Peter D. Neilson’s research while affiliated with UNSW Sydney and other places

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Publications (83)

Figure 2. A diagram illustrating the fact that if F, G : M → N are diffeomorphic maps between smooth manifolds M and N, then the pull-back maps F * , G * : H r dR (N) → H r dR (M) between the de Rham cohomology groups H r dR (N) and H r dR (M) for all values of r are equal, i.e., F * = G * . In other words, if the maps F and G are diffeomorphic, they have the same homeomorphic topological structure and so they are homotopy-invariant. This means that homotopy-equivalent manifolds have isomorphic de Rham groups. The labels Ω r−1 (M), Ω r (M) represent the skew-symmetric tensor spaces of degree (r − 1) and degree (r) for differential forms at each point on the smooth manifold M. The labels Ω r−1 (N), Ω r (N), Ω r+1 ( N) represent the skew-symmetric tensor spaces of degree (r − 1), degree (r) and degree (r + 1) for differential forms at each point on the smooth manifold N. The maps h : Ω r+1 ( N) → Ω r (M) for all values of r are called homotopy operators. Examination of the diagram shows that if the r-form ω is closed, i.e., dω = 0, then d(h ω) = G * ω − F * ω. In other words, G * ω and F * ω differ by an exact differential d(h ω). The maps F * , G * : H r dR (N) → H r dR (M) are said to be cohomologous. This is exactly how equal cohomology groups are defined. Therefore, cohomologous groups have isomorphic de Rham cohomology groups.
Applications of Differential Geometry Linking Topological Bifurcations to Chaotic Flow Fields
  • Article
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June 2024


37 Reads


Peter D. Neilson


Megan D. Neilson

At every point p on a smooth n-manifold M there exist n+1 skew-symmetric tensor spaces spanning differential r-forms ω with r=0,1,⋯,n. Because d∘d is always zero where d is the exterior differential, it follows that every exact r-form (i.e., ω=dλ where λ is an r−1-form) is closed (i.e., dω=0) but not every closed r-form is exact. This implies the existence of a third type of differential r-form that is closed but not exact. Such forms are called harmonic forms. Every smooth n-manifold has an underlying topological structure. Many different possible topological structures exist. What distinguishes one topological structure from another is the number of holes of various dimensions it possesses. De Rham’s theory of differential forms relates the presence of r-dimensional holes in the underlying topology of a smooth n-manifold M to the presence of harmonic r-form fields on the smooth manifold. A large amount of theory is required to understand de Rham’s theorem. In this paper we summarize the differential geometry that links holes in the underlying topology of a smooth manifold with harmonic fields on the manifold. We explore the application of de Rham’s theory to (i) visual, (ii) mechanical, (iii) electrical and (iv) fluid flow systems. In particular, we consider harmonic flow fields in the intracellular aqueous solution of biological cells and we propose, on mathematical grounds, a possible role of harmonic flow fields in the folding of protein polypeptide chains.


Figure 1. An illustration of the smooth conformal mapping Φ between (a) cylindrical coordinates (r, θ) on any plane in the 3D Euclidean outside world passing through the egocentre represented by the dot • at the origin and (b) the corresponding plane in the warped Riemannian geometry of 3D visual space with the egocentre again represented by •. Φ maps circular geodesics s(θ) and radial geodesics α(r) intersecting at right angles in the Euclidean outside world to corresponding horizontal straight lines s(θ) and vertical straight lines α(r) intersecting at right angles in the perceived visual space. The vectors ξ are Killing vectors whose integral flows preserve the metric g. The vectors η = .
The Riemannian Geometry Theory of Visually-Guided Movement Accounts for Afterimage Illusions and Size Constancy

June 2022


83 Reads


2 Citations


This discussion paper supplements our two theoretical contributions previously published in this journal on the geometric nature of visual space. We first show here how our Riemannian formulation explains the recent experimental finding (published in this special issue on size constancy) that, contrary to conclusions from past work, vergence does not affect perceived size. We then turn to afterimage experiments connected to that work. Beginning with the Taylor illusion, we explore how our proposed Riemannian visual–somatosensory–hippocampal association memory network accounts in the following way for perceptions that occur when afterimages are viewed in conjunction with body movement. The Riemannian metric incorporated in the association memory network accurately emulates the warping of 3D visual space that is intrinsically introduced by the eye. The network thus accurately anticipates the change in size of retinal images of objects with a change in Euclidean distance between the egocentre and the object. An object will only be perceived to change in size when there is a difference between the actual size of its image on the retina and the anticipated size of that image provided by the network. This provides a central mechanism for size constancy. If the retinal image is the afterimage of a body part, typically a hand, and that hand moves relative to the egocentre, the afterimage remains constant but the proprioceptive signals change to give the new hand position. When the network gives the anticipated size of the hand at its new position this no longer matches the fixed afterimage, hence a size-change illusion occurs.

Figure 1. A schematic diagram illustrating the Riemannian theory of graphs of submanifolds. Θ designates the smooth 110D posture manifold spanned by the 110 elemental movements of the body. P × O designates the smooth 6D place-and-orientation manifold spanning the place and orientation space of the head in the 3D environment. U designates a neighbourhood in the posture manifold Θ about a given initial posture θ i ∈ Θ where there exists a fixed mapping f : U → P × O between the open subset U ⊆ Θ in posture space and the position and orientation of the head in a local region of P × O. The graph of the map f : U → P × O is designated by Γ( f ). Γ( f ) is a 110D submanifold embedded in the configuration manifold C = Θ × P × O that is diffeomorphic to the 110D open subset U ⊆ Θ in the posture manifold Θ. Different mappings f between posture and the place and orientation of the head are represented by different submanifolds Γ( f ).
Figure 3. A schematic diagram illustrating the generation of a 2D geodesic submanifold Γ x 1 , x 2 corresponding to a selected two-CDOF minimum-effort movement synergy embedded in the 116D configuration manifold (C, J) of the body moving in a local 3D environment. The coordinate axes α 0 x 1 and β 0 x 2 and all the horizontal coordinate grid lines α x 2 x 1 are geodesics (coloured red) in the posture-and-place manifold (Ψ, P) while all the vertical coordinate grid lines β x 1 x 2 are not geodesics (coloured blue). Detailed description in text.
Figure 4. Results of MATLAB/Simulink simulation of a two-DOF arm moving in the horizontal plane through the shoulder depicting the transformation of geodesic trajectories in the 2D curved proprioceptive joint-angle space into the 3D curved visual space (G, g). (a) shows a totally geodesic grid in joint-angle space (θ 1 -θ 2 ) of the two-DOF arm moving along natural free-motion geodesic trajectories in the horizontal plane attributable to its mass-inertia characteristics. (b) shows the corresponding (x-y)-positions of the hand in the Euclidean (x-y) horizontal plane for corresponding points along the geodesic grid lines in (a). These were computed trigonometrically using Equation (4). The line drawing in Figure (b) illustrates the θ 1 and θ 2 angles of the arm when the hand is located at the centre of the grid. (c) shows the corresponding grid of visually-perceived positions of the hand in the 3D warped visual space (G, g) spanned by the cyclopean coordinates (ln r, θ, ϕ) as described in the text. Equivalent example trajectories in (a-c) are indicated by lines of similar colour and thickness. Arrows on these lines indicate the directions in which joint angles θ 1 and θ 2 are increasing.
Figure 5. A block diagram illustrating response planning processes involved in selecting a movement synergy compatible with a specified visual goal. The central feature is the recursive reinforcement loop coloured in red. A block-by-block description of the figure follows in the text.
A Riemannian Geometry Theory of Synergy Selection for Visually-Guided Movement

May 2021


265 Reads


4 Citations


Bringing together a Riemannian geometry account of visual space with a complementary account of human movement synergies we present a neurally-feasible computational formulation of visuomotor task performance. This cohesive geometric theory addresses inherent nonlinear complications underlying the match between a visual goal and an optimal action to achieve that goal: (i) the warped geometry of visual space causes the position, size, outline, curvature, velocity and acceleration of images to change with changes in the place and orientation of the head, (ii) the relationship between head place and body posture is ill-defined, and (iii) mass-inertia loads on muscles vary with body configuration and affect the planning of minimum-effort movement. We describe a partitioned visuospatial memory consisting of the warped posture-and-place-encoded images of the environment, including images of visible body parts. We depict synergies as low-dimensional submanifolds embedded in the warped posture-and-place manifold of the body. A task-appropriate synergy corresponds to a submanifold containing those postures and places that match the posture-and-place-encoded visual images that encompass the required visual goal. We set out a reinforcement learning process that tunes an error-reducing association memory network to minimize any mismatch, thereby coupling visual goals with compatible movement synergies. A simulation of a two-degrees-of-freedom arm illustrates that, despite warping of both visual space and posture space, there exists a smooth one-to-one and onto invertible mapping between vision and proprioception.

