October 2024
International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research
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October 2024
International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research
September 2024
10 Reads
International Journal of Research in Agronomy
January 2024
5 Reads
International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research
September 2022
224 Reads
1 Citation
Journal of Plantation Crops
Palmyrah neera (inflorescence sap) is susceptible to natural fermentation at ambient temperature within a few hours of extraction due to enzymatic and microbial activity. Once fermented, neera becomes toddy which is unsuitable as a health drink or as a value-added product. Therefore, a study was carried out to investigate the influence of different packing materials and storage conditions on the shelf life and to keep the quality of palmyrah neera. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomised factorial design with two factors at unequal levels replicated thrice. HDPE 50 micron pouch (P1), PET bottle (P2) and glass bottle (P3) and cold storage at 2 oC (S1), cold storage at 4 oC (S2) and refrigerated storage (8-10 oC) (S3) were the packing material and storage conditions respectively used during experimentation. Physio-chemical properties viz., total soluble solids, pH and reducing sugars showed an increasing trend up to the 4th week of storage. At the same time, phenols, titrable acidity and alcohol content increased up to the 6th week of storage. Maximum total soluble solids (10.80 oBrix), reducing sugars (5.76%), minimum phenolic content (0.323 mg) and titrable acidity (1.116%) were recorded when palmyrah neera was packed in HDPE 50 micron pouch, whereas the maximum total soluble solids (10.83oBrix), reducing sugars (5.75%), minimum phenolic content (0.322 mg) and titrable acidity (1.14%) were recorded when palmyrah neera was stored at 2 oC. Among the different packing material and storage conditions, HDPE 50 micron and storage at 2 oC was effective in extending the shelf life and quality attributes of palmyrah neera.
December 2020
76 Reads
Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
Palmyrah palm has great economic potential and every part of the palm is useful in one way or the other.The palm is found growing widely in southern states of India. The palmyrah products like tender fruit endosperm (nungu), neera, jaggery and tuber flour are not commercialised as the value addition in palmyrah is not standardised. Even though palmyrah is an economically important palm, it has not received proper attention from the agricultural research workers, probably on account of the fact that it is very slow growing palm found mostly in the wild state. In this context knowing of physico chemical properties and development of value added products and popularizing the same is essential.
July 2020
30 Reads
2 Citations
International Journal of Chemical Studies
August 2019
21 Reads
6 Citations
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
November 2018
11 Reads
2 Citations
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
August 2018
30 Reads
4 Citations
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
April 2018
8 Reads
1 Citation
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
... Furthermore, Tessema et al. [30], also observed genetic variations in plant height among different potato varieties. Moreover, Masnenah et al. [32] and Thirupal et al. [31] highlighted the influence of spacing on plant height, aligning with the results of this study. ...
July 2020
International Journal of Chemical Studies
... The number of flowers under early planting with artificial SDs were comparable to that of normal planting with the optimal photoperiod. This may be attributed to the development of a large number of laterals during the longer vegetative phase under the proper photoperiod, which had enough time to accumulate carbohydrates for proper flower bud differentiation (Mounika et al., 2019;Sahu et al., 2021). The ray floret thickness was found to have a nonsignificant difference in response to planting treatments. ...
August 2019
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
... Kandeyang (2004) also found maximum plant height with okra+cowpea and okra+ French bean intercropping system. Kumari et al. (2018) also studied the influence of intercropping of chilli with some short duration vegetables and found increased plant growth for chilli+fenugreek system. ...
November 2018
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
... According to current finding plants planted at greater distance had flowers with the largest flower diameter and this could be might due to plants with wider spacing absorbs better and ideal of water and nutrients from the soil and receives ample light for improving photosynthetic activity and movement of assimilates into storage organs. These findings have been also confirmed by (Swetha et al. 2018) [18] in Asiatic Lilies. Flower weight also increased with the application of higher amount of Nitrogen. ...
August 2018
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
... Since pumpkin is a cross pollinated crop and these traits are controlled by additive gene action, breeding procedures like synthetic breeding, composite breeding and population improvement by recurrent selection for gca can be followed for their improvement. The results are in line with the findings of Mohanty and Mishra (1999) [14] , Bindu et al. (2000) [2] , Dhatt and Singh (2008) [6] , Akter et al. (2013) [1] , Muralidhara et al. (2014) [15] , Kumar et al. (2018) [10] , Singh et al. (2019) [18] . ...
April 2018
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
... The check variety AD-2 recorded (1.97 mg/100 g) chlorophyll content, this finding is supported by Harshavardhan et al., (2017) [5] in coriander. At first cutting (45 DAS), significantly, maximum (5.97 mg/100 g) iron content was recorded At second cutting (20 DAFC), significantly the maximum iron content was recorded (5.67 mg/100 g) in genotype AKDIL-17 and was statistically at par with the genotype AKDIL-04, AKDIL-08, AKDIL-12. ...
November 2017
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
... Many studies reported that the pointed gourd yield in different application, field and environmental situation. Some of them showing the highest value that are similar to the present study, as reported by Alom et al. (2013), Islam et al. (2015) and Jena et al. (2017). Result showed that the improved yield geared by daily two times irrigation with straw mulching. ...
August 2017
International Journal of Advanced Research
... Similar trends were also portrayed in our present findings where there was no consistency observed among the investigated accessions for all the evaluated characters at both glasshouse and open filed. Jena et al. (2017) observed fruit length range from 5.1-11.2 cm, fruit weight 20.0-42.0 g, flesh content 4.5-17.9 ...
August 2017
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
... More over, the cul ti vars or ac cessions are com mer cially avail able in mar kets un der dif fer ent in digenous or ver nac u lar names with out any ge netic uni for mity or iden tity re flect ing the ab sence of sys tem atic char ac ter i za tion and stan dard ization in nomen cla ture. The phe no typic and geno typic vari a tions of the yield con tribut ing char ac ters are con sid er ably high in pointed gourd ( Khan et al., 2009a( Khan et al., , 2009bJena et al., 2017 ;Verma et al., 2019 ) demon strat ing an am ple scope for ge netic im prove ment of the crop. A clear knowl edge of the ex tents of ge netic vari a tion within the available germplasms has been con sid ered as an im por tant fac tor for any ef fec tive ge netic im prove ment pro gramme and also an es sen tial prerequisite for any suc cess ful hy bridiza tion pro gramme to ob tain prog enies with de sir able agro nom i cal and eco nom i cal im por tant traits. ...
August 2017
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences