Rianto Nugroho’s research while affiliated with Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta and other places

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Publications (8)

Design of Rectangular Patch Array 2x4 Microstrip Antenna on C-Band for Weather Radar Applications
  • Article

March 2024


7 Reads


2 Citations

Journal of Telecommunication


R. Nugroho


D. Asyifa

Weather radars are essential for detecting rainfall, calculating movement, and estimating the object type (rain, snow, or hail). For such applications, the C-Band frequency range of 3.7 GHz to 4.2 GHz is typically utilized. A key challenge lies in improving antenna gain for better system performance. This research aims to design a C-Band downlink microstrip antenna at a working frequency of 3.9 GHz. We used a 4 x 2 array to increase the gain. Before designing, we did calculations using the CST Studio Suite 2019 software. The results of our design are a return loss of -29,171 dB, a VSWR of 1.061, a bandwidth of 713 MHz, and a gain of 8.23 dB. This research contributes an improved gain and bandwidth contribution of this study is the better gain and bandwidth compared to similar studies.

Perancangan Antena Komunikasi Selular Generasi ke-5 pada Frekuensi 2.350 MHz di Indonesia
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2023


143 Reads

The current development of the cellular communication system has ushered in the 5G telecommunications era. The government has provided a 2.3 GHz frequency spectrum for 5G implementation in Indonesia. The frequency value used in the implementation of 5G technology in Indonesia which has just started can be said to have a high impact with a high attenuation value, so an antenna with the right dimensions and parameters is needed to be used in the application of 5G technology. In this study, a microstrip antenna was designed and manufactured with a 2x8 patch circular array shape working at a frequency of 2.350 MHz for application to 5G technology using the microstrip line feed feeder method. The design and manufacture of the antenna design utilize the Ansys HFSS application and uses the FR-4 Epoxy substrate with a dielectric constant value of 4.4, a substrate thickness of 1.6 mm, and a patch made of copper. The results of the design based on the simulation results obtained the working frequency value at 2.350 MHz with a return loss value of-21.9711 dB and a wide bandwidth of 109 MHz. The VSWR value obtained is 1.085 with a gain value of 10.06 dB and a directional radiation pattern. Based on the results of the analysis, the microstrip antenna design test has good parameter values from previous studies at the same working frequency and the microstrip antenna is suitable for use to support the development of 5G technology. Abstrak. Perkembangan sistem komunikasi seluler yang terjadi saat ini membawa kita memasuki era telekomunikasi 5G. Pemerintah telah menyediakan spektrum frekuensi 2.3 GHz untuk penerapan 5G di Indonesia. Nilai frekuensi yang digunakan dalam penerapan teknologi 5G di Indonesia berdampak signifikan terhadap nilai redaman. Karena dipilih nilai frekuensi 2.350 MHz sehingga diperlukan antena dengan dimensi dan parameter yang tepat untuk mendukung teknologi 5G. Pada penelitian ini dirancang dan dibuat antena mikrostrip dengan bentuk patch circular array 2×8 yang bekerja pada frekuensi 2.350 MHz untuk penerapan pada teknologi 5G dengan menggunakan metode pencatu mikrostrip line feed. Perancangan dan pembuatan desain antena memanfaatkan aplikasi Ansys HFSS serta menggunakan substrat FR-4 Epoxy dengan nilai konstanta dielektrik 4.4, ketebalan substrat 1.6 mm, dan patch berbahan tembaga. Hasil perancangan berdasarkan hasil simulasi didapatkan nilai frekuensi kerja pada 2.350 MHz dengan nilai return loss sebesar-21.9711 dB dan lebar bandwidth sebesar 109 MHz. Nilai VSWR yang didapatkan sebesar 1.085 dengan nilai gain 10.06 dB dan pola radiasi directional. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pengujian rancangan antena mikrostrip memiliki nilai parameter yang baik dari penelitian sebelumnya pada frekuensi kerja yang dirancang sehingga layak digunakan untuk mendukung perkembangan teknologi 5G.


Perancangan Antena Komunikasi Selular Generasi ke-5 pada Frekuensi 2.350 MHz di Indonesia

September 2023


19 Reads

Jurnal Ilmiah Giga

The current development of the cellular communication system has ushered in the 5G telecommunications era. The government has provided a 2.3 GHz frequency spectrum for 5G implementation in Indonesia. The frequency value used in the implementation of 5G technology in Indonesia which has just started can be said to have a high impact with a high attenuation value, so an antenna with the right dimensions and parameters is needed to be used in the application of 5G technology. In this study, a microstrip antenna was designed and manufactured with a 2x8 patch circular array shape working at a frequency of 2,350 MHz for application to 5G technology using the microstrip line feed feeder method. The design and manufacture of the antenna design utilize the Ansys HFSS application and uses the FR-4 Epoxy substrate with a dielectric constant value of 4.4, a substrate thickness of 1.6 mm, and a patch made of copper. The results of the design based on the simulation results obtained the working frequency value at 2,350 MHz with a return loss value of -21.9711 dB and a wide bandwidth of 109 MHz. The VSWR value obtained is 1.0849 with a gain value of 10.06 dB and a directional radiation pattern. Based on the results of the analysis, the microstrip antenna design test has good parameter values from previous studies at the same working frequency and the microstrip antenna is suitable for use to support the development of 5G technology.

