December 2021
1,089 Reads
1 Citation
The American Journal of Cardiology
The juvenile justice system is a tract in the criminal justice system whose function is basically to protect the child, particularly when the child comes in conflict with the law. The role of the police therefore is cardinal in child justice because the police is strategically positioned in child justice administration, they are the ones the child first comes in contact with. Hence, to an extent, the police determines whether the child will be protected or violated. Further, the police determines whether the matter would be discontinued or the child would go through the other processes like court, prison or remand homes. Furthermore, the law has empowered the police with the right to exercise discretion when handling the child that is in conflict with the law, the law encourages that charges would be disposed; particularly where the offence is not a serious one, or use alternative measures in correcting the child without necessarily detaining him in police custody, or charging the matter to court. However, despite these laudable provisions, child's right is often grossly violated by the police who are meant to protect him. Hence, this paper examines the existing legal framework in Nigeria targeting the protection of the rights of the child in juvenile justice and the factors that impede the role of the police within the juvenile justice system. The paper reveals, that the current role of the Nigerian police within the child justice system in Nigeria falls abysmally lower in standard than what is obtainable in other jurisdictions and recommends inter alia, that the existing gaps in our laws should be filled, it further recommends that specialized children unit should be built into the Nigeria Police Force.