Qing-Guo Wang’s research while affiliated with Beijing Normal University and other places


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Publications (567)

Recursive hierarchical parametric identification of Wiener-Hammerstein systems based on initial value optimization
  • Article

January 2025


5 Reads

ISA Transactions

Qiangya Li


Tao Liu


Jing Na




Qing-Guo Wang

Dynamic event-triggered H ∞ filtering for fuzzy Markov jump systems subject to mismatched quantization

January 2025


7 Reads

IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering

This paper is dedicated to a dynamic event-triggered H filtering method of fuzzy Markov jump systems via a mismatched quantization scheme. The system outputs are triggered by a dynamic event-triggered mechanism and then quantized via a mismatched quantizer before being sent to the remote filter. The dynamic triggering scheme with a special diagonal matrix structure threshold is built to reduce the network burden. The quantizer is constructed in a multi-channel paradigm with a time-varying mismatch degree. Then, the remote reduce-order filter is designed to be both fuzzy-rule and mode-dependent. By adopting Finsler's Lemma and the vertex separation method, sufficient conditions are derived in terms of form matrix inequalities. At last, the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by a tunnel diode circuit.

Dynamic Guaranteed Cost Event-Triggered-Based Anti-Disturbance Control of T-S Fuzzy Wind-Turbine Systems Subject to External Disturbances

December 2024


19 Reads


2 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

This paper investigates an improved dynamic guaranteed cost event-triggered-based anti-disturbance control for T-S fuzzy wind-turbine systems subject to external disturbances. A guaranteed cost event-triggered paradigm with dynamic threshold and sector structure is constructed to alleviate unnecessary triggers caused by outlier measurement. An additional event condition is designed to deal with the difference of premise variable between the system and controller. A PI-type intermediate estimator is introduced to simultaneously estimate the system state and external disturbance. Subsequently, an event-triggered fuzzy controller is built to actively compensate the external disturbances. With the help of Finsler's lemma, sufficient criteria are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities to make the wind-turbine systems asymptotically stable. Finally, the proposed method is verified by comparative studies.

Figure 1. Stability region of the system in (6) and region of spec(A): (a) α ∈ (0, 1) and (b) α ∈ [1, 2).
Figure 2. The weighted undirected graph in example 1.
Figure 3. The control input of each agent in example 1.
Figure 4. The state of each agent in example 1.
Figure 5. The state of each agent in example 1.


Leader-Following Output Feedback H∞ Consensus of Fractional-Order Multi-Agent Systems with Input Saturation
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2024


2 Reads


1 Citation

Fractal and Fractional

This paper investigates the leader-following H∞ consensus of fractional-order multi-agent systems (FOMASs) under input saturation via the output feedback. Based on the bounded real lemma for FOSs, the sufficient conditions of H∞ consensus for FOMASs are provided in α∈0,1 and 1,2, respectively. Furthermore, the iterative linear matrix inequalities (ILMIs) approaches are applied for solving quadratic matrix inequalities (QMIs). The ILMI algorithms show a method to derive initial values and transform QMIs into LMIs. Mathematical tools are employed to transform the input saturation issue into optimal solutions of LMIs for estimating stable regions. The ILMI algorithms avoid the conditional constraints on matrix variables during the LMIs’ construction and reduce conservatism. The approach does not disassemble the entire MASs by transformations to the Laplacian matrix, instead adopting a holistic analytical perspective to obtain gain matrices. Finally, numerical examples are conducted to validate the efficiency of the approach.


Automatic Verification of Bounded Synchronization for Heterogeneous Polynomial Networked Systems

October 2024


24 Reads

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

This article explores the automatic verification of bounded synchronization for heterogeneous polynomial networked systems (HPNSs) with polynomial coupling function. In our method, the generalized blended dynamics is presented to analyze the heterogeneity of systems. By utilizing polynomial Lyapunov functions, the synchronization criterion for HPNSs under directed topology is presented, along with a bounded set where the synchronization errors of HPNSs reside when the time progresses towards infinity. Compared with the existing criteria from quadratic Lyapunov functions, our results yield a smaller bounded set and thus are less conservative. Drawing upon the established criterion, the synchronization verification problem is transformed into a sum-of-squares optimization problem. This consequential optimization problem aligns with the paradigm of convex programming, thereby affording a polynomial-time solvability. The proposed optimization algorithm efficiently generates polynomial Lyapunov functions, facilitating automatic verification of bounded synchronization. Finally, two examples are given to demonstrate the efficacy of our method.