Figure 2: Architecture detail Wi-Fi Offloading
Figure 3: The research location is from google earth
Figure 4: Wireless client history
The IP address of several applications used
The table of the results of the month's traffic measurement


Data Traffic Patterns on Urban Residential WiFi during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

May 2023


56 Reads

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit all over the world, including Indonesia. The Indonesian government has adopted a policy in the form of Large-Scale Social Restrictions. Implementation is in the form of rules for carrying out activities from home, both work and school activities. Problems that arise to support online activities require data traffic. The Indonesian government needs accurate information about data traffic consumption patterns to support online activities. The purpose and objective of this study was to measure changes in data traffic usage patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic. We measure data on Residential Wi-Fi, which Indonesians widely use. Our method by observed 100 randomly selected clients. The contribution of this study is the amount of data traffic measured on Residential Wi-Fi during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The average data usage per day before the COVID-19 pandemic was 35.13 M-Byte. During the pandemic 40.41 M-Byte per day. So, the COVID-19 pandemic experienced a 15.01 percent increase in data traffic. Our findings are that 30% of Residential Wi-Fi subscribers unsubscribe. The survey shows that 68% unsubscribed due to switching to an authorized ISP service with fiber optic access that offers high speed.

GAMBAR 3. Peta Rute Kabel dan titik optical ampilifer dari STO Kebalen ke BMH Gresik
Perancangan Sistem Komunikasi Kabel Laut (SKKL) Fiber Optik Link Surabaya-Bawean

July 2022


61 Reads


1 Citation

Jurnal Ilmiah Giga

p> Abstract . Internet network is an important requirement in the digital era. Indonesia is listed as the country with the highest data traffic growth in the world in 2016. To meet the needs of this data traffic, network access is needed. Indonesia has a geography that mostly covers the ocean. The islands lined up from Sabang to Merauke up to tens of thousands. This large number of islands is a problem in building communication infrastructure. Bawean Island is one of the islands in Indonesia with an area of 197 km2 with a population of more than 100,000 people in 2021. The pre-existing communication access is communication with VSAT using Satellite and Radio Wave Communication. Both types of communication have limitations in bandwidth capacity. In this research, it is proposed to design a Marine Cable Communication System (SKKL) for data access on Bawean Island. Data traffic is sent via optical fibre from the city of Surabaya to the island of Bawean which is 235 km away. In this design, we use a single-mode G.655 cable type and 5 optical amplifiers of the EDFA type. The results of the design show that the power link budget is -9.525 dBm, SNR 25.35 dB, Q-factor 9.26, and BER 1.009×10^-20. Abstrak . Jaringan internet merupakan suatu kebutuhan penting di era digital. Indonesia tercatat sebagai negara dengan pertumbuhan trafik data tertinggi di dunia pada 2016. Untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan trafik data ini dibutuhkan akses jaringan. Indonesia memiliki geografis yang sebagian besar meliputi lautan. Pulau-pulau berjajar dari Sabang sampai Merauke jumlahnya hingga puluhan ribu. Jumlah pulau yang banyak inilah yang menjadi permasalahan dalam membangun infrastruktur komunikasi. Pulau Bawean adalah salah satu pulau di Indonesia dengan luas 197 km2 dengan penduduk lebih dari 100.000 jiwa pada tahun 2021. Akses komunikasi yang sudah ada sebelumnya adalah komunikasi dengan VSAT yang memanfaatkan Satelit dan Komunikasi Gelombang Radio. Kedua jenis komunikasi ini memiliki keterbatasan dalam kapasitas bandwidth. Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan perancangan Sistem Komunikasi Kabel Laut (SKKL) untuk akses data pulau Bawean. Trafik data dikirimkan melalui serat optik dari kota Surabaya menuju pulau Bawean yang berjarak 235 km. Dalam perancangan ini menggunakan tipe kabel singlemode G.655 dan 5 buah optikal amplifier jenis EDFA. Hasil perancangan menunjukan besarnya power link budget -9.525 dBm, SNR 25.35 dB, Q-factor 9.26, dan BER 1,009×10^-20.</p

GAMBAR 3. Peta Rute Kabel dan titik optical ampilifer dari STO Kebalen ke BMH Gresik
Perancangan Sistem Komunikasi Kabel Laut Link Surabaya-Bawean

