Petra Dykierek’s research while affiliated with University Medical Center Freiburg and other places

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Publications (44)

Interpersonelle Psychotherapie für Depressionen im höheren Lebensalter
  • Article

November 2023


10 Reads

Psychotherapie im Alter

Petra Dykierek

Die Interpersonelle Psychotherapie (IPT) ist eine evidenzbasierte, semistrukturierte Kurzeittherapie zur Behandlung von Depressionen, für die auch eine Modifikation für ältere Depressive zur Verfügung steht. Anhand einer Kasuistik wird das therapeutische Vorgehen in den drei Behandlungsphasen erläutert; typische Problemfelder älterer depressiver Menschen (z. B. medizinische Begleiterkrankungen, überwertige Sorgen und Ängste) finden dabei eine besondere Berücksichtigung.

Sucht und Depression im Alter: Grundlagen und psychotherapeutische Interventionen

August 2018


35 Reads

Der demografische Wandel rückt die Gesundheitsversorgung älterer Menschen immer weiter in den Fokus. Auch in der Psychotherapie ist es notwendig, bestehende Konzepte an Ältere anzupassen, um deren spezifischen Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Gerade für die häufige Komorbidität von Depression und Substanzmissbrauch im Alter existieren bislang keine einheitlichen Therapiekonzepte, und auch die Psychotherapieforschung auf diesem Gebiet bietet noch wenig Anhaltspunkte. In diesem Kapitel wird sowohl die aktuelle Forschungslage zusammengefasst sowie – abgeleitet aus der Interpersonellen Psychotherapie – ein möglicher Behandlungsansatz für Depression und komorbiden Substanzmissbrauch bei Älteren für das stationäre sowie das ambulante Setting beschrieben.

Diagnostic results. The cerebral magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated juxtacortical white matter lesions; the electroencephalography showed intermittent slowing.
The course of the patient’s memory dysfunction using the CERAD (z-values). TMT A/B, trailmaking tests A/B; t1, before plasmapharesis; t2, 1 month after plasmapheresis; t3, nearly 6 months after plasmapheresis.
FDG-PET showing mild-to-moderate medial and superior dorsolateral frontal hypometabolism before and normalization after plasmapheresis. The upper and lower row images show the transaxial fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) images and the 3D surface projections of the regions with decreased FDG uptake (color-coded Z-score and compared with age-matched healthy controls, respectively).
Plasmapheresis Responsive Rapid Onset Dementia with Predominantly Frontal Dysfunction in the Context of Hashimoto’s Encephalopathy
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2017


253 Reads


22 Citations


Magnus S. Vry


Petra Dykierek




Background Hashimoto’s encephalopathy (HE) is a rare immunological neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by increased antithyroid antibodies and mixed neurological and psychiatric symptoms. HE has been previously discussed as a differential diagnosis for rapid progressive dementia. However, most of these patients suffered from additional neurological symptoms, like ataxia or seizures. Case presentation Here, we present the case of a 59-year-old female patient suffering rapid onset dementia with salient frontal executive dysfunction. She developed rapid onset symptoms, including apathy, verbal depletion up to a stuporous state, severe working memory deficits, evidence of primitive reflexes, disturbed Luria’s three-step test, and micturition disorder. Analysis of her cerebrospinal fluid was normal. The serum analyses showed increased antithyroid (antithyroid peroxidase and antithyroglobulin) antibodies. In the cerebral magnetic resonance imaging, supratentorial deep and peripheral white matter lesions were found; the electroencephalography showed intermittent slowing, and the [¹⁸F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) depicted medial and superior dorsolateral frontal hypometabolism. Several different psychopharmacological therapeutic approaches with various neuroleptics, antidepressants, and high doses of lorazepam were unsuccessful. Due to the organic alterations, including increased antithyroid antibodies, HE was suspected. Against expectations, treatment with high-dose corticosteroids proved to be ineffective and was associated with worsening symptoms. However, escalated treatment with plasmapheresis over 5 days led to significant improvement in all reported symptoms and in psychometric testing. The neuropsychological improvement was stable over a 6-month follow-up period, and the FDG-PET normalized. Conclusion This case report reveals that (1) HE can mimic rapid onset dementia with predominantly frontal dysfunction; (2) this syndrome can be successfully treated in the context of HE; and (3) plasmapheresis can be effective in such a disease constellation. The detection of the immunological causes of rapid onset dementia and other psychiatric syndromes is important because it opens opportunities for new, innovative immunosuppressive treatment options.


Psychotherapeutische Ansätze bei der Behandlung älterer Menschen

September 2017


47 Reads


6 Citations

Der Nervenarzt

Background: This article focusses on the possibilities, varieties, indications, and benefits of psychotherapy with elderly patients. Objective: Which basic principles can be differentiated, what theoretical rationales are helpful for psychotherapy with the elderly and what kind and forms of psychotherapy are available? Material and methods: Based on relevant references and research, clinically relevant and evidence-based psychotherapies are described, to understand the theoretical rationale, the goals, the procedure and main strategies. Results: Cognitive behavior therapy, problem solving therapy, life review therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, and psychodynamic psychotherapy are available to treat various psychological and somatic problems in elderly patients. In particular, cognitive behavior therapy, problem solving therapy, and life review therapy are evidence-based and empirically validated. Evidence for interpersonal psychotherapy is mixed and for psychodynamic psychotherapy is missing. Conclusion: Psychotherapy with old and very old patients is possible, well received, and successful. Age per se is no longer considered to be a relevant variable for indications of psychotherapy.

Was hilft bei komplizierter Trauer?

February 2015


15 Reads

InFo Neurologie + Psychiatrie

Fragestellung: Ist bei älteren Menschen mit komplizierter Trauer trauerspezifische Psychotherapie (Complicated Grief Treatment, CGT) wirksamer als interpersonelle Psychotherapie (IPT)?Hintergrund: Verwitwung oder der Verlust von engen Bindungspersonen erhöht das Risiko von „komplizierter Trauer“, einem Muster psychischer Folgebeschwerden, die das psychosoziale Funktionsniveau und die physische Gesundheit der Betroffenen gravierend beeinträchtigen sowie das Suizidrisiko erhöhen. Bei Personen mittleren Alters wurde gezeigt, dass Trauersymptome weniger gut auf IPT ansprechen und eine Kombination aus Expositionsverfahren, IPT und motivierender Gesprächsführung erfolgversprechender ist. Eine Replikation dieser Ergebnisse wäre für den geriatrischen Bereich sehr interessant, da gegenüber Expositionstechniken im Alter Vorbehalte bestehen oder diese wegen der häufigen depressiven Symptomatik nicht erwogen werden.Patienten und Methodik: Im Rahmen einer randomiserten kontrollierten Studie wurden ...

Bedeutung der Theory of Mind für die Psychotherapie der Depression

November 2012


73 Reads


1 Citation

Das Wissen um ToM-Leistungen bei Depressionen ist als begrenzt einzuschätzen, da sich die Forschung bisher auf psychiatrische Krankheitsbilder konzentrierte, die mit erheblichen Störungen der Person-Umwelt-Interaktion einhergehen (wie z. B. schizophrene Erkrankungen, Autismus). In der Literatur finden sich nur wenige Publikationen, die sich mit ToM bei affektiven Störungen befassen – und wenn, dann mit eingeschränkter methodischer Qualität. In Anbetracht der Phänomenologie der Depression ist dies erstaunlich. Das Hauptsymptom einer major depression besteht in depressiver Verstimmung und/oder im Verlust von Interesse oder Spaß an nahezu allen Tätigkeiten, die dem Betroffenen sonst Freude bereitet hätten. Hinzu kommt eine Vielzahl von Symptomen auf anderen Ebenen, z. B.

