R. Jullien’s research while affiliated with Université de Montpellier and other places

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Publications (181)

Ballistic Deposition and Segregation of Polydisperse Spheres
  • Article

July 2007


24 Reads


8 Citations

R. Jullien


A model for the random deposition of spherical particles under the influence of a strong external field has been investigated numerically. In this model particles fall, one at a time, along vertical trajectories until they reach the surface of the deposit. They then follow a path of steepest descent on the surface of the deposit until a local minimum is reached. For a binary mixture of particles with different radii the density is larger than that found for the monodisperse case. A segregation transition is found which occurs when the smaller spheres can penetrate into the random deposit of larger spheres. The exponent characterizing the divergence of the penetration length is estimated to have a value of 0.55.

Particle Size Segregation by Shaking in Two-Dimensional Disc Packings

July 2007


39 Reads


29 Citations

A two-dimensional model for particle size segregation by shaking has been developed and applied to a binary mixture of discs with radius ratio Φ. The simulation results can be understood in terms of a simple theoretical model that becomes exact in the limit Φ → ∞. When a single large disc is imbedded in a regular packing of small discs, it is shown that segregation occurs only for values of Φ above a critical value Φc which depends on the angle of repose α and varies between 2.993... and 12 when α varies from 30° to 60°.

Large-Scale Numerical Investigation of the Surface of Eden Clusters

July 2007


22 Reads


9 Citations

A recently introduced version of the Eden model is numerically investigated in strips of width l and height h in 2d, reaching clusters containing up to 108 ÷ 2 109 particles. The surface thickness is shown to obey the scaling σ ~ lαf(h/lα/β) with f(x) → const, for x → ∞ and f(x) ~ xβ for x → 0. Our result for α is very close to 0.5 (within less than 1%) and we estimate β = 0.307 ± 0.007. Two directions of the growth on a square lattice have been chosen (along an axis and diagonal to the axis). While the exponents seem to be insensitive to the direction of growth, there is a very small anisotropy in the amplitudes of σ and in the number of surface sites.

Spatially Correlated Ballistic Deposition

July 2007


32 Reads


14 Citations

The effects of spatial correlations on ballistic deposition have been investigated using two-dimensional lattice models in which particles are deposited at the end of the steps in a horizontal Levy flight with a step length distribution exponent of f. The exponents α and β which describe how the surface thickness (ξ) depends on the strip width (L) and the mean deposit thickness (or time) have been measured. The exponents α and β satisfy the theoretical scaling relationship α + α/β = 2 for f < 1. For 1 < f < 2 the deposit has a finite asymptotic density, but the scaling relationship is not obeyed. Finally, for f > 2 the deposit structure becomes fractal. With restructuring the exponents α and β increase linearly from 1/2 and 1/4, respectively, for f = 0 to 1 and 1/2 for f = 1. For f > 1, α = 1 and β = 1/2.

Two-Dimensional Defect-Free Random Packing

July 2007


12 Reads


8 Citations

The random packing of identical hard disks generated by a ballistic model with complete restructuring has been investigated. The density of defects (i.e. particles having a number of contacts different from 4) was found to decrease as a power law with the distance from the bottom of the packing in the limit of very large distances. In the asymptotic very large height regime, a random structure without defect was found which is characterized by a broad angular distribution for the orientations of the bonds between contacting disks.

The Sintering of a Fractal Array of Cylinders

July 2007


16 Reads


2 Citations

The sintering of aerogels is modelled by combining two known methods: the method of the array of cylinders used by Scherer and the dressing of particles of fractal aggregates. In this paper, bonds between particles of an on-lattice computed gel are replaced by cylinders. During sintering, the radius of the cylinders increases. We compute this radius vs. the renormalized concentration of the gel, in a first step by an analytical method and then by a numerical method. By deriving the volume as a function of the concentration, we also obtain the specific surface during sintering.

