Raphaël Côte’s research while affiliated with French National Centre for Scientific Research and other places

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Publications (52)

Mathematical Analysis of Topological Singularities in some physical problems
  • Preprint
  • File available

December 2024


64 Reads

Raphaël Côte






Didier Smets

This is the final report of the ANR project 14-CE25-0009-01 entitled "Mathematical Analysis of Topological Singularities in some physical problems" (MAToS) that was developed by the authors between January 2015-December 2019. The central theme of this project lied in the area of nonlinear analysis (nonlinear partial differential equations and calculus of variations). We focused on the structure and dynamics of topological singularities arising in some variational physical models driven by the Landau-Lifshitz equation (in micromagnetics) and the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (in superconductivity, Bose-Einstein condensation, nonlinear optics). These included vortex singularities, traveling waves and domain walls in magnetic thin films. These structures are observed experimentally and in numerical simulations and play an important role in the dynamics of the corresponding physical systems. We made significant progress in the mathematical analysis of these structures (both at the stationary and dynamical level) that gives more insight into the physical phenomena.


Existence and Uniqueness of Domain Walls for Notched Ferromagnetic Nanowires

December 2024


5 Reads

In this article, we investigate a simple model of notched ferromagnetic nanowires using tools from calculus of variations and critical point theory. Specifically, we focus on the case of a single unimodal notch and establish the existence and uniqueness of the critical point of the energy. This is achieved through a lifting argument, which reduces the problem to a generalized Sturm-Liouville equation. Uniqueness is demonstrated via a Mountain-Pass argument, where the assumption of two distinct critical points leads to a contradiction. Additionally, we show that the solution corresponds to a system of magnetic spins characterized by a single domain wall localized in the vicinity of the notch. We further analyze the asymptotic decay of the solution at infinity and explore the symmetric case using rearrangement techniques.

On the set of non radiative solutions for the energy critical wave equation

June 2024


1 Read

Non radiative solutions of the energy critical non linear wave equation are global solutions u that furthermore have vanishing asymptotic energy outside the lightcone at both t±t \to \pm \infty: limt±t,xu(t)L2(xt+R)=0, \lim_{t \to \pm \infty} \| \nabla_{t,x} u(t) \|_{L^2(|x| \ge |t|+R)} = 0, for some R>0R \gt 0. They were shown to play an important role in the analysis of long time dynamics of solutions, in particular regarding the soliton resolution: we refer to the seminal works of Duyckaerts, Kenig and Merle, see \cite{DKM:23} and the references therein. We show that the set of non radiative solutions which are small in the energy space is a manifold whose tangent space at 0 is given by non radiative solutions to the linear equation (described in \cite{CL24}). We also construct nonlinear solutions with an arbitrary prescribed radiation field.

Figure 1: Illustration of the two generic geometries coresponding to a 1D nanowire (left) and a 2D nanolayer (right)
Figure 2: Spatially averaged x component of the magnetic moment m 1 (t) for one statistical realization, as a function of time t for a ferromagnetic nanowire. Colors correspond to different temperatures, as indicated on the figure. Top panels: cobalt; middle panels: iron; bottom panels: nickel. The left column corresponds to nanowires with dimensions (in nm): 1680 × 11 × 11, the right column to nanowires with dimensions (in nm): 120 × 41 × 41.
Figure 3: Total magnetization M tot , from Eq. (10), as a function of the temperature, for cubic cobalt (left panel), iron (right panel) and nickel (middle panel) nano-objects with dimensions 50 nm × 50 nm × 50 nm. The different symbols and colors stand for different computational cell sizes ∆x, going from 1 nm to 5 nm. The black vertical dash-dotted lines represent the bulk Curie temperatures as given in Table 1.
Figure 4: Total magnetization M tot , from Eq. (10), as a function of temperature, for a cobalt (left), iron (right) or nickel (middle) nanowire with dimensions 50 nm×50 nm×50 nm. The different symbols stand for different time steps ∆t = 2.5 fs (green crosses), 5 fs (red circles), and 10 fs (blue crosses). The computational grid size is ∆x = 1 nm. The black vertical dash-dotted lines represent the bulk Curie temperatures as given in Table 1.
Figure 5: Total magnetization M tot (10) with respect to temperature with numerical parameters detailed in Table 2. The Curie temperature corresponds to the first temperature at which magnetization falls to zero. Simulation results are represented by dots, the solid curves are an interpolation based on cubic splines.


Micromagnetic simulations of the size dependence of the Curie temperature in ferromagnetic nanowires and nanolayers

April 2024


50 Reads

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

Perturbation at Blow-Up Time of Self-Similar Solutions for the Modified Korteweg–de Vries Equation

March 2024


18 Reads


4 Citations

Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis

We prove a first stability result of self-similar blow-up for the modified Korteweg–de Vries equation on the line. More precisely, given a self-similar solution and a sufficiently small regular profile, there is a unique global solution which behaves at t=0t=0 as the sum of the self-similar solution and the smooth perturbation.

Asymptotic Stability of 2-Domain Walls for the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert Equation in a Nanowire With Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction

November 2023


1 Read


2 Citations

International Mathematics Research Notices

We consider a ferromagnetic nanowire, with an energy functional E with easy-axis in the direction e1e_{1}, and which takes into account the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction. We consider configurations of the magnetization that are perturbations of two well-separated domain wall and study their evolution under the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert flow associated to E. Our main result is that, if the two walls have opposite speed, these configurations are asymptotically stable, up to gauges intrinsic to the invariances of the energy E. Our analysis builds on the framework developed in [4], taking advantage that it is amenable to space localisation.

Improved Uniqueness of Multi-breathers of the Modified Korteweg–de Vries Equation

June 2023


5 Reads

Vietnam Journal of Mathematics

We consider multi-breathers of (mKdV). In Semenov (2022), a smooth multi-breather was constructed, and proved to be unique in two cases: first, in the class of super-polynomial convergence to the profile (in the spirit of (Commun. Partial Differ. Equ. 46, 2325–2385, 2021)), and second, under the assumption that all speeds of the breathers involved are positive (without rate of convergence). The goal of this short note is to improve the second result: we show that uniqueness still holds if at most one velocity is negative or zero.

Asymptotic Stability of Precessing Domain Walls for the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert Equation in a Nanowire with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction

April 2023


23 Reads


12 Citations

Communications in Mathematical Physics

We consider a ferromagnetic nanowire and we focus on an asymptotic regime where the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is taken into account. First we prove a dimension reduction result via Γ\Gamma -convergence that determines a limit functional E defined for maps m:RS2m:\mathbb {R}\rightarrow \mathbb {S}^2 in the direction e1e_1 of the nanowire. The energy functional E is invariant under translations in e1e_1 and rotations about the axis e1e_1. We fully classify the critical points of finite energy E when a transition between e1-e_1 and e1e_1 is imposed; these transition layers are called (static) domain walls. The evolution of a domain wall by the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation associated to E under the effect of an applied magnetic field h(t)e1h(t)e_1 depending on the time variable t gives rise to the so-called precessing domain wall. Our main result proves the asymptotic stability of precessing domain walls for small h in L([0,+))L^\infty ([0, +\infty )) and small H1(R)H^1(\mathbb {R}) perturbations of the static domain wall, up to a gauge which is intrinsic to invariances of the functional E.

Citations (26)

... Recently new interest on self-similar solutions to the mkdV equation appears due to the link with the behavior of vortex filaments in fluid dynamics. In a series of works [3], [4], [5] the local well-posedness for small subcritical perturbations of self-similar solutions to the mKdV equation is proven. In the critical and super critical case p ≥ 4, self-similar profiles were constructed with precise asymptotic in [1] by means of the associated ODE. ...


Self-similar solutions for the generalized fractional Korteweg-de Vries equation
Perturbation at Blow-Up Time of Self-Similar Solutions for the Modified Korteweg–de Vries Equation

Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis

... This narrow region where the magnetization changes rapidly is known as a Néel wall. Its stability and dynamics have been the subject of extensive research; see, for example, [4,5,11,9,12,15,16,18,22,23] and references therein. Control theory for Néel walls has also been extensively studied and developed [6,7,21]. ...

