Philip Leifeld’s research while affiliated with University of Manchester and other places

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Publications (63)

Figure 1. Conceptual diagram of a confusion matrix.
Figure 2. Average phi correlation between repeated ChatGPT classifications.
Figure 3. Total performance metrics.
Goodbye human annotators? Content analysis of social policy debates using ChatGPT
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2025


21 Reads

Journal of Social Policy



Philip Leifeld

Content analysis is a valuable tool for analysing policy discourse, but annotation by humans is costly and time consuming. ChatGPT is a potentially valuable tool to partially automate content analysis for policy debates, largely replacing human annotators. We evaluate ChatGPT’s ability to classify documents using pre-defined argument descriptions, comparing its performance with human annotators for two policy debates: the Universal Basic Income debate on Dutch Twitter (2014–2016) and the pension reforms debate in German newspapers (1993–2001). We use the API (GPT-4 Turbo) and user interface version (GPT-4) and evaluate multiple performance metrics (accuracy, precision and recall). ChatGPT is highly reliable and accurate in classifying pre-defined arguments across datasets. However, precision and recall are much lower, and vary strongly between arguments. These results hold for both datasets, despite differences in language and media type. Moreover, the cut-off method proposed in this paper may aid researchers in navigating the trade-off between detection and noise. Overall, we do not (yet) recommend a blind application of ChatGPT to classify arguments in policy debates. Those interested in adopting this tool should manually validate bot classifications before using them in further analyses. At least for now, human annotators are here to stay.


Bayesian Testing of Scientific Expectations Under Exponential Random Graph Models

April 2023


38 Reads

The exponential random graph (ERGM) model is a popular statistical framework for studying the determinants of tie formations in social network data. To test scientific theories under the ERGM framework, statistical inferential techniques are generally used based on traditional significance testing using p values. This methodology has certain limitations however such as its inconsistent behavior when the null hypothesis is true, its inability to quantify evidence in favor of a null hypothesis, and its inability to test multiple hypotheses with competing equality and/or order constraints on the parameters of interest in a direct manner. To tackle these shortcomings, this paper presents Bayes factors and posterior probabilities for testing scientific expectations under a Bayesian framework. The methodology is implemented in the R package 'BFpack'. The applicability of the methodology is illustrated using empirical collaboration networks and policy networks.

Figure 1. Ideological positions and HPD intervals of the most active actors .
Figure 3. Item discrimination parameters for the beliefs observed in both policy debates.
Figure 4. Number of statements for and against each belief, ordered by frequency.
Figure 5. Predicted probabilities of cross-policy advocacy for nine hypothetical scenarios, based on the second model ('Mixed'). Point prediction marked by a red cross, with the 95% confidence interval represented by error bars.
Logistic regression models of cross-sectoral advocacy, with three types of aggregation for the ideology variables.
Belief system alignment and cross-sectoral advocacy efforts in policy debates

June 2021


128 Reads


11 Citations

Philip Leifeld






Political actors participate in policy debates as an advocacy strategy to influence political opponents and public opinion. They often engage in cross-sectoral advocacy by participating in multiple adjacent debates. To investigate what factors influence cross-sectoral advocacy in policy debates, we examined advocacy coalitions in two health policy debates in the UK – the regulation of sugar-sweetened beverages and alcoholic drinks. We predicted cross-sectoral advocacy efforts across 237 actors, such as health charities, manufacturers, or retailers, as a function of their belief system alignment relative to their advocacy coalition. In a methodological innovation, Bayesian item response models were applied to policy beliefs stated publicly by actors in eleven newspapers to measure the ideological positions of actors and beliefs relative to their advocacy coalition. Extreme belief alignment relative to one’s coalition, a small spread of stated beliefs, and a strong engagement were found to explain cross-sectoral advocacy.

Figure 1: Four Examples of Opinion Cascades (out of a Total of 191 Cascades). '1' and '2' Indicate First and Second Chambers of a Bicameral System.
Figure 2: Scatterplot of Opinion Activity and Timing for Each Parliament.
Figure 3: Cut-off Value, Improvement in the Log Likelihood per Additional Tie, and p-Values for Each Tie According to the Vuong Test, for the First 170 Ties. The Same Cut-Off Value of 40 Ties Was Used for the Analysis Presented in the Main Text and an Outlier-Corrected Diffusion Network without the Swedish Parliament, which Can Be Found in Online Appendix 4.
Figure 4: Inferred Diffusion Network with Communities. Nodes with Suffix '1' and '2' Denote First and Second Chambers, Respectively. A Version of this Diffusion Network without the Swedish Parliament Can Be Found in Online Appendix 4.
The Latent Diffusion Network among National Parliaments in the Early Warning System of the European Union