Figure 2. A schematic 2D diagram illustrating the angle of the head relative to a translated external reference frame (X ,Y ) and the angles of the left and right eyes relative to the head when gaze is fixed on a surface point Q in the environment. The left and right eye visual axes are straight lines connecting the fovea through the nodal point of the eye to the gaze point Q. The fan-shaped grids of straight lines passing through the nodal point of each eye connect corresponding left and right retinal hyperfields to points í µí±Ž í µí°¿í µí±– and í µí±Ž í µí± í µí±– , respectively, on the surface. The image point í µí±Ž í µí°¿í µí±– projecting Figure 2. A schematic 2D diagram illustrating the angle of the head relative to a translated external reference frame (X , Y ) and the angles of the left and right eyes relative to the head when gaze is fixed on a surface point Q in the environment. The left and right eye visual axes are straight lines connecting the fovea through the nodal point of the eye to the gaze point Q. The fan-shaped grids of straight lines passing through the nodal point of each eye connect corresponding left and right retinal hyperfields to points a Li and a Ri , respectively, on the surface. The image point a Li projecting to a left retinal hyperfield is translated by a small amount relative to the image point a Ri projecting to the corresponding right retinal hyperfield. Thus the points a Li and a Ri induce a disparity between the images projected to the corresponding left and right retinal hyperfields. The diagram also includes the hypothetical surface known as an horopter. This contains the points which induce no disparity between the images projected to corresponding left and right hyperfields.
Figure 4. A block diagram for the Matlab/Simulink simulator used to generate geodesic trajectories in the 3D Euclidean outside world given initial conditions í µí»¼(0) = (í µí±Ÿ(0), í µí¼ƒ(0), í µí¼‘(0)) and í µí»¼ (0) = (í µí±Ÿ (0), í µí¼ƒ (0), í µí¼‘ (0)) set equal to (r(0),theta(0),phi(0)) and (dr(0),dtheta(0),dphi(0)) in the diagram. The MATLAB Function block was programmed to evaluate the expression for í µí±“ í µí»¼(í µí±¡ ), í µí»¼ (í µí±¡ ) in Equation (17). For each run the geodesic trajectory alpha = (r,theta,phi) was stored in the workspace, converted to Cartesian coordinates and plotted as shown in Figures 5, 6 and 7 below.
Figure 9. A table illustrating how the combination of the product í µí°¾ = í µí¼ í µí¼ and the mean í µí°» = (í µí¼ +í µí¼ ) 2 of the principal curvatures í µí¼ and í µí¼ is sufficient to encode the local shape of the submanifold uniquely at each point on the submanifold [113].
Figure 11. A schematic diagram illustrating the geometric structure of a fibre bundle. The base manifold P encodes the place of the head in the Euclidean world. At each place p i ∈ P there exists a fibre containing a vector bundle. The vector fields V p i and V p j over the perceived visual manifolds
A Riemannian Geometry Theory of Three-Dimensional Binocular Visual Perception

December 2018


981 Reads


9 Citations


We present a Riemannian geometry theory to examine the systematically warped geometry of perceived visual space attributable to the size–distance relationship of retinal images associated with the optics of the human eye. Starting with the notion of a vector field of retinal image features over cortical hypercolumns endowed with a metric compatible with that size–distance relationship, we use Riemannian geometry to construct a place-encoded theory of spatial representation within the human visual system. The theory draws on the concepts of geodesic spray fields, covariant derivatives, geodesics, Christoffel symbols, curvature tensors, vector bundles and fibre bundles to produce a neurally-feasible geometric theory of visuospatial memory. The characteristics of perceived 3D visual space are examined by means of a series of simulations around the egocentre. Perceptions of size and shape are elucidated by the geometry as are the removal of occlusions and the generation of 3D images of objects. Predictions of the theory are compared with experimental observations in the literature. We hold that the variety of reported geometries is accounted for by cognitive perturbations of the invariant physically-determined geometry derived here. When combined with previous description of the Riemannian geometry of human movement this work promises to account for the non-linear dynamical invertible visual-proprioceptive maps and selection of task-compatible movement synergies required for the planning and execution of visuomotor tasks.

