Rena F. Subotnik’s research while affiliated with University of California, Berkeley and other places

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Publications (119)

Extending Research on Psychosocial Skills and Appropriate Instruction in Developing Talents
  • Article

September 2024


86 Reads

journal for the education of the gifted

Paula Olszewski-Kubilius


Rena F. Subotnik





The role of insider knowledge in the trajectories of highly accomplished scientists
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

July 2023


94 Reads


4 Citations

Insider knowledge is critical information about how to achieve success that is not available to the general public but is relatively well‐known to individuals within the domain and to those who have access to those individuals. The goal of this study was to examine the perceived role of insider knowledge in a sample of highly accomplished American professionals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). We asked participants explicitly if insider knowledge had played a role in their talent development trajectory from K–12 education to their current creative work, with questions related to experiences at the undergraduate and graduate level and during their careers. The study was exploratory, so no formal hypotheses were put forward. Given the lack of research on the topic of insider knowledge as defined in this paper, we conducted semi‐structured interviews with a select group of individuals who had successful careers in STEM fields, both to see if insider knowledge was something that they considered important and to see if they felt that insider knowledge had played a role in their educational and career trajectories. Our hope is that the results of this paper will inform future in‐depth studies on the topic of insider knowledge.

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Domain trajectories.
Assessment to support talent development in specific subject areas.
Services at the potential stage.
Transforming Gifted Education in Schools: Practical Applications of a Comprehensive Framework for Developing Academic Talent

July 2023


551 Reads


10 Citations

Education Sciences

The foundation for talent development as a framework for gifted education can be found in a synthesis of the psychological literature on creativity, eminence, giftedness, and high performance. The talent development framework acknowledges the contributions of both general cognitive ability and domain-specific abilities to achievement, as well as the malleability of these ability constructs. Talent development is also consistent with research on the contributions of non-cognitive or psychosocial factors to school achievement, as well as studies on factors that influence the attainment of scholarly productivity and artistry within specific domains of non-academic talent. Although there are several theoretical frameworks and models of giftedness, talent development, ability, and intelligence, each with varied areas of emphasis and desired outcomes, the research base and practical applications for the talent development megamodel (TDMM) can serve as a guide to leaders and school administrators in making fiscal and programmatic decisions that maximize short- and long-term impacts for individuals and society. In this article, we discuss some of the practical implications of the model for assessment, curriculum and instruction, and psychosocial development within a school context.

Domain-specific abilities and characteristics: Evolving central components of the talent development megamodel

October 2022


108 Reads


6 Citations

High Ability Studies

Talent development addresses important components and stages of domain trajectories from childhood through adulthood, with the goal of providing opportunities for achieving creative productivity for those with abilities and aspirations to pursue that goal. The talent development megamodel (TDMM) identifies the interaction of domain specific abilities, learning, mentoring opportunities, and psychosocial skills as central features of the model. We discuss domain specific abilities, both physical and cognitive (e.g., spatial reasoning), that drive possibilities for fulfilling talent in STEM, dance, and sport. A deeper look at these domain abilities introduces concerns for needed research especially as fields transform and evolve over time.

Sociocultural factors that affect the identification and development of talent in children and adolescents

September 2022


195 Reads


2 Citations

European Journal of Training and Development

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to inform readers about the nature of talent development prior to post-secondary education; describe the obstacles that individuals face because of poverty, racism or geography; and recommend asset-based approaches that can enable more individuals to be prepared to make significant contributions to society within their domain of talent. Design/methodology/approach The methodology used was to review research from the fields of education and psychology about talent in varied domains of sport, academics and the arts, as it relates to key components (domain pathways, opportunities and psychosocial skills) of the talent development megamodel proposed by Subotnik et al. (2011). Findings Findings include a delineation of the challenges that many nations face in cultivating talent among its young citizens particularly related to their socioeconomic status, race and ethnicity and geography. Findings include recommendations for new approaches to identification; a substantial increase in school and community-based, domain-specific opportunities; teacher training; and deliberate cultivation of psychosocial skills that can support achievement. Originality/value This paper emphasizes the importance of focusing efforts on talent development at earlier stages, which is critical to creating pathways for marginalized youths to maximize their potential and contributions to the workplace.

