Persi Diaconis’s research while affiliated with Stanford University and other places

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Publications (306)

, which we repeat for convenience:
An algorithm for uniform generation of unlabeled trees (P\'olya trees), with an extension of Cayley's formula
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November 2024


4 Reads

Laurent Bartholdi


Persi Diaconis

P\'olya trees are rooted, unlabeled trees on n vertices. This paper gives an efficient, new way to generate P\'olya trees. This allows comparing typical unlabeled and labeled tree statistics and comparing asymptotic theorems with `reality'. Along the way, we give a product formula for the number of rooted labeled trees preserved by a given automorphism; this refines Cayley's formula.


Poisson approximation for large permutation groups

August 2024


5 Reads

Let Gk,nG_{k,n} be a group of permutations of kn objects which permutes things independently in disjoint blocks of size k and then permutes the blocks. We investigate the probabilistic and/or enumerative aspects of random elements of Gk,nG_{k,n}. This includes novel limit theorems for fixed points, cycles of various lengths, number of cycles and inversions. The limits are compound Poisson distributions with interesting dependence structure.

A Vershik-Kerov theorem for wreath products

August 2024


1 Read

Let Gn,kG_{n,k} be the group of permutations of {1,2,,kn}\{1,2,\ldots, kn\} that permutes the first k symbols arbitrarily, then the next k symbols and so on through the last k symbols. Finally the n blocks of size k are permuted in an arbitrary way. For σ\sigma chosen uniformly in Gn,kG_{n,k}, let Ln,kL_{n,k} be the length of the longest increasing subsequence in σ\sigma. For k,n growing, we determine that the limiting mean of Ln,kL_{n,k} is asymptotic to 4nk4\sqrt{nk}. This is different from parallel variations of the Vershik-Kerov theorem for colored permutations.

Figure 1: Four lines in R 2 . There are 10 chambers and 30 faces (chambers, points of intersection and the empty face are faces).
Enumerative Theory for the Tsetlin Library

June 2023


16 Reads

The Tsetlin library is a well-studied Markov chain on the symmetric group SnS_n. It has stationary distribution π(σ)\pi(\sigma) the Luce model, a nonuniform distribution on SnS_n, which appears in psychology, horse race betting, and tournament poker. Simple enumerative questions, such as ``what is the distribution of the top k cards?'' or ``what is the distribution of the bottom k cards?'' are long open. We settle these questions and draw attention to a host of parallel questions on the extension to the chambers of a hyperplane arrangement.

On a Markov construction of couplings

May 2023


12 Reads

For NNN\in\mathbb{N}, let πN\pi_N be the law of the number of fixed points of a random permutation of {1,2,...,N}\{1, 2, ..., N\}. Let P\mathcal{P} be a Poisson law of parameter 1.A classical result shows that πN\pi_N converges to P\mathcal{P} for large N and indeed in total variation πNPtv2N(N+1)!\left\Vert \pi_N-\mathcal{P}\right\Vert_{\mathrm{tv}} \leq \frac{2^N}{(N+1)!} This implies that πN\pi_N and P\mathcal{P} can be coupled to at least this accuracy. This paper constructs such a coupling (a long open problem) using the machinery of intertwining of two Markov chains. This method shows promise for related problems of random matrix theory.

Double coset Markov chains

January 2023


50 Reads


4 Citations

Forum of Mathematics Sigma

Let G be a finite group. Let H,KH, K be subgroups of G and H\G/KH \backslash G / K the double coset space. If Q is a probability on G which is constant on conjugacy classes ( Q(s1ts)=Q(t)Q(s^{-1} t s) = Q(t) ), then the random walk driven by Q on G projects to a Markov chain on H\G/KH \backslash G /K . This allows analysis of the lumped chain using the representation theory of G . Examples include coagulation-fragmentation processes and natural Markov chains on contingency tables. Our main example projects the random transvections walk on GLn(q)GL_n(q) onto a Markov chain on SnS_n via the Bruhat decomposition. The chain on SnS_n has a Mallows stationary distribution and interesting mixing time behavior. The projection illuminates the combinatorics of Gaussian elimination. Along the way, we give a representation of the sum of transvections in the Hecke algebra of double cosets, which describes the Markov chain as a mixture of Metropolis chains. Some extensions and examples of double coset Markov chains with G a compact group are discussed.

