January 2020
18 Reads
14 Citations
Communiars Revista de Imagen Artes y Educación Crítica y Social
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January 2020
18 Reads
14 Citations
Communiars Revista de Imagen Artes y Educación Crítica y Social
May 2017
12 Reads
This dialogue is preceded by an introduction about Richard Stallman and the power of “code”, by Lawrence Lessing, as well as a detailed biography of Richard revised by himself. In the conversation following this, Stallman analyzes the origin and validity of the ‘hacking’ and ‘hack’ concepts and the differences between ‘hackers’ and ‘crackers’. He then describes in detail the concept, dimension, forms of creation and the development of software code, especially free software and its implementation framework. He later reflects on and outlines his vision of the relationship between the use of technology and ethics, and about ethical hackers. He also talks about the good and bad behavior of companies and, in this context, his criticism of Corporatocracy. Afterward, he describes concepts about how the creation of software code works compared with other creative arts, such as literature. He goes on to analyze the mechanisms for how ideas are patented in the industrial world, in particular the case of software development. He finally talks about why his vision of free software remains valid and how it should be dealt with during education.
January 2017
7 Reads
7 Citations
HERMES (France)
December 2012
March 2011
13 Reads
Revista Chilena de Derecho Informático
Deberia empezar explicando por que me negue a autorizar la transmision en directo de esta conferencia via Internet; los canales habituales para transmitir imagen y sonido en vivo por Internet requieren que e! usuatio descargue cierto software para recibir la transmision. Ese software no es libre. Esta disponible a precio cero, pero solo como un archivo «ejecutable», que es un misterioso monton de nUIneros que no se puede estudiar, no se puede cambiar, y ciertamente no se puede publicar una propia version modificada. y estas son libertades esenciales en la definicion de «software libre». Para ser un honesto y coherente defensor del software libre, diflcilmente podria dar discursos y ejercer presion sobre la gente para que use software no libre. Estaria socavando mi propia causa. Y si yo no demuestro que me tomo en serio mis principios, no puedo esperar que nadie mas los tome en serio.
March 2010
69 Reads
18 Citations
IEEE Communications Magazine
Activities directed at "including" more people in the use of digital technology are predicated on the assumption that such inclusion is invariably a good thing. It appears so, when judged solely by immediate practical convenience. However, if we also judge in terms of human rights, whether digital inclusion is good or bad depends on what kind of digital world we are to be included in. If we wish to work toward digital inclusion as a goal, it behooves us to make sure it is the good kind.
June 2009
324 Reads
97 Citations
Communications of the ACM
Some of the significant factors associated with 'open source software' and 'free software' are discussed. Free software respects the essential freedom of its users, which means freedom to use, study, change, and redistribute copies with or without changes. These freedoms are essential to promote social solidarity and for sharing and co-operating ideas and changes. Schools in India and Spain are now teaching their students how to use the free GNU/LINUX operating systems. Users and developers of free software are working to promote the free software movement to avoid misunderstanding between 'free software' and 'open source'. The term 'open source' is associated with the practice of citing only practical values like making powerful, reliable software. Open source is considered as a development methodology, while free software is considered as a social movement.
October 2008
1,258 Reads
What happens to fictional characters when they "die"?
September 2008
3 Reads
The New Scientist
January 2008
18 Reads
1 Citation
... Dans l'histoire de la pensée computationnelle aussi bien que des évolutions techniques du numérique et de l'internet, le FabLab s'est développé sur un terreau militant, promouvant une culture scientifique et technique partagée (Stallman, 2017). La robotique éducative dans les FabLabs en fait aussi des lieux de développement de stratégies pédagogiques et éducatives qui associent des acteurs différents, en permettant des interactions autour des compétences en jeu. ...
January 2017
HERMES (France)
... 4. Distribuir a terceros copias de las versiones modificadas para beneficiar a la comunidad (es necesario el acceso al código fuente). (Stallman, 1996). Los desarrolladores de software libre tienen libertad de venderlo, sin embargo, no pueden impedir que otros usuarios compartan copias. ...
