Pedro Ortiz Valdivieso’s research while affiliated with Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Cali and other places

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Publications (11)

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January 2016


879 Reads


4 Citations

Pedro Ortiz Valdivieso



Carlyle A Luer




Ricardo Balam-Narváez

FiGura 10. Descripción taxonómica original de John Lindley, 1840, pp. 30-31. 
FiGura 11. Descripción taxonómica original de William Jardine et al. 1845, p. 384. 
FiGura 12. Descripción taxonómica original de Berthold Seemann y Wilhelm Seemann. 1854, p. 108 
FiGura 13. Descripción taxonómica original de Friedrich Fedde, 1920, p. 191. 
FiGura 14. Descripción taxonómica original de Fritz Kraenzlin, 1922, pp. 195-196. 


Consideraciones sobre la historia de la prioridad taxonómica de Oncidium ornithorhynchum

April 2014


403 Reads


4 Citations


The history of the nomenclatural taxonomic priority of the orchid Oncidium ornithorhynchum is yet to be clarified, as successive descriptions and publications of this species were proposed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by botanists such as José Celestino Mutis, John Lindley, Alexander von Humboldt, Aimé Bonpland and Carl S. Kunth, among others. In order to resolve the inconsistencies in taxonomic reports of this species in the course of time, and based on the recent clarification by Jiménez and Hágsater on the type specimen conserved in Paris, we proceeded to review the primary sources associated with its description and botanical nomenclature.

FiGure 1. PCR products of samples from 2mg. Line 2, C + (positive control), Line 3, C-(negative control), lines 4-10, protocol Jobes et al., Lines 14-20, protocol Quintanilla et al.; 11,12,21-25 Lines: protocol CotaSánchez et al., lines 4, 11 and 14, Prosthechea grammatoglossa (1949), lines 5, 12 and 15, Oncidium ornithorrhynchum (1975), Lines 6, 16 and 21, Oncidium ornithorrhynchum (1968), lines 7, 17 and 22, Epidendrum secundum (1968), lines 8, 18 and 23, Epidendrum secundum (1948), lines 9, 19 and 24, Prosthechea grammatoglossa (2011), Lines 10, 20 and 25, Epidendrum secundum (2011). M (molecular marker). 
tAble 2 . Sequences reported in GenBank. 
FiGure 2. PCR products of samples from 5mg. Line 2, C + (positive control), Line 3, C-(negative control), lines 4-10, protocol Jobes et al., Lines 14-20, protocol Quintanilla et al.; 11,12,21-25 Lines: protocol CotaSánchez et al., lines 4, 11 and 14, Prosthechea grammatoglossa (1949), lines 5, 12 and 15, Oncidium ornithorrhynchum (1975), Lines 6, 16 and 21, Oncidium ornithorrhynchum (1968), lines 7, 17 and 22, Epidendrum secundum (1968), lines 8, 18 and 23, Epidendrum secundum (1948), lines 9, 19 and 24, Prosthechea grammatoglossa (2011), Lines 10, 20 and 25, Epidendrum secundum (2011). M (molecular marker). 
tAble 3 . Data for total DNA concentration and relationships 260/280, 260/230 in samples extracted using the protocols reported by Quintanilla et al. (2010), Cota-Sánchez et al. (2006) and Jobes et al. (1995). Species Quintanilla et al. (2010) Cota-Sánchez et al. (2006) Jobes et al. (1995) 
Extraction and amplification of DNA from orchid exsiccates conserved for more than half a century in a herbarium in Bogotá, Colombia

September 2013


291 Reads


4 Citations


Plant tissue from herbarium specimens contains DNA that has undergone post-mortem degradation. Only small amounts of possibly degraded genetic material free of chemicals and impurities can be extracted from these samples. The aim of the present work was to compare and determine which one of three previously published plant DNA extraction protocols would extract good quality DNA from orchid herbarium specimens stored up to 63 years, susceptible of PCR amplification and Sanger sequencing. The most effective protocol for this type of samples allowed us to obtain and sequence amplified products in 6 of the 7 samples studied with an optimal DNA / protein purity relationship.

Icones Orchidacearum Fascicle 14 The Genus Epidendrum Part 10

January 2013


391 Reads


9 Citations

100 species of Epidendrum (Orchidaceae) are illustrated and described, botanical drawing and in most cases a color photo. 77 are new to Sciencie, ranging from Mexico to Argentina. The Paniculatum subgroup is illustrated and resolved, and the Densiflorum group respolved.

A new species of Acianthera (Orchidaceae) from Colombia

October 2010


299 Reads


2 Citations

Acianthera adeodata P. Ortiz, O. Pérez & E. Parra, a new species from the Colombian western range, Eastern slope, characterized by the distinctive brown-yellowish coloration of the sepals and by the double serrate margin and apiculate apex of the petals, is described and illustrated. In addition, information related to its ecology and distribution is also presented

Orchidologic inventory of the Yotoco Forest Reserve, Cauca Valley

July 2009


136 Reads


1 Citation

Acta Agronómica

In the Yotoco Forest Reserve, in the Municipality of Yotoco, Department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia (3°50'N, 76° 20'W, 1200 - 1700 m.a.s.n.), a remnant sub-Andean forest of approximately 500 ha, orchids were collected during three years. Eighty species distributed in 46 genera were found. The most species-rich genera are Epidendrum L. (tirthteen species) and Maxillaria Ruiz & Pav. (six species). Macroclinium oberonia (Schltr.) Dodson and Porroglossum muscosum (Rchb. f.) Schltr. were restricted to certain zones, Epidendrum porpax Rchb. f., Campylocentrum micranthum (Lindl.) Rolfe, and Oncidium adelaidae Königer were abundant and widely distributed, and Cryptocentrum latifolium Schltr. and Specklinia picta (Lindl.) Pridgeon & M.W. Chase. were scarce.

Citations (9)

... Distribution, ecology and conservation status: Endemic to the Atlantic Forest, in the northeast Brazil (Hágsater et al. 2013;Pessoa et al. 2021). In the study area it was found in tabuleiro forest in Pernambuco, where it was observed as a sun-loving epiphyte, growing on Terminalia catappa L. The conservation status of E. pessoae was not evaluated (NE) by CNCFlora. ...


Synopsis of Orchidaceae Juss. in the northern lowland Atlantic Forest
Icones Orchidacearum Fascicle 14 The Genus Epidendrum Part 10

... Its flowers have sepals connate at some degree and the petals are smaller than the sepals. The labellum, longitudinally bipartite, has two lobes of variable size and indumentum, that cover the column and are joined by a central body, where a structure called "appendix" is usually present (Pridgeon 1992, Salazar Chávez & Soto Arenas 1996, Tremblay 1997, Blanco & Barboza 2005, Ortiz et al. 2011. This structure plays a central role, in some species, in the genitalic pseudocopulatory pollination by fungus gnats (Blanco & Barboza 2005). ...

Una nueva y peculiar especie de Lepanthes (Orchidaceae) de Colombia

... Over 4,016 orchid species were reported from Ecuador (Endara & León-Yánez, 2006). In Venezuela about 15,820 vascular plant species are found (De Stefano et al., 2009) including about 1,800 Orchidaceae representatives (Carnevali, Gerlach & Romero-González, 2008). The highest diversity is observed in Colombia where 24,528 vascular plant species were found and the occurrence of almost 3,600 orchid species was reported (Bernal, Gradstein & Celis, 2016). ...


... Five species have been recorded from Colombia (Betancur et al., 2015;Matthews, 2018). Members of Ophidion are found in humid lowland and high Andean forests in Colombia, where orchids stand as the most diverse component of the flora (P erez-Escobar et al., 2022) and novelties in the Pleurothallidinae are discovered continuously (H agsater et al., 2013;P erez-Escobar et al., 2010P erez-Escobar et al., , 2011Reina-Rodr ıguez et al., 2019, 2020Valdivieso et al., 2009). The discovery of new species to science is possible due to large areas that still remain unexplored such as the Pacific lowlands (P erez-Escobar et al., 2019), where these miniature species occupy specialized niches in the forest canopy (Reina-Rodr ıguez et al., 2019). ...

A new and interesting species of Lepanthes

... Os herbários passaram a ser também reconhecidos como instrumentos essenciais para pesquisas filogenéticas e agronômicas, a partir da utilização do material genético das exsicatas (Valls, 1998). Apesar deste material ser de difícil obtenção, devido à presença de diversos inibidores (Mazo, 2012), essa abordagem tem sido utilizada como uma ferramenta para resolução de conflitos taxonômicos em diversos grupos vegetais (Kaplan, 2010). ...

Extraction and amplification of DNA from orchid exsiccates conserved for more than half a century in a herbarium in Bogotá, Colombia


... Oncidium ornithorhynchum Kunth (in Humboldt & al., 1816) is a North Andean species found above 2600 m of elevation. It is an epiphytic plant with erect, paniculate pyramidal inflorescences, characterized by small yellow flowers with brown spotting and plurituberculated white callus on the base of the labellum (Fig. 1A) (Jiménez-Machorro & Hágsater, 2010;Mazo & al., 2014). The type specimen of O. ornithorhynchum ( Fig. 2A) was collected at the beginning of the 19th century (1800-1804), by Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland during their American expedition. ...

Consideraciones sobre la historia de la prioridad taxonómica de Oncidium ornithorhynchum


... In research published by Jørgensen et al. (2011) the number of Colombian orchids increased to 3588, but without an exact list of those species given. Since the publication of Galería de orquídeas de Colombia (Ortiz Valdivieso & Uribe Vélez 2007) new records of Orchidaceae occurring in the country are continuously appearing (e.g., Kolanowska 2012; Pérez Escobar et al. 2011 Pérez Escobar et al. , 2013). Here we present recent findings of orchids not registered in Colombia so far. ...

Novelties in Orchidaceae for the Colombian flora


... For centuries, this hyper-diversity of the region has attracted the interest of botanists (Cuatrecasas 1958), geologists (Hoorn et al. 2010), naturalists (Humboldt 1820, Darwin 1846, and all range of scientists (Gentry 1982, Antonelli et al. 2009, Antonelli & Sanmartín, 2011, Pérez-Escobar et al. 2017a), yet knowledge gaps remain in understanding plant species diversity, its origin, and distribution (Antonelli et al. 2018a). This lack of understanding stems from the scarcity of floristic studies and botanical exploration in the region (Orejuela 2005), an urgent task that is sorely needed because of the constant threat of climate change and anthropogenic pressures on Andean ecosystems (Pérez-Escobar et al. 2009, Parra-Sánchez et al. 2016, Helmer et al. 2019. ...

Inventario orquideológico de la Reserva Bosque de Yotoco, Valle del Cauca

Acta Agronómica