Philipp Alexander Freund’s research while affiliated with Leuphana University of Lüneburg and other places

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Publications (53)

Figure 1
Figure 2
Analysis of Main Effects for Potential Moderators
Expanding the Pie or Spoiling the Cake? How the Number of Negotiation Issues Affects Integrative Bargaining
  • Article
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December 2023


789 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of Applied Psychology






Roman Trötschel

The present research investigates how the number of issues affects the quality of outcomes in terms of joint gains and impasse rates in integrative negotiations. In the literature, two opposing positions exist reflecting a complexity dilemma regarding the number of negotiation issues: One position suggests that complex negotiations involving higher numbers of issues offer more trade-off opportunities, thereby providing negotiators with greater structural flexibility in reaching mutually beneficial agreements, which improves outcome quality. The opposite position emphasizes that the greater information load inherent in negotiating more issues impedes outcome quality. We propose a third, intermediate position: Negotiating more issues may only improve outcome quality up to a threshold, above which adding further issues results in deteriorated outcomes. We tested these propositions using a quasi-meta-analytic technique by examining the associations between the number of issues, joint gains, and impasse rates across multiple empirical studies on integrative negotiations using various negotiation tasks with different numbers of issues (N = 38,063/21,271 negotiations for joint gains/impasse rates). Moreover, we investigated whether factors related to how negotiators subjectively deal with the increased complexity associated with higher numbers of issues moderate the number-of-issues effect on joint gains. Multilevel analyses revealed no significant number-of-issues effect on joint gains up to a threshold of 3 issues but a negative effect for negotiations involving more than 3 issues. By contrast, we did not find a number-of-issues effect on impasse rates. Moreover, we did not obtain evidence for moderation effects. Findings are discussed with respect to their theoretical and practical implications.


Sociodemographic characteristics of participants.
Results of regression analysis predicting anticipatory sport persistence.
Staying physically active during the COVID-19 pandemic: Assessing the roles of motivation, basic psychological needs, goal orientation and anticipatory sport persistence

March 2023


71 Reads


2 Citations

Nationwide barriers to public and private sport institutions were implemented during COVID-19 lockdowns. Autonomous motivation, perceived fulfillment of basic psychological needs (competence, autonomy, and relatedness) and goal orientation coincide with higher persistence rates in physical activity. The aim of this study is to investigate which factors are related to anticipatory sport persistence, a specific form of sport persistence. We conducted an online survey with N = 208 (74% female) participants. Correlation analyses showed that higher anticipatory sport persistence coincides with autonomous motivation (r = 0.314, p < 0.01), basic psychological needs (competence r = 0.528, autonomy r = 0.446, relatedness r = 0.315; all p < 0.01), and goal orientation (intrinsic r = 450, extrinsic r = 0.146; all p < 0.01). Furthermore, multiple regression analysis showed that anticipatory sport persistence can be predicted through intrinsic goal orientation (B = 0.465, p < 0.01) and the need for competence (B = 0.418, p < 0.01). The importance of anticipatory sport persistence when expecting external barriers to physical activity, its relationship toward sport persistence and possible implications for the planning and perseverance of physical activity plans are being discussed.

Personality traits moderate the relationships between psychological needs and enjoyment of physical activity

March 2022


207 Reads


8 Citations

Psychology of Sport and Exercise

One of the most important factors of maintaining regular and long-term physical activity is the enjoyment an individual experiences from engaging in the activity. If basic psychological needs are fulfilled, the likelihood that someone enjoys being physically active increases. However, it is unclear whether the impact of psychological needs is influenced by personality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate if personality traits (BIG 5) moderate the relationships between basic psychological needs and enjoyment of physical activity. We conducted an online survey with N = 399 participants (M age = 35.82 years). Physical activity enjoyment, basic psychological needs (autonomy, perceived competence, social relatedness), and the BIG 5 were assessed. Analyses show that personality moderates the relationships between psychological needs and enjoyment of physical activity: Extraversion moderates the relationship between social relatedness and enjoyment, conscientiousness and neuroticism moderate the relationship between perceived competence and enjoyment, and agreeableness, but not openness, moderates the relationship between autonomy and enjoyment. Our findings suggest that the BIG 5 play an important role regarding the experience of physical activity enjoyment. Therefore, personality should be considered to design interventions more tailored to individual needs in order to promote enjoyment of physical activity effectively.

Self-Efficacy, Self-Regulation and Mathematics Performance of Competitive Junior Rowers vs. Regular Students

December 2021


44 Reads

Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie

Young athletes face mental challenges both in competitive sports and in school. High self-efficacy and self-regulation competence contribute to an individual’s ability to successfully master these challenges. The present study links the domains of competitive sports and academic education by investigating the relationships of self-efficacy and self-regulation to performance in mathematics lessons. Here, we compare competitive rowers ( n = 239) and “regular” students ( n = 171; total N = 410). The competitive rowers showed a higher subjective expectation of self-efficacy, which in both groups had a positive effect on mathematics grades. While self-regulation had a mediating effect on the competitive rowers in this context, we observed no significant effect for the regular students. The study provides evidence that competitive athletes are apt to use psychosocial resources fostered by professional sports training across domains.

Fehlermanagementkultur und Fehlervermeidungskultur in SchulklassenError management culture and error avoidance culture in school classes: Skalenentwicklung und Validierung auf Klassen- und Personenebene in einer Stichprobe der Klassenstufen 7 bis 9Scale development and validation at class and student levels among 7th to 9th graders

September 2021


508 Reads


2 Citations


Zusammenfassung Der individuelle Umgang von Schüler*innen mit Fehlern im Unterricht hängt von der auf Klassenebene etablierten gemeinsamen Kultur im Umgang mit Fehlern zusammen. Der vorliegende Artikel entwickelt theoriegeleitet Skalen zur Messung einer Fehlermanagement - und Fehlervermeidungskultur im Unterricht und untersucht Zusammenhänge der beiden Fehlerkulturdimensionen mit Lernmotivation, Kognition und Verhalten. Ergebnisse anhand der Daten von insgesamt N = 1306 Schüler*innen in K = 61 Klassen der Jahrgangsstufen 7 bis 9 zeigen, dass eine Fehlermanagementkultur in Schulklassen mit einer hohen intrinsischen Lernmotivation, aber auch mit weiteren lernförderlichen Verhaltensweisen (wenig Schummeln und Self-Handicapping) und Kognitionen (weniger gefühlter Stress bei Fehlern und geringere gefühlte Hilflosigkeit bei stärkerem Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept) einhergeht. Dagegen ist eine Fehlervermeidungskultur weniger stark mit diesen lernförderlichen Verhaltensweisen und Kognitionen verbunden, dafür aber mit einer Leistungszielorientierung oder -vermeidung, sowie mit gefühlter Hilflosigkeit und Self-Handicapping. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf Vorteile einer Fehlermanagementkultur gegenüber einer Fehlervermeidungskultur im Unterricht hinsichtlich von Variablen hin, die das Lernen fördern.

Abbildung 1. Zusammenhänge von Hochschulzugangsberechtigungsnote (HZB-Note) und Gesamtpunktzahl des Auswahlverfahrens am Ende von Schritt 3: Rangkorrelation p = .65 (alle) bzw. p = .66 (nur Mathematik).
Evaluation eines Auswahlverfahrens für das Lehramtsstudium

June 2021


169 Reads


Zusammenfassung. Mit dem Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom Dezember 2017 ist es Hochschulen in Deutschland zukünftig untersagt, Bewerber_innen auf einen Studienplatz allein unter Rückgriff auf die Note der Hochschulzugangsberechtigung auszuwählen. Hochschulen stehen daher vor der Herausforderung, Auswahlverfahren zu entwickeln, die die Eignung der Bewerber_innen feststellen und hierauf aufbauend die „besten Bewerber_innen“ für einen Studiengang zulassen. Im Beitrag werden theoretische Fundierung und empirische Befunde eines Auswahlverfahrens für Bewerber_innen auf ein Lehramtsstudium vorgestellt. Das Verfahren erhebt neben kognitiven Fähigkeiten auch Vorwissen, außerschulisches Engagement, Interesse, Motivation und pädagogische Vorerfahrungen von Studieninteressierten. Die auf diese Weise im Auswahlverfahren erhobene Studieneignung korreliert positiv mit der späteren Studienleistung der Bewerber_innen.

