Rayza Ilfie Azkya Ashgarie’s scientific contributions

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Publications (3)

Description of Respondent's Identity (N = 138).
The descriptive statistical data.
Model Summary.
Predictors factors.
The Role of Gratitude and Forgiveness Toward Self-awareness in Emerging Adulthood
  • Article
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November 2024


113 Reads

KnE Social Sciences


Rayza Ilfie Azkya Ashgarie

A transition period from adolescence to adulthood is called emerging adulthood. Individuals experience periods of life that offer opportunities to explore identity in various aspects of life, such as love, work, and views of the world. Self-awareness is an important self-development component for emerging adulthood. Self-awareness is the ability to see oneself clearly and objectively. Self-awareness will become more visible when individuals can use character strengths in living their lives. One of the two character strengths that people have is gratitude and forgiveness. Gratitude is the character strength most strongly associated with life satisfaction. Forgiveness is one of the characteristics of the virtue of temperance, namely a virtue that correlates with an individual’s attitude to refrain from anything that is excessive and has the potential to cause undesirable consequences. This research uses a non-experimental quantitative approach using the Indonesian version of the character strength scale developed by the VIA Institute via the viacharacter.org with an internal consistency reliability of 0.75, which the researcher uses for the gratitude and forgiveness sections. The scale for self-awareness uses the Self-Awareness Outcomes Questionnaire (SAOQ) that has 38 items. The research subjects were 138 respondents in the emerging adulthood category (18-25 years). The research results found that gratitude and forgiveness had a significant role in self-awareness by 42%. Significance in a positive direction, the more gratitude and forgiveness increases, the more self-awareness increases. Keywords: emerging adulthood, self-awareness, gratitude, forgiveness


Are We Different?, Tinjauan Kepribadian secara Lintas Budaya dalam Implikasinya terhadap Kehidupan Manusia

August 2023


27 Reads

Flourishing Journal

This article aims to find out personality with cross-cultural views and its various implications for human life. The process of compiling this article uses a qualitative approach in the form of a literature review. The results obtained are that cross-cultural personality has at least implications for changes in personality, maturity, religiosity, culture shock, motivation and cognition, enjoyment of entertainment, cultural intelligence, bullying behavior, subjective well-being, and self-representation. In addition, intercultural personality differences were also obtained on the continents of Asia vs. Europe, Asia vs. America, and Europe vs. America. Based on the implications, there are three levels of implications, namely cultural differences in personality affect these implications differently, such as changes in personality; cultural differences in personality affect these implications in the same way, such as enjoying entertainment; and cultural differences in personality do not greatly affect these implications such as bullying behavior. Meanwhile, by region, Asia tends to be collectivist, so it has a closer personality than Europe and America. America tends to be individual, so it is more open than Asia and Europe, and Europe can be both collectivist and individualist depending on who the comparison is. AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepribadian dengan tinjauan lintas budaya dalam berbagai implikasinya terhadap kehidupan manusia. Proses penyusunan artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif berjenis literature review. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh yakni kepribadian secara lintas budaya berimplikasi setidaknya terhadap perubahan kepribadian, kedewasaan, religiusitas, culture shock, motivasi dan kognitif, menikmati hiburan, kecerdasan budaya, perilaku bullying, subjective well-being, dan representasi diri. Selain itu, diperoleh juga perbedaan kepribadian antarbudaya secara benua Asia vs Eropa, Asia vs Amerika, dan Eropa vs Amerika. Berdasarkan implikasi, terdapat tiga tingkat implikasi yakni perbedaan kepribadian secara budaya mempengaruhi implikasi tersebut secara berbeda pula seperti perubahan kepribadian, perbedaan kepribadian secara budaya mempengaruhi implikasi tersebut secara sama seperti menikmati hiburan, dan perbedaan kepribadian secara budaya tidak terlalu mempengaruhi implikasi tersebut seperti perilaku bullying. Sedangkan berdasarkan wilayah, Asia cenderung kolektivis sehingga berkepribadian tertutup daripada Eropa dan Amerika, Amerika cenderung individual sehingga lebih terbuka daripada Asia dan Eropa, dan Eropa dapat bersifat kolektivis dan individualis bergantung pada siapa pembandingnya.

Body Appreciation Pada Perempuan Dewasa Awal yang Aktif Menggunakan Media Sosial

January 2023


373 Reads

Flourishing Journal

Masa dewasa awal merupakan masa yang penuh gejolak dan perubahan, baik secara fisik ataupun psikis. Berbagai tantangan perlu dilewati oleh para dewasa awal agar dapat menjadi orang dewasa yang mandiri dan bertanggung jawab. Dalam konteks ini, perempuan memiliki kesulitan tersendiri dalam menangani tantangan yang berkaitan dengan fisik alias citra tubuh. Citra tubuh merupakan bagaimana individu memandang diri mereka. Jika pada penelitian terdahulu seringkali yang diangkat citra tubuh negatif atau body dissatisfaction yang dirasakan, maka penelitian kali ini mencoba mencari sejauh mana apresiasi tubuh yang dilakukan oleh para perempuan dewasa awal ketika mereka secara aktif menggunakan media sosial. Media sosial digunakan sebagai variabel sebab citra tubuh paling sering berubah karena terdampak dari media sosial, membandingkan diri misalnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif dengan subjek sejumlah 42 orang yang diperoleh melalui purposive sampling ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa sebagian besar subjek masih memiliki tingkat body appreciation yang baik yakni tinggi dan sangat tinggi, terlepas dirinya menjadi pengguna aktif media sosial. Salah satu yang mempengaruhi kemungkinan usia yang semakin matang sehingga lebih mampu meregulasi emosi dan perilakunya. Diharapkan kecenderungan ini akan bertahan agar para perempuan dewasa awal ini tumbuh menjadi orang dewasa yang penuh kepercayaan diri. Keywords: dewasa awal; citra tubuh; apresiasi tubuh; penyusunan instrumen psikologi Abstrak: Early adulthood is a period full of turmoil and change, both physically and psychologically. Various challenges need to be passed by early adults to become adults who are independent and responsible. In this context, women have their own difficulties in dealing with challenges related to physique, aka body image. Body image is how individuals perceive themselves If in previous studies it was often raised negative body image or perceived body dissatisfaction, this research tries to find out the extent to which early adult women appreciate the body when they actively use social media. Social media is used as a variable because body image changes most often due to the impact of social media, comparing oneself for example. The research was conducted using a quantitative method with a total of 42 subjects obtained through purposive sampling. This resulted in the conclusion that most of the subjects still had a good level of body appreciation, in level high and very high, regardless of being an active user of social media. One that affects the possibility of a more mature age so that it is more able to regulate its emotions and behavior. It is hoped that this trend will persist as these early adult women grow into confident adults. Kata kunci: early adulthood; body image; body appreciation; psychological instrument