Raymond D. Hoisington’s scientific contributions

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Publications (4)

Figure 1. Comparison of our solar spectrometric measurements [17] with those of D'Antoni et al. [16].
Figure 2. Prism #2 assembly installed on platform base. Pedestal tensioner screws can be seen through the upper hole of both prism pedestals. Prism #2 mounting plate thrust bearing is also visible.
Figure 4. Mounted prisms and servo motors.
Figure 5. Stepper motors and computers mounted on platform base. Note the offset of Prism #2.
Figure 6. Double Monochromator and UV-C Reference Source on optical bench for evaluation. Prism covers are removed to observe prism rotation and position during testing. Note the RAA4 Sensor (with fiber optic line attached) after the second prism, and the computer assembly at the rear to drive the stepper motors.


Unequivocal Detection of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation 250-300 nm (UV-C) at Earth's Surface
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2023


1,322 Reads


4 Citations

Advances In Image and Video Processing

Raymond D. Hoisington



The toxicity of ultraviolet radiation in wavelength range 100-280 nm (UV-C) is well documented. UV-C irradiation can cause skin cancer, premature aging, visual problems and blindness. Prolonged exposure to UV radiation can kill both plants and animals, including entire forests. There are numerous assertions in the medical, public health, and geoscience literature that no UV-C reaches Earth's surface, despite several studies to the contrary including one in 2007 by NASA. Naysayers blame technical problems such as stray light. Low-level UV-C measurements are difficult, if not nearly impossible, when using low integration values in the CCD Imaging Spectral Radiometers. This is due to the instrument's internal and external atmospheric stray light issues, issues which even occur during calibration procedures that employ heated filament or gas-filled lamps. To obviate these inherent problems, one of us (RDH) designed, engineered, and constructed a Double Monochromator utilized in conjunction with the ILT950UV Spectral Radiometer operating in the raw data mode. Each of the initial measurements of solar irradiance displayed evidence of UV-C arriving at Earth's surface, not high in the mountains, but just 176 meters above sea-level. These data were taken in the raw data mode, corrected for prism loss, with instrument noise, i.e. machine errors, subtracted. The non-zero value for relative spectral irradiance clearly shows the existence of UV-C at Earth's surface, in the range 250-300 nm, even when measured under less than optimum atmospheric conditions. Research and development continue. We must know with certainty the condition of the stratospheric ozone layer that shields surface life from solar UV-C. Covert geoengineering atmospheric particulate pollution, in combination with industrial pollution of the atmosphere, is killing Earth's stratospheric ozone layer. If unabated, it will sound the death knell for much of life on Earth.


Fig. 2. Photographs taken from behind the auto guider radiometer mount showing the radiometer sensor's entry and exit through the aerosol chemtrail Photographs by author (RDH)
Fig. 4. White and black particulate trails above Danby, Vermont, USA, an impossible combination for alleged ice-crystal 'contrails' [4]
Chemtrails are Not Contrails: Radiometric Evidence

March 2020


35,167 Reads


15 Citations

Journal of Geography Environment and Earth Science International

Aims: Concerted efforts are made to deceive the public into falsely believing the jet-emplaced tropospheric aerosol trails, called chemtrails by some, are harmless ice-crystal contrails from aircraft engine exhaust-moisture. Our objective is to use radiometric measurements in the range 250-300 nm to show that a typical chemtrail is not a contrail, and to generalize that finding with additional data. Methods: We utilized International Light Technologies ILT950UV Spectral Radiometer mounted on a Meade LXD55 auto guider telescope tripod and mount assembly. Results: Radiometric solar irradiance spectra data that included the transit of a typical tropospheric aerosol trail between radiometer-sensor and the solar disc showed significant absorption during the transit period. The during-transit absorption is wholly inconsistent with the almost negligible adsorption by ice, but is wholly consistent with absorption by aerosolize particulates, including coal fly ash. This result is consistent with other aerosol-trail physical phenomena observations. Conclusions: The public and the scientific community have been systematically deceived into falsely believing that the pervasive, jet-sprayed ‘chemtrails’ are harmless ice-crystal contrails. We have presented radiometric measurements which unambiguously prove the falsity of that characterization for one specific, but typical instance. We show in a more general framework that the physical manifestations of the aerial trails are inconsistent with ice-crystal contrails, but entirely consistent with aerosol particulate trails. We describe potential reasons for the deception, and cite the extremely adverse consequences of the aerial particulate spraying on human and environmental health. For the sake of life on Earth, the modification of the natural environment by aerial particulate spraying and other methodologies must immediately and permanently end.

Citations (3)

... The good news is that the atmosphere completely removes it, preventing UVC from reaching the Earth's surface. 5,6 UVB radiation, although mostly filtered by atmospheric ozone, can still penetrate coastal areas and oceanic waters, causing harm to both heterotrophs and phototrophs. While small doses of UVB stimulate melanin production in the body, prolonged exposure can lead to delayed skin tanning, skin aging, DNA damage, and an increased risk of skin cancer. ...


Recycled Cellulose Acetate/Cerium Vanadate Nanoparticles Composite Membranes with Tuned Ultraviolet and Blue Light Shielding Capabilities
Unequivocal Detection of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation 250-300 nm (UV-C) at Earth's Surface

Advances In Image and Video Processing

... For a number of years Jim Lee has promoted the idea that chemtrails are the unintentional consequence of aircraft exhaust, pointing to the widespread adoption in 1998 of a new jet fuel as the source of chemical additives. That explanation is a radical departure from the longstanding "official" storyline that chemtrails are simply contrails, that is ice crystals formed from ordinary aircraft exhaust [20,21]. It showcases a partial truth. ...

Chemtrails are Not Contrails: Radiometric Evidence

Journal of Geography Environment and Earth Science International

... (8,12) UVC is blocked by the earth's atmosphere, while UVA and UVB reach the surface of the earth and can penetrate the skin into the epidermis (UVB) and dermis (UVA). (8,12,13) The detrimental effects of UVR may be described in terms of molecular pathways, ranging from oxidative stress, DNA damage, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, collagen degradation, dysregulated autophagy, inflammation, and immunosuppression. (6,8,11) Ultraviolet irradiation of the skin (photoaging) induces reactive oxygen species (ROS) which act on the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, increasing activator protein 1 (AP-1), which leads to increased matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). ...

Deadly Ultraviolet UV-C and UV-B Penetration to Earth’s Surface: Human and Environmental Health Implications

Journal of Geography Environment and Earth Science International