May 2005
73 Reads
7 Citations
Journal of Environmental Biology
In this study, some heavy metal concentrations (Pb, Zn, Fe, Cr, Cu), suspended sediment, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), cyanide, phenol, fecal coliform and total coliform water parameters were determined in the streams (Kucuk Melen, Asarsuyu, Ugursuyu, Buyuk Melen and Aksu) of Buyuk Melen Watershed that provides drinking water to Istanbul in Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. Measurements of water quality parameters were done monthly in eleven separate stations (4 in Kucuk Melen Stream, 1 in Asarsuyu Stream, 1 in Ugur Stream, 1 in Aksu Stream and 4 in Buyuk Melen Stream) from August 2001 to August 2002. The seasonal changes in water quality parameters were evaluated statistically. The results, the parameters, COD, BOD, Pb, Zn, Fe, Cr, Cu, cyanide, fecal coliform, total coliform and suspended sediment showed significant differences among seasons and streams (ANOVA; P <0.05). According to Turkish Standarts (TS) 266, European Union (EU) and World Health Organization (WHO) criteria, the maximum values of each parameter in streams within the Buyuk Melen watershed are recorded and evaluated in this study.