Modeling Self-Determination Theory Motivation Data by Using Unfolding IRT

December 2020


112 Reads


11 Citations

European Journal of Psychological Assessment

Self-determination theory (SDT) suggests that the degree of autonomous behavior regulation is a characteristic of distinct motivation types which thus can be ordered on the so-called Autonomy-Control Continuum (ACC). The present study employs an item response theory (IRT) model under the ideal point response/unfolding paradigm in order to model the response process to SDT motivation items in theoretical accordance with the ACC. Using data from two independent student samples (measuring SDT motivation for the academic subjects of Mathematics and German as a native language), it was found that an unfolding model exhibited a relatively better fit compared to a dominance model. The item location parameters under the unfolding paradigm showed clusters of items representing the different regulation types on the ACC to be (almost perfectly) empirically separable, as suggested by SDT. Besides theoretical implications, perspectives for the application of ideal point response/unfolding models in the development of measures for non-cognitive constructs are addressed.

Distribution of sample regarding gender, age and class level
Scale means, standard deviation for intervention and control group for both times of measurement
Effects of interaction testing Hypothesis 1, Hypothesis 2, Hypothesis 4, and exploratory for autonomy as well as main and time effects
Effects of cooperative games on enjoyment in physical education—How to increase positive experiences in students?

December 2020


445 Reads


35 Citations

Enjoyment is one of the most important factors for the maintenance of regular physical activity. The present study investigated if cooperative games in physical education classes (grades 6–9) can increase students’ enjoyment of physical activity. Data were collected in a quasi-experimental study employing a two-group design with repeated measures and randomization of classes to conditions. The total sample consisted of N = 285 students from regular schools in Germany aged 10 to 16 years (Mage = 12.67 years, SD = 1.10; 48.4% female). We found that cooperative games led to a higher perceived enjoyment in physical education classes (F(1) = 3.49, p = .063, ηp² = .012), increased the feeling of how strong students felt related to each other (F(1) = 4.38, p = .037, ηp² = .016), and facilitated feelings of perceived competence in physical education class (F(1) = 6.31, p = .013, ηp² = .022). In addition, social relatedness and perceived competence partly mediated the effect of cooperative games on enjoyment. The findings indicate that systematically designed cooperative games can help foster enjoyment in physical education classes.

Students’ own and perceived teacher reference norms: how are they interrelated and linked to academic self-concept?

April 2020


87 Reads


8 Citations

This study with 850 students examined the interrelations of students’ own and perceived teacher reference norms in combination with estimating the relations of these constructs to self-concept in the domain of mathematics. All reference norms were positively interrelated. Regression models yielded different results across school tracks: In elementary school, both the individual and the social reference norm were positively related to self-concept on the student level. In mixed school tracks, social reference norm was positively related to self-concept, and there was an interaction effect between grades and social reference norm on the student level. In the highest school track, students’ individual reference norm and perceived teacher social reference norm were positively related to self-concept on the student level. On the classroom level, students’ perceived teacher social reference norm was negatively related to self-concept in mixed school tracks, but positively related to self-concept in the highest school track. Evidence for the big-fish-little-pond-effect was found across all school tracks. These results highlight the importance of considering different reference norms in further research and educational practice. • Highlights • Students’ own and perceived teacher reference norms converge. • Students’ reference norms are positively related to self-concept. • Perceived teacher reference norms are positively related to self-concept. • The use of reference norms varies across school tracks. • There is support for the BFLPE in different school tracks.

Citations (47)

... In contrast, if parties value the means to reach their goals equally and no trade-offs are possible, only a compromise or a win-lose solution is feasible, rendering problem-solving a superfluous and ineffective conflict resolution strategy. Additionally, if the number of possible means to be integrated is too high, problem-solving becomes too complex and makes finding an integrative solution more difficult (Warsitzka et al., 2024 ). ...


Negotiating With Yourself and Winning: The Dual Commitment Model for Intrapersonal Sustainability Goal Conflicts
Expanding the Pie or Spoiling the Cake? How the Number of Negotiation Issues Affects Integrative Bargaining

Journal of Applied Psychology

... Reliability estimates for the specific ability scores range from α = 0.80 (memory) to α = 0.92 (reasoning); reliability for the general intelligence score is α = 0.95. The construct validity and the test-criterion validity of the BIS-HB have been supported by numerous studies (e.g., Freund, Holling, & Preckel, 2007;Preckel, Holling, & Wiese, 2006;Preckel, Wermer, & Spinath, 2011;Vock, Gronostaj, & Preckel, 2017;Vock, Preckel, & Holling, 2011). Test-criterion validity was supported through correlations with school grades in regular classes (GPA and BISg r = 0.54; verbal grades and BIS V r = 0.52; math-science grades and BIS K r = 0.47; Jäger et al., 2006) and gifted classes (Vock et al., 2017). ...

