December 2014
1,893 Reads
15 Citations
Since the pioneering eighteen-year (1817-1835) Brazil expedition of Austrian naturalist Johann Natterer, during which he devoted at least two months collecting specimens in the region of Curitiba (1820), there have been few studies involving the avifauna of this municipal region (435 km2). At least two checklists have been prepared (1984 and 1993) along with several ecological and behavioral studies of selected species. However, there has never been a consensus about the number of species that live in the limits of this city, even though the influence of contiguous landscapes on its avifauna is obvious and it has significant evidence of a great variety compared to other places of similar size. This study is an annotated revision of the species recorded in Curitiba (dead line: December 1st, 2014), according to the literature, museum specimens and unpublished data from the authors. Species richness (396 species) includes 389 native species, 7 introduced and established species, and 24 exotic or accidental species. A total of 24 taxa with dubious records was revised, and these species remain on a provisionary list until more decisive information is obtained. This paper is the result of the efforts of 18 researchers who work in Curitiba and summarizes more than 10,000 records of birds at 150 localities. We hope the paper is useful for informing conservation efforts as well for use in education and other official urban management initiatives.