Peter B. James’s research while affiliated with Baylor University and other places

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Publications (23)

(a) An overlapping crater pair (white annotations) with 1 km topographic contours (black) overlain on surface imagery and (b) plan view analysis scheme. Profile views of prototypical crater pair topography along the centerline (c) and individual profiles of crater topography inside and outside the antecedent basin (d) are shown with annotations of metrics used in this work. The rim of the younger crater (a) is ∼2 km lower where it overlaps the antecedent crater. Key mathematical notations are included here, see Supporting Information and Table S1 in Supporting Information S1 for complete table of mathematical notations.
Overlapping complex crater pairs after filtering and determination of relative age. Lines connect the centers of each crater in the pair with color designating whether the relative age of craters in the pair was determined and which crater in the pair is younger. Black areas near the poles indicate areas outside the coverage of the topographic data set (Scholten et al., 2012).
Average rim elevation difference: Δz (a) and maximum rim elevation difference: max(Δz) (b) versus crater pair center‐to‐rim distance (δ) for each analyzed crater pair and moving averages to show general trends. Δz and max(Δz) are expressed in terms of the antecedent crater depth, da. The gray arrow shows a diagrammatic depiction of crater pairs with varying δ. Expected locations of the antecedent crater floor and terrace zone based on scaling laws (Melosh, 1989, p. 198) and a range of crater diameters are marked. In crater pairs with δ < 0.5 Ra, the young crater rim likely intersects the antecedent flat crater floor. Negative values of δ indicate that the younger crater covers the center of the antecedent crater.
(a) Rim elevation difference for individual radial profiles versus dimensionless azimuth (φ’ = φ/(θy/2)) for observed crater pairs (A, right) and the antecedent topography proxy, Aristillus crater (A, left). Topography shown in A is measured along a D = 35 km circle intersecting Aristillus Crater at various crater pair center‐to‐rim distances: δ = 0.15, 0.45, and 0.75 Ra, shown in subplot (b) Examples of crater pairs with representative values of δ are shown in subplot (c) Line colors represent crater pairs with less overlap (δ = 0.6–1.0 Ro), moderate overlap (δ = 0.3–0.6 Ro), and substantial overlap (δ = 0.0–0.3 Ra) throughout. Dimensionless azimuth denotes the angular distance along the crater rim, where φ’ = 0 is the rim along the centerline connecting the two craters, and φ’ = 1 is where the young crater rim intersects the antecedent crater rim.
Model of transient rim collapse asymmetries leading to the observed crater morphology. (a) Shows the antecedent topography with indicators of where the new crater will form and the antecedent topography relative to the surrounding terrain, (b) shows the moment of transient rim collapse during the formation of the younger crater, and (c) illustrates the topographic profile along the final crater rim location (Comparable to Figure 4a). Asymmetries in the collapse flow cause the rim to collapse toward the antecedent topography, smoothing the final rim profile relative to the antecedent topography.
The Effect of Antecedent Topography on Complex Crater Formation
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2024


28 Reads

Don R Hood


Brennan W Young





Jeffery S Lee

Impact craters that form on every planetary body provide a record of planetary surface evolution. On heavily cratered surfaces, new craters that form often overlap antecedent craters, but it is unknown how the presence of antecedent craters alters impact crater formation. We use overlapping complex crater pairs on the lunar surface to constrain this process and find that crater rims are systematically lower where they intersect antecedent crater basins. The rim morphology of the new crater depends on the depth of the antecedent crater and the degree of overlap between the craters. Our observations suggest that new craters do not always obliterate underlying topography and that transient rim collapse is altered by antecedent topography. This study represents the first formalization of the influence of antecedent topography on rim morphology and provides process insight into a common impact scenario relevant to the geology of potential Artemis landing sites.


The Effect of Antecedent Topography on Complex Crater Formation

February 2024


6 Reads

Impact craters that form on every planetary body provide a record of planetary surface evolution. On heavily-cratered surfaces, new craters that form often overlap older craters, but it is unknown how the presence of older craters alters impact crater formation. We use overlapping complex crater pairs on the lunar surface to constrain this process and find that crater rims are systematically lower where they intersect antecedent crater basins. However, the rim morphology of the new crater depends on both the depth of the antecedent crater and the degree of overlap between the two craters. Our observations suggest that transient rim collapse is altered by antecedent topography, leading to circumferential distribution of rim materials in the younger crater. This study represents the first formalization of the influence of antecedent topography on rim morphology and provides process insight into a common impact scenario relevant to the geology of potential Artemis landing sites.

