Paul Hawken’s research while affiliated with Natural Heritage Institute and other places

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Publications (7)

Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial Revolution
  • Book

September 2013


363 Reads


370 Citations

Paul Hawken



Figure 1 of 1
A Road Map for Natural Capitalism
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2006


8,080 Reads


477 Citations

Harvard Business Review

No one would run a business without accounting for its capital outlays. Yet most companies overlook one major capital component--the value of the earth's ecosystem services. It is a staggering omission; recent calculations place the value of the earth's total ecosystem services--water storage, atmosphere regulation, climate control, and so on--at $33 trillion a year. Not accounting for those costs has led to waste on a grand scale. But now a few farsighted companies are finding powerful business opportunities in conserving resources on a similarly grand scale. They are embarking on a journey toward "natural capitalism," a journey that comprises four major shifts in business practices. The first stage involves dramatically increasing the productivity of natural resources, stretching them as much as 100 times further than they do today. In the second stage, companies adopt closed-loop production systems that yield no waste or toxicity. The third stage requires a fundamental change of business model--from one of selling products to one of delivering services. For example, a manufacturer would sell lighting services rather than lightbulbs, thus benefitting the seller and customer for developing extremely efficient, durable lightbulbs. The last stage involves reinvesting in natural capital to restore, sustain, and expand the planet's ecosystem. Because natural capitalism is both necessary and profitable, it will sub-sume traditional industrialism, the authors argue, just as industrialism sub-sumed agrarianism. And the companies that are furthest down the road will have the competitive edge.


Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial Revolution

January 1999


221 Reads


1,978 Citations

396 p., graph., ref. bib. : 28 p.1/2 In this groundbreaking paradigm for the economy, three leading business visionaries explain how the world is on the verge of a new industrial revolution, one that promises to transform our fundamental notions about commerce and its role in shaping our future. Over the past decade many farsighted companies have begun to discover remarkable opportunities for saving both money and resources through the ingenious application of novel technologies and business practices. Consider the following. The automobile industry is undergoing a transformation that will spell the end of the petroleum industry and a shift away from traditional car models to Hypercars"―fuel cell-powered vehicles that would be both lighter and safer, produce negligible pollution, cost both the producer and consumer less, and have fuel efficiencies as high as 200 miles per gallon. : New houses designed with heat-trapping "super-windows" can remain cool in temperatures as high as 115° F with no air conditioner and warm at - 47° F with no furnace, and cost less to build. Atlanta-based Interface Corporation is shifting from selling carpeting to leasing floor-covering services, using a new material that's more attractive, requires 97 percent less material, is cheaper to produce, and is completely recyclable. Today's best techniques for using wood fiber more productively could supply all the paper and wood the world currently requires from an area about the size of Iowa. In the long-anticipated new book by Paul Hawken and Amory and Hunter Lovins, these durable, practical, and stunningly profitable principles are synthesized for the first time into the foundations for a system called natural capitalism. With hundreds of thousands of copies of their works in print worldwide, the authors are leaders in set-ting the agenda for rational, ecologically sound industrial development, and in Natural Capitalism they have written their most significant and genuinely inspiring work. Traditional capitalism, they argue, has always neglected to assign monetary value to its largest stock of capital―namely, the natural resources and ecosystem services that make possible all economic activity, and all life. Natural capitalism, in contrast, takes a proper accounting of these costs. As the first step toward a solution to environmental loss, it advocates resource productivity-doing more with less, wringing up to a hundred times as much benefit from each unit of energy or material consumed. Natural capitalism also redesigns industry on biological models that result in zero waste, shifts the economy from the episodic acquisition of goods to the continual flow of value and service, and prudently invests in sustaining and expanding existing stores of natural capital. Drawing upon sound economic logic, intelligent technologies, and the best of contemporary design, Natural, Capitalism presents a business strategy that is both profitable and necessary. The companies that practice it will not only take a leading position in addressing some of our most profound economic and social problems, but will gain a decisive competitive advantage through the worthy employment of resources, money, and people.

Citations (6)

... Salah satu tantangan utamanya adalah disparitas geografis dan ekonomi antar wilayah yang memengaruhi aksesibilitas serta penerimaan strategi keberlanjutan. Perusahaan perlu memahami dinamika lokal untuk merancang pendekatan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik pasar (Lovins, Lovins, & Hawken, 1999). ...


Sustainability Marketing: Strategi dan Implikasinya di Indonesia
Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial Revolution
  • Citing Book
  • September 2013

... The article, "A Road Map for Natural Capitalism" published by the Harvard Business Review (Lovins, Lovins, & Hawken, 2006) puts forward an approach called the "natural capitalism" referring to ecosystem services provided by natural resources are the unaccounted 'natural capital' of businesses. Natural capitalism integrates ecological and economic goals of a nation to serve as a roadmap to sustainable development. ...

A Road Map for Natural Capitalism
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2006

... V projektu jsme se proto pokusili orientačně odhadnout řád ekonomické hodnoty biosféry na základě známého experimentu Biosféra 2 (Hawken et al., 2003). Experiment amerických vědců v Arizoně spočíval v pokusu 8 dobrovolníků přežít po dobu dvou let ve skleníkovém prostředí uměle vytvořeného ekosystému. ...

Přírodní kapitalismus : jak se rodí další průmyslová revoluce /
  • Citing Article

... Thermal performances, ventilation, light distribution, visual comfort, etc. are all variables that need to be carefully balanced according to specific requests, distinct environmental contexts, climate scenarios, and contingent technical choices. In addition, architecture is expected not only to serve the simple task of a filter against the elements, but also to provide the service functions that its users are accustomed to (Hawken et al., 1999). This raises the practical question of how to make building design progress in order to satisfy contemporary needs and, simultaneously, reduce energy consumptions and consequent environmental impacts. ...

Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial Revolution
  • Citing Article
  • January 1999

... The final selection of agro-industrial production efficiency criteria was made based on a comparative estimation of relative significance of agro-industrial systems' functioning results provided by the group of highly qualified experts (Rutzkoy & Kozitskiy, 1988). The research indicated that under the conditions of industrial revolution and ongoing development of post-industrial society, information economy the criteria complex of agro-industrial systems efficiency estimation should take into consideration all actual consequences of agro-industrial systems functioning and primarily functional, economic, social, ecological results (Hawken, 1999). The criteria system founded on the principles of system-function approach allows to account for and assess external effects and their influence on the stability of agro-industrial systems activity. ...

Natural Capitalism : Creating the Next Industrial Revolution / P. Hawken, A. Lovins, L.H. Lovins.
  • Citing Article

... The article, " A Road Map for Natural Capitalism " published by the Harvard Business Review (Lovins, Lovins, & Hawken, 2006) puts forward an approach called the " natural capitalism " referring to ecosystem services provided by natural resources are the unaccounted 'natural capital' of businesses. Natural capitalism integrates ecological and economic goals of a nation to serve as a roadmap to sustainable development. ...

A Road Map for Natural Capitalism

Harvard Business Review