Qing Wang's research while affiliated with Shandong University of Science and Technology and other places

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Publications (3)

Effect of vertical ground temperature distribution on parameter estimation of in-situ thermal response test with unstable heat rate
  • Article

June 2019


20 Reads



Yufeng Liu




Qing Wang

This paper proposed a parameter estimation method for identifying ground thermal conductivity and volumetric heat capacity using the Nelder-Mead Simplex search algorithm (NMSA) in in-situ thermal response test (TRT) with unstable heat rate, the duct storage system (DST) model for borehole heat exchanger (BHE) was applied to do with variable heat rate and the vertical ground temperature distribution in initial soil temperature. The parameter estimation was carried out using the in-situ TRT data in Qingdao, and the effect of vertical ground temperature distribution on estimated results was compared and analyzed. The relative error of estimated ground thermal conductivity using the regression temperature fitted by the test temperatures from the 5 th m depth to the 120 th m depth decreased by about 9.1% than that corresponding to the integral mean temperature calculated by test temperatures from the 5 th m depth to the 120 th m depth. However, the estimated volumetric heat capacity is hardly sensitive to initial soil temperature, and the relative errors are not higher than 2% no matter how to do with initial soil temperature.

Computational methods for ground thermal response of multiple borehole heat exchangers: A review

April 2018


72 Reads

Since ground-coupled heat pump system (GCHPs) has been more and more widely applied, it is vital to build an accurate method for sizing borehole heat exchangers (BHEs), and the methods for determining the heat transfer between the boreholes and surrounding ground under time-varying loads in different time scales are the kernel of optimizing design of BHEs, which is helpful to obtain accurate results and significantly decrease computation time consuming. This paper summarizes computational methods for the ground thermal response of BHE under time-varying loads and thermal interaction of multiple BHEs, compares the representative design tools in terms of their performance characteristics, and analyzes the direct applications of computational methods in thermal response test (TRT) and operating performance simulation of GCHPs. Finally, some recommendations for future development of computational methods are proposed.

Citations (3)

... The horizontal heat exchangers are mostly kept in EAHE and GSHP systems at the depth of 2-3 m (Agrawal et al. 2018a). In the GSHP system, vertical system heat exchangers are buried to a depth of around 100 m (Zhang et al. 2019a). In the GSHP system, the Ground Heat Exchanger (GHE) is used in combination with a closed loop GSHP system that uses long pipes kept underground vertically or horizontally. ...


A comprehensive review on experimental, numerical and optimization analysis of EAHE and GSHP systems
Effect of vertical ground temperature distribution on parameter estimation of in-situ thermal response test with unstable heat rate
  • Citing Article
  • June 2019

... The effects of pipe material, working fluid, and installation depth on the thermal characteristics of ground heat exchangers were reviewed by Javadi et al. (2019). Zhang et al. (2018) summarized numerical techniques for the investigation of the thermal interaction of multiple borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) under variable loads. Bordoloi et al. (2018) reviewed the various combinations of Earth Air Heat Exchangers (EAHEs) and the affecting parameters on their performance. ...

Computational methods for ground thermal response of multiple borehole heat exchangers: A review
  • Citing Article
  • April 2018

... It is observed that Hooke-Jeeves method is essentially a direct numerical optimization method, which has been reliably and extensively implemented in many industrial problems such as these [11][12][13][14][15][16][17]19]. Due to the fact that numerical data are available from the numerical solutions of a highly non-linear differential equation, minimization of the errors defined previously requires the use of a commensurate method. ...

Optimal design of borehole heat exchangers based on hourly load simulation
  • Citing Article
  • December 2016