June 2022


98 Reads


1 Citation

Internet network is an important requirement in the digital era. Indonesia is listed as the country with the highest data traffic growth in the world in 2016. To meet the needs of this data traffic, network access is needed. Indonesia has a geography that mostly covers the ocean. The islands lined up from Sabang to Merauke up to tens of thousands. This large number of islands is a problem in building communication infrastructure. Bawean Island is one of the islands in Indonesia with an area of 197 km 2 with a population of more than 100,000 people in 2021. The pre-existing communication access is communication with VSAT using Satellite and Radio Wave Communication. Both types of communication have limitations in bandwidth capacity. In this research, it is proposed to design a Marine Cable Communication System (SKKL) for data access on Bawean Island. Data traffic is sent via optical fibre from the city of Surabaya to the island of Bawean which is 235 km away. In this design, we use a single-mode G.655 cable type and 5 optical amplifiers of the EDFA type. The results of the design show that the power link budget is-9.525 dBm, SNR 25.35 dB, Q-factor 9.26, and BER 1.009×10-20. Keywords: dense wavelength division multiplexing, power link budget, signal to noise ratio, Q-factor, bit error rate Abstrak. Jaringan internet merupakan suatu kebutuhan penting di era digital. Indonesia tercatat sebagai negara dengan pertumbuhan trafik data tertinggi di dunia pada 2016. Untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan trafik data ini dibutuhkan akses jaringan. Indonesia memiliki geografis yang sebagian besar meliputi lautan. Pulau-pulau berjajar dari Sabang sampai Merauke jumlahnya hingga puluhan ribu. Jumlah pulau yang banyak inilah yang menjadi permasalahan dalam membangun infrastruktur komunikasi. Pulau Bawean adalah salah satu pulau di Indonesia dengan luas 197 km 2 dengan penduduk lebih dari 100.000 jiwa pada tahun 2021. Akses komunikasi yang sudah ada sebelumnya adalah komunikasi dengan VSAT yang memanfaatkan Satelit dan Komunikasi Gelombang Radio. Kedua jenis komunikasi ini memiliki keterbatasan dalam kapasitas bandwidth. Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan perancangan Sistem Komunikasi Kabel Laut (SKKL) untuk akses data pulau Bawean. Trafik data dikirimkan melalui serat optik dari kota Surabaya menuju pulau Bawean yang berjarak 235 km. Dalam perancangan ini menggunakan tipe kabel singlemode G.655 dan 5 buah optikal amplifier jenis EDFA. Hasil perancangan menunjukan besarnya power link budget-9.525 dBm, SNR 25.35 dB, Q-factor 9.26, dan BER 1,009×1 0-20. Kata kunci: dense wavelength division multiplexing, power link budget, signal to noise ratio, Q-factor, bit error rate. PENDAHULUAN Menurut Cisco 2016, Indonesia adalah negara tertinggi di dunia yang memiliki pertumbuhan internet. Pertumbuhan internet di Indonesia pada tahun 2016 sebesar 142%, diikuti China dengan 86% dan India dengan 76% [1]. Tentunya tidak mudah membangun infrastruktur akses jaringan komunikasi data dengan kondisi geografi Indonesia yang terdiri dari ribuan pulau.

Communication Design in the Indonesian Archipelago: The Microwave Link between Manado-Sangihe

June 2022


221 Reads

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science Engineering and Technology



Rianto Nugroho




Anisa Prakastia

Indonesia, which has a geographical area consisting of islands, uses microwave communication as the backbone. One of the islands in Indonesia is Sangihe Island. Construction of a communication network between Manado-Sangihe which crosses several islands using a microwave radio communication system with SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) technology. The choice of communication with microwave radio on this link is due to the current use of VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) technology in Sangihe with limited capacity. Microwave systems propagate in Loss of Sight or free space, so there is no need for a physical channel in the form of cables to cross the sea. The LOS condition is the main requirement that must be met in building microwave radio communications. We did the planning using Pathloss software and the trajectory was from Manado City, Biaro Island, Siau Island, and Sangihe Island. The result of our design is to get an Availability value of 99.67%. This result is very close to the margin limit required by the ITU-T G.821 standard, which is 99.95%. To solve this problem, we use the diversity technique, and its Availability increases to 99,99%.

Citations (2)

... Developing energy-saving technology is crucial in responding to sustainability and energy efficiency [3]- [6]. The latest air conditioning technology uses inverters to save electricity [7], [8]. ...


Optimizing electrical energy savings by utilizing refrigerant catalysts in compressors
A Novel Green Building Energy Consumption Intensity: Study in Inalum Green Building

... Penggunaan kabel laut serat optik memiliki banyak keuntungan dibandingkan menggunakan Digital Micro wave (Radio Terrestrial) yang memiliki keterbatasan pada bandwidth, sehingga trend kedepan penggunaan kabel serat optik akan semakin banyak baik di darat maupun di laut. Penggelaran kabel laut dilakukan oleh kapal kabel (Cableship) yang dirancang khusus untuk menggelar kabel laut, Cableship memiliki keistimewaan, karena tidak dapat menggelar pada lokasi air dangkal, sehingga untuk area air dangkal (Shore End) biasanya menggunakan Barge Cable, yang mampu sampai pada ke dalam air 1 meter (Nugroho et al, 2022). ...

Perancangan Sistem Komunikasi Kabel Laut Link Surabaya-Bawean