Philipp Getto’s research while affiliated with TU Dresden and other places

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Publications (16)

A continuous semiflow on a space of Lipschitz functions for a differential equation with state-dependent delay from cell biology
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2021


100 Reads


12 Citations

Journal of Differential Equations


Philipp Getto


We analyze a system of differential equations with state-dependent delay (SD-DDE) from cell biology, in which the delay is implicitly defined as the time when the solution of an ODE, parametrized by the SD-DDE state, meets a threshold. We show that the system is well-posed and that the solutions define a continuous semiflow on a state space of Lipschitz functions. Moreover we establish for an associated system a convex and compact set that is invariant under the time-t-map for a finite time. It is known that, due to the state dependence of the delay, necessary and sufficient conditions for well-posedness can be related to functionals being almost locally Lipschitz, which roughly means locally Lipschitz on the restriction of the domain to Lipschitz functions, and our methodology involves such conditions. To achieve transparency and wider applicability, we elaborate a general class of two component functional differential equation systems, that contains the SD-DDE from cell biology and formulate our results also for this class.


Global extinction, dissipativity and persistence for a certain class of differential equations with state-dependent delay

October 2019


94 Reads

In this paper we study, at different levels of generality, certain systems of delay differential equations (DDE). One focus and motivation is a system with state-dependent delay (SD-DDE) that has been formulated to describe the maturation of stem cells. We refer to this system as the cell SD-DDE. In the cell SD-DDE, the delay is implicitly defined by a threshold condition. The latter is specified by the time at which the (also implicitly defined) solution of an external nonlinear ordinary differential equation (ODE), which is parametrised by a component of the SD-DDE, meets a given threshold value. We focus on the dynamical properties global asymptotic stability (GAS) of the zero equilibrium, persistence and dissipativity/ultimate boundedness.

Fig. 3 Graphs of (m, r )(ω) for η = 0.5 and η = 1.5. Existence boundary and region correspond to positive vertical axis and positive quadrant, respectively
Fig. 4 Existence and stability of equilibria in the plane (μ, p), for the rate specifications of Lemma 4.5(e), with μ w = 1 and a = 0.9. The positive equilibrium exists for p > μ w /(2a − 1) = 1.25 (no positive equilibrium in the striped region). In the large panel, the solid curves are the analytical curves (5.2) and (5.3) and show how the stability boundary changes qualitatively with η: the positive equilibrium is stable below the curves, unstable above. The three upper panels contain some zooms of the curves: the instability region is shaded and the black dots are the numerical approximations of the curves computed by numerical continuation with the software dde-biftool. The rates correspond to the specifications (s) d and (pv) 0 in Table 2
Fig. 5 Stability boundary for parameter set (pv) 0 and (s) s , for different values of τ . The positive equilibrium exists for p > 1.25, and it is stable in the region below the stability boundary
Fig. 10 Stability boundary in the plane (μ, p) for case (px) 1 in Table 3, when a u (x) is constant (solid), linear (dashed) and quadratic (dotted). Different rows correspond to different types of v-dependence, see also Table 2. Stability region is below the boundary
Schematic representation of the model: at time t, w(t) and v(t) denote the total amount of stem cells and mature cells, respectively; u(t, x) is the amount of progenitor cells with maturity x∈[x1,x2]\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$x\in [x_1,x_2]$$\end{document}. The processes are indicated in the figure


Stability analysis of a state-dependent delay differential equation for cell maturation: analytical and numerical methods

July 2019


351 Reads


28 Citations

Journal of Mathematical Biology

We consider a mathematical model describing the maturation process of stem cells up to fully mature cells. The model is formulated as a differential equation with state-dependent delay, where maturity is described as a continuous variable. The maturation rate of cells may be regulated by the amount of mature cells and, moreover, it may depend on cell maturity: we investigate how the stability of equilibria is affected by the choice of the maturation rate. We show that the principle of linearised stability holds for this model, and develop some analytical methods for the investigation of characteristic equations for fixed delays. For a general maturation rate we resort to numerical methods and we extend the pseudospectral discretisation technique to approximate the state-dependent delay equation with a system of ordinary differential equations. This is the first application of the technique to nonlinear state-dependent delay equations, and currently the only method available for studying the stability of equilibria by means of established software packages for bifurcation analysis. The numerical method is validated on some cases when the maturation rate is independent of maturity and the model can be reformulated as a fixed-delay equation via a suitable time transformation. We exploit the analytical and numerical methods to investigate the stability boundary in parameter planes. Our study shows some drastic qualitative changes in the stability boundary under assumptions on the model parameters, which may have important biological implications.