Asymptotic Stability of 2-Domain Walls for the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert Equation in a Nanowire With Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction
  • Citing Article
  • November 2023

International Mathematics Research Notices

... Traveling waves in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. In the article Côte-Ignat [1], we describe precessing domain walls, and prove that they are asymptotically stable under an applied magnetic field which is sufficiently small. The method we developed also opens a line of research and provides tools to understand the interaction of several domain walls and the description of general magnetizations for large times. ...

Asymptotic Stability of Precessing Domain Walls for the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert Equation in a Nanowire with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction

Communications in Mathematical Physics

... We show that the set of non radiative solutions which are small in the energy space is a manifold whose tangent space at 0 is given by non radiative solutions to the linear equation (described in [2]). We also construct nonlinear solutions with an arbitrary prescribed radiation field. ...

Concentration close to the cone for linear waves
  • Citing Article
  • December 2022

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

... In [3], for radial solutions in dimension d ≥ 2, the convergence of any global solution to one equilibrium is proved to hold for the whole sequence of time. Let us also refer to [9] for a study of solutions converging to an excited state of (1.3) (stationary solution). As discussed in [3], such results are closely related to the general soliton resolution conjecture for global bounded solutions of dispersive problems; see [11, This means that two configuration of points on which G act by permutation (with same cardinality) can actually be mapped to one another via an (affine) similarity: this motivates the term "rigidity". ...

Asymptotics of solutions with a compactness property for the nonlinear damped Klein–Gordon equation
  • Citing Article
  • May 2022

Nonlinear Analysis

... Interaction between modes. In the preprints by Correia-Côte-Vega [9,2], we studied a dispersive model for the formation and evolution of vortex filaments making a corner. We studied the self-similar solutions to the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation (which corresponds to the curvature of the filaments), and we found a (critical) functional framework in which the flow can be studied. ...

Self-similar dynamics for the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation
  • Citing Article
  • July 2021

... The main point is that the linearized flow around these states is linearly unstable, and beyond this, little is known (to the contrary of the case of ground states). On a similar topic, we described completely 2-soliton solutions to the damped nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation in Côte-Martel-Yuan-Zhao [3]: construction, description of the profile for large times, and smoothness of the set of initial data leading to 2-solitons (essentially, a Lipschitz manifold of codimension 2). Interaction between modes. ...

Description and Classification of 2-Solitary Waves for Nonlinear Damped Klein–Gordon Equations

Communications in Mathematical Physics

... arisen from population genetics [3,22], and the important double-power nonlinearity f (u) = −u − λ|u| q−1 u + µ|u| p−1 u, 1 < p = q < n + 2 n − 2 , λ, µ > 0, (1.10) often arisen from the corresponding nonlinear Schrödinger equations [16,31,36,58]. ...

On smoothness and uniqueness of multi-solitons of the non-linear Schrödinger equations
  • Citing Article
  • July 2021

Communications in Partial Differential Equations

... For example, this equation arises in general relativity, nonlinear optics (e.g., the instability phenomena such as selffocusing), plasma physics, fluid mechanics, radiation theory or spin waves. Since the pioneering work of Lions and Strauss [31], the deterministic wave equation has been extensively investigated, the developments in various directions are well documented in [21,7,8,9,10,18,30,43,19,14] and the references therein. Stochastic wave equation arises as a mathematical model to describe nonlinear vibration or wave propagation in a randomly excited continuous medium, such as atmosphere, oceans, sonic booms, traffic flows, optic devices and quantum fields, when random fluctuations are taken into account. ...

Long-time Asymptotics of the One-dimensional Damped Nonlinear Klein–Gordon Equation

Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis

... Christ and Weintein [3] improved their results to α > (19− √ 57)/8. Furthermore, Hayashi and Naumkin extended their results to α 1, where they proved an usual scattering for (1.1) when α > 1 [12] (see also Côte [5] for construction of large data wave operator) and a modified scattering for α = 1 [13,14,15] (See also Harrop-Griffiths [11], Germain, Pusateri and Rousset [9], Correia, Côte, and Vega [4] for other approaches). In those results, the classes of the initial states and the asymptotic states are different. ...

Self-Similar Dynamics for the Modified Korteweg–de Vries Equation
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

International Mathematics Research Notices