January 2021


131 Reads


11 Citations

JCMS Journal of Common Market Studies

Since the Treaty of Lisbon, national parliamentary chambers in the European Union can issue reasoned opinions on legislative proposals by the European Commission. These individual reasoned opinions lead to a review if at least one third of all chambers raise such concerns. Hence, coordination among parliaments is key. Using advances in inferential network analysis, this article infers the underlying diffusion pathways among national parliaments through which chambers are related to each other in their decisions to raise subsidiarity concerns. The emerging diffusion network is characterised by a compartmentalization into communities of European Union budget net contributor and net recipient countries. This descriptive finding has implications for the institutional effectiveness and aspired democratic legitimacy of the Early Warning System. A multivariate statistical network analysis confirms that diffusion occurs among net recipient countries and that weak institutions follow the lead of strong institutions in the Early Warning System.

Netzwerkanalyse in der Politikwissenschaft

November 2020


55 Reads

Die Netzwerkanalyse ist eine Sammlung von Methoden zur Analyse von Interaktionen oder Beziehungen zwischen Akteuren. In der Politikwissenschaft finden diese Methoden breite Anwendung, da Politik häufig in Gruppenkontexten mit potenzieller gegenseitiger Relevanz der Akteure abläuft, während konventionelle Nicht-Netzwerk-Methoden die Unabhängigkeit (oder höchstens triviale Abhängigkeit) der Akteure in diesen Kontexten annehmen. Netzwerkanalyse erlaubt die gleichzeitige Analyse von Akteuren und ihren Beziehungen als komplexes System. Es existieren Methoden zur Beschreibung und Visualisierung von Netzwerken sowie zur statistischen Modellierung von Netzwerken. Die statistischen Methoden lassen sich grob in statische Modelle für einen beobachteten Zeitpunkt und in temporale Netzwerkmodelle unterteilen sowie in Modelle für Netzwerke oder Dyaden als abhängige Variable und Modelle für in Netzwerken geschachtelte individuelle Beobachtungen. Das Kapitel gibt einen Überblick über diese verschiedenen Methoden und ihre Anwendung in der Politikwissenschaft und stellt den aktuellen Forschungsstand vor.

World Government and Global Governance from a Cybernetic Perspective

August 2020


27 Reads

In this contribution, I will examine from a cybernetics perspective how the installation of a world government would deal with global problems and crises. At the present time, this is a merely hypothetical endeavour as the prospect of a unitary world state is akin to science fiction. Yet, both scholars and practitioners have argued that the future emergence of a global government would be both likely and desirable.

Boundary Spanning Through Engagement of Policy Actors in Multiple Issues: Boundary Spanning

July 2020


85 Reads


39 Citations

Policy Studies Journal

Prominent current policy problems such as climate change, migration, or the financial crisis embrace a multitude of issues that are tackled within single‐ or multiple‐policy subsystems. However, interdependencies among actors that arise due to their multi‐issue engagement are often discounted when studying policy processes, including learning dynamics and alliance or trust formation among actors engaged in multiple issues. Various issues compete for actors’ attention, and actors need to choose an appropriate set of issues to deal with given their scarce resources. In this, why do actors engage in multiple issues? We present an innovative inductive approach that identifies policy issues related to Swiss water politics and actors involved therein. We use a two‐mode exponential random graph model to estimate actors’ multi‐issue activity. Results show that 39% of actors engage in more than one water‐related issue and that cross‐subsystem and homophily clustering and clustered issue popularity drive this issue engagement.

Citations (39)

... We also include a memory term, which indicates whether donors have given adaptation aid to the same recipients in the previous year. The term increases in size the less the network changes over the years (Leifeld and Cranmer, 2015). The memory term thus examines whether network ties from previous periods influence network formation in later years. ...


Donor Interactions in the Allocation of Adaptation Aid: A Network Analysis
A theoretical and empirical comparison of the temporal exponential random graph model and the stochastic actor-oriented model – Corrigendum
  • Citing Article
  • March 2022

Network Science

... We argue that, while making such modeling assumptions is reasonable, we should not use them blindly and they should not remain untested. They are not just specifications of a methodology, but theoretical statements about human behavior [17]. ...

The stochastic actor-oriented model is a theory as much as it is a method and must be subject to theory tests

Network Science

... We identified changes in discourse coalitions by conducting a discourse network analysis (DNA) (Leifeld, 2013(Leifeld, , 2017Leifeld & Haunss, 2012). DNA is currently predominantly used to map advocacy coalitions around the shared agreement or disagreement on policy instruments (Leifeld et al., 2022). We contribute to further broadening the DNA application range towards tracking evolutions of discourse coalitions by redefining concept nodes as storyline nodes and omitting the dis-/agreement qualifier. ...