Adaptive Model Theory: Modelling the Modeller

July 2016


97 Reads

Adaptive Model Theory is a computational theory of the brain processes that control purposive coordinated human movement. It sets out a feedforward-feedback optimal control system that employs both forward and inverse adaptive models of (i) muscles and their reflex systems, (ii) biomechanical loads on muscles, and (iii) the external world with which the body interacts. From a computational perspective, formation of these adaptive models presents a major challenge. All three systems are high dimensional, multiple input, multiple output, redundant, time-varying, nonlinear and dynamic. The use of Volterra or Wiener kernel modelling is prohibited because the resulting huge number of parameters is not feasible in a neural implementation. Nevertheless, it is well demonstrated behaviourally that the nervous system does form adaptive models of these systems that are memorized, selected and switched according to task. Adaptive Model Theory describes biologically realistic processes using neural adaptive filters that provide solutions to the above modelling challenges. In so doing we seek to model the supreme modeller that is the human brain.

The BUMP model of response planning: Intermittent predictive control accounts for 10Hz physiological tremor

October 2010


392 Reads


34 Citations

Human Movement Science

Physiological tremor during movement is characterized by ∼10 Hz oscillation observed both in the electromyogram activity and in the velocity profile. We propose that this particular rhythm occurs as the direct consequence of a movement response planning system that acts as an intermittent predictive controller operating at discrete intervals of ∼100 ms. The BUMP model of response planning describes such a system. It forms the kernel of Adaptive Model Theory which defines, in computational terms, a basic unit of motor production or BUMP. Each BUMP consists of three processes: (1) analyzing sensory information, (2) planning a desired optimal response, and (3) execution of that response. These processes operate in parallel across successive sequential BUMPs. The response planning process requires a discrete-time interval in which to generate a minimum acceleration trajectory to connect the actual response with the predicted future state of the target and compensate for executional error. We have shown previously that a response planning time of 100 ms accounts for the intermittency observed experimentally in visual tracking studies and for the psychological refractory period observed in double stimulation reaction time studies. We have also shown that simulations of aimed movement, using this same planning interval, reproduce experimentally observed speed-accuracy tradeoffs and movement velocity profiles. Here we show, by means of a simulation study of constant velocity tracking movements, that employing a 100 ms planning interval closely reproduces the measurement discontinuities and power spectra of electromyograms, joint-angles, and angular velocities of physiological tremor reported experimentally. We conclude that intermittent predictive control through sequential operation of BUMPs is a fundamental mechanism of 10 Hz physiological tremor in movement.

On theory of motor synergies

April 2010


52 Reads


21 Citations

Human Movement Science

Recently Latash, Scholz, and Schöner (2007) proposed a new view of motor synergies which stresses the idea that the nervous system does not seek a unique solution to eliminate redundant degrees of freedom but rather uses redundant sets of elemental variables that each correct for errors in the other to achieve a performance goal. This is an attractive concept because the resulting flexibility in the synergy also provides for performance stability. But although Latash et al. construe this concept as the consequence of a "neural organization" they do not say what that may be, nor how it comes about. Adaptive model theory (AMT) is a computational theory developed in our laboratory to account for observed sensory-motor behavior. It gives a detailed account, in terms of biologically feasible neural adaptive filters, of the formation of motor synergies and control of synergistic movements. This account is amplified here to show specifically how the processes within the AMT computational framework lead directly to the flexibility/stability ratios of Latash et al. (2007). Accordingly, we show that quantitative analyses of experimental data, based on the uncontrolled manifold method, do not and indeed cannot refute the possibility that the nervous system tries to find a unique (optimal) solution to eliminate redundant degrees of freedom. We show that the desirable interplay between flexibility and stability demonstrated by uncontrolled manifold analysis can be equally well achieved by a system that forms and deploys optimized motor synergies, as in AMT.

Citations (70)

... Our search for this linking was inspired by two seemingly unrelated happenings. Firstly, in our analysis of the geometry of 3D binocular visual space [1][2][3], we came to realize that three different 3D geometries have to be taken into account. There is of course the 3D Euclidean geometry of the outside world. ...


