June 2024
Revista Electronica de Veterinaria
Lifestyle habits as well as nutrition are crucial factors that affect the quality of life. Globally,people are adopting healthier diets to avoid lifestyle related health issues and for that they aredependant onprocessed food to meet their basic dietary needs.Instant soup mixes with high nutritive value are becoming more popular as they are processed, ready to cook and take less time withless effort in preparation. In the present study,leftover hydrodistilled orange peel flour was used as the base ingredient to formulate the soupmix. This industrial waste residueneeds to be utilized in food products as it contains essential micro and macronutrientswith essential amino acids. The developed soup product was further evaluated for nutritional content, sensory, functional properties and shelf life to confirm consumer acceptability.A study revealed that a soup mixloaded with dietary fibres, micro and macronutrientscan provide recommended daily nutrients. Sensory evaluation and functional properties confirmed the significant acceptance level.No microbial growth was observed in the soup mix during storage period of one month at room temperature. The developed soup product resulted in healthy friendly product with good nutritional content and maximum health benefits. Theleftover hydrodistilled orange peel and additivesin the form of nutritive soup products could provide basic dietary needs and this soup product can get applicability in the neutraceutical and food industry as a value added functional food ingredient.