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In a current scenario, beverage industry is one of the fastest growing industry governing Indian as well as the global market. Naturally, the revenues generated by these industries are of great importance to the economy. Thus detecting leakage in this beverage industry becomes very important, as the leakage may cause fire in the industry which may be hazardous to life and property. To overcome that problem we can introduce a wireless personal area network that is capable to detect the alcohol leakage in industry with the help of a hardware node and send it wirelessly. On the other hand the information send by the transmitter module can be directly received on a computer which is capable to receive this information and send reverse message to the customer. This process is not only beneficial to the industry but also prevents threats to life and property. Further, this can be used to analyze the breath of drivers and can reduce the accidents due to drunk driving. It can also be used to check the concentration of alcohol in blood and hence it can be used in hospitals as well. This is a cost effective yet an efficient system which can be implemented in all mentioned sector which can be economically beneficial and it being eco friendly it doesn't have an adverse impact on the environment.. Index Terms— AVR Microcontroller, Wireless personal area Network (WPAN), ZigBee module.