Belief system alignment and cross-sectoral advocacy efforts in policy debates

... Existing scholarly works have employed computational linguistic tools and content analysis in various contexts, such as providing insights into persuasion strategies of radicalized Islamist groups (Windsor, 2020). This study uses the framework of the Sussex School of discourse analysis and is inspired by the studies conducted by Leifeld and his colleagues (Leifeld, 2017(Leifeld, , 2020Leifeld et al., 2021;Malang & Leifeld, 2021) in which network analysis is used as a method to examine content of political communication to identify links between verbal content and normative claims or policy formation. ...

The Latent Diffusion Network among National Parliaments in the Early Warning System of the European Union

JCMS Journal of Common Market Studies

... We more concretely hypothesized that change-prone advocacy coalitions or change-prone brokers or entrepreneurs is an important condition to turn a flood into a focusing event. To analyze subsystem properties, we relied on secondary literature on Swiss flood risk management (Burger 2008;Müller 2004;Pfister 1999Pfister , 2002Summermatter 2012), as well as studies of the overarching water policy subsystem (Bolognesi and Nahrath 2020;Brandenberger et al. 2021;Kissling-Näf and Kuks 2004;Rohr et al. 2018;Varone et al. 2002). ...

Boundary Spanning Through Engagement of Policy Actors in Multiple Issues: Boundary Spanning
  • Citing Article
  • July 2020

Policy Studies Journal

... Discourse networks have been studied extensively in several studies. The topics raised were political issues, such as research conducted by (Fisher, Leifeld, & Iwaki, 2013;Leifeld, 2016a;Leifeld & Haunss, 2012;Muller, 2015;Steinfeld, 2016;Wallaschek, Starke, & Brüning, 2020). Another topic is the debate on environmental issues and changes in advertising, such as research conducted by (Yun, Ku, Park, & Han, 2014)in South Korea, (Wagner & Payne, 2017) in Ireland, (Kukkonen & Ylä-Anttila , 2020) in Finland, and (Ghinoi & Steiner, 2020) in Italy. ...

Policy Debates and Discourse Network Analysis: A Research Agenda

Politics and Governance

... Terdapat beberapa negara yang menerapkan pemungutan berupa pajak maupun cukai, diantaranya UK dengan SDIL (Soft Drinks Industry Levy) yang menggunakan pemungutan berupa pajak pada tahun 2018 (Buckton, et al: 2019). Pungutan berupa pajak ini juga dilakukan di Meksiko sejak 2013 dengan Sugar-sweetened Beverages Tax, yang diikuti juga oleh 23 negara dan delapan yurisdiksi di Amerika Serikat (James, et al: 2020), sedangkan negara dengan pemungutan berupa cukai adalah Arab Saudi, Uni Emirat Arab serta Bahrain pada tahun 2017 dan kemudian diikuti oleh Qatar dan Oman pada 2019 (Alsukait, et al: 2020), selain itu Meksiko, Perancis, Denmark dan Barkeley juga menggunakan pemungutan berupa cukai (Falbe, et al: 2015). ...

OP08 A discourse network analysis of UK newspaper coverage of the ‘sugar tax’ debate before and after the announcement of the soft drinks industry levy
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2019

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

... In drugs research specifically, most studies using SNA methods have been published in the public health and criminology fields [35]. Some studies have used news articles to map discourse networks of agreement or similar interests [36,37]. For example, Hilton et al. [37] analysed statements made by UK alcohol policy stakeholders in news articles and mapped a network of agreement across policy actors. ...

Policy congruence and advocacy strategies in the discourse networks of minimum unit pricing for alcohol and the soft drinks industry levy: Comparative discourse network analysis of two pricing policies, Hilton et al 2020


... Recent analytical solutions dealing with multiple perspectives, such as discourse network analysis (Fisher & Leifeld, 2019) or the discursive agency approach (Leipold & Winkel, 2017), usually start deductively with a manual coding of statements about environmental beliefs in policy discourse. These methods are insightful when the following conditions are met: the problem area is well-established, its knowledge base is agreed upon by participants and researchers, the area of expertise is rather narrow, and the time span of the study is short. ...

The polycentricity of climate policy blockage

Climatic Change

... Distinct communities that are linked to a group of statements or topics can be identified through community detection algorithms[13]. This technique has been used to identify groups of opinion in the domains of minimal alcohol pricing [10], migration[19] and a sugar tax[2]. ...

A discourse network analysis of UK newspaper coverage of the “sugar tax” debate before and after the announcement of the Soft Drinks Industry Levy

BMC Public Health