March 2010
7 Reads
The Southern journal of philosophy
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March 2010
7 Reads
The Southern journal of philosophy
February 2008
53 Reads
7 Citations
Journal of Applied Philosophy
ABSTRACT We argue that in societies like our own the prevailing view that parents have both special responsibilities for and special rights over their children fails to give a proper understanding of the autonomy both of parents and of children. It is our claim that there is a logical priority of the separable interests of a child over the autonomy of its parents in the fulfilment of their special responsibilities for and the exercise of their special rights over their children. However, we believe that in acknowledging the child as a distinct locus of interests appropriate weight can still be given to parental autonomy. In particular, since raising a child is a long-term commitment which plays a central role in the life-plans of many adults it will be a legitimate exercise of an adult's autonomy strongly to influence the future of any children involved in such a plan. Such influence will be quite separate from paternalistic concern for those children. But the logical priority of the child's interests will at the same time show why parents are not entitled to behave proprietorially toward their children, even when paternalistic concern is called for.
February 2008
32 Reads
3 Citations
February 2008
135 Reads
25 Citations
February 2008
35 Reads
11 Citations
Critique de la theorie realiste des mondes possibles de D. Lewis. Les AA. montrent que l'incredulite que provoque la theorie de Lewis n'est pas une objection contre elle, mais que cette theorie rencontre deux problemes de taille : Lewis ne donne pas de fondement de la distinction entre deux mondes possibles, et doit presupposer des concepts modaux primitifs dans son analyse des modalites. Sa theorie est donc soit triviale, soit circulaire
January 2007
46 Reads
19 Citations
American Philosophical Quarterly
December 2006
23 Reads
6 Citations
In this paper reasons are given for accepting a paradigmatically ‘metaphysical’ thesis called Unrestricted Mereological Composition, or something close to it. These reasons are drawn from thoroughly empirical considerations that played a significant role in the history of physical sciences, particularly in the emergence of the Newtonian laws of motion. Roughly: this metaphysical thesis is supported by a principle of ‘inference to the best explanation’ of observations of the very same kind that paradigmatically furnish evidence supporting or undermining empirical theories in physics. There are methodological morals in metaphilosophy to be drawn from this historical example – blurring the distinction that has been traditionally drawn between ‘metaphysical’ theses and ‘empirical’ hypotheses.
September 2006
73 Reads
13 Citations
Australasian Journal of Philosophy
Frank Jackson argued, in an astronomically frequently cited paper on ‘Epiphenomenal qualia’[Jackson 19825. Jackson , F. C. 1982. Epiphenomenal Qualia. Philosophical Quarterly, 32: 127–136. [CrossRef], [Web of Science ®]View all references that materialism must be mistaken. His argument is called the knowledge argument. Over the years since he published that paper, he gradually came to the conviction that the conclusion of the knowledge argument must be mistaken. Yet he long remained totally unconvinced by any of the very numerous published attempts to explain where his knowledge argument had gone astray.Eventually, Jackson did publish a diagnosis of the reasons why, he now thinks, his knowledge argument against materialism fails to prove the falsity of materialism [Jackson 20057. Jackson , F. C. 2005. Foreword to There's Something About Mary: Frank Jackson's Knowledge Argument, Edited by: Ludlow , P. , Nagasawa , Y. and Stoljar , D. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. View all references. He argues that you can block the knowledge argument against materialism—but only if you tie yourself to a dubious doctrine called representationalism.We argue that the knowledge argument fails as a refutation of either representational or nonrepresentational materialism. It does, however, furnish both materialists and dualists with a successful argument for the existence of distinctively first-person modes of acquaintance with mental states. Jackson's argument does not refute materialism: but it does bring to the surface significant features of thought and experience, which many dualists have sensed, and most materialists have missed.
December 1999
8 Reads
Canadian Journal of Philosophy
September 1998
8 Reads
3 Citations
Australasian Journal of Philosophy
... Por lo tanto, para evitar cualquier tipo de confusión, parece más adecuado que un análisis que aspira a develar la naturaleza de un cierto ítem con contenido filosófico, cuya existencia en el plano de lo real se considera independiente de los sujetos, se denomine análisis metafísico y no análisis empírico. El propio Dowe ofrece una clara pista en favor de esta interpretación: en una nota a pie de página en su libro Physical Causation (2000), afirma que la distinción entre análisis conceptual y análisis empírico que él introduce es presentada por otros autores como distinción entre análisis semántico y análisis metafísico (Bigelow y Pargetter, 1990) o análisis conceptual y análisis metafísico (Jackson, 1994), respectivamente (2000a, p. 1). ...
