpose of this article is to reveal the Javanese translation of the word Anâ Allâh in QS. Taha/20: 9-15. To discuss the issue the author uses a critical content analysis and comparative analysis approach. The findings in this qualitative research are: first, the translators agreed to use Ingsun to translate Anâ Allâh. Second, they use Ingsun for Anâ Allâh because they want to dwell and honor Allah above everything, the Almighty. It is related to their understanding, awareness, and implementation of Javanese culture, unggah-ungguh (honorific speech). Third, they chose Ingsun to translate Anâ Allâh: philosophically, Ingsun is the Essence and Existence of God. Culturally ethically, Ingsun is only used by high-class people. An ordinary man who pronouns Ingsun for himself, shows that he is involved in conflict or doesn’t understand unggah-ungguh. Sufistically, Ingsun is a perfect word that represents a person's spiritual experience of uniting with his God. This research significantly contributes to the body of knowledge on ethical linguistics in religious texts, especially from a Javanese perspective which is relatively understudied by scholars of Islamic studies.

Preventive Measures on Sexual Freedom in The Maesan Wetan Area In Islam and Health Sciences

July 2023


4 Reads

The problem experienced by society in general is sexual freedom which is practiced by most teenagers and parents on average. Free sex or sexual freedom is carried out by force and there is consensual consent for men and women. They are free to do so even though there is already a statutory law that regulates the prohibition of sexual harassment. This service is carried out in the Maesan Wetan area and aims to anticipate sexual freedom in society. The method of this dedication is a qualitative method and lectures with three stages, namely: the first stage, presentation of free sex material in hadith and medical science. The second stage, the question and answer method. The third stage is evaluation. The results of this service are: First, the public's knowledge of the dangers of free sex increases. Second, the strategy is to stay away from it and overcome it by providing educational aspects for their children to stay away from free sex. Third, the community has the ability to know the bad consequences arising from free sex, namely HIV-AIDS which causes the perpetrators to develop the disease. There is no medicine for this disease that can cure it and only relies on drugs that can reduce and reduce the number of HIV viruses, namely Antiretrovirals (ARVs) so that they do not enter the AIDS stage. In addition, ARVs function to prevent opportunistic infections that can attack the human immune system.

Fig. 1. Presenting Quranic material.
Fig. 2. Digital Quran application training.
The Strategy for Increasing the Islamic Knowledge of the Bulu Community through Digital Quran Application Training

July 2023


17 Reads

In the current era, the development of science and technology is increasingly sophisticated, making it easier for humans to access every digital application on cellphones and laptops. However, some people do not access optimally because of their limited knowledge. This service program is aimed at improving the Islamic knowledge of the community in Bulu, Lendah, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta in reading the holy Al-Quran properly according to recitation rules through the use of Al-Quran digital application. The methods used were the lecture model and application practice. The are several results generated in this study. First, the community’s love and enthusiasm for reading Al-Quran easily and independently were improved. Second, people could practice reading Al-Quran by using digital application offline and online. Third, the growing enthusiasm led the community to have better scientific understanding in translating Al-Quran properly, making them to interact more with the Al-Quran. Fourth, from the training using the Al-Quran digital application, the community was aware that it can be easily accessed anywhere and anytime, so independence is higher for learning Al-Quran than studying with a teacher or ustadz. Fifth, digital application training could at least provide knowledge to the public about the importance of the digital Al-Quran application in studying it as a comprehensive source of knowledge. All in all, science and technology really help the community in reading, understanding, and practicing the contents of the Al-Quran in their daily life.


April 2023


20 Reads

Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat MEMBANGUN NEGERI

Problem permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat adalah sebagian masyarakat kurang faham terhadap perawatan/ tazhijul al-Janazah yang didasarkan pada ajaran Nabi SAW. Sebagian masyarakat Kragilan biasanya melakukan perawatan jenazah mengikuti tradisi yang biasa dilakukan oleh nenek moyangnya. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk: Pertama, memberikan wawasan ilmu pengetahuan kepada masyarakat pentingnya melakukan perawatan jenazah yang sesuai dengan ajaran Islam agar tidak termasuk dalam kategori bid’ah dhalalah. Kedua, membiasakan hidup baik dalam hal menjalankan ibadah dan melakukan segala sesuatu yang bersih karena kebersihan bagian dari iman. Karena itu, masyarakat akan terbiasa melakukan segala bentuk ibadah yang sesuai dengan petunjuk Alquran dan hadis Nabi. Metode dalam pengabdian ini adalah metode pelatihan ceramah dan demontrasi praktis. Hasil pengabdian perawatan jenazah adalah masyarakat memahami hadis-hadis yang digunakan dalam mengurus jenazah dengan baik sesuai tuntunan Islam dan masyarakat dapat melakukan perawatan jenazah mulai dari memandikan, mengkafani, mensalatkan dan menguburkan. Selain itu, masyarakat bisa menirukan dan memperaktikkan perawatan jenazah sesuai tuntunan dari Nabi Muhammad SAW serta berusaha meninggalkan perawatan jenazah yang biasa dilakukan sesuai tradisinya.