Simple Three-Dimensional Models for Ballistic Deposition with Restructuring

July 2007


117 Reads


57 Citations

Several three-dimensional off-lattice models for ballistic deposition including simple rearrangement processes have been explored. These models are intended to represent the sort of restructuring processes which might occur in the sedimentation of small particles under the influence of an external (gravitational) field. Accurate values are obtained for the densities of the deposits generated by these models and some of their surface properties are investigated.

Fractal aggregates of particles

August 2006


23 Reads


18 Citations

Phase Transitions

Recent work to understand aggregation of particles using the concept of fractal is reviewed. We introduce all the tools issued from the theory of fractals, and which are useful for our study. Then we define and detail the two main models: the particle-cluster process where individual particles come to stick on large clusters, and the cluster-cluster process where clusters diffuse and stick when they collide. The important parameters of these models are varied and their influence on the resulting geometrical disordered structure is discussed. All along the paper, the connections with existing experiments are given.

FIG. 1. Plot of the mean square displacement R 2 (t) of the sodium atoms for different values of µ. Inset: Plot of the characteristic diffusion time τMSD (see text for definition) as a function of µ.
FIG. 2. Plot of ξ, the quantity used to define the channels (see text for further details) as a function of µ.
Matrix-Controlled Channel Diffusion of Sodium in Amorphous Silica
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2003


92 Reads


30 Citations

To find the origin of the diffusion channels observed in sodium silicate glasses, we have performed classical molecular dynamics simulations of Na2O-4SiO2 during which the mass of the Si and O atoms has been multiplied by a tuning coefficient. We observe that the channels disappear and that the diffusive motion of the sodium atoms vanishes if this coefficient is larger than a threshold value. Above this threshold the vibrational states of the matrix are not compatible with those of the sodium ions. We thus interpret the decrease of the diffusion by the absence of resonance conditions.


New Universality Class for the Three-Dimensional X Y Model with Correlated Impurities: Application to H e 4 in Aerogels

June 2003


101 Reads


19 Citations

Physical Review Letters

Encouraged by experiments on 4He in aerogels, we confine planar spins in the pores of simulated aerogels (diffusion limited cluster-cluster aggregation) in order to study the effect of quenched disorder on the critical behavior of the three-dimensional XY model. Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling are used to determine critical couplings K(c) and exponents. In agreement with experiments, clear evidence of change in the thermal critical exponents nu and alpha is found at nonzero volume fractions of impurities. These changes are explained in terms of hidden long-range correlations within disorder distributions.

Citations (68)

... The bulk density at the surface ρ s is determined from the respective volume filling factor. At the surface, a fixed value for the volume filling factor of ϕ s = 0.15 is chosen, which on the one hand represents random ballistic deposition (Blum & Schräpler, 2004;Jullien & Meakin, 1988), and on the other hand was empirically derived by Szabo et al. (2022) from modeling energetic neutral atom emission of the upper lunar regolith layers. We calculated the mean free path of thermal emission and absorption within a packing with such a low volume filling factor of ϕ s = 0.15 and for regolith grains with r = 50 μm considering the number density and effective cross-section to l ∼ 1 mm. ...


A Microphysical Thermal Model for the Lunar Regolith: Investigating the Latitudinal Dependence of Regolith Properties
Computer Simulation of Random Ballistic Deposition
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1988

... При МД-моделюваннi структури аморфного SiO 2 зазвичай використовується класичний потенцiал Бiста-Крамера-Сентена (БКС) [17]. Але розрахована з потенцiалом БКС теплопровiднiсть í µí±Ž-SiO 2 в широкому температурному iнтервалi є суттєво завищеною вiдносно експериментальних даних [18,19]. Для сполук на основi Si-O Манiтох [20] запропонував параметризацiю iншого вiдомого потенцiалу Терсоффа [21], розробленого ранiше для кристалiчних Si та Ge. ...

Molecular-dynamics calculation of the thermal conductivity of vitreous silica
  • Citing Article
  • January 1999

... Similarly, the formation of analogous networks wherein polymer chains tied together particles became appreciated as a mechanism for forming loose flocs of particles. 57 The nominal 380 nm lengths of our PVA chains appear sufficiently long to tie proximal MWCNTs together in suspension. Bare MWCNT sp 2 surfaces are inherently hydrophobic, but when coated with NL they are compatible with water. ...

Floculation de particules colloïdales par les polymères hydrosolubles
  • Citing Article
  • January 1990

Journal de Chimie Physique

A. Guyot


R. Audebert


R. Botet




R. Varoqui

... While the emission of Ce 3+ from the dipole allowed 5 D2 → 7 F0 transition varies in a wide range from blue to ultraviolet which depends upon the crystal structure of host materials. It is well known that the optical properties of rare-earth ion-doped luminescent materials are greatly influenced by the matrix (Rao & Devine, 2000;Köstler et al., 1995;Sankar & Subba Rao, 2005;Nazarov et al., 2010). Their exceptional electronic and optical properties result from the properties of the 4f shell of these ions, where the structure of Ce 3+ is 4 f2. ...

Effect of Pr-codoping on the X-ray induced afterglow of (Y,Gd)2O3:Eu
  • Citing Article
  • July 1995

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

... From the pioneering work of T. Witten [26][27][28], aggregated particles are known to exhibit extremely complicated fractal shapes when mechanical and thermal stresses are small compared to the attractive forces at contact. Fractal particles are then expected to be the main components in low pressure and low temperature environments [23,29,30]. The value of the fractal dimension, d f , of an aggregated particle is in the range 1 ⩽ d f ⩽ 3, and it depends on the physico-chemical conditions. ...

Fractal aggregates of particles
  • Citing Article
  • August 2006

Phase Transitions

... In locusts, phase transition, reproduction, and aggregation involve the integration of visual, tactile, and olfactory information [3][4][5][6]. Among the olfactory signals, pheromones -as well as chemicals in locust feces -have been reported to induce and control reproductive behavior and aggregation [3,4,[7][8][9][10]. So far, only a few locust pheromones have been identified. ...

Composition and role of volatile substances in atmosphere surrounding two gregarious locusts, Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria
  • Citing Article
  • March 1988

Journal of Chemical Ecology

... Both species here possess predominantly n-alkanes in the near region of the profile (C25-C29), predominantly monomethylalkanes in the middle region of the profile (C30-C34), and dimethylalkanes and trimethylalkanes (in C. italicus) in the far region of the profile (C35-C39). The same trend has been documented in reports on L. migratoria and S. gregaria [17,23,24,52]. Molecular mass and the branching degree do not appear to be independent parameters. ...

Chemical taxonomic studies of cuticular hydrocarbons in locusts of the Schistocerca americana complex (Acrididae: Cyrtacanthacridinae): Chemical relationships between new world and old world species
  • Citing Article
  • October 1990

Journal of Chemical Ecology

... CN only considers a pair of particles at a time, which may induce limitation in structural analysis. To overcome this deficiency, we have also tried the Voronoi and Delaunay analysis which can consider the structure of the neighbouring spheres as a whole [36,37]. We first study the number of faces of the Voronoi polyhedra. ...

Local investigation of the glass transition: Molecular dynamics and Voronoï tessellation

... Its northwestern outline is extended by 650 km beyond the present-day outline of the Northern Kohistan Suture (NKS). This is based on (1) a minimum of 470 km of crustal shortening south of the Main Mantle Thrust (MMT) estimated from balanced cross sections (Coward, 1983;Coward and Butler, 1985;Butler, 1986;Coward et al., 1987;Butler and Prior, 1988;Coward et al., 1988b;Butler and Coward, 1989) of disputed accuracy (Ramsay, 1988;Butler, 1988;Coward, 1988), (2) a further 130 km of crustal shortening between the MMT and the NKT following estimates of shortening in the Zanskar Range (Searle, 1986;Searle et al., 1988) and the Nanga Parbat-Haramosh Massif (Chamberlain et al., 1989a), and (3) an arbitrary 50 km of initial continental subduction along the NKT (cf. Mattauer, 1986;Searle et al., 1990). ...

General discussion
  • Citing Article
  • January 1987

Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society