Channeling Gifted Abilities into Transformative Creative Productivity

April 2022


42 Reads


5 Citations

Developing gifted abilities by way of talent development serves two complementary goals: (a) helping individuals develop their potential into competencies and expertise and (b) transforming that expertise into constructive solutions to social, scientific, or aesthetic problems. There are numerous reasons why gifted people might choose to challenge themselves. Some people with enormous gifts are content to explore their abilities without solving problems for anyone but themselves; others are driven to contribute society and make the world a better place. In either case, it is important for talent development programs to communicate the costs, consequences, and potential contributions of creative productivity. Achieving this goal requires knowing both the appropriate learning experiences needed at a current stage of talent development as well as what is involved at forthcoming stages, with an eye towards preparing students for each transition. The point of programming is not necessarily to guide talented individuals in a specific direction, but rather to ensure that those engaged in the challenging process of talent development are aware of the potential impacts of their work beyond the immediate.KeywordsTalent developmentPsychosocial skillsInsider knowledgeTransformational creativityScience of persuasion

Giftedness and eminence: Clarifying the relationship

March 2022


145 Reads


9 Citations

Gifted and Talented International

Who are outstandingly creative individuals that come to mind in music, sport, psychology, physics, or architecture? Almost everyone can think of someone whom they would label eminent. Some of these eminent individuals may be from the past, whereas others are still with us. In the extant literature, there are robust strands of research on giftedness and talent, expertise, and eminence. However, researchers in one strand often do not reference those in the other strands. The talent development megamodel (TDMM) was developed from an integration of literature on giftedness, expertise, and eminence, arguing that expertise is a point far beyond novice on the talent development trajectory, and eminence is the label reserved for the top contributors in a domain. In this paper, we review the literature situating eminence as the endpoint of a talent development trajectory, which can begin with gifted identification in schools and we highlight theories of giftedness which support this contention. Finally, we provide examples from several performance and production domains highlighting the TDMM’s proposed trajectory from potential to achievement to expertise, and sometimes, to eminence.

Citations (81)

... Gifted education in South Korea has grown rapidly with support for the domains of mathematics and science because it was founded with the specific goal of developing future mathematicians and scientists. Also, science high schools are the most prestigious and competitive of the specialized schools that Korean adolescents may attend, and as such, these schools may be considered to be key gifted education schools across the country (see Olszewski-Kubilius et al., 2021). In Australia and the U.S., teachers who had experience teaching gifted students were recruited with the help of two of the co-researchers for this study. ...


A comparative study of teachers’ beliefs about gifted students’ leadership talent
Sociocultural Perspectives on the Talent Development Megamodel
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2021

... Beginning in 2016, there have been several research summits that have brought together scholars primarily from North America and Europe who are interested in the talent development paradigms (Subotnik et al., 2011(Subotnik et al., , 2018Ziegler & Stoeger, 2017;Ziegler & Vialle, in press) and its utility to the field of gifted education. The fourth biennial European and North American Talent Development Summit was held at Haifa University, Israel, in September of 2022, hosted by Dr Roza Leikin, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Professor of Mathematics Education and Gifted Education. ...

Talent development as the most promising focus of giftedness and gifted education.
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2018

... However, no talent is fully developed by school programs alone [36]. Research shows that schools can use outside-of-school time to increase learning opportunities for learners in poverty, enabling them to catch up in their achievement [13,37]. In a qualitative study of highly successful individuals in STEM fields, it was found that almost all had pivotal experiences in science or math outside of school, including working in laboratories or participating in specialized summer programs. ...

The role of insider knowledge in the trajectories of highly accomplished scientists

... TD is an overarching framework that includes services, based on research-based best practices, for learners who enter school already advanced and ahead of their age-peers (i.e., learners who demonstrate high achievement and ability on traditional tests), as well as students with high potential that is not obvious yet in high achievement (e.g., children from poverty, English learners) and who need additional learning opportunities to demonstrate their abilities and achieve at levels commensurate with their potential. Multiple and differentiated services are needed for these diverse gifted learners, all of whom are served within a TD framework [16]. ...

Transforming Gifted Education in Schools: Practical Applications of a Comprehensive Framework for Developing Academic Talent

Education Sciences

... This program acknowledges the role played by future leaders who wish to develop and innovate and, therefore, achieve progress and the development of the country (Misk, 2022). This support keeps pace with the latest trends in gifted education to nurture giftedness, and further with the more recent support that has been geared towards developing transformational giftedness, i.e., talent investment for the development of human life and society (Dai, 2022;Reis & Renzulli, 2022;Subotnik et al., 2022). ...

Channeling Gifted Abilities into Transformative Creative Productivity
  • Citing Chapter
  • April 2022

... 86). This is partly why a number of recent, prominent explanations have turned from emphasizing how to measure giftedness and talent, to devising general talent development frameworks (such as TAD, the Talent Development in Achievement Domains) that can be used as a tool in the education of learners with high potential in music or other fields (Müllensiefen et al., 2022). ...

Talent Development in Music
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

... The internal components encompass general and specialized capabilities within the field, as well as social and psychological skills, and growth experiences [51]. ...

Domain-specific abilities and characteristics: Evolving central components of the talent development megamodel
  • Citing Article
  • October 2022

High Ability Studies