February 1991
... Other times, the suggestion is that a thing might impact one's 'lifetime well-being' or 'diachronic well-being' without impacting that individual's 'synchronic well-being' at any time. (These terms are defined in Section 1.) SeeBigelow, Campbell, and Pargetter (1990); Velleman (1993);Glasglow (2013), 666; and Bramble (2014). ...
When the Shape of a Life Matters
June 1990
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
... Categoricalism is argued by many philosophers (for example, Armstrong (1968Armstrong ( , 1973Armstrong ( , 1983Armstrong ( , 1986Armstrong ( , 1997Armstrong ( , 2012, Mackie (1973Mackie ( , 1974aMackie ( , 1977, Pargetter and Prior (1982), Prior, Pargetter and Jackson (1982), Prior (1982)) as a theory about the nature of properties. In this subsection, I will explain categoricalism by 46 I will use ordinary quotation marks where, strictly, corner quotes are required as far as there is no danger of confusion. ...
October 1982
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
... The argument's force depends on seeing Dutch Book vulnerability not as a practical liability, but rather as an indication of an underlying inconsistency. The simplicity and elegance of the DBA as normative justification for Bayesian theory has attracted much support (e.g., Davidson and Pargetter 1985). However, as Armendt (1993) notes, one way of judging the significance of an argument is by " the number and variety of (attempted) refutations it attracts " , and by this measure the DBA is very significant indeed. ...
January 1985
Canadian Journal of Philosophy
... This view is also called "integrity as coherence" because it is associated with the requirement of coherence among the principles, commitments and values that a person defends as her own. Being understood on that base, integrity reflects the person's commitment with herself to keep and maintain certain values and convictions as genuinely hers, especially in the face of difficulties and contrary pressure (MILLER, 2013;BIGELOW;PARGETTER, 2007). The idea is that keeping a morally meaningful life demands commitment to, and defense of, a set of in-depth convictions, those that are very dear to us. ...
January 2007
American Philosophical Quarterly
... 20. 37 Bigelow et al., 1988, Newman, 1992, Wilson, 2007, and Massin 2009 among others defend the reality of forces. For further references, see Massin 2009. ...
December 1988
Philosophy of Science
... For similar reasons, some important theories of social functions-the functions of social entities like institutions, practices, and beliefs-are present-focused or forwardlooking, in contrast to the historically focused, backward-looking selected-effects view (Bigelow, 1998;Pettit, 1996;Schulz, 2021; see also Bigelow & Pargetter, 1987). Pettit identifies the function of a social entity with those of its effects that contribute to its counterfactual robustness-viz. ...
April 1987
The Journal of Philosophy
... For the actualist, actual consequences by which the morality of the action is measured are always important (Bench-Capon, 2020), while current and future actions are always relevant (extreme actualism; see Bykvist, 2002). Jackson and Pargetter (1986) give the example of Jones driving through a tunnel behind a slow-moving truck. ...
April 1986
Philosophical Review
... On the contrary, my use of "ground" only points to some generic enough notion of ontological dependence, to be further specified according to the preferences of my readers.11 The most relevant propensity theories of probability have been presented byPopper (1957Popper ( , 1959Popper ( , 1990,Mellor (1971),Giere (1973),Fetzer (1974Fetzer ( , 1981,Jackson and Pargetter (1982), Miller (1991),Gillies (2000).Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved. ...
Powers, Probabilities, and Tendencies
November 1982
... Eliminativist strategies have been offered for determinables (Armstrong 1978(Armstrong , 1997Gillett and Rives 2005;Heil 2003), for composites (Bren-ner 2015(Bren-ner , 2017Horgan and Potrč 2000;Sider 2013) 11 and for constituted objects (Unger 1979). Reductive strategies have been offered for determinables (Bigelow and Pargetter 1990;Clapp 2001;Rodriguez-Pereyra 2002;Antony 2003;Massin 2013), for composites (Baxter 1988a, b;Böhn 2009;Wallace 2011a, b;Cotnoir 2013) 12 and for constituted objects (Quine 1953;Lewis 1971Lewis , 1986Noonan 1993;Sider 2001). Untangling strategies have been offered in relation to composites (Cameron 2007;Parsons 2013;Saucedo 2011), and for universals (Williams 2007). ...
July 1995
The Philosophical Quarterly