Figure 12: The expected radial, or vertical, E-W, and N-S displacement at the location of
Evaluating the Use of Seasonal Surface Displacements and Time-Variable Gravity to Constrain the Interior of Mars

August 2023


77 Reads


2 Citations

The mass transport of volatiles on Mars represents a seasonally changing load onto the lithosphere of the planet. Much like on Earth, as mass is redistributed across the planet, the surface responds in a complex manner becoming displaced downwards or upwards. The magnitude and extent of displacement depend on the properties of the load and mechanical properties of the planetary interior. Based on new estimates of the height variation of the seasonal polar cap (SPC) we predict local surface displacements of up to tens of millimeters with a strong degree 1 signal throughout the Martian year. The long-wavelength portion of the displacement is potentially observable, with a magnitude of a few millimeters, located away from the seasonal polar cap where we could realistically measure it with a landed or orbital mission. We also model the direct contribution of this process to observable time variable gravity where we find the odd zonal coefficients to be in line with previous measurements, although with a smaller magnitude. Future measurements of this displacement could be used to help elucidate the composition of the mantle and crust of Mars, using this process as a probe into the Martian interior. Furthermore, more refined measurements of time-variable gravity would be a powerful tool in constraining the pole-to-pole volatile cycle present on Mars.

Regional variations of Mercury's crustal density and porosity from MESSENGER gravity data

October 2022


53 Reads


9 Citations


A new solution of Mercury's gravity field to degree and order 160, named HgM009, is retrieved through a reprocessing of MESSENGER radio science measurements. By combining our latest gravity field with topography data, localized spectral admittance analyses are carried out to investigate Mercury's crustal and lithospheric properties across the northern hemisphere. The measured spectra are compared with admittances predicted by lithospheric flexure models. The localized gravity/topography admittance analyses yield key information on the lateral variations of the bulk density of the upper crust. Elastic and crustal thicknesses are also adjusted in our study, but the local admittance spectra allow us to constrain these parameters only over a few regions. The average bulk density across the observed areas in the northern hemisphere is 2540 ±60 kg m⁻³. The crustal porosity is then constrained by using an estimate of the pore-free grain density of surface materials with our measured bulk density. Our estimate of the mean porosity is 14.7 ±1.6 %, which is comparable to, but slightly higher than, the average value measured on the Moon. Larger crustal porosities are observed over heavily cratered regions, suggesting that impact bombardment is the main cause of the crustal porosity.

Estimation of Crust and Lithospheric Properties for Mercury from High-resolution Gravity and Topography

June 2022


83 Reads


15 Citations

The Planetary Science Journal

We have analyzed the entire set of radiometric tracking data from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) mission. This analysis employed a method where standard Doppler tracking data were transformed into line-of-sight accelerations. These accelerations have greater sensitivity to small-scale features than standard Doppler. We estimated a gravity model expressed in spherical harmonics to degree and order 180 and showed that this model is improved, as it has increased correlations with topography in areas where tracking data were collected when the spacecraft altitude was low. The new model was used in an analysis of the localized admittance between gravity and topography to determine properties of Mercury’s lithosphere. Four areas with high correlations between gravity and topography were selected. These areas represent different terrain types: the high-Mg region, the Strindberg crater plus some lobate scarps, heavily cratered terrain, and smooth plains. We employed a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to estimate crustal density, load density, crustal thickness, elastic thickness, load depth, and a load parameter that describes the ratio between surface and depth loading. We find densities around 2600 kg m ⁻³ for three of the areas, with the density for the fourth area, the northern rise, being higher. The elastic thickness is generally low, between 11 and 30 km.

