Pairat Pornpundejwittaya’s research while affiliated with King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok and other places

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Publications (5)

Figure 5 Directors for Circular Economy
Figure 6 Barriers in the implementation of the EC
Performance Evaluation of Circular Economy Practices: A Literature Review
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2024


122 Reads

Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental


Pairat Pornpundejwittaya


Thanin Silpcharu

Objective: This paper aims to map the characteristics of the international scientific literature that address the fragment of literature related to the performance measurement of the circular economy (CE) practices inserted in the companies. Theoretical Framework The bibliographic portfolio defines the characteristics of literature regarding circular economy practices and how they can be evaluated. Method: We analyzed the basic and advanced variables based on the 54 papers from the bibliographic portfolio selected by the research instrument ProKnow-C. Results and Discussion: We then identified that: i) there is no collaboration network between authors on the subject since it is an emergent research field; ii) the origin of the authors who research the most about the subject is the United Kingdom (UK) and the highlighted institution is the brazilian University of São Paulo (USP); iii) the (internal) organizational issues act as the main driver and as a barrier at the same time, considering the complexity to insert CE in a holistic and non-fragmented manner within the organization. Research Implications: The results provide practical contributions in guiding organizations with key mechanisms that can be used to evaluate circular economy practices. Originality/Value: The obtained results hold significant value for the academic community by identifying gaps in the assessment of circular economy performance. These findings pave the way for proposing advancements in circular economy practices, thus contributing to the progression of the field.


Smart City Ranking of ASEAN Countries from the IESE Cities in Motion Index Report,
Criteria for evaluating the harmony of the model.
Mean and standard deviation of the components of smart city development in the Statistical values obtained from the analysis of the structural equation model after model modification.
Smart City Development in Eastern Economic Corridor from the Perspective of Industrial Sector

April 2024


136 Reads

Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental

Objectives: This research aims to study the development of smart cities in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) area from the perspective of the industrial business sector and develop a structural equation model. Theoretical framework: The study is based on the 20-year National Strategy, which emphasizes smart city development as an approach to distribute economic, social, and technological prosperity, particularly in areas of economic importance to the country, such as the EEC. Methods: The research was conducted using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Quantitative data was collected from questionnaires administered to 500 executives in the target industrial businesses of the EEC, employing descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and multivariate statistics. Results and Conclusion: The research findings reveal that the development priorities are ranked into four components: 1) Enterprise Management (= 4.34), 2) Community Operation (= 4.33), 3) Public Administration (= 4.32), and 4) City Regulation (= 4.26). The hypothesis testing results show that existing high-potential industrial businesses (First S-Curve) and future industrial businesses (New S-Curve) place significantly different importance on the development of smart cities in the EEC area at a statistical significance level of 0.05. The developed structural equation model meets the assessment criteria and is consistent with the empirical data. Implications of the research: The findings of this study can inform policymakers and stakeholders in the EEC area about the key components and priorities for smart city development from the perspective of the industrial business sector. The structural equation model can serve as a framework for guiding smart city development efforts in the region. Originality/value: This research contributes to the understanding of smart city development in the context of the EEC area in Thailand, focusing on the perspective of the industrial business sector. The developed structural equation model provides a novel approach to analyzing the relationships between various components of smart city development in the region.

The Guidelines of Green Building Operation in Thailand Construction Industry

July 2023


38 Reads

Asian Journal of Water Environment and Pollution

This research aimed to study the guidelines for green building operations in Thailand’s construction industry and develop a structural equation model (SEM). According to global trends in sustainable development goals, issues about energy resources, pollution, and human surroundings are concerning. Each country’s green building criteria or discipline topics will be developed and improved for their condition. The research analysis emphasised the green building industry using descriptive, reference, and multiple statistics. The research results show guidelines for green building operation in 4 aspects. Each component aspect’s names are (1) Environment Arrangement, (2) Collaborative Creation, (3) Knowledge Management and (4) Technology Development. The hypothesis test showed that the difference in enterprise sizes revealed overall aspects that were not significantly different at 0.05. The analysis of the developed structural equation model showed that it was in accordance and harmony with the empirical data and passed the evaluation criteria. Its Chi-square probability level, relative Chi-square, the goodness of fit index, and root mean square error of approximation was 0.184, 1.084, 0.959, and 0.013, respectively.

Figure 1 Research hypotheses and conceptual framework
Guidelines for the Growth of Smes in the Thai Sports Industry

May 2023


36 Reads


5 Citations

International Journal of Professional Business Review

Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the variable factor of the guidelines for the growth of SMEs in the thai sport industry and develop a structural equation model. Theoretical framework: The concept of competitive advantage Porter (1980) stated that competitive advantage is a strategy to gain competitive advantage over competitors. The organization can differentiate from competitors in 3 aspects, namely cost leadership strategy; differentiation strategy and a strategy to focus on specific markets. Design/methodology/approach: The mixed research methodology was employed by starting with qualitative research based on in-depth interviews with nine experts to create tools for quantitative research and conducting a group discussion with 11 experts to find a consensus on the model of this research. Research, Practical & Social implications: The research is useful for small and medium-sized enterprises in the sports industry business development approach. Leading to creating a competitive advantage in Thailand and to international business.

Credit Management Guidelines to Strengthen Thai Industrial Sector

September 2020


13 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business

This research investigates the credit management guidelines to strengthen Thai industrial sector. The research has been simulated from the findings of both qualitative and quantitative of 500 questionnaires distributed to industrial business executives in Thailand. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis categorized into SME and large enterprises, and SEM to conduct the model in consistent with the empirical data. The results show that: (1) the credit management guidelines consist of 4 factors: a) characteristics management b) financial management c) operations management and d) assets management. The business executives gave overall importance on the guidelines at a high level with an average of 3.86. (2) The development of SEM shows that the model fits with the empirical data at Chi-Square probability level = 0.084, CMIN/DF = 1.164, GFI = 0.965 and RMSEA = 0.018. (3) The characteristics management directly influences the financial management and the operation management. The financial management directly influences on the assets management. The assets management has direct influence on the operations management. The findings show that the characteristics management is the essential starting component in SEM and the financial management factor has the most influence in the assets management variable with standard regression weight of 0.990.

Citations (1)

... Impact investing also required further conceptual clarification in regarding to whether impact investments were conceptualized and examined in regard to investment logic and rationality (Nicholls, 2010). In Thailand, where the investment ecosystem had considered as a relatively new concept (Thawesaengskulthai et al., 2021), the academic literatures have yet to discussed the influential factors on such investments (Lakkhongkha et al., 2023;Singcram & Thanaiudompat, 2023;Sukpaiboonwat & Ratniyom, 2022). ...


Causal Model of Factors Influencing the Fundraising in Thai Sports Industry: Investment Ecosystem Evaluation for Scale-Up to Innovation-Driven Enterprises
Guidelines for the Growth of Smes in the Thai Sports Industry

International Journal of Professional Business Review