Padraic Kenna’s scientific contributions

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Publications (3)

Bridging the Gap in Housing Studies - Housing+// co-funded by the European Union//
  • Research

October 2020


13 Reads



Padraic Kenna


The EU housing and real estate sector is a resilient sector with an enormous enabling impact on jobs and economic growth. In recent years, relevant drivers have impacted in the housing sector, shaping the present and future challenges: Technological revolution (i.e blockchain, Proptech business, etc) gives room for new business models, innovative work dynamics, greater connectivity and technological advances meaning that we need new skills and different ways of working. EU Parliament resolution on a European Pillar of Social Rights acknowledges housing as one of the EU social pillars and calls on the Member States to deliver on the right to adequate housing by ensuring access to quality and affordable housing. The European Professional Card (EPC) for real estate agents as well as the Implementation of Directive for the regulation of financial services appeal to a greater professionalization in this sector, characterized by an uneven regulation among EU State Members. Lessons learned from the 2007 financial crisis (i.e. consumer protection failure, evictions, homelessness) compel the housing sector for a review of the skills gaps along its value chain in order not to repeat the same mistakes in the future. “Bridging the gap in housing studies” (Housing +) aims to improve the academic training at European level of professionals, policy makers, academics and the rest of the operators in general that participate in housing and real estate sector. There are several disciplines that affect housing sector such as Economics, Law, Architecture, Psychology, Anthropology, Technology, etc. For that reason, it is essential to the professionals and stakeholders of this sector to understand the complex phenomenon of housing from that multiple perspective, avoiding ideologies or magical solutions. Therefore, the academic training in this area should consider all these disciplines at the same time. This project not only will improve academic training in this sector, but also it will improve consumer protection, housing policies and the professionalization of a sector where what is at stake is the human right to access to decent and adequate housing.

Figure 2.8 Cycle of Housing Instability 148
Pilot project - Promoting protection of the right to housing - Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions
  • Technical Report
  • Full-text available

January 2016


738 Reads


41 Citations

This study focuses on the protection of the right to housing in EU countries and in particular on evictions from primary residences. It provides an overview and analysis of available data and trends regarding housing evictions, and establishes the reasons for and impacts of eviction. The report focuses in particular on the link between eviction and homelessness. It also reviews the measures put in place by Member States to prevent evictions and enable early interventions. In addition, the study suggests ways to improve data collection and monitoring of evictions. On the basis of this research and analysis, a number of recommendations are suggested to promote protection of the right to housing and homelessness prevention in the context of evictions.


Citations (2)

... Hinzu kommt, dass in Deutschland und anderen europäischen Ländern eine Zunahme an Zwangsräumungen beobachtet wird (Gerull 2014, Butterwegge 2021, Lima 2020, wobei die Prozesse des Wohnungsverlustes bzw. dessen Vermeidung eher selten untersucht wurden (Berner et al. 2015, Padraic Kenna et al. 2018 Die sozialen Folgen dieser marktförmigen Prozesse, die Andrej Holmmit Blick auf die Versorgung mit Wohnraum einkommensschwacher und benachteiligter Personenauch als Kombination aus "Staatsversagen" und "Marktversagen" beschreibt (Holm 2021a), werden häufig mit einer sozialräumlichen Segregation und sozialen Spaltung in Verbindung gebracht (Rinn 2018, Diebäcker 2020 (Fitzpatrick et al. 2021, 83). In der sozialwissenschaftlichen Literatur finden sich vor allem Studien, die sich mit sozialpolitischen Transferzahlungen und dem Zugang zu bezahlbarem Wohnraum befassen. ...


Wohnungs- und Sozialpolitik in der aktuellen sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung: Zusammenhänge, Entwicklungsstand, Forschungslücken
Loss of Homes and Evictions across Europe
  • Citing Book
  • December 2018

... Considering that housing is a fundamental need, evictions are a major interference in an individual's life and potentially a traumatic experience. There is ample research showing that evictions are associated with a number of social, economic, and health-related disadvantages (Berg & Brännström, 2018;Crane & Warnes, 2000;Desmond, 2016;Desmond & Kimbro, 2015;Desmond & Shollenberger, 2015;Fowler et al., 2015;Kenna et al., 2016;Rojas & Stenberg, 2016;Tsai & Huang, 2019;V asquez-Vera et al., 2017;von Otter et al., 2017). Accordingly, having a home seems to be an important factor in avoiding social exclusion. ...

Pilot project - Promoting protection of the right to housing - Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions