December 2020
17 Reads
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December 2020
17 Reads
October 2020
19 Reads
August 2020
11 Reads
10 Citations
Neotropical Helminthology
El objetivo de la investigación estuvo dirigido a determinar la posible incidencia de algunas variables climatológicas sobre las entidades fasciolosis y angiostrongilosis en la provincia Villa Clara, Cuba durante los años 2014 y 2015. Se realizaron seis muestreos por cada año (bimestral) en 329 ecosistemas fluviales de los 13 municipios que conforman la provincia. El método empleado fue el de captura por unidad de esfuerzo durante 15 min. Los moluscos vivos recolectados fueron trasladados al Laboratorio de Malacología Médica de Villa Clara, para su identificación. Se identificaron 21 especies de moluscos; de las cuales, dos se clasificaron como endémica, 12 como locales y siete como introducidas. Las familias mejor representadas y distribuidas resultaron ser Planorbidae, Lymnaeidae y Ampullariidae. Las especies más abundantes y mejor representadas fueron Tarebia granifera, Physella acuta, Galba cubensis y Melanoides tuberculata. Las variables climáticas que mayor incidencia tuvieron sobre la fasciolosis fueron la temperatura media regresada en un bimestre y la precipitación regresada en 4 bimestres, mientras que para la angiostrongilos fue la humedad relativa mínima; para las demás variables no se encontraron correlaciones significativas. Si tenemos en cuenta la elevada riqueza de especies de moluscos de interés sanitario existente en la provincia y la alta incidencia que tienen las varibles climáticas en la fasciolosis y angiostrongilosis, pues es evidente el riesgo potencial que representa para la salud humana y animal de esta provincia la existencia de especies de moluscos con potencialidades para cerrar el ciclo biológico de numerosas especies de tremátodos y nemátodos.
July 2020
41 Reads
July 2020
148 Reads
July 2020
20 Reads
April 2017
133 Reads
1 Citation
The objective of the research was to model and predict the behavior of total fasciolosis in the province of Villa Clara, Cuba, until the year 2020. The research covered the period from January 2004 to June 2015. Two methodologies were used: the Re¬gressive Objective Methodology and regression with Dummy variables. Three models were elaborated: the first one was the climatic variable that had the greatest influence on the fasciolosis using dummy variables; second, a model using Dummy varia¬bles of the fasciolosis; and a third model, using the Objective Regression methodology using independent variables predicted in previous models. Correlation coefficients were obtained between the real value and the forecast of R = 0.99 for model 1, with an error of 0.88 ºC for model 2, R = 0.92 with an error of 89.08 cases, and for the third model R = 0.94 with an error of 76.37. The tendency of fasciolosis is positive to the increase in 7.91 cases, where a minimum temperature increase of one degree brought with it a decrease in fasciolosis in 3.8 cases, so that by the year 2020 there must be values higher than those of 2015 for the tendency of fasciolosis to increase, with values below the 300 cases maintained. It is concluded that the trend for minimum temperature and fasciolosis to increase until the year 2020 was significant. Model 3 was the one with the smallest errors. Careful attention should be given to prevention plans for this disease to reduce the impact it may have on the population.
November 2016
166 Reads
6 Citations
The objective of the research was to determine the effect of some climatic variables in the angiostrongilosis and fasciolosis diseases of Villa Clara province, Cuba during the years 2014 and 2015. Samples were taken bimonthly in 329 river ecosystems of the 13 municipalities of the province. The method used was the catch per unit effort of 15 min. Collected live mollusks were transferred to the Medical Malacology Laboratory of Villa Clara, for identification. 21 species of mollusks were identified, of which two were classified as endemic, 12 as local and seven as introduced. The most prevalent families were Planorbidae, Lymnaeidae and Ampullariidae. The most abundant and best represented species were Tarebia granifera, Physella acuta, Galba cubensis and Melanoides tuberculata. The weather variables that had the greatest impact on fasciolosis entity were the regressive average temperature in two bimonth period and the precipitation in 4 bimonth periods. Angiostrongilosis was more closely correlated with minimal relative humidity in the municipalities of Santo Domingo and Cifuentes. For the rest of variables, no other significant correlations were found. The high richness of mollusks species are associated with public health interest in the province. The correlations with climatic variables in angiostrongilosis and fasciolosis indicate the potential risk for human and animal health in this province because of the existence of shellfish species with potential to complete the life cycle of many species of trematodes and nematodes.