A Multivariate, Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship Between Cognitive Abilities and Scholastic Achievement

Journal of Individual Differences

... The potential impact on broadcasting rights and media contracts, which are primary revenue sources for many sports, could be substantial. This could lead to complex liability issues and financial challenges across the sports industry [146]. Insurance and liability considerations in this multi-sport context become increasingly complex. ...

Staying physically active during the COVID-19 pandemic: Assessing the roles of motivation, basic psychological needs, goal orientation and anticipatory sport persistence

... Bei Studierenden des beruflichen Lehramts sowie der Wirtschaftspädagogik zeigte sich bspw. eine höhere Ausprägung in nützlichkeitsbezogenen Berufswahlmotiven als im allgemeinbildenden Lehramt (Driesel-Lange et al. 2017;Göller et al. 2022). Unklar ist, ob sich diese Unterschiede auch auf die Ausprägung der Motivkonstellationen auswirken und ob sich auch im beruflichen Lehramt Profile identifizieren lassen, die für den Studien-und späteren Berufserfolg eher günstig oder ungünstig sind. ...

Motive für die Wahl des Studiengangs Wirtschaftspädagogik: Vergleichende Analysen für die Studiengänge Wirtschaftspädagogik, Grund-, Haupt- und Realschullehramt sowie Betriebswirtschaftslehre.
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik

... With higher advocacy for healthy conduct, individuals with higher Agreeableness can easily accept information and ideas towards living healthily, engaging in regular physical activity and adapting to new physical activity or training. This increases the chance of implementing health goals to achieve fitness (40) and their receptivity towards health promotion campaigns and encouragement from governments, health organizations, and non-governmental organizations to live healthily. ...

Personality traits moderate the relationships between psychological needs and enjoyment of physical activity
  • Citing Article
  • March 2022

Psychology of Sport and Exercise

... Elektronischer Sonderdruck zur persönlichen Verwendung gelebt -Sätze wie "Glück gehabt" führen zu keiner Aufarbeitung und sind für die Öffentlichkeit oder das Rechtssystem zumeist nicht maßgeblich [10]. Eine etablierte Kultur des Fehlermanagements erhöht jedoch bereits in der Schule die intrinsische Motivation, weniger zu "schummeln", und steigert die kognitive Leistung durch weniger Stress und Hilflosigkeit [11]. ...

Fehlermanagementkultur und Fehlervermeidungskultur in SchulklassenError management culture and error avoidance culture in school classes: Skalenentwicklung und Validierung auf Klassen- und Personenebene in einer Stichprobe der Klassenstufen 7 bis 9Scale development and validation at class and student levels among 7th to 9th graders


... This condition generates a high degree of frustration and impotence that can be forced by factors external to an individual, such as the social context in which he lives. This previous situation can generate social approval and disapproval regarding eating behaviour (Deci & Ryan, 2000;Zhao et al., 2021;Freund & Freund, 2020;Xiang et al., 2021). ...

Modeling Self-Determination Theory Motivation Data by Using Unfolding IRT

European Journal of Psychological Assessment

... As a result, educators can enhance student engagement in both practical activities and classroom settings [6,15]. Many studies have shown that games in physical education can boost enjoyment [16], increase motivation [13], improve decision-making [8], and facilitate skill acquisition [17,18]. These pedagogical methods highlight the importance of student engagement in the learning process. ...

Effects of cooperative games on enjoyment in physical education—How to increase positive experiences in students?

... Perceived enjoyment is defined as the perception of the level of pleasure and enjoyment during user interaction (Dunker et al., 2020;Moon & Kim, 2001). Park and Park (2021) mentioned perceived enjoyment as one of the factors affecting personal behavior, and also explained that consumers' perceptions of technology play a key role. ...

Does Perceived Stress Affect the Relationship Between Personality and Sports Enjoyment?

European Journal of Health Psychology

... It shows how strongly people believe that they can individually influence environmental sustainability through their shopping behaviour. PN is the morality and responsibility considered by individuals when performing behaviour(Razali et al., 2020), self-concept and PN are intrinsically related; PN is the individual's own set of beliefs(Lohbeck et al., 2021). Subjective norm (SN) Although adopting recycled shopping bags (RSB) may seem like an obvious choice, but studies have shown that subjective norm (SN) may have a significant impact on this behaviour (Persada, et al. 2020). ...

Students’ own and perceived teacher reference norms: how are they interrelated and linked to academic self-concept?
  • Citing Article
  • April 2020