December 2022


1 Read

TAJDID Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin

Hadith is a reference that Muslims use as an explanation and reinforcement of the Qur'an. Judging from the quality and quantity of transmission, hadith must come from the Prophet. The scholars discussed the authenticity and validity of traditions not sourced from the Prophet SAW, such as the hadith about the Takbir of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha prayers. This paper aimed to explain the quality status and reasons for accepting hadith, according to Muhammadiyah. This study used a library research method with a descriptive-analytical approach. The research results are as follows; First, the hadiths about the Eid prayer Takbir and Eid al-Adha by Amr supported by Ansari, al-Muzanni, isyah, Abu Hurairah, and Amar are included in the hasan lighairihi hadith because many narrators have narrated the hadith. Second, Muhammadiyah believes that the hasan lighairihi hadith can be accepted and used as a reference in the implementation of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha takbir as long as the narrators mutually strengthen. This is based on the standardization of the validity of the hadith that meets the criteria of As-Sunnah al-Maqbullah. Hadis merupakan sumber rujukan bagi umat Islam dari masa lalu sampai masa kini. Hadis diposisikan sebagai sumber kedua setelah Alquran yang menjadi penjelas dan menjadi penguat. Sumber hadis harus benar-benar bersumber dari Nabi dilihat dari aspek kualitas dan kuantitas periwayatan hadis. Namun tidak semua hadis benar bersumber Nabi SAW karena diperbincangkan oleh para ulama dari orisinilitas dan kesahihahannya, seperti hadis tentang takbir salat idul fitri dan idul adha. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang status kualitas hadis dan alasannya dalam penerimaan menurut Muhammadiyah. Penelitian ini menggunakan satu metode kepustakaan atau library research dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-analisis. Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini adalah; Pertama, hadis-hadis tentang takbir dalam salat idul fitri dan idul adha disampaikan Amr bin Āṣ yang didukung oleh sahabat yang lain sebagai syāhid atau pendukung yakni Anṣāri, al-Muzanni, Āisyah, Abu Hurairah dan Amār sehingga termasuk kategori hadis ḥasan lighairihi karena banyak perawi yang meriwayatkan hadis. Kedua, menurut Muhammadiyah bahwa hadis ḥasan lighirihi dapat diterima dan dijadikan hujjah dalam pelaksanaan takbir idul fitri dan idul adha selama banyak jalurnya satu dengan lainnya saling menguatkan. Hal ini didasarkan kepada standarisasi kesahihan hadis yang memenuhi kriteria As-Sunnah al-Maqbūllah.


November 2022


7 Reads


2 Citations

DedikasiMU Journal of Community Service

Problem yang ada di masyarakat adalah kurangnya pengetahuan umat Islam akan ajaran agamanya seperti pengetahuan tentang hadis filantropi khususnya zakat. Padahal zakat merupakan hal yang penting untuk diketahui sumber hadisnya dan cara pembagiannya yang sesuai ajaran Alquran dan hadis. Masyarakat hanya asal membagi zakat tanpa ilmu tentang zakat sehingga yang terjadi ketidaksesuaian dan tidak meratanya pembagian zakat. Karenanya, diperlukan pembelajaran hadis-hadis yang membahas tentang zakat agar mereka terutama masyarakat masjid al-Amin mengetahui dasarnya. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan kepada masyarakat khusus masyarakat masjid Jadda al-Amin tentang urgensi pengetahuan hadis tentang zakat dan cara pembagiannya. Adapun metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah melakukan observasi ke lapangan, wawancara dan diskusi kepada masyarakat terutama tokoh agama dan takmir, kemudian tahap pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dan dilakukan evaluasi. Adapun hasil dalam pengabdian ini adalah; Pertama, hadis-hadis filantropi tentang zakat dapat memberikan inspirasi dan motivasi bagi masyarakat yang sebelumnya masih mengikuti nasihat seorang ulama tanpa mengetahui dalil. Kedua, hadis-hadis zakat memberikan informasi bagaimana cara pembagian zakat yang baik, seperti hadis zakat fitrah dan zakat mal seperti zakat pertanian, zakat profesi, zakat emas dan perak, zakat rikaz, zakat barang tambang, zakat perdagangan, dan zakat peternakan. Ketiga, tata cara pembagian zakat menarik perhatian jamaah atau masyarakat untuk belajar menghitung zakat. Belajar hadits dan mempraktekkan cara menghitung zakat merupakan bentuk living hadis. Keempat, model pengabdian tentang zakat ternyata memberikan perubahan pada masyarakat yang awalnya tidak mengetahui sama sekali menjadi mengetahui pembagian zakat yang sesuai tuntunan Nabi dan mereka menyadari bahwa yang selama mereka lakukan masih taqlid atau mengikuti tradisi atau kebiasaannya tanpa dasar agama.

