Roger Smyth’s research while affiliated with University of Edinburgh and other places

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Publications (22)

Schizophrenia and related psychoses
  • Article

June 2019


3 Reads


1 Citation

David Semple


Roger Smyth

Covering schizophrenia and related psychoses, this chapter takes the reader through from historical views to diagnosis and differential diagnoses, as well as examination of a patient with psychotic symptoms, presentations, treatment, and management strategies. Also the chapter contains detailed tables of suitable drug choices and their associated indications and contraindications.

Psychiatric assessment

June 2019


1 Read

This chapter explains how to conduct a psychiatric assessment. Starting with the basics of a clinical interview, including how to arrange a room and take a history, specific observations to look out for in the patient are described in detail. Methods of asking questions about specific psychiatric problems are discussed, including how to broach difficult topics. The physical effects associated with psychiatric disorders are defined, and some common assessment instruments are also featured.

Child and adolescent psychiatry

June 2019


1 Read


1 Citation

This chapter covers child and adolescent psychiatry. From assessment, develop, resilience, and attachment, normal infant mental health is discussed, followed by an approach to behavioural problems and conduct disorders in the older child. Parent management training is covered, followed by individual disorders and their management in the context of the adolescent and child, from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder to psychosis. Special focus is given to children and young people with intellectual disabilities, child maltreatment, and prescribing differences from adult psychiatry.


June 2019


3 Reads

This chapter covers the psychotherapies, a collection of treatments for mental disorders which employ language and communication as a means of producing change. It covers assessment and selection of an appropriate method for the individual patient, a history of Freud and other pioneers of psychotherapy to provide a background context, before examining different types of therapy. Briefly explaining the theory of psychotherapy, the phases of psychosexual development, and the object relations theory, it goes into detail on behavioural therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, dialectical behaviour therapy, and solution therapy. Counselling methods are described to aid the reader in developing their skills.

Forensic psychiatry

June 2019


5 Reads


1 Citation

Covering the role of the psychiatrist in forensic situations, from participation in the criminal justice system and legal definitions of crime (including homicide, violence, and sexual offences) to the relationship between mental disorders and offending, this chapter addresses secure hospitals and units, police and court liaison, and the role of the prison psychiatry. Legal provisions and how to give evidence in court are described, and an overview of pathways through the criminal health and justice system for mentally disordered offenders is provided. Fitness to plead and criminal responsibility are both explained.

Thinking about psychiatry

June 2019


1 Read

This chapter introduces ways of thinking about psychiatry, from investigating the question ‘what is disease’ to techniques for diagnosis and treatment and overarching themes of the role of the psychiatrist. With a brief history and a discussion of potential future directions of the discipline, this chapter provides an overview and rationale for the subsequent content.

Substance misuse

June 2019


1 Read


2 Citations

This chapter defines substance abuse. Splitting up alcohol and other drugs, although recognizing that alcohol is a drug in its own right, it covers dependence, screening, assessment, planning treatment, management of withdrawal, and plans for maintaining abstinence. Also covering tobacco, illegal drugs, and novel psychotropic substances, substitute prescribing, and legal issues, this chapter has a table of street slang associated with drug misuse to aid the reader.

Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry

February 2013


18 Reads


40 Citations

The Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry covers all major psychiatric conditions and sub-specialties, and provides practical and comprehensive guidelines and in-depth coverage of psychiatric assessment, psychopathology, evidence-based practice, therapeutic issues, and transcultural psychiatry.

Oxford Hand Book of Psychiatry - Second Edition

May 2009


135 Reads


52 Citations

1. Thinking about psychiatry 2. Psychiatric assessment 3. Symptoms of psychiatric illness 4. Evidence-based psychiatry 5. Organic illness 6. Schizophrenia and related psychoses 7. Depressive illness 8. Bipolar illness 9. Anxiety and stress-related disorders 10. Eating and impulse-control disorders 11. Sleep disorders 12. Sexual disorders 13. Personality disorders 14. Old age psychiatry 15. Substance misuse 16. Child and adolescent psychiatry 17. Forensic psychiatry 18. Learning disability 19. Liaison psychiatry 20. Psychotherapy 21. Legal issues 22. Transcultural psychiatry 23. Therapeutic issues 24. Difficult and urgent situations 25. Useful resources 26. ICD-10/DSM-IV index

Citations (8)

... Deskriptívna psychopatológia podrobne opisuje subjektívne zážitky a správanie pacientov bez toho, aby ich spájala s konkrétnymi príčinami, čo je základom súčasných klinických opisov duševných porúch. Tým sa líši od dynamickej psychopatológie, ktorej cieľom je vysvetliť pôvod a zmeny týchto stavov (Semple & Smyth, 2024). ...


