October 2024
16 Reads
1 Citation
Journal of Mammalogy
White-nose syndrome (WNS) has caused dramatic population declines in several bat species, including the Tricolored Bat (Perimyotis subflavus). Several studies have documented bats using colder roosting temperatures after infection; however, this strategy may have costs such as increased freezing risks or greater predation risks and it is unknown when during hibernation bats begin to utilize these colder temperatures. Our aim was to examine Tricolored Bat roost locations in a WNS-positive site in relation to roost microclimate and other environmental conditions throughout the hibernation season. We conducted monthly censuses of tricolored bats across 2 hibernation seasons (November to March 2020 to 2021 and October to March 2021 to 2022) in a WNS-positive hibernaculum in northwestern South Carolina and recorded skin and adjacent wall temperature, tunnel section, and distance from the entrance for each bat species. We continuously measured hibernacula temperature and relative humidity during both hibernation seasons. Most bats roosted in the back part of the tunnel where temperatures were warmer and more stable, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and human disturbance were low. However, >20% of bats roosted in the front, where roost temperatures were significantly colder and VPD was higher but more variable; human disturbance was also higher in this section. The proportion of bats in each tunnel section did not vary among months and we did not find evidence of significant movement to the front section of the tunnel as hibernation progressed based on marked bats; however, bats in the front section roosted higher on the wall suggesting that they may be avoiding human disturbance or predators. Our results support the notion that no optimum hibernation temperature exists for tricolored bats and that high VPD and disturbance are likely important factors driving microsite use. Protection of Tricolored Bat hibernacula that offer a range of microclimates or a network of sites in close proximity that offer different microclimates may be helpful for recovery of this species.