January 2020
Communiars Revista de Imagen Artes y Educación Crítica y Social
... It affects relation with the feminist hackers' broader environment, and could be seen as a diffractive practice of transforming organisational systems and institutional habits, to think with Valeria Graziano and Kim Trogal (2019: 205-207). At the same time, hacking does not have to have any immediate value; it can be seen as a conduit of personal self-expression or an act of free speech (Stallman, 2001;Coleman, 2013: 120, 162). ...
June 2001
... The flac prototype is sufficiently operational to demonstrate the degree of mobility that the flac language can enable. We have used it to provide an unmodified text editor (GNU Emacs [73]) with uninterrupted access to the file systems of our home and office workstations. The editor can migrate across hosts, move with a host across networks, and operate while disconnected. ...
January 2002
... Ils ont imposé / permis : l'introduction de nouvelles méthodes de travail dans les entreprises informatiques, en particulier un style de codage et une architecture facilitant la lecture, la compréhension et la contribution (opposés par exemple à « l'obfuscation ») auquel s'ajoute une utilisation intensive de commentaires dans le code lui-même ; un modèle ouvert (forum de développeurs, logiciels pour la contribution du code -svn, git, ... -basé sur des serveurs en libre accès au moins en lecture) ;de nouveaux modèles économiques (Open source, Open Access, API…) ; un modèle alternatif aux brevets, c'est-à-dire une utilisation originale du copyright permettant la définition d'un commun robuste juridiquement (vis-à-vis de l'appropriation privée, mais aussi en cas d'abandon d'un projet par un ou tous ses auteurs par exemple) ; une organisation sociale diverse et non encore stabilisée. Malheureusement, RichardStallman (1980Stallman ( , 2002 11 qui a initié les bases théoriques de ce mouvement dès les années 1980, s'est préoccupé de l'innovation dans le processus de travail (nouvelle division du travail offrant une place prépondérante au développement de savoirs métier informatique partageables et communautaires), mais il a occulté la dimension sociale (rémunération, couverture sociale). Il s'est focalisé sur les trois grands principes et axes de bataille des Hackers, la « passion », l'autonomie dans le travail -remise en cause des fondements managériaux hiérarchiques -et la volonté de faire disparaître la propriété intellectuelle pour faciliter la circulation et l'accès aux savoirs.22 ...
January 1981
... Several publications followed, recounting their experience designing MENTOR, a code editing environment for a programming language called MEN-TOL [4]. They coined the widely used term "structure editor" [9]. The term "projectional editor" gained traction following its use by Fowler in 2008. ...
December 1978
ACM Computing Surveys
... In the 1980s the term hacker began to be used to describe a person gaining unauthorised access to a computer system, denoting a criminal activity involving the use of computers. For many computer enthusiasts however, the use of the term "hacking" to describe a criminal act is a misuse of the term and "cracking" should be used instead (Stallman, 2002). This distinction is almost universally ignored, even by authors who are aware of the controversy over the terminology. ...
May 2007
Technology Review -Manchester Nh-
... This Makefile shows the major entries in a Makefile that contribute to the variability of the kernel. There are certain conventions followed in Kbuild that are enforced through implicit rules [17] defined in the Makefiles. For each directory, there is an obj-y variable which contains a list of files that are to be compiled and linked. ...
January 2001
... Este es, por un lado, una forma de régimen de propiedad donde el desarrollador brinda plena autorización a otros programadores o usuarios para que modifiquen, distribuyan y compartan el software. Y por el otro, es un movimiento social que defiende el derecho a realizar estas acciones [37]. En el trabajo de campo, la totalidad del software de rampas digitales o de construcción de accesibilidad presentaron esta cualidad. ...
December 2004
... Richard Stallman, the founder of the project, views GNU as a "technical means to a social end" [5]. Relatedly, Lawrence Lessig states in his introduction to the second edition of Stallman's book "Free Software, Free Society" that in it Stallman has written about "the social aspects of software and how Free Software can create community and social justice" [6]. ...
January 2002