October 2024
18 Reads
We perform a probabilistic investigation on the effect of systematically removing imperfections on the buckling behavior of pressurized thin, elastic, hemispherical shells containing a distribution of defects. We employ finite element simulations, which were previously validated against experiments, to assess the maximum buckling pressure, as measured by the knockdown factor, of these multi-defect shells. Specifically, we remove fractions of either the least or the most severe imperfections to quantify their influence on the buckling onset. We consider shells with a random distribution of defects whose mean amplitude and standard deviation are systematically explored while, for simplicity, fixing the width of the defect to a characteristic value. Our primary finding is that the most severe imperfection of a multi-defect shell dictates its buckling onset. Notably, shells containing a single imperfection corresponding to the maximum amplitude (the most severe) defect of shells with a distribution of imperfections exhibit an identical knockdown factor to the latter case. Our results suggest a simplified approach to studying the buckling of more realistic multi-defect shells, once their most severe defect has been identified, using a well-characterized single-defect description, akin to the weakest-link setting in extreme-value probabilistic problems.