Sensitivity to detect change and the correlation of clinical factors with the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory in depressed inpatients

March 2012


403 Reads


61 Citations

Discrepancies between scores on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), as well as differences regarding their sensitivity to detect change, have been reported. This study investigates discrepancies and their potential prediction on the basis of demographic, personality, and clinical factors in depressed inpatients and analyzes the sensitivity to change. The HAMD and the BDI were administered to 105 inpatients with major depressive disorder randomized to 5weeks of either interpersonal psychotherapy or clinical management. Personality was assessed with the NEO Five-Factor Inventory. Low extraversion and high neuroticism were associated with relatively higher endorsement of depressive symptoms on the BDI compared with the HAMD. The HAMD presented a greater reduction of symptom scores than the BDI. Patients with high BDI scores, high HAMD scores or both revealed the greatest change, possibly due to a statistical effect of regression to the mean. Restricted by sample size, analyses were not differentiated by treatment condition. Regression to the mean cannot be tested directly, but it might be considered as a possible explanation. The HAMD and the BDI should be regarded as two complementary rather than redundant or competing instruments as the discrepancy is associated with personality characteristics. Attributing large effect sizes solely to effective treatment and a sensitive measure may be misleading.

Common Factors in the Treatment of Chronic Depression – Comparison of 2 Psychotherapy Methods

January 2012


738 Reads


2 Citations


Background: There is a lack of research about the extent to which common factors influence the effectiveness of psychotherapies in the treatment of chronic depression: Which common factors differentiate between successful and less-successful psychotherapies in chronically depressed patients? Patients and Methods: Using the Bern Post Session Report (BPSR) for patients and therapists, the common factors in the treatment of 29 chronically depressed patients have been evaluated during the 16- week treatment with either the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) or with Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT). The primary efficacy outcome measure was the score on the 24-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD-24). Results: Significant differences were found on the patient-rated subscales ‘clarification’ (p = 0.02) and ‘mastery’ (p = 0.01) when comparing successful with less-successful (response defined as a 50% reduction in HRSD-24 score) therapies. However, analysis of variance showed no significant difference in common factors between CBASP and IPT therapies. Discussion: Independent of the therapeutic approach, the impact of the common efficacy factors clarification and mastery for successful treatment of chronically depressed patients has been confirmed.

Citations (27)

... In 6 cases the patient was euthyroid, 3,6,11,13,15,16 while only 4 of the patients were hypothyroid. 2,5,14,17 Two cases were diagnosed with autoimmune hypothyroidism but were euthyroid on medications upon presentation. 2 One case was found to have autoimmune hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease). ...


Catatonia as the Presentation of Encephalopathy Associated With Autoimmune Thyroiditis: A Case Report and Literature Review
Plasmapheresis Responsive Rapid Onset Dementia with Predominantly Frontal Dysfunction in the Context of Hashimoto’s Encephalopathy

... So ergab sich nach sechs und zwölf Monaten eine Abnahme der Anzahl der erfüllten diagnostischen Kriterien, die sich für beide Behandlungsgruppen im Wesentlichen gleich gestaltete. Insgesamt bestätigen die gefundenen positiven Ergebnisse die in der Literatur berichteten Befunde zu Behandlungsergebnissen bei Älteren, sowohl von psychischen Problemen Hautzinger, Dykierek, Fellgiebel, & Hüll, 2017;Radebold, 2006) als auch von substanzbezogenen Problemen Kessler, Gross, Koller, & Haug, 2012;Kunz et al., 2014;Vogt, 2016). Älteren Personen stehen neben erschwerenden Faktoren für eine Therapie (z. ...

Psychotherapeutische Ansätze bei der Behandlung älterer Menschen
  • Citing Article
  • September 2017

Der Nervenarzt

... El mecanismo transteórico Activación de Recursos, descrito por Klaus Grawe (1997), ha demostrado previamente una relación significativa con los resultados finales de la psicoterapia (Gassman & Grawe, 2006;Flückiger et al., 2009;Mander et al., 2013;Stangier et al., 2010;Znoj et al., 2010); sin embargo, los resultados reportados en algunos estudios indican tomar esta evidencia con precaución respecto de su generalización (Flückiger et al., 2014;Sander et al., 2013). Adicionalmente, previo a este estudio, no se encontró evidencia disponible acerca de la relación entre el mecanismo de AR y los resultados RT en psicoterapia. ...