Mercury's lobate thrust fault scarps and high‐relief ridges. (a) The locations of these contractional tectonic landforms (white polylines) are shown on the topographic map of Mercury (Becker et al., 2016). For lobate scarps the polyline is placed at the base of the vergent side of the scarp where the thrust fault breaks the surface, and for high‐relief ridges the polyline is placed along the midline of the ridge indicating a blind thrust fault (Watters, 2021). (b) Lobate scarps and high‐relief ridges (thick black polylines) are shown with the mapped smooth plains volcanic units (thin black lines; Denevi et al., 2013). Map projection is simple cylindrical.
Models of Mercury's crustal thickness and mantle dynamic pressure. (a) Elastic crustal thickness model (CT1). (b) Dual inversion crustal thickness model (CT2). The resolution of the CT models are 1° per pixel. (c) The mantle dynamic pressure model (DP). The resolution of the DP model is 1° per pixel. The locations of mapped contractional landforms are shown for comparison (white lines). The locations of smooth plains volcanic units (Denevi et al., 2013) are outlined (thin black lines). The confidence in CT and DP values for the models is limited by the quality of the gravity and topography data in the southern hemisphere.
Contractional strain as a function of crustal thickness and mantle dynamic pressure. (a) Areal contractional strain estimated in 10 km bins for the crustal thickness (CT1) crustal thickness model. (b) Areal contractional strain estimated in 10 km bins for the CT2 crustal thickness model. (c) Areal contractional strain estimated in 10 MPa bins for the dynamic pressure model. The contractional strain is estimated using three values of the fault‐plane dip θ. Crustal thickness bins with <1.0% of the total surface area of the planet are not considered statistically signficant and are not included (see Supporting Table S1 and S2).
Mercury's Crustal Thickness and Contractional Strain

August 2021


275 Reads


11 Citations

The crust of Mercury has experienced contraction on a global scale. Contractional deformation is expressed by a broadly distributed network of lobate thrust fault scarps. The most likely principal source of stress is global contraction from cooling of Mercury's interior. Global contraction alone would be expected to result in a uniformly distributed population of thrust faults. Mercury's fault scarps, however, often occur in long, linear clusters or bands. An analysis of the contractional strain as a function of crustal thickness, estimated in two crustal thickness models (CT1 and CT2) derived from gravity and topography data obtained during the MESSENGER mission, indicates the greatest contractional strain occurs in crust 50–60 km thick. On Earth, mantle downwelling can thicken and compress overlying crust, regionally concentrating thrust faults. Clusters of lobate scarps collocated with regions of thick crust suggest downward mantle flow contributed to the localization of lithosphere‐penetrating thrust faults.

A globally fragmented and mobile lithosphere on Venus

June 2021


569 Reads


53 Citations

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Significance We have identified a pattern of tectonic deformation on Venus that suggests that many of the planet’s lowlands have fragmented into discrete crustal blocks, and that these blocks have moved relative to each other in the geologically recent past. These motions may be the result of mantle convection and, if so, constitute a style of interior–surface coupling not seen elsewhere in the inner Solar System except for continental interiors on Earth. Venus’ fragmented, mobile lithosphere may offer a framework for understanding how tectonics on Earth operated in the Archean.

Citations (15)

... Therefore, studies on the morphology of lunar craters can help us to better understand the impact cratering process and the physical properties of both the impactors and lunar surface. Most of the previous studies on lunar crater morphology were focused on a small number of key morphometric parameters (e.g., crater depth and rim height) and their dependence on the crater diameter (e.g., Chandnani et al., 2019;Du et al., 2019;Kalynn et al., 2013;Krüger et al., 2018;Osinski et al., 2019Osinski et al., , 2023Pike, 1977). However, these morphometric parameters were typically derived from azimuthal averages of the measurements of the parameters, and therefore do not contain information about non-axisymmetric components of crater geometry. ...


Spectral Analysis of the Morphology of Fresh Lunar Craters I: Rim Crest, Floor, and Rim Flank Outlines
Lunar Impact Features and Processes
  • Citing Article
  • December 2023

Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry

... The Bouguer correction is applied, effectively removing the gravitational effects of surface topography between the observation point and the reference level, taking the elevation difference and the average density of the rocks above the reference level into account (Wieczorek, 2015). Our calculations assume a global crustal density of 2,800 kg m 3 (Genova et al., 2019(Genova et al., , 2023Goossens et al., 2022;Konopliv et al., 2020) and consider finite-amplitude corrections (see Section S1 in Supporting Information S1). Impact basins are typically divided into three regions. ...

Regional variations of Mercury's crustal density and porosity from MESSENGER gravity data
  • Citing Article
  • October 2022


... The Bouguer anomaly is estimated from the gravity field model of Goossens et al. (2022) and from elevation data derived by Perry et al. (2015) using the Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA). We note that all gravity field solutions suffer from limited resolution on a global scale, specifically in the southern hemisphere, due to MESSENGER's highly inclined eccentric orbit (Solomon et al., 2018). ...

