R. Kowarschik’s research while affiliated with Friedrich Schiller University Jena and other places

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Publications (278)

Celebrating Holography after 60 years of successful application
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2022


129 Reads


1 Citation

Light Advanced Manufacturing


Richard Kowarschik


Yuhong Bai

Miniaturization of a coherent monocular structured illumination system for future combination with digital holography

January 2022


48 Reads


4 Citations

Light Advanced Manufacturing


Eugene Wong


Holger Babovsky




Richard Kowarschik

Holographic and 3D-measurement processes are an often-used tool in industry, medicine, and scientific applications. While small deviations of objects can be visualized by holographic means with high accuracy, optical systems with active structured illumination are a reliable source of absolute 3D-information in these fields. The combination of digital holography with structured illumination allows to simultaneously measure deformations and absolute 3D coordinates but also requires coherent light and has already been demonstrated in principle with a stereo camera setup. Multi-camera systems are limited to certain setup sizes given by the volume and distance of the detectors. Reducing the system to a one-camera (monocular) setup reduces space and acquisition costs. By using a multi-aperture illumination source an extremely high projection rate could be realized and reduced to a monocular approach with a novel voxel-calibration technique, while the projection system itself still requires a large amount of space. In this paper we present a miniaturized, monocular 3D-measurement system that works with repeatable, coherent speckles, generated by a fiber-coupled laser whose light was distributed by a fiber-switch to a diffuser plate connected with a measurement-head, also including a camera. By addressing different fibers through the switch, varying but repeatable patterns are generated. The size of the device (diameter < 3 cm) is now mainly limited by the volume of the camera. A first 3D-reconstruction of an object and an outlook for a combination of this system with digital holography is given, allowing absolute 3D-coordinates and relative deviations of object points to be measured simultaneously.

View-synthesized ‘re-calibration’ of an array projector for 3D measurement from an arbitrary monocular view

June 2021


59 Reads


1 Citation

Optics and Lasers in Engineering

We previously presented a method on how to calibrate a high-speed Multi-Aperture Array Projector (MAAP) in order to obtain three-dimensional (3D) surface measurements using only a single camera instead of a stereo-camera configuration. The MAAP calibration procedure however can be time-consuming as it requires the camera to encode each aperture's illumination frustum by imaging the pattern incident on a depth-wise scanned test plane. This is as if recording discretized depth slices of the illumination frustums. This can be detrimental as the calibration is coupled to a single specific camera view. It would be laborious and time-consuming to repeat the entire MAAP calibration process for an alternate camera view. This study demonstrates a so-called MAAP ‘re-calibration’ solution that artificially synthesizes MAAP calibration images from an arbitrary camera view without direct imaging. This presents the opportunity to decouple the MAAP calibration from a single camera view and obtain 3D measurements from alternate camera placement setups without having to perform the entire MAAP calibration process again. This study shows that the synthesized MAAP calibration images resemble well the ground truth images. As a result, the proposed method has similar 3D measurement performance compared to when calibrating the MAAP with true images.

(a) Camera image of the leading camera in false colors (bust of German poet Friedrich Schiller under quasi-homogeneous, coherent illumination). One point on the nose is marked by a white cross. (b) Camera image of the second camera view in false colors. The epipolar line is implied with a white-dashed line.
Sketch of principal stereo photogrammetric setup using laser speckles as illumination structures and a pinhole model to approximate the imaging systems. The epipolar line is to be seen in the view of camera 2.
Distribution of different filter functions. The amplitude is normalized to be 1.
Contrast calculated after Eq. (3) when different filter functions with different sizes have been applied on a fully developed speckle field by convolution, shown as dots. The fit functions when using Eq. (9) are depicted as lines.
Contrast of a real subjective speckle distribution taken from measurement when a sine filter over varying filter size has been applied. The red line shows the approximation after Eq. (9) with $\delta = - 0.3276 \pm 0.0018$ δ = − 0.3276 ± 0.0018 .