Consensus Criterion Verification for Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems via Sum-of-Squares Programming

October 2024


25 Reads


2 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

This article is concerned with consensus for heterogeneous multi-agent systems under distributed nonlinear control protocol. Based on general Lyapunov functions beyond the quadratic form, a less conservative consensus criterion is proposed in the presence of only a directed spanning tree. Then, the consensus problem for polynomial systems can be converted into a sum-of-squares programming problem, yielding polynomial Lyapunov functions efficiently to realize the consensus criterion verification. The benefits of our method are twofold. One is the automatic verification of consensus for the heterogeneous multi-agent systems, for which the widely used quadratic Lyapunov functions may not exist. The other one is the flexible generalization ability to deal with certain nonpolynomial multi-agent systems. Finally, the theoretical and algorithmic developments are demonstrated on three numerical examples.

Figure 2. The weighted undirected graph in Example 1.
Figure 3. The control input of each agent in Example 1
Figure 5. The weighted undirected graph in Example 2.
Figure 6. The control input of each agent in Example 2
Leader-following Output Feedback H∞ Consensus of Fractional-order Multi-agent Systems with Input Saturation

September 2024


1 Citation

This paper investigates the leader-following H∞ consensus of fractional-order multi-agent systems (FOMASs) under input saturation via the output feedback. Based on the bounded real lemma for FOSs, the sufficient conditions of H∞ consensus for FOMASs are provided in α∈0,1 and 1,2, respectively. Furthermore, the iterative linear matrix inequalities (ILMIs) approaches are applied for solving quadratic matrix inequalities (QMIs). The ILMI algorithms show a method to derive initial values and transform QMIs into LMIs. Mathematical tools are employed to transform the input saturation issue into optimal solution of LMIs for estimating stable regions. The ILMI algorithms avoid the conditional constraints on matrix variables during the LMIs construction and reduce conservatism. The approach does not disassemble the entire MASs by transformations to the Laplacian matrix, instead adopting a holistic analytical perspective to obtain gain matrices. In the end, numerical examples are conducted to validate the efficiency of the approach.

Neural Network Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for Strict-Feedback Unknown Delay Systems Against Input Saturation

September 2024


13 Reads


2 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

Neural network adaptive iterative learning control (ILC) is developed in this article to treat strict-feedback nonlinear systems with unknown state delays and input saturation. These delays are treated by constructing the Lyapunov–Krasovskii (L–K) functions for each subsystem. A command filter is employed to avoid the derivative explosion caused by continuous differentiation of the virtual controller. Corresponding auxiliary systems are designed and integrated into the backstepping procedure to compensate input saturation and the unimplemented part of the filter. Hyperbolic tangent functions and radial basis function neural networks (RBF NNs) are employed to treat singularity and related unknown terms, respectively. The convergence of the resultant strict-feedback systems is ensured in the framework of composite energy function (CEF). Finally, a simulation example is adopted to substantiate the validity of the proposed algorithm.


Citations (66)

... Due to the problems of bandwidth and network traffic, the event-triggered mechanism is widely utilized to eliminate the fabricated signals measured by sensors. In this application, a model-free event triggered (ET) scheme is adopted to block the cyber threats without the need for the cyber-physical BG model [36]. The ET mechanism with a trigger threshold is described by. ...


An Observer-Based Event Triggered Mechanism for the Detection and Mitigation of FDI Attacks in Deep Brain Stimulation Systems
Event-Triggered Data-Driven Control of Nonlinear Systems via Q-Learning
  • Citing Article
  • January 2024

IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Systems

... The paper in [17] examined the leader-following H ∞ consensus of fractional-order multi-agent systems (FOMASs) under conditions of input saturation using output feedback. The study provided sufficient conditions for a H ∞ consensus for FOMASs with α in the ranges (0,1) and [1,2). ...