A continuous semiflow on a space of Lipschitz functions for a differential equation with state-dependent delay from cell biology

March 2019


44 Reads

We establish variants of existing results on existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence for a class of delay differential equations (DDE). We apply these to continue the analysis of a differential equation from cell biology with state-dependent delay, implicitly defined as the time when the solution of a nonlinear ODE, that depends on the state of the DDE, reaches a threshold. For this application, previous results are restricted to initial histories belonging to the so-called solution manifold. We here generalize the results to a set of nonnegative Lipschitz initial histories which is much larger than the solution manifold and moreover convex. Additionally, we show that the solutions define a semiflow that is continuous in the state-component in the C([h,0],R2)C([-h,0],\R^2) topology, which is a variant of established differentiability of the semiflow in C1([h,0],R2)C^1([-h,0],\R^2). For an associated system we show invariance of convex and compact sets under the semiflow for finite time.

Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of Physiologically Structured Populations: Consumer–Resource, Cannibalistic and Trophic Models

August 2016


21 Reads


8 Citations

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

With the aim of applying numerical methods, we develop a formalism for physiologically structured population models in a new generality that includes consumer–resource, cannibalism and trophic models. The dynamics at the population level are formulated as a system of Volterra functional equations coupled to ODE. For this general class, we develop numerical methods to continue equilibria with respect to a parameter, detect transcritical and saddle-node bifurcations and compute curves in parameter planes along which these bifurcations occur. The methods combine curve continuation, ODE solvers and test functions. Finally, we apply the methods to the above models using existing data for Daphnia magna consuming Algae and for Perca fluviatilis feeding on Daphnia magna. In particular, we validate the methods by deriving expressions for equilibria and bifurcations with respect to which we compute errors, and by comparing the obtained curves with curves that were computed earlier with other methods. We also present new curves to show how the methods can easily be applied to derive new biological insight. Schemes of algorithms are included.

On the characteristic equation [Formula: see text] and its use in the context of a cell population model

August 2015


193 Reads


15 Citations

Journal of Mathematical Biology

In this paper we characterize the stability boundary in the (Formula presented.) -plane, for fixed (Formula presented.) with (Formula presented.) , for the characteristic equation from the title. Subsequently we describe a nonlinear cell population model involving quiescence and show that this characteristic equation governs the (in)stability of the nontrivial steady state. By relating the parameters of the cell model to the (Formula presented.) , we are able to derive some biological conclusions.

Mathematical Modelling as a Tool to Understand Cell Self-renewal and Differentiation

June 2015


30 Reads


17 Citations

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)

Mathematical modeling is a powerful technique to address key questions and paradigms in a variety of complex biological systems and can provide quantitative insights into cell kinetics, fate determination and development of cell populations. The chapter is devoted to a review of modeling of the dynamics of stem cell-initiated systems using mathematical methods of ordinary differential equations. Some basic concepts and tools for cell population dynamics are summarized and presented as a gentle introduction to non-mathematicians. The models take into account different plausible mechanisms regulating homeostasis. Two mathematical frameworks are proposed reflecting, respectively, a discrete (punctuated by division events) and a continuous character of transitions between differentiation stages. Advantages and constraints of the mathematical approaches are presented on examples of models of blood systems and compared to patients data on healthy hematopoiesis.