Subjective speckle suppression for 3D measurement using one-dimensional numerical filtering

November 2019


58 Reads


7 Citations

Laser speckle projection is a reliable method to generate statistical illumination patterns for 3D reconstruction purposes as in stereo photogrammetry. This type of pattern has several advantages compared to incoherent methods. However, the biggest disadvantage is given by the coherent noise, the so-called “subjective speckles,” developing when a coherently illuminated surface is imaged by a lens system. Some experimental techniques have been published already, being costly in measurement time or leading to loss in light intensity and/or depth of field. In this work we want to present numerical one-dimensional filtering techniques that reduce this kind of noise and increase the performance of 3D reconstruction, while no experimental changes to the classical speckle projection technique have to be made. Therefore, a model describing the expectable contrast reduction is derived, the dependency between filter orientation and setup geometry is investigated, and results from simulations and real experiments are shown. It is found that for small filter sizes the results can be improved independent of the filter, but that in the general case a vertical orientation of the filter towards the setup geometry is most useful.

Repeatable speckle projector for single-camera three-dimensional measurement

December 2018


135 Reads


8 Citations

Optical Engineering

Triangulation-based three-dimensional (3-D) optical metrology utilizing structured illumination requires the projector and camera to be geometrically calibrated. The projection of laser speckle structures in temporal correlation-based methods has been found to be useful for high-speed 3-D measurement. However, it requires the use of a stereo-camera configuration as speckle projection does not utilize conventional projection optics. Previously, we have shown a model-less method to calibrate these unconventional projection systems. This re-enabled single-camera setups where stereo systems used to be required. Due to the random nature of speckle production, speckle structures were not suitable as a set of repeatable illumination structures is needed for the model-less calibration method to succeed. A projection apparatus is proposed, which enables the production of a repeatable set of speckle structures. This device is then utilized in a single-camera optical metrology 3-D measurement system. © 2018 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Calibration of an array projector used for high-speed three-dimensional shape measurements using a single camera

September 2018


90 Reads


12 Citations

Geometric calibration of digital light processing projectors in single-camera, fringe-projecting 3D measurement systems have been studied assuming the projector is inverse pinhole modeled. Conversely, a high-speed multi-aperture array projector (MAAP) projecting aperiodic fringes is not dependent on a digital mirror device and cannot be pinhole modeled. With MAAP projection, a stereo camera setup is required. This paper presents a model-less method to calibrate a MAAP by direct measurement of its illumination field and re-enables 3D measurements with a single camera even with surface discontinuities present. Experimental proof of principle and preliminary measurement performance are shown.

High-density three-dimensional measurements through multilayer perceptron calibration and statistical band-limited patterns

July 2018


44 Reads

Optical Engineering

Calibration of optical metrology stereophotogrammetric systems is vital to obtain accurate and precise three-dimensional (3-D) measurements. Despite its importance, the work pipeline of intrinsic and extrinsic camera calibration still remains manually laborious with high technical complexity. The use of a multilayer perceptron neural network to calibrate an optical metrology stereophotogrammetric system utilizing a statistical band-limited pattern projection system is demonstrated. Highly accurate, highly precise, and highly dense 3-D surface reconstructions are obtained solely from homologous corresponding pairs without the need for intrinsic and extrinsic camera calibration. Measurement performance in the typical optical metrology sense, where 3-D measurements were evaluated with respect to length and surface gauges, is shown. © 2018 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

Subjective speckle suppression in laser-based stereo photogrammetry

December 2016


30 Reads


3 Citations

Optical Engineering

The use of objective speckles as patterns is of high interest for the ongoing development of stereo photogrammetry. The depth of focus of the projected speckle patterns, which can be found to be several meters, can hardly be matched by other projection principles. On the downside, the use of coherent light leads to subjective speckles generated by the rough surface of the object under test. This effect decreases the accuracy under which objects can be reconstructed. We show how laser-based stereo photogrammetry can be adjusted to increase the measurement accuracy of three-dimensional (3-D)-surface measurements while preserving the advantages of speckles projection. Therefore, we present a method to decrease the contrast of subjective speckles in the images by pixel-wise shifting the cameras orthogonally to their viewing direction and back shifting the taken images numerically, accordingly. This leads to an increase in 3-D-reconstruction quality, as seen in a decrease in standard deviation, peak-to-valley value and in an increase in the number of reconstructed points for measured test objects. (C) 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

Citations (62)

... Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Bridging optics, artificial intelligence, and materials science can unlock new capabilities for digital holography in diverse applications [36]. • Portability and Miniaturization: Developing compact, field-deployable holographic systems will enhance the practical utility of this technology in real-world scenarios [37,38]. • Sustainability in Innovation: Incorporating eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient designs will align holographic technologies with global environmental goals [39]. ...