Citations (64)

... Other techniques to study mixing times were developed in the following years, notably by Aldous and Diaconis [Ald83,AD86], and mixing properties of emblematic card shufflings were precisely understood, also for small decks of cards [BD92]. We refer to [LP17] for an introduction to mixing times and to [DF23] for the mathematics of card shuffling. ...


Characters of symmetric groups: sharp bounds on virtual degrees and the Witten zeta function
The Mathematics of Shuffling Cards
  • Citing Book
  • March 2023

... If one is ready to abandon accuracy guarantees, also other Monte Carlo estimators become available. In particular, importance sampling (IS) based estimators have appeared to often perform well in practice (Smith and Dawkins 2001;Alimohammadi et al. 2021). Even if the number of samples required for accuracy guarantees is generally too high to be useful, recent advances in sample complexity analysis (Chatterjee and Diaconis 2018) have enabled discovering classes of matrices for which the complexity is provably feasible (Alimohammadi et al. 2021). ...

Sequential importance sampling for estimating expectations over the space of perfect matchings
  • Citing Article
  • April 2023

The Annals of Applied Probability

... This problem (in the context of poker tournaments) motivated Diaconis and coauthors [8,9] to study a multi-player version of the gambler's ruin problem that we present here for just 3 players as follows. Starting with initial $ amounts x, y, z ∈ N, at each step of the process two individuals are chosen uniformly at random to make a $1 bet on the outcome of a fair coin toss. ...

Gambler’s Ruin and the ICM
  • Citing Article
  • August 2022

Statistical Science

... Whenever there is a Markov chain on some state space, one can consider the lumped process on any partitioning of the space. In [11] and [44] the question is studied for double cosets: Given a Markov chain on G, is the lumped process on H \G/K also a Markov chain? An affirmative answer is proven when the Markov chain on G is induced by a probability measure on G which is constant on conjugacy classes. ...

Double coset Markov chains

Forum of Mathematics Sigma

... For relevant background on Markov bases and the connection between statistics and nonlinear algebra, we refer the interested reader to one of the algebraic statistics textbooks Sullivant [2021], Drton et al. [2009]. A notable related body of work is summarized in Diaconis [2022b], where Markov bases are key to formulating partial exchangeability for contingency tables; see also Diaconis [2022a]. ...

Approximate exchangeability and de Finetti priors in 2022
  • Citing Article
  • August 2022

Scandinavian Journal of Statistics

... It is known [4] that the optimal strategy is not the greedy one as soon as m > 1 and n > 2. Some limiting results were recently obtained in [5] and [13], for instance that the expected optimal score for n m 1 is of the form m + ( √ m) uniformly in n. Results on the fluctuations are currently unknown -except in the case m = 1 -where the limiting distribution has a non-normal behavior as shown in [4]. Since the optimal strategy is rather hard to implement, a fact ultimately due to its connection with permanents [2,6], there has also been some interest in near-optimal strategies that are easier to implement [7]. ...

Guessing about Guessing: Practical Strategies for Card Guessing with Feedback
  • Citing Article
  • May 2022

... This was extended in several directions by the first author and Nestoridi [NO22b,NO22a]. Representation-theoretic and orthogonal-polynomial techniques have been used for many card shuffles [Tey20,NO22b,FTW22,NO22a,Nes24], the Ehrenfest urn and a Gibbs sampler [NO22b] as well as multi-allelic Moran mutation-reproduction models [Cor23] Classically probabilistic approaches are used for random walks on Ramanujan and random Cayley graphs [LP16,HO21] as well as repeated averages [Cha+22], and the exclusion process on the circle [Lac16]. Very recently, tools from integrable probability have been used to analyse the asymmetric exclusion processes on the segment [BN22,HS23] and Metropolis biased card shuffling [Zha24]. ...

A phase transition for repeated averages
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

The Annals of Probability