Rajiv Satsangi’s research while affiliated with George Mason University and other places

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Publications (35)

Supporting Inclusive Science Classrooms: Strategies to improve accessibility and engagement for students with exceptionalities
  • Article

February 2024


2 Reads

Science and Children

Bridget Miller


Rajiv Satsangi

Teaching Multiplicative Thinking With Virtual Representations to Children With Mathematics Difficulty

October 2023


21 Reads

Remedial and Special Education

Whole number computations are a critical skill that serves as a foundation upon which higher-order concepts in mathematics are taught to children. To facilitate their instruction, educators often use multiple representations to support a child’s cognition. Representations with physical manipulatives are widely studied through a graduated instructional sequence featuring concrete, representational, and abstract stages of learning. In contrast, research on representational sequences featuring virtual manipulatives is less robust. Thus, this study evaluated an instructional strategy with virtual manipulatives, static representational drawings, and abstract algorithms to teach multiplication to three elementary students with mathematics difficulty. A functional relation was established via a single-subject multiple probe design between the treatment and students’ accuracy performance. Baseline-corrected Tau estimates confirmed a medium effect size for all three students, while student performance on measures assessing the number of errors committed and the duration of sessions also returned favorable findings.

Using Virtual Manipulatives With Technology-Based Graphic Organizers to Support Students in Solving Proportion Word Problems

August 2023


43 Reads

Proportional reasoning and knowledge of fractions are critical skills for completing algebra successfully, yet many students with mathematics learning disabilities (MLD) enter algebra classes without adequate prior knowledge of these skills. This study used a single-subject/case research, combined multiple-baseline and alternating-treatment design to determine the functional relation between the use of varied technology-based interventions (i.e., a virtual manipulative [VM], a technology-based graphic organizer [TBGO], and a combination of both [VM+TBGO]) and student accuracy in solving pro- portion word problems. Additional dependent variables included student independence and duration. Three high school students with MLD solved proportion word problems without assistance in the baseline phase and then randomly alternated between the three treatments during intervention. Overall, student accuracy and independence in- creased, and the time required to solve word problems decreased. All students preferred using technology to solve word problems and the VM+TBGO. Limitations, implications for practice, and suggestions for future research are discussed.

Using Virtual Manipulatives With Technology-Based Graphic Organizers to Support Students in Solving Proportion Word Problems

March 2023


11 Reads

Proportional reasoning and knowledge of fractions are critical skills for completing algebra successfully, yet many students with mathematics learning disabilities (MLD) enter algebra classes without adequate prior knowledge of these skills. This study used a single-subject/case research, combined multiple-baseline and alternating-treatment design to determine the functional relation between the use of varied technology-based interventions (i.e., a virtual manipulative [VM], a technology-based graphic organizer [TBGO], and a combination of both [VM+TBGO]) and student accuracy in solving proportion word problems. Additional dependent variables included student independence and duration. Three high school students with MLD solved proportion word problems without assistance in the baseline phase and then randomly alternated between the three treatments during intervention. Overall, student accuracy and independence increased, and the time required to solve word problems decreased. All students preferred using technology to solve word problems and the VM+TBGO. Limitations, implications for practice, and suggestions for future research are discussed.

A Virtual Number Line Intervention Package to Support Addition and Subtraction for Students With Intellectual Disability

October 2022


30 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Special Education Technology


Rajiv Satsangi





Carrie O’Reilly

Researchers established virtual manipulatives as an evidence-based practice for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). However, much of the existing research for this population targets middle school students with IDD. This study examined a virtual number line paired with teacher modeling and the system of least prompts to support high school students with IDD in acquiring, maintaining, and generalizing addition and subtraction problems. Through a single case research study with three high school students with IDD, the researchers found a functional relation between the intervention package and student accuracy. Students also became more independent but struggled to maintain their skills when prompting was not provided. Further, the students were unable to generalize the skills of addition and subtraction to real-life scenarios targeting time and money. These findings and their implications for the field of IDD are examined.