October 2015
1,957 Reads
9 Citations
Revista de Patologia Tropical / Journal of Tropical Pathology
This work aims to determine some ecological aspects of river and terrestrial mollusks of medical-veterinary importance in 13 municipalities of the province of Villa Clara, Cuba during 2013. Samples were collected monthly in 477 mollusk farms. 21 species of fresh water (n=14) and terrestrial (n=7) snails were recorded. Two species were classified as endemic, 15 as local and four as introduced (exotic species). In relation to their frequency of occurrence, 14 species were constant (66.7%), five species were common (23.8%) and two were rare (9.5%). The four main species of freshwater snails were Tarebia granifera, Pomacea poeyana, Physella acuta and Corbicula fluminea in the municipalities of Santa Clara, Placetas, Ranchuelo, Camajuani and Cifuentes. The most representative terrestrial mollusks were Praticolella griseola, Zachrysia auricoma and Galba cubensis, in the municipalities of Santa Clara and Placetas. Positive correlation between richness of species and mollusk abundance was found. Pomacea bridgesii and T. granifera are no less related to the other 20 species of mollusks based on similarity dendrograms. Increasing the maximum temperature and relative humidity decreases the total abundance of mollusks. There is a wide variety of species of mollusks of medicalveterinary importance in the province of Villa Clara, which may constitute an epidemiological risk to the province.
September 2015
128 Reads
... La estacionalidad y variación interanual en la incidencia a las enfermedades son más pronunciadas para las enfermedades arbovíricas, pues los reservorios vectores son susceptibles a cambios estacionales (Cepero, 2012;Fimia et al., 2016a;Osés et al., 2016). Las condiciones climáticas y la dinámica de transmisión de estas enfermedades están intervinculadas, y como hoy se tiene más conocimiento sobre los parámetros meteorológicos, el impacto del cambio climático puede y debe ser mitigado (Fimia et al., 2012a;Fimia et al., 2016b;Osés et al. 2016). A este problema se unen ahora, el calentamiento del planeta y la intensificación de los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos, lo cual ha traído consigo, cambios en el comportamiento de las enfermedades y de sus transmisores, con el establecimiento de especies vectores en lugares nunca antes registradas. ...
August 2020
Neotropical Helminthology
... De estos, el 50 % habitan total o temporalmente en ecosistemas de agua dulce (Nelson, 2006). Los peces constituyen elementos claves en las redes tróficas en que interactúan (Singh y Hughes, 1971), siendo además controladores biológicos en muchos ecosistemas dulceacuícolas (Fimia, 2010;Walton, 2007). ...
August 2009
Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical
... We want to point out in this paper, that ROR methodology is based on a philosophical principle, which is statistical regular. This is a form of causal relationships, where a given state of the system does not univalent determine all subsequent states, but rather with a certain degree of probability, which is the objective to measure the possibility of realizing the trends of change that have appeared in the past (Fimia et al., 2014b;Osés et al., 2017c). Statistical regularity applies to all non-autonomous systems that depend on constantly changing external conditions and have a very large number of elements. ...
December 2014
Cátedra Villarreal
... The modeling (ROR), is based on a combination of Dummy variables with ARIMA modeling, where only two Dummy variables are created and the trend of the series is obtained, it requires few cases to be used and allows using also, exogenous variables that make it possible to model and forecast in the long term, depending on the exogenous variable, it has given better results than ARIMA in some variables, such as HIV modeling, entities of viral etiology/arbovirosis and parasitic entities [28][29][30][31][32][33][34]. ...
April 2017
... Application of the ROR methodology to the modeling and prediction of the infectious entities fasciolosis and angiostrongylosis, specifically to the river and terrestrial malacofauna of the Sancti Spíritus and Villa Clara provinces, with emphasis on the following aspects: influence of some climatic variables on the river malacofauna and terrestrial with zoonotic importance; studies on distribution and abundance of fluvial and terrestrial gastropods with meteorological variables through mathematical modeling, as well as the application of said methodology to the population dynamics of the fluvial and terrestrial malacofauna of both provinces [32][33][34]. ...
November 2016
... En el presente estudio la temperatura promedio correspondiente al ambiente donde se encontraban los cultivos fue de 29,53 °C. En estudios realizados durante los últimos años se ha evidenciado que la humedad relativa y la temperatura influyen directamente y pueden ayudar a predecir la densidad, tamaño y peso de L. fulica (Raut & Barker, 2002;Albuquerque et al., 2009;De la Rosa et al., 2010;Goldyn et al., 2017); sin embargo, el estudio realizado por Avendaño & Linares (2015) en Colombia confirmó que no existió relación directa entre estas variables, al igual que en nuestro estudio la mayor cantidad de moluscos se recolectaron en fincas donde existían condiciones favorables para su desarrollo, lo que reporta Fimia et al. (2015), tales como gran cantidad de materia orgánica, desechos orgánicos y alta presencia de agua dentro del terreno, por ello la alta cantidad de moluscos en zonas determinadas, pueden demostrar que la presencia de estos recursos juegan un rol importante para el mantenimiento de la especie como consecuencia del acelerado cambio climático (Beltramino et al., 2015). ...
October 2015
Revista de Patologia Tropical / Journal of Tropical Pathology