Common Factors in the Treatment of Chronic Depression – Comparison of 2 Psychotherapy Methods


... An important caveat of existing research on alliance in iCBT is that most studies have examined only clients' perceptions. Clients and therapists, however, often perceive the same course of therapy differently (Mander et al., 2013;Sander et al., 2012;Stangier et al., 2010). Moreover, studies that have compared the predictive power of clients' versus therapists' experiences of F2F psychotherapy have suggested that sometimes clients' perceptions are more predictive of treatment outcomes than therapists' perceptions (Gmeinwieser et al., 2019;J. ...

Allgemeine Wirkfaktoren bei der Behandlung chronisch depressiver Patienten. Vergleich zweier Psychotherapieansätze


... Patients in the experimental group showed significant improvements in self-perceived memory performance at 6 months. 56 Another clinical trial including patients with SMC reported similar results after an intervention consisting of 10 sessions of metamemory training. 56,57 As in other FNDs, cognitive rehabilitation may be useful for the treatment of FCD due to the involvement of attention to symptoms in the pathogenesis and perpetuation of the disorder; comorbid motor and psychological symptoms may also benefit from this approach. ...

Konzeption und Erprobung eines gruppentherapeutischen Behandlungskonzepts für die funktionelle Gedächtnis- und Konzentrationsstörung

PPmP - Psychotherapie · Psychosomatik · Medizinische Psychologie

... Correspondingly, the only existing RCTs in this field compare different treatment conditions within inpatient psychotherapy [39,40] or -on rare occasions -inpatient to day clinic treatment [41]. ...

Interpersonelle Psychotherapie bei stationär behandelten, depressiven Patienten: Effekte auf die soziale Anpassung und auf interpersonelle Probleme
  • Citing Article
  • April 2008

Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

... The effectiveness of CBASP has been examined in multiple RCTs and meta-analyses (e.g., Kocsis et al., 2009;Michalak Schultze, Heidenreich, & Schramm, 2016;Schramm et al., 2011;2015). Klein et al. (2004) reported results from the psychotherapy arm of the maintenance phase of a large multisite chronic depression trial (Keller et al., 2000) that found positive results for both CBASP alone and combined with pharmacotherap y. ...

Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy versus Interpersonal Psychotherapy in early-onset chronic depression: A randomized, controlled pilot study with fMRI results
  • Citing Article
  • March 2008

Journal of Affective Disorders

... Soziale Konflikte, Verluste sowie Lebensbelastungen und -veränderungen sind im Vorfeld bzw. in der Entwicklung depressiver Störungen gehäuft anzutreffen. Bei der IPT [34] (deutsche Version: [51] ) wird von der Annahme ausgegangen, dass die psychosozialen und zwischenmenschlichen Belastungen des Patienten entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Entwicklung und auf die Aufrechterhaltung der Depression haben und umgekehrt (. Abb. 2). ...

Interpersonelle Psychotherapie
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2005

... Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) identified >20 LOAD risk genes linked to endocytosis, inborn immunity, and lipid metabolism [143,145]. EOAD is typically diagnosed between 40 and 50 years of age, comprises 5% of the total AD cases [146], is linked to a defect in chromosome 14 and myoclonus [147,148], and, therefore, it is referred to as a distinctive autosomal dominant inherited form of AD [140]. Usually, people with Down's syndrome are more prone to EOAD [149]. ...

Early-onset Alzheimer's disease due to mutations of the presenilin-1 gene on chromosome 14: A 7-year follow-up of a patient with a mutation at codon 139
  • Citing Article
  • July 1998

European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience

... All the enrolled participants were evaluated by a psychiatrist (either TWG or KPS), and treatment response was assessed at the 2nd, 4th, 8th and 12th week using the HAM -D, Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI) and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) by the same clinical rater and then verified by the psychiatrists to ensure the consistency. The inclusion of both HAM-D and BDI for depressive symptoms assessment enhances the study's robustness by combining clinician-rated and selfreported perspectives (Schneibel et al., 2012). HAM-D was prioritized for participant selection due to its validated use in MDD trials, while BDI complements it by providing patient-centred insights. ...

Sensitivity to detect change and the correlation of clinical factors with the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory in depressed inpatients