Video Modeling in Mathematics: Supplemental Instruction to Support Student Learning

August 2022


18 Reads


2 Citations

Intervention in School and Clinic

Educators often seek innovative strategies to support academic instruction for struggling students. For students with or at-risk for a learning disability in mathematics, challenges learning critical skills often result in them falling behind their grade-level peers. One strategy that can provide targeted instruction on key concepts is video modeling. Teacher-made videos serve as a valuable resource for struggling students to access supplementary teaching beyond the classroom. This column highlights six steps for teachers to follow when developing video modeling to support instruction for students with a learning disability.

Examining Virtual Manipulatives for Teaching Computations With Fractions to Children With Mathematics Difficulty

June 2022


142 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of Learning Disabilities

As digital technology use increases in K–12 education, greater numbers of strategies become available to support students in mathematics. One technology that provides students diverse representations of mathematical concepts is virtual manipulatives. Although instruction featuring representations with physical manipulatives possesses a large body of research, the virtual form lacks comparable study, particularly with young children experiencing mathematics difficulty or identified with a mathematics learning disability. These students often demonstrate challenges learning integral skills such as fractions that subsequently affect their academic success in future years. This study examined the use of virtual manipulatives paired with explicit instruction and a system of least prompts for teaching computations with fractions to three elementary students with mathematics difficulty. A functional relation was found using a single-subject multiple probe design between the treatment condition and students’ accuracy performance solving problems. These results and their implications for the field at-large are discussed.

Comparing Concrete and Virtual Manipulatives to Teach Algebra to Middle School Students with Disabilities

June 2021


79 Reads


7 Citations


Manipulatives are an effective mathematical tool to support students with disabilities in the area of mathematics. Yet, there remain inconsistencies in terms of which type – concrete or virtual – is more effective for students with disabilities working on algebra related content and which type is preferred by students. The researchers used an alternating treatment single case research design to compare the effectiveness of each type of manipulative in terms of students’ accuracy and independence when using the tools. Results indicate both types of manipulatives were effective in terms of accuracy no notable differences when comparing independence. However, when reviewing social validity interview data, all three students preferred virtual algebra tiles.

Virtual Manipulatives for Teaching Algebra: A Research-to-Practice Guide for Secondary Students with a Learning Disability

February 2021


84 Reads


2 Citations

Learning Disabilities A Multidisciplinary Journal

Many forms of assistive and instructional technology exist to support secondary students in mathematics education. Classroom technology provides particular benefits to students who frequently struggle learning academic content such as procedural and conceptual skills in algebra. One tool studied in mathematics to support the needs of students with or at-risk for a mathematics learning disability is virtual manipulatives. Research shows virtual manipulatives support cognition by providing visual representations of mathematical concepts and are an age appropriate technology solution for secondary students that promote autonomy inside and beyond the classroom setting. The aim of this article is to highlight research on virtual manipulatives for secondary students with a learning disability in mathematics and discuss techniques for teachers to incorporate these tools into their classrooms to support students.

Citations (30)

... Technological tools and resources offer significant potential for enhancing the effectiveness of differentiated instruction. For example, interactive hypermedia programs have been shown to improve the learning outcomes of students with high-incidence disabilities by providing engaging and personalized learning experiences (Chandra, 2024;Lancaster et al., 2002;Satsangi et al., 2022). Additionally, digital tools and UDL-based instructional strategies can T support students with disabilities in online learning environments, making education more accessible and inclusive (Rao et al., 2021). ...


Differentiated Instruction Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities
Video Modeling in Mathematics: Supplemental Instruction to Support Student Learning
  • Citing Article
  • August 2022

Intervention in School and Clinic

... Researchers also found the advantages of using virtual manipulatives to assist students' learning of mathematics (Bouck et al., 2019;Bouck et al., 2020;Satsangi et al., 2018;Satsangi & Raines, 2023;Shin et al., 2023). In a study by Lee and Chen (2015) with students in the tenth grade, it was found that virtual manipulatives are just as useful for enhancing mathematical achievement as concrete manipulatives, and they also make learning more enjoyable. ...

Examining Virtual Manipulatives for Teaching Computations With Fractions to Children With Mathematics Difficulty
  • Citing Article
  • June 2022

Journal of Learning Disabilities

... Mathematical manipulatives, encompassing both concrete and virtual forms, represent a wellestablished instructional strategy in mathematics education, with substantial research support (Shuxratovna, 2024;Bone et al., 2023;Ukdem & Çetin, 2022;Sari & Aydoğdu, 2020;Kabel et al., 2021;Surynková, 2023). Empirical evidence demonstrates that the integration of manipulatives in mathematics instruction significantly enhances student achievement (Wilkie & Hopkins, 2024;Shen, 2023;Back, 2019;Tjandra, 2023). ...

