Р. Ю. Чигур’s scientific contributions

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Publications (3)

Соціальні рухи: визначення методологічних засад дослідження
  • Article

July 2024

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Т. Гончарук-Чолач


Р. Чигур


І. Ковтун

The article examines the main types of social movements: expressive, utopian, reform, revolutionary movements; resistance movements; defines their main characteristics, the essence of the concept of "ideal types" within different paradigms of social movements. An attempt is made to identify the most effective theoretical and methodological foundations for analysing the "ideal types" of social movements, the expediency of using the latest political science concepts as a theoretical basis for the study of "ideal types" of social movements is considered. Attention is focused on the paradigm of "ideal types" of social movements, which has cognitive potential for the analysis of modern protest movements. The differences that exist between social movements and social institutions are shown, which consist of the difference between them in terms of periods of existence and institutional nature. The author reveals a close connection between social movements and the development of communications, which is a practical tool for the direct participation of citizens in solving their pressing social issues. The authors of the study draw attention to the fact that movements should not be confused with organizations, since social movements can include many organizations, have unstable cultural patterns, and acquire a stable form of behavior, their own norms and a system of ordered and clearly hierarchized social statuses. It follows that social movements can act as pressure groups only by chance and seek to achieve only those goals that are most useful to society, using generally accepted norms. It is especially emphasized that social movements can be defined as the essence of protest actions aimed at supporting social change, a collective attempt to pursue common interests or achieve a common goal through collective action outside the established institutions, and it is through them that we have all the necessary tools and means in our hands to respond to this kind of change promptly and make the transformation process less painful.

Особливості тлумачення влади через панування

October 2023

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The article examines the problem of interpreting power by explaining its phenomenon through dominance, manifested in supremacy, the subject’s monopoly on decision-making, as well as object control. In particular, attention is drawn to the fact that society cannot be without power as it resists anarchy, destruction, and the means by which political power exercises its will are authority, law and violence. It follows that, on the one hand, power is associated with coercion, force, and violence, and on the other, with consent, voluntary submission, and legitimacy. Special attention is paid to various differences in the image of political power, which imply the presence of two aspects in power relations: one consists in the compulsion to submit, and the other, on the contrary, in agreement with it. An important problem that is also raised in the article is the identification of the close relationship between political power and violence, since it was born to solve the problems of security and state building and gradually acquired a monopoly on the use of violence, which became the most important tool of public administration. Also, in their research, the authors pay attention to various concepts of the interpretation of power, while special attention is paid to the Marxist doctrine of power and the influence of ideology on it. The purpose of the study is to explore different approaches to understanding power through the prism of its influence on the processes of domination. Special emphasis is placed on the fact that today only a strong political power, guided by principles built on authority, influence and law, will be able to protect citizens and their interests. It is such a power that will be able to faithfully and legitimately make the right decisions and be responsible for their implementation.

Комунікативний процес як політична взаємодія засобів масової інформації та політичної пропаганди

July 2023


1 Read

Політичне життя

The article is devoted to studying the political interaction between the media and political propaganda since only through a correct understanding of this relationship and the independence of the media are democratic transformations possible. In particular, attention is drawn to the intensive development of communication technologies in the modern globalised world, which leads to the fact that a person receives propaganda content under the guise of an information product. Particular attention is paid to the problem of providing truthful information to citizens and the reasons that affect it. It should be noted that this issue is particularly acute today, as the media’s profits depend on advertising, and the more citizens are interested in information that is presented truthfully, the more income will be generated, and vice versa, so it is more profitable to endure criticism than to lose income.A significant problem raised in the article is demassification when a citizen chooses the information that they want. However, it is worth noting that not every individual can choose it because the influence of the media in the state creates a collective consciousness "united by an atmospheric shell, when certain qualities of individuals mutually mark each other, and their actions merge in unison, guided by the general flow of ideas and passions" influenced by the media.The purpose of the study is to examine the main categories, such as political propaganda, mass media, and demassification, as well as the controversial issues related to the interaction of the media with political propaganda. Particular attention is paid to the study of the dependence of political power on the media and the consequences of this process.