January 2005
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The bobtail squid, Euprymna hyllebergi, was cultured in the laboratory through three generations. Eggs were deposited as single egg capsules, pyramid shape with a calcified chorion. The incubation period was 14.0±1.8 days at 28°C. Hatchlings were temporarily planktonic becoming benthic after 6–8 hrs. Mean mantle length was 2.20±0.04 mm and weight 0.0041±0.0006 g. The squids were fed on larvae and postlarvae of penaeid shrimps, mysids and gobiid fish during the first month after hatching. After one month, squids were trained to accept pieces of fish meat. The squids were solitary in habit and cannibalism was observed in culture tanks. Mating and spawning was observed after 93.9±12.8 days of age. Spawning was more terminal to the life span compared to other cultured sepioid cuttlefish. Average total numbers of eggs per female was 191.3±107.4 capsules. At the age of 100 days, mean mantle length was 22.4±0.6 mm and body weight 5.88±0.17 g. Instantaneous growth rate from hatching to 100 days of age was 2.41±0.46 % by mantle length and 7.51±1.75 % by weight. Growth was similar among the three generations. Life span was average 98.9±13.6 days due to death of both sexes after the last spawning.