Comparing Concrete and Virtual Manipulatives to Teach Algebra to Middle School Students with Disabilities
  • Citing Article
  • June 2021


... Pride increases awareness because it emphasizes individual differentiation through social comparison (Pfattheicher, 2015). Self-awareness is enhanced by comparing personal standards and is accompanied by self-regulation and ostentation (Beach, 2021). Meanwhile, Pride leads to the adjustment of subjective criteria, which leads to more active behaviors (Sánchez-García, 2021). ...

Pedagogy, Practice, and Pride in Secondary Education: Introduction of the Critical Five
  • Citing Article
  • May 2021

Teaching Exceptional Children

... The primary objective of virtual manipulatives is to digitally represent mathematical concepts and allow students to interact with dynamic objects on the screen (Abdul-Karim et al., 2023;Yakubova et al., 2024). Interactive visual models facilitate additional practice opportunities on virtual platforms, provide scaffolded mathematical content, and ultimately contribute to improved student achievement in mathematics (Satsangi et al., 2021;Ukdem & Çetin, 2022;Serin, 2023;Akpan et al., 2023;Liu et al., 2024). ...

Virtual Manipulatives for Teaching Algebra: A Research-to-Practice Guide for Secondary Students with a Learning Disability
  • Citing Article
  • February 2021

Learning Disabilities A Multidisciplinary Journal

... The ATs can also be referred to as key tools or devices that enable students to access ERT courseware, participate actively in the education process, and support inclusive education [3], for example, remembering lectures, solving problems, aligning tasks, writing, and managing, storing, and retrieving information [4,5]. AT is widely used to ensure appropriate educational opportunities to all students, including students with learning disabilities [3,6], at-risk students [7][8][9][10], and gifted and talented students [11]. ...

Maths Assistive Technology to Support Inclusion
  • Citing Chapter
  • September 2020

... Similarly, as in some studies (e.g., Aydin & Diken, 2020;Satsangi et al., 2021), for alternating treatment designs, if baseline data is available the treatments' performances can be compared to each other. When PCES is employed, the treatments can be compared based on criteria. ...

Comparing Video Modeling to Teacher-Led Modeling for Algebra Instruction with Students with Learning Disabilities
  • Citing Article
  • August 2020


... Researchers, who studied mastering computer programming skills by students with intellectual disabilities, obtained successful results using clear instructions and an intuitive interface [29]. Also, researchers used video modeling technologies in exact sciences education to teach problem-solving skills [30]. These technologies render complex disciplines more tangible, simultaneously encouraging experimentation, as the ability to quickly see results promotes experimentation. ...

Studying the Impact of Video Modeling for Algebra Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities
  • Citing Article
  • July 2020

The Journal of Special Education

... Researchers also found the advantages of using virtual manipulatives to assist students' learning of mathematics (Bouck et al., 2019;Bouck et al., 2020;Satsangi et al., 2018;Satsangi & Raines, 2023;Shin et al., 2023). In a study by Lee and Chen (2015) with students in the tenth grade, it was found that virtual manipulatives are just as useful for enhancing mathematical achievement as concrete manipulatives, and they also make learning more enjoyable. ...

Using the Virtual-Abstract Instructional Sequence to Support Acquisition of Algebra
  • Citing Article
  • March 2019

Journal of Special Education Technology

... The author showcased the use of video self-modelling and e-book AT to foster the incorporation of social skills among these students in the general education setting, thereby, promoting inclusivity. [45] reported that AT plays a crucial role in facilitating access to academic content for students with disabilities in inclusive settings. [46] explored the effect of the adoption of personal electronic response systems (clickers) on undergraduate and graduate social work education by considering students with and without disabilities and limited English proficiency (LEP). ...

Helping teachers make informed decisions when selecting assistive technology for secondary students with disabilities
  • Citing Article
  • Full-text available
  • March 2019

Preventing School Failure