Understanding of Polygamy in the Qur’anic Text, Hadith Text, and Biblical Text

January 2020


21 Reads


5 Citations

AL-IHKAM Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial

The difference in views that often arises and becomes the latest issue in the context of family law is polygamy. Polygamy is misunderstood as something that is frightening for some people so it needs to be shunned. This paper aims to explain various views about polygamy according to the Qur'anic text, hadith text and bible text. The method used is library research with a sociological-historical approach. The results of this study found several things, namely: polygamy in the text of the Koran and the hadith of the Prophet there are similarities and no differences were found, even the hadith of the Prophet became a reinforcement of the Koran about the limits of permissibility of polygamy with conditions apply fairly. Whereas polygamy in the text of the Bible is permitted without limitation on the number of women being polygamy and not being fair, even though Christians forbid polygamy.

Citations (8)

... The condition of Muslim women in Indonesia is much more special than the condition of Muslim women in many countries, although the role of Indonesian Muslim women in mosques still needs support, encouragement, and motivation [3]. Some mosques facilitate special spaces for women to perform prayers in mosques, while others may have a more conservative approach to separating male and female worshippers [4]. A mosque that is friendly to women ideally fulfills several aspects, first, there is a partition or space that separates men and women, second, worship equipment is provided, third, there is access to different mosque doors for the comfort of women's worship, and fourth, there is the availability of a closed ablution place and is different from the place of ablution for men [5]. ...


Reading of Jasser Auda's System Theory in the Law Verse on Women and Mosques
Understanding of Polygamy in the Qur’anic Text, Hadith Text, and Biblical Text
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

AL-IHKAM Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial

... In Muhammadiyah circles, comprehension of hadith is heavily influenced by the method or manhaj employed to interpret Quranic texts and hadith [4]. Even though the hadith of the Prophet is not a point of contention among hadith scholars because it is authentic, the hadith that requires understanding does not have to be the same between individuals, groups, and organizations due to different methods and interpretations, some of which are textual and some others are contextual [5]. Scholars and academics who desire to study and discover the proper rationale based on their methodologies and thought patterns have discussed this issue. ...

Elasticity of Understanding of M. Syuhudi Ismail on Hadith About the Threats for Painter


... The inheritance includes all instances and manifestations of material, spiritual, tangible, and intangible; cultural heritage means cultural heritage; that is, a culture that with all its manifestations is inherited from previous generations to later generations and forms the social elements of the new generation (Stylianou et al., 2015;Rohmansyah, 2019 ...

Critical Analysis on the Thoughts of Ibn Jarir al-Tabari about Jilbab in the Quran Surah al-Aḥzab Verse 59

Millati Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities

... In order to improve the performance of the complementary filter in wide ranges of motion, researchers have oriented their attention to develop adaptive and switching gain complementary filters using fuzzy techniques [17], [24], [25]. Again, a problem has been raised on the fuzzy based system due to computation demanding and slow update rate [33]. ...

Quadrotor Tracking Control Based on Optimized Fuzzy Logic Controller
  • Citing Article
  • December 2019

International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE)

... Rasulullah SAW has given guidance on healing for those affected by magic or the entry of jinn, through the recitation of certain verses in the Qur'an and prayers known as the ruqyah syar'iyah method Ruqyah is linguistically derived from Arabic i.e. the word raqiya-yarqā-ruqyān wa ruqyatan, meaning shelter, is well known. Meanwhile, in terms of terms, ruqyah is a way of treating and curing diseases through the guidance of the Quran and as-Sunnah, using the recitation of verses from the Quran and the prayer of the Messenger of Allah (Rohmansyah et al., 2018). Ruqyah is understood as a treatment a la Rasulullah SAW to eliminate diseases. ...


Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura

... Bir taraftan nicelik olarak Endonezce tefsir sayısı artarken diğer taraftan ise nitelik olarak zenginleşmiş ve çeşitlenmiştir. Bütün bu faaliyetlerin 1912 yılında Kiai Hacı Ahmed Dahlân (1868Dahlân ( -1923 (1879-1949), Hasbî Sıddîkî (1904-1975, Hamka (1908-1981), Ahmed Mâlik (1912-1993), Mas Dawam (1942-2018 Muhammediyye Cemiyeti'nin bu projesinde Endonezya'da 2000-2022 yılları arasında baskın olan konulu tefsir çalışmaları yerine tahlilî yöntemin seçilmiş olması dikkat çekicidir. Nitekim bu süreçte konulu tefsir çerçevesinde pedagojik, sosyolojik, psikolojik, ekonomik, feminist, politik gibi farklı modern temayüllere bağlı müstakil eserler kaleme alınmıştır. ...


Jurnal Ushuluddin

... Uninterrupted Power Supply based on Switching Regulator and Modified Sine Wave was investigated by Chamim [2]. Piezoelectric control of accumulator filling based on fuzzy scheduling was investigated by Iswanto [3]. The analysis and evaluation of the suitability of the use of cogeneration biogas plants was investigated by Sumarokova [4]. ...

Accumulator Charging Control with Piezoelectric Based on Fuzzy Algorithm Scheduling
  • Citing Article
  • April 2018

TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)