Leader-Following Output Feedback H∞ Consensus of Fractional-Order Multi-Agent Systems with Input Saturation

Fractal and Fractional

... The advantage of CPS applications in several domains provides the way for superior security issues for protecting the secure data infrastructure against cybersecurity. The attacks involve cyberattacks through physical assaults and internetconnected devices that lead to system failures [6] [7] [8]. Thus, CPS security is very complicated when compared to conventional network substructures [9] [10]. ...

Dynamic Guaranteed Cost Event-Triggered-Based Anti-Disturbance Control of T-S Fuzzy Wind-Turbine Systems Subject to External Disturbances
  • Citing Article
  • December 2024

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

... I TERATIVE learning control [1]- [6], [34]- [35] has been shown to be capable to address the trajectory tracking tasks repetitively over a finite time interval and has exhibited the outstanding properties on 2-D systems, such as multifunction robotics [7], 2-D ladder circuits [8], and heater exchanger [9]- [10]. To date, some fruitful ILC results on 2-D discrete systems in ( [9], [11]- [15]) have been reported. ...

Neural Network Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for Strict-Feedback Unknown Delay Systems Against Input Saturation
  • Citing Article
  • September 2024

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems

... On the other hand, fractional-order systems or controllers, as an extension of integer-order systems, offer greater design flexibility, faster convergence, and enhanced robustness [29]. These features have been effectively applied in distributed optimization [2,[30][31][32]. For instance, ref. [2,30] designed fractional-order controllers by constructing sliding mode surfaces to address consensus optimization problems, while ref. ...

Finite-Time Distributed Optimization in Unbalanced Multiagent Networks: Fractional-Order Dynamics, Disturbance Rejection, and Chatter Avoidance
  • Citing Article
  • August 2024

IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering

... Initially, we designed and proved a new FT fractional-order inequality, which is an extension of existing results [35,36]. Subsequently, due to the superiority of ETC compared to traditional controllers [44][45][46][47][48][49], we implemented ETC in various scenarios of our new lemmas. Finally, we test Theorem 1 with a numerical example. ...

Synchronization of Fractional Reaction-Diffusion Complex Networks With Unknown Couplings
  • Citing Article
  • September 2024

IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

... Time delays, both distorting and non-distorting, are an integral part of many engineering applications, particularly in the design and analysis of advanced control systems (Pujol-Vazquez et al., 2020;Zhang et al., 2020;Zhang et al., 2024). In these systems, delays occur naturally due to physical phenomena, communication delays or processing times, and they significantly complicate both the design and performance of control strategies. ...

Prescribed Performance Tracking Control of Time-Delay Nonlinear Systems With Output Constraints
  • Citing Article
  • July 2024

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica

... In the future, we would extend the proposed SDP approach to automatically verify the local synchronization of not only heterogeneous polynomial systems but also non-polynomial systems, building upon the foundation laid by the earlier endeavors [14], [23], [32]. ...

Consensus Criterion Verification for Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems via Sum-of-Squares Programming
  • Citing Article
  • October 2024

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

... In [35], an adaptive backstepping control with radial basis function neural network adjusted with the fuzzy scheme has been employed for the trajectory tracking of a quadrotor. In [36], a discrete-time adaptive fuzzy command-filtered adaptive backstepping control has been used for attitude and position tracking control of a quadrotor. In [37], a command-filtered adaptive fuzzy backstepping control with a disturbance observer has been implemented for a quadrotor subjected to external disturbances. ...

Discrete-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Command Filtered Backstepping Control for Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems: Theory and Experiments
  • Citing Article
  • June 2024

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

... Thanks to the constraints imposed by the algebraic equations, singular systems have to consider regularity and causality/nonimpulsiveness along with stability, this makes the analysis of the kind of dynamical systems more complicateded [3,4]. Therefore, with the benefit of describing real dynamics beyond what can be obtained from regular systems, singular systems are in a vital position to maintain the architecture of real systems whilst representing more dynamics characteristics [5][6][7]. However, the majority of the outcomes gained for regular systems are inoperative for singular systems due to the fact of introducing regularity and causality/impulse-freeness [8]. ...

State-Equivalent Form and Minimum-Order Compensator Design for Rectangular Descriptor Systems
  • Citing Article
  • July 2024

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control