Estimation of Crust and Lithospheric Properties for Mercury from High-resolution Gravity and Topography

The Planetary Science Journal

... Each of these processes has profoundly affected the structure, composition, and porosity of the crust. Both the thickness and porosity of Mercury's crust are critical to modeling the thermal, geologic, and tectonic evolution of the planet through time (Tosi et al., 2013;Watters et al., 2021). Classical inversions for crustal thickness rely on appropriate knowledge of the planetary gravity field and topography (e.g., Wieczorek et al., 2022) and, if available, additional constraints on the density and thickness of the crust from orbital analyses and seismic measurements (Knapmeyer-Endrun et al., 2021;Wieczorek et al., 2013). ...

Mercury's Crustal Thickness and Contractional Strain

... However, the deployment of long-duration geophysical instrumentation, which demonstrated its capabilities during the InSight mission on Mars (Drilleau et al., 2022;Durán, Khan, Ceylan, Charalambous, et al., 2022;Durán, Khan, Ceylan, Zenhäusern, et al., 2022;Lognonné et al., 2023;Samuel et al., 2023;Stähler et al., 2021) is not possible on Venus due to its harsh surface conditions. At the same time, there is a growing number of studies that have presented evidence that Venus is volcanically and tectonically active at present (Byrne et al., 2021;Gülcher et al., 2020;Herrick & Hensley, 2023;Smrekar et al., 2010Smrekar et al., , 2023van Zelst, 2022) indicating that the planet is probably also seismically active. Indeed, recent estimates of Venus' seismicity indicate that Venus could host hundreds of quakes per year with M w ≥ 5 when Venus is assumed to be moderately active, and could potentially be as seismically active as the Earth (van Zelst et al., 2024). ...

A globally fragmented and mobile lithosphere on Venus
  • Citing Article
  • June 2021

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

... For instance, in the case of JUICE and Ganymede, the ice crust thickness will be constrained by determining the tidal response using altimetry [13] and gravity potential measurements [14], as well as by estimating the amplitudes of physical librations [15]. Furthermore, the combination of altimetry and gravity measurements would be used to assess current hypotheses of non-hydrostatic components in the gravity field of Callisto [5]. ...

Callisto: A Guide to the Origin of the Jupiter System

... The SPA basin is the largest (∼2,300 km) and oldest (∼4.2-4.3 Ga; Ivanov et al., 2018) recognized basin on the Moon, formed by an oblique impact (Bill et al., 2024;Citron et al., 2024;Garrick-Bethell & Zuber, 2009;James et al., 2019;Melosh et al., 2017;Potter et al., 2012) into thick ancient anorthositic farside highland crust (Figures 1a and 1b). Evidence for the low angle of impact includes: the extreme SPA asymmetry; ejecta consist primarily of highland crustal material; evidence for little (Moriarty & Pieters, 2018) to no (Bill et al., 2024) highland crust remaining on the basin floor; and excavation of Th-rich basal crustal layers by post-SPA impacts (e.g., Garrick-Bethell & Zuber, 2005;Moriarty et al., 2021;Zhang et al., 2023), implying that the crust-mantle boundary is still preserved below parts of the SPA floor. ...

Deep Structure of the Lunar South Pole‐Aitken Basin

... Both Earth-based radar (Black et al., 2010;Harmon, 2007) and MESSENGER altimetry data (Deutsch et al., 2018;Eke et al., 2017;Rubanenko et al., 2019;Susorney et al., 2019) indicate that radar-bright polar deposits are at least several meters thick. The thickness is expected to vary between individual deposits, as well as within deposits (i.e., may be thickest toward the innermost part of the PSR) (Fastook et al., 2019;Meyer et al., 2021;Rivera-Valentín et al., 2022). ...

The thickness of radar-bright deposits in Mercury’s northern hemisphere from individual Mercury Laser Altimeter tracks
  • Citing Article
  • February 2019


... nity (e.g., Byrne et al. 2018a). Furthermore, following the general strategy of exploration of other planets, this continued exploration of Mercury should be conceived as a multi-mission, multi-generational effort (e.g., a sequence comprising flyby, orbiter, lander/rover, and sample return). ...

Landed Mercury Exploration and the Timely Need for a Mission Concept Study

... The elastic thickness of the other two typical mascon basins is about 20 km. Previous studies have determined that Moon's long-wavelength terrain is likely compensated by variations in crustal thickness (Sori et al., 2018;Wieczorek & Phillips, 1997). Moreover, Sori et al. (2018) posited that the highland terrain was formed in the lunar lithosphere's early history, preceding its thickening. ...

Isostatic Compensation of the Lunar Highlands