August 2011
23 Reads
21 Citations
The family name Vivianiaceae is recommended for conservation. The following 17 generic names are recommended for conservation: Acidocroton with conserved type, Boechera against Borodinia, Chrysopsis against Diplopappus, Engelhardia against Pterilema, Felicia against Coelestina, Agathaea and Charieis, Fulcaldea against Turpinia, Junellia against Urbania, Loxsoma with that spelling, Macbridea Elliott against Macbridea Raf., Moussonia with conserved type, Paraboea against Phylloboea and Trisepalum, Pertya against Myripnois, Sibara against Machaerophorus, Syngonanthus against Philodice, Tieghemella Pierre against Tieghemella Berl Toni, Veratrum against Melanthium, and Xylosma against Apactis. The following three generic names are not recommended for conservation: Mitrastemon with that spelling, Seutera against Macbridea, and Thaspium to make it legitimate. The following four generic names are recommended for rejection: Cofer, Cruzeta, Menais, and Muco. The following 11 specific names are also recommended for conservation: Acidocroton adelioides with conserved type, Bonamia menziesii with conserved type, Calectasia intermedia against Scaryomyrtus hexamera, Engelhardia spicata against Pterilema aceriflora, Hypolepis nigrescens Hook. against H. nigrescens (Schrad.) Nees, Ligusticum californicum with conserved type, Musa velutina against M. dasycarpa, Polygonum hydropiper with conserved type, Potentilla inclinata against P. assurgens, Potentilla verna with conserved type, and Trientalis europaea with conserved type. The following four specific names are not recommended for conservation: Cerinthe glabra with conserved type, Musa balbisiana, Orchis occidentalis against O. kerryensis, and Podocarpus aristulatus with conserved type. The following 17 specific names are recommended for rejection: Anthericum flagelliforme, Ayenia sidiformis, Barberina hirsuta, Cruzeta hispanica, Dactylis lobata, Edechia inermis, Edechia spinosa, Eryngium trifidum, Justicia putata, Lasiostelma somalense, Menais topiaria, Musa rosacea, Samyda parvifolia, Scabiosa sylvatica, Spermacoce suffruticosa, Torreya bogotensis, and Valeriana mixta. The following two specific names are not recommended for rejection: Antidesma scandens and Luzuriaga cordata. It is recommended that the 1754–1756 German translation of S. Vaillant, Établissement de nouveaux caractères de trois familles, 1719–1725, be added to Appendix VI. It is not recommended at the present time that other translations published in Königl. Akad. Wiss. Paris 1754–1760 by Steinwehr of pre‐1753 works be added to Appendix VI. After two ballots, no vote of 11 either for or against proposals to conserve Beccariella or to reject Artemisia aethiopica has been obtained.