Psychopatológia a patopsychológia. Základy pre pomáhajúce profesie. (2. aktualizované vydanie)
Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry
  • Citing Article
  • February 2013

... Women who had suffered violence before or during index pregnancy were categorized into group I while group II consisted of pregnant women with no history of violence prior to or during index pregnancy. The sample size was determined by the 9 formula for comparison of groups while selection of the study population was by simple random sampling with inclusion of all consenting eligible women until the desired sample size was obtained. ...

Depressive illness
  • Citing Article
  • June 2019

... These variables were included together since these may be associated with the positive symptoms of psychosis, self-disturbance and SSDs (Dodell-Feder et al., 2020;Herniman et al., 2019;Jaya et al., 2017;Lim et al., 2018;Michael and Park, 2016). √PDI was entered in the second step, since this is a covariate which measures a positive symptom of psychosis (Semple and Smyth, 2019). ...

Schizophrenia and related psychoses
  • Citing Article
  • June 2019

... Manic episodes often exacerbate risky behaviors, including hypersexuality and grandiose goal setting [8][9][10]. Bipolar patients may exhibit varying degrees of impulsive sexual behavior during manic episodes [4,11]. Approximately 12% of the population presents traits consistent with personality disorders, characterized by inflexible and dysfunctional psychological patterns that contribute to significant functional impairment and intense emotional distress [11,12]. ...

Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry
  • Citing Book
  • July 2019

... Like pain, fear is a highly stressful and unwelcome sensation, but a crucial one for human survival. Nonetheless, excess stress induces various mental disorders in humans, such as anxiety, depressive, and binge-eating disorders (Klatzkin et al., 2016;Semple and Smyth, 2013;Slavich and Irwin, 2014). Anxiolytic drugs are sometimes administered to prevent or ameliorate these diseases, and the effects of these drugs in humans can be evaluated using reliable animal models such as the elevated plus-maze, light-dark box, and open-field models (Campos et al., 2013). ...

Chapter 7. Anxiety and stress-related disorders
  • Citing Article
  • January 2005

S. Semple


Roger Smyth





A. McIntosh

... [3,4]. Несмотря на указанную редкость патологии, только за последние несколько лет описано большое число клинических наблюдений энцефалопатии Вернике у пациентов, не злоупотребляющих алкоголем: при желудочно-кишечных расстройствах различного генеза (оперативные вмешательства, он ко ло ги че ские заболевания, беременность и др.), голодании или строгих диетических ограничениях (строгое соблюдение поста), гипотрофии, нервной анорексии, травме головного мозга, энцефалите с поражением базальных ядер и височных долей, отравлении угарным газом [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. Представляют интерес наблюдения энцефалопатии Верника у пациентов, перенесших трансплантацию печени, костного мозга, гемопоэтических стволовых клеток [14][15][16]. ...

Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry – Third Edition
  • Citing Book
  • January 2013

... Berdasarkan International Classification of Diseases atau ICD-10 dan DSM-IV, gangguan kepribadian dialami dalam waktu yang panjang (umumnya dimulai sejak masa anak-anak atau remaja dan berlanjut hingga dewasa) dan menetap yang melibatkan pengalaman di dalam diri (inner experience) dan perilaku yang menyebabkan distress atau penurunan signifikan fungsi sosial pada individu. Wujud dari suatu gangguan kepribadian adalah adanya permasalahan pada kognisi (kemampuan individu untuk memahami dan memikirkan dirinya serta orang lain), emosi (intensitas dan kesesuaian respon emosi), dan perilaku (kemampuan interpersonal, fungsi sosial dan pekerjaan, serta kemampuan untuk mengontrol dorongan) yang bukan disebabkan karena kondisi lain, seperti psikosis, gangguan mood, penyalahgunaan obat-obatan, dan lain-lain (Semple & Smyth, 2009). ...

Oxford Hand Book of Psychiatry - Second Edition
  • Citing Book
  • May 2009