Applications of Differential Geometry Linking Topological Bifurcations to Chaotic Flow Fields
The Riemannian Geometry Theory of Visually-Guided Movement Accounts for Afterimage Illusions and Size Constancy


... Our search for this linking was inspired by two seemingly unrelated happenings. Firstly, in our analysis of the geometry of 3D binocular visual space [1][2][3], we came to realize that three different 3D geometries have to be taken into account. There is of course the 3D Euclidean geometry of the outside world. ...

A Riemannian Geometry Theory of Synergy Selection for Visually-Guided Movement


... Our search for this linking was inspired by two seemingly unrelated happenings. Firstly, in our analysis of the geometry of 3D binocular visual space [1][2][3], we came to realize that three different 3D geometries have to be taken into account. There is of course the 3D Euclidean geometry of the outside world. ...

A Riemannian Geometry Theory of Three-Dimensional Binocular Visual Perception


... This information is thought to be used to tune an internal model which is used to predict the behavior of the object and its effects on the body. Our ability to swap between different objects and contexts quickly and effortlessly has led to the suggestion that the central nervous system (CNS) maintains many internal models in memory simultaneously (Neilson et al. 1985;Ghahramani and Wolpert 1997). The brain is thought to select the most appropriate models for the current task and use them in computing appropriate motor commands (Wolpert and Kawato 1998;Haruno et al. 2001). ...

Acquisition of motor skills in tracking tasks: learning internal models

... Most subsequent letters to the editor supported our conservative skepticism. 10,11 Eight years later, we were impressively gratified that our challenging prescription for controlled clinical study of this difficult pediatric neurosurgical procedure had been fulfilled with scientific elegance by McLaughlin et al 12 : ...

Selective Posterior Rhizotomy: Further Comments
  • Citing Article
  • April 1991

Journal of Child Neurology

Warwick J. Peacock


Loretta A. Staudt


David Burke




E. Athen Macdonald

... The method is implemented via a network of nonlinear adaptive filters and it is the adaptive parameters in these filters that tune the Gram-Schmidt algorithm. We have long held that such networks are ubiquitous throughout sensory and motor systems of the nervous system [47,[51][52][53][54]. It can also be noted that whatever the posture the body ψ i ∈ Ψ, the relationships between the r, θ and ϕ coordinates for image points on its surface are nonlinear but algebraic rather than dynamic. ...

Adaptive model theory: Application to disorders of motor control
  • Citing Article
  • December 1992

... Beyond static obstacle avoidance, dynamic-aware motions have been explored through kinetic energy-based Riemannian metrics (Jaquier and Asfour 2022; Klein et al. 2023), with further extensions to the Jacobi metric to account for both kinetic and potential energy, enabling energy conservation paths (Albu-Schäffer and Sachtler 2022). Additionally, Riemannian metrics have been applied to human motion modeling, where geodesics represent minimum-effort paths in configuration space (Neilson et al. 2015). These ideas have inspired methods to transfer human arm motions to robots, facilitating more natural and human-like behavior (Klein et al. 2022). ...

A Riemannian geometry theory of human movement: The geodesic synergy hypothesis
  • Citing Article
  • August 2015

Human Movement Science

... In this view, persons who stutter are at the low end of the motor skill continuum and, in moving at a slower speed, they can put a stronger emphasis on using proprioceptive information to guide their actions. Or, as stated by Neilson (1989): A subject highly skilled at a task is likely to plan a fast response, whereas a subject who is unskilled, neurologically impaired, or just wanting to take it easy, is likely to plan a slow response. Adjusting the speed of a response in this way implies a trade-off between control effort and the error between desired and actual reafference signals. ...

EMG bursts, sampling, and strategy in movement control
  • Citing Article
  • June 1989

Behavioral and Brain Sciences

... Note that the first trials per session were excluded to prevent adaptive effects between gains (cf. O'Dwyer & Neilson, 1996). The cut-off values (trial 11 for the step function and trial 4 for the multisine) were based on a pilot experiment with different drivers. ...

Strategic and adaptive responses to changes in a sensory-motor relation
  • Citing Article
  • October 1996

Human Movement Science

... The LRNN structure used in simulation employs neurons with somatic, as opposed to synaptic, adaptive IIR dynamics [19]. The neurons employ sigmoidal activation functions, mimicking the expected activation for a functional group of biological neurons having a Gaussian distribution of activation thresholds [20]. ...

A neurobiologically motivated generalization of the adaptive model theory of human purposive movement to the control of nonlinear systems
  • Citing Article
  • January 1999