Digital Holography and Its Application
Miniaturization of a coherent monocular structured illumination system for future combination with digital holography
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

Light Advanced Manufacturing

... On the other hand, similar industrial applications require a certain working distance from measurement instrument to object, such as pick-and-place tasks or product control applications. With this premise in mind a technique has been miniaturized, that was first developed for incoherent Multi-Aperture-Array-Projectors (MAAP) [21][22][23] and then used with coherent illumination as well 24 . ...

View-synthesized ‘re-calibration’ of an array projector for 3D measurement from an arbitrary monocular view
  • Citing Article
  • June 2021

Optics and Lasers in Engineering

... In the simulation, however, only a change in phase between the two reflections is included, which fails to account for the change in the amplitude. As the modification, Eq. (3) is proposed to express the reflection of the porous film by introducing a term of temporal coherence, which is analogous to an expression for spatial coherence in a double-pinhole interferometer [17]: ...

O1.3 - Sensitive measurement of partial coherence using a pinhole array
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2009

... Given that speckle is perceived by viewers as a random granular pattern, significantly degrading image quality [6], the suppression of speckle becomes crucial. To achieve this goal, it is essential to quantitatively analyze the speckle [7][8][9][10][11][12], including the classification of speckle [7] and the calculation of speckle contrast [9][10][11], which is very important either for the suppression of speckle or the utilization of speckle features for extracting information such as in bio-oximetry [12]. In recent years, many speckle reduction methods have been investigated to eliminate the influence of speckle on projected images [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21], including the use of special screen [13,18], diffractive optical element [14,15,22], diffuser [16], multimode fiber [19] and liquid light guide [20]. ...

Subjective speckle suppression for 3D measurement using one-dimensional numerical filtering

... However, to obtain the 3D coordinates of the corresponding test plane positions in the initial prior calibration using C , the test plane and C need to be in the same coordinate system. Extrinsic calibration to determine the pose relationship between the test plane and C and bring them to a common reference frame is performed using a method we also proposed previously in another study [33] . The extrinsic calibration performs a particle swarm initialized downhill simplex optimization search to find the pose that minimizes the ellipsoidal geometry error of a reconstructed sphere gauge. ...

Optimization-based extrinsic calibration of a three-dimensional sensor composed of an array projector and a single camera
  • Citing Article
  • October 2019

Optical Engineering

... As described in Sec. 2, the main factors of extrinsic calibration are the estimations of the rotational pose of the test-plane increments and their depth with respect to the camera. In this section and as well as in Ref. 18, the influence of incorrect depth and rotation estimation on overall surface topology is investigated. ...

Extrinsic calibration of a 3D sensor based on an array projector and a single camera
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2019

... To overcome the limitations of binocular stereo vision, researchers proposed the structured-light methods [16][17][18]. The structured-light systems can be categorized into two kinds: systems with controllable or designed projections [19] and systems with random speckle projections [20][21][22]. Examples of the former kind include systems with software-controlled projector, designed projection patterns, etc. These systems usually measure via pattern-coding, e.g., temporal coding or spatial coding [23], and provide high accuracy. ...

Repeatable speckle projector for single-camera three-dimensional measurement
  • Citing Article
  • December 2018

Optical Engineering

... At the same time, the sample is fixed, and the relative pose transformation of the two is closely related to the camera calibration process. Camera calibration is widely used in the field of machine vision with the purpose to establish a transform function model from a 3D space to a 2D image [32][33][34][35][36][37][38]. As intermediate products of camera calibration, the rotation and translation matrices between the camera and the sample at different scanning locations can be obtained simultaneously. ...

Calibration of an array projector used for high-speed three-dimensional shape measurements using a single camera

... Moreover, SPP exhibits excellent resistance to ambient light interference [13]. Therefore, measurement methods based on SPP have significant advantages in real-time acquisition of three-dimensional motion information of objects [14]. ...

Subjective speckle suppression in laser-based stereo photogrammetry
  • Citing Article
  • July 2016

Optical Engineering