Computing the Eigenvalues of Realistic Daphnia Models by Pseudospectral Methods

January 2015


37 Reads


29 Citations

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

This work deals with physiologically structured populations of the Daphnia type. Their biological modeling poses several computational challenges. In such models, indeed, the evolution of a size structured consumer described by a Volterra functional equation (VFE) is coupled to the evolution of an unstructured resource described by a delay differential equation (DDE), resulting in dynamics over an infinite dimensional state space. As additional complexities, the right-hand sides are both of integral type (continuous age distribution) and given implicitly through external ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Moreover, discontinuities in the vital rates occur at a maturation age, also given implicitly through one of the above ODEs. With the aim at studying the local asymptotic stability of equilibria and relevant bifurcations, we revisit a pseudospectral approach recently proposed to compute the eigenvalues of the infinitesimal generator of linearized systems of coupled VFEs/DDEs. First, we modify it in view of extension to nonlinear problems for future developments. Then, we consider a suitable implementation to tackle all the computational difficulties mentioned above: a piecewise approach to handle discontinuities, numerical quadrature of integrals, and numerical solution of ODEs. Moreover, we rigorously prove the spectral accuracy of the method in approximating the eigenvalues and how this outstanding feature is influenced by the other unavoidable error sources. Implementation details and experimental computations on existing available data conclude the work.

A differential equation with state-dependent delay from cell population biology

November 2014


88 Reads


37 Citations

Journal of Differential Equations

We analyze a differential equation with a state-dependent delay that is implicitly defined via the solution of an ODE. The equation describes an established though little analyzed cell population model. Based on theoretical results of Hartung, Krisztin, Walther and Wu we elaborate conditions for the model ingredients, in particular vital rates, that guarantee the existence of a local semiflow. Here proofs are based on implicit function arguments. To show global existence, we adapt a theorem from a classical book on functional differential equations by Hale and Lunel, which gives conditions under which - if there is no global existence - closed and bounded sets are left for good, to the C1C^1-topology, which is the natural setting when dealing with state-dependent delays. The proof is based on an older result for semiflows on metric spaces.

Stability Analysis of a Renewal Equation for Cell Population Dynamics with Quiescence

July 2014


218 Reads


13 Citations

SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

We propose a model to analyze the dynamics of interacting proliferating and quiescent cell populations. The model includes age dependence of cell division, transitions between the two subpopulations, and regulation of the recruitment of quiescent cells. We formulate the model as a pair of renewal equations and apply a rather recent general result to prove that (in) stability of equilibria can be analyzed by locating roots of characteristic equations. We are led to a parameter plane analysis of a characteristic equation, which has not been analyzed in this way so far. We conclude with how quiescence of cells as well as two submodels for cell division may influence the possibility of destabilization via oscillations.

Citations (13)

... The literature on functional differential equations with delay presents some works on integro-differential and integral problems with time integral intervals depending of the state. In particular, we mention the interesting papers [4,10,11,33,34], where some finite-dimensional population models with SDD are studied via an integral equation with state-dependent integration intervals. We also note the papers [6,24,32,36] on integral and integro-differential abstract problems in finite-dimensional spaces and the interesting papers by Angelov et al. [1][2][3], where some finite-dimensional neutral explicit differential equations with SDD are studied via integral equations with state-dependent integration intervals. ...


Abstract integro‐differential equations with state‐dependent integration intervals: Existence, uniqueness, and local well‐posedness
A continuous semiflow on a space of Lipschitz functions for a differential equation with state-dependent delay from cell biology

Journal of Differential Equations

... The literature on functional differential equations with delay presents some works on integro-differential and integral problems with time integral intervals depending of the state. In particular, we mention the interesting papers [4,10,11,33,34], where some finite-dimensional population models with SDD are studied via an integral equation with state-dependent integration intervals. We also note the papers [6,24,32,36] on integral and integro-differential abstract problems in finite-dimensional spaces and the interesting papers by Angelov et al. [1][2][3], where some finite-dimensional neutral explicit differential equations with SDD are studied via integral equations with state-dependent integration intervals. ...

Stability analysis of a state-dependent delay differential equation for cell maturation: analytical and numerical methods

Journal of Mathematical Biology

... With an eye on future work, it is reasonable to expect that the results of the present work can be combined with those of [22] for RFDE to obtain an analogous theory for systems of coupled RE and RFDE, similarly to what is done in [21, section 4] for equilibria (although some difficulties may arise from the coupling). This would represent a further step towards the dynamical analysis of complex yet realistic models, e.g., those recently proposed for modeling physiologically structured populations [21,24,29,50]. Establishing this theory for coupled RE and RFDE would also benefit the numerical method already developed in [39], which combines and extends the ideas of [5] for RFDE and of [4] for RE. ...

Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of Physiologically Structured Populations: Consumer–Resource, Cannibalistic and Trophic Models
  • Citing Article
  • August 2016

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

... For the analysis of local stability of equilibria, pseudospectral methods have been widely used both for delay equations [10][11][12][13] and for PDE population models with one structuring variable [14][15][16]. The main advantage of pseudospectral methods is their typical spectral accuracy, by which the order of convergence of the approximation error increases with the regularity of the approximated function. ...

Computing the Eigenvalues of Realistic Daphnia Models by Pseudospectral Methods
  • Citing Article
  • January 2015

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

... Neutral delay equations have been used in mathematical models: as an example, neutral DDEs (NDDEs) often emerge from coupled oscillatory systems [26] and neutral REs (NREs) from considering cohorts in cell populations [17]. In practice, NDDEs are typically characterized by the presence of delayed values of the derivative (of highest order) of the unknown function, while NREs typically involve discrete delay terms, as opposed to REs proper, which typically are integral equations. ...

On the characteristic equation [Formula: see text] and its use in the context of a cell population model

Journal of Mathematical Biology

... In recent years, mathematical models have helped elucidate fundamental mechanisms underlying stem cell behavior and tissue growth [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] . Here we exploit such models to identify tradeoffs that tissues may encounter in attempting to achieve homeostasis. ...

Mathematical Modelling as a Tool to Understand Cell Self-renewal and Differentiation
  • Citing Article
  • June 2015

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)

... Time delay has been included in numerous models in biology, with applications in biochemical negative feedback (Lapytsko and Schaber 2016), cell growth and division (Alarcón et al. 2014;Gyllenberg and Heijmans 1987), or cell maturation (Getto et al. 2019), but are less common in biomechanics. In our case the delay aims at mimicking the measured time-lag between the chemical signalling and the internal mechanical remodelling in the cell, as measured in different systems. ...

Stability Analysis of a Renewal Equation for Cell Population Dynamics with Quiescence

SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

... The literature on functional differential equations with delay presents some works on integro-differential and integral problems with time integral intervals depending of the state. In particular, we mention the interesting papers [4,10,11,33,34], where some finite-dimensional population models with SDD are studied via an integral equation with state-dependent integration intervals. We also note the papers [6,24,32,36] on integral and integro-differential abstract problems in finite-dimensional spaces and the interesting papers by Angelov et al. [1][2][3], where some finite-dimensional neutral explicit differential equations with SDD are studied via integral equations with state-dependent integration intervals. ...

A differential equation with state-dependent delay from cell population biology
  • Citing Article
  • November 2014

Journal of Differential Equations

... This information is, in turn, processed by intracellular regulatory networks that involve transcriptional regulatory, protein-protein, epigenetic and signalling interactions [12,13]. Thus, intrinsic and extrinsic regulatory mechanisms collectively ensure that the cell is able to receive environmental cues and act accordingly [14,15] -for instance, using feedback mechanisms that allow it to sense local cell density or cellular composition and adjust cell division and differentiation propensities accordingly [16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. However, to establish self-renewal robustly -that is, in a way that is resilient to inevitable niche fluctuations and insensitive to misguidance due to niche damage, should it occur -stem cells must also possess an internal identity program that safeguards this ability [23]. ...

A model for stem cell population dynamics with regulated maturation delay

... The feedback signal that promotes the self-renewal of dividing cells is modelled using a Hill function 1 1+kρ(t) , where the parameter k > 0 is related to the degradation rate of the feedback signal (Marciniak-Czochra et al. 2009). This formula has been derived from a simple model of cytokine dynamics using a quasi-stationary approximation (Getto et al. 2013), motivated by biological findings presented in Kondo et al. (1991) and Layton et al. (1989). Implementing other plausible regulation mechanisms led to a similar model dynamics that can reproduce the clinical observation (Stiehl et al. 2018(Stiehl et al. , 2020. ...

Global dynamics of two-compartment models for cell production systems with regulatory mechanisms
  • Citing